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Line 53: from igs_fi_balances (in place of balance amount from igs_fi_person_holds)

49: 3. Also added in the same function, check if the process start date is not later than the
50: last_conversion_date of the balance rule when the hold plan name is at 'Account' level.
51: 4. In validate_holds(), removed insertion of balance_amount into the igs_fi_person_holds
52: table as the column is being obsoleted. Added cursor c_bal_amount to obtain holds balance
53: from igs_fi_balances (in place of balance amount from igs_fi_person_holds)
54: 5. Added parameter balance_rule_id in calls to check_exclusion_rules()
55: 6. Removed igs_ge_date.igsdate(p_process_start_date) and replaced with just
56: p_process_Start_date. similarly for process_end_date also.
57: pkpatel 30-SEP-2002 Bug No: 2600842

Line 197: FROM igs_fi_balances

194: --to SELECT holds_balance for the passed party_id AND date range
195: CURSOR c_holds_balance IS
196: SELECT holds_balance
197: FROM igs_fi_balances
198: WHERE party_id = p_person_id
199: AND holds_balance IS NOT NULL
200: AND TRUNC(balance_date) <= TRUNC(p_process_start_date)
201: ORDER BY balance_date desc;

Line 274: l_holds_balance igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE :=0;

270: l_holds_balance_rec c_holds_balance%ROWTYPE;
271: l_credit_amnt_rec c_credit_amnt%ROWTYPE;
272: l_invoice_amnt_rec c_invoice_amnt%ROWTYPE;
273: l_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := NULL;
274: l_holds_balance igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE :=0;
275: l_payment_due_date igs_fi_person_holds.process_start_dT%TYPE;
276: l_credit_subac igs_fi_credits.amount%TYPE :=0;
277: l_tot_credits igs_fi_credits.amount%TYPE :=0;
278: l_charges igs_fi_inv_int.invoice_amount%TYPE :=0;

Line 377: -- Add to the Local Holds balance variable only when the balance record is found in the igs_fi_balances table for the party_id

373: --Open cursor to get the latest HOLDS balances as on the process start date
374: OPEN c_holds_balance;
375: FETCH c_holds_balance INTO l_holds_balance_rec;
376: --Use a local variable to add up this latest outstanding holds balance(only the latest)
377: -- Add to the Local Holds balance variable only when the balance record is found in the igs_fi_balances table for the party_id
378: IF c_holds_balance%FOUND THEN
379: l_holds_balance := NVL(l_holds_balance_rec.holds_balance,0) + NVL(l_holds_balance,0);
380: END IF;
381: CLOSE c_holds_balance;

Line 1661: Added cursor c_bal_amount to obtain holds balance amount from igs_fi_balances

1657: incorporated changes suggested as per FICR102 TD
1658: agairola 03-Dec-2002 Bug No: 2584741 As part of the Deposits Build, modified the cursor c_credit_amount to exclude
1659: credits of Credit Class Enrolment Deposit and Other Deposit
1660: pathipat 04-OCT-2002 Enh Bug: 2562745 -- Removed selection of balance_amount from cursor c_hold_type
1661: Added cursor c_bal_amount to obtain holds balance amount from igs_fi_balances
1662: Changed type of p_release and l_release_ind to PLS_INTEGER instead of NUMBER
1663: pkpatel 04-OCT-2002 Bug No: 2600842
1664: Added the parameter auth_resp_id in the call to TBH igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg
1665: sarakshi 23-sep-2002 Enh#2564643,removed the reference of subaccount from this function as mentioned in the TD

Line 1762: -- Get the balance amount from igs_fi_balances instead of from igs_fi_person_holds

1758: (TRUNC(SYSDATE) >= TRUNC(start_dt) AND TRUNC(end_dt) IS NULL)
1759: )
1760: );
1762: -- Get the balance amount from igs_fi_balances instead of from igs_fi_person_holds
1763: -- where the column balance_amount is getting obsoleted.
1764: CURSOR c_bal_amount (cp_person_id igs_pe_pers_encumb.person_id%TYPE,
1765: cp_process_start_dt igs_fi_person_holds.process_start_dt%TYPE) IS
1766: SELECT holds_balance

Line 1767: FROM igs_fi_balances

1763: -- where the column balance_amount is getting obsoleted.
1764: CURSOR c_bal_amount (cp_person_id igs_pe_pers_encumb.person_id%TYPE,
1765: cp_process_start_dt igs_fi_person_holds.process_start_dt%TYPE) IS
1766: SELECT holds_balance
1767: FROM igs_fi_balances
1768: WHERE party_id = cp_person_id
1769: AND holds_balance IS NOT NULL
1770: AND TRUNC(balance_date) <= TRUNC(cp_process_start_dt)
1771: ORDER BY balance_date DESC;

Line 1804: l_total_charges igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;

1800: l_hold_plan_name igs_fi_hold_plan.hold_plan_name%TYPE;
1801: l_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := NULL;
1802: l_tot_amnt_all_subact igs_fi_credits.amount%TYPE := 0;
1803: l_non_ex_amnt_each_sc igs_fi_credits.amount%TYPE := 0;
1804: l_total_charges igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;
1805: l_final_balance_amnt igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;
1806: l_release_hold VARCHAR2(2) :='Y';
1807: l_msg_str_0 VARCHAR2(1000) :=NULL;
1808: l_msg_str_1 VARCHAR2(1000) :=NULL;

Line 1805: l_final_balance_amnt igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;

1801: l_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := NULL;
1802: l_tot_amnt_all_subact igs_fi_credits.amount%TYPE := 0;
1803: l_non_ex_amnt_each_sc igs_fi_credits.amount%TYPE := 0;
1804: l_total_charges igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;
1805: l_final_balance_amnt igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;
1806: l_release_hold VARCHAR2(2) :='Y';
1807: l_msg_str_0 VARCHAR2(1000) :=NULL;
1808: l_msg_str_1 VARCHAR2(1000) :=NULL;
1809: l_release_ind PLS_INTEGER := 0;

Line 1814: l_hold_bal_amt igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;

1810: l_srl_no NUMBER := 0;
1811: l_tot_hold_type_rec NUMBER := 0;
1812: l_count PLS_INTEGER := 0;
1814: l_hold_bal_amt igs_fi_balances.holds_balance%TYPE := 0.0;
1816: -- Changes due to SFCR018
1817: l_v_pln_cr_ind igs_fi_control_all.planned_credits_ind%TYPE := get_planned_credits_ind;
1818: l_v_pln_cr_message fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE :=NULL;

Line 1866: -- balance_amount is obtained from igs_fi_balances, not person_holds

1862: l_n_threshold_percent := l_hold_type_rec.threshold_percent;
1864: IF l_hold_type_rec.hold_plan_level = 'S' THEN
1865: --Processing logic if hold_level = 'S'
1866: -- balance_amount is obtained from igs_fi_balances, not person_holds
1867: IF l_hold_type_rec.student_plan_id IS NOT NULL THEN
1869: -- if payment plan threshold amount is provided, assign the
1870: -- the c_hold_type select value to the variable