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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

  PROCEDURE select_approver (
    itemtype                       IN     VARCHAR2,
    itemkey                        IN     VARCHAR2,
    actid                          IN     NUMBER,
    funcmode                       IN     VARCHAR2,
    resultout                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'Select_Approver';
Line: 35

      SELECT user_name
      FROM   fnd_user
      WHERE  person_party_id = lv_requester_id;
Line: 39

      SELECT instructor_id
      FROM   igs_ps_usec_tch_resp
      WHERE  lead_instructor_flag = 'Y'
      AND    uoo_id = lv_uoo_id;
Line: 44

      SELECT user_name
      FROM   fnd_user
      WHERE  person_party_id = lv_instructor_id;
Line: 48

    SAVEPOINT select_approver;
Line: 105

      ROLLBACK TO select_approver;
Line: 113

  END select_approver;
Line: 226

      UPDATE igs_as_chn_grd_req
         SET current_status = 'APPROVED',
             approver_id = l_approver_id,
             approver_date = l_sysdate,
             approver_comments = l_comment
       WHERE person_id = l_person_id
       AND   course_cd = l_course_cd
       AND   uoo_id = l_uoo_id
       AND   current_status = 'IN PROGRESS';
Line: 235

      /***************** Inserting Record in Student Unit Attempt Outcome Table**************/
      igs_as_su_stmptout_pkg.insert_row (
        x_rowid                        => l_rowid,
        x_org_id                       => NULL,
        x_person_id                    => l_person_id,
        x_course_cd                    => l_course_cd,
        x_unit_cd                      => l_unit_code,
        x_cal_type                     => l_teach_cal_type,
        x_ci_sequence_number           => l_teach_ci_sequence_number,
        x_outcome_dt                   => l_sysdate,
        x_ci_start_dt                  => l_ci_start_dt,
        x_ci_end_dt                    => l_ci_end_dt,
        x_grading_schema_cd            => l_grading_schema,
        x_version_number               => l_change_grade_version_num,
        x_grade                        => l_change_grade,
        x_s_grade_creation_method_type => 'KEYED',
        x_finalised_outcome_ind        => 'N',
        x_mark                         => l_change_mark,
        x_number_times_keyed           => NULL,
        x_translated_grading_schema_cd => NULL,
        x_translated_version_number    => NULL,
        x_translated_grade             => NULL,
        x_translated_dt                => NULL,
        x_mode                         => 'R',
        x_grading_period_cd            => l_grading_period_cd,
        x_attribute_category           => NULL,
        x_attribute1                   => NULL,
        x_attribute2                   => NULL,
        x_attribute3                   => NULL,
        x_attribute4                   => NULL,
        x_attribute5                   => NULL,
        x_attribute6                   => NULL,
        x_attribute7                   => NULL,
        x_attribute8                   => NULL,
        x_attribute9                   => NULL,
        x_attribute10                  => NULL,
        x_attribute11                  => NULL,
        x_attribute12                  => NULL,
        x_attribute13                  => NULL,
        x_attribute14                  => NULL,
        x_attribute15                  => NULL,
        x_attribute16                  => NULL,
        x_attribute17                  => NULL,
        x_attribute18                  => NULL,
        x_attribute19                  => NULL,
        x_attribute20                  => NULL,
        x_incomp_deadline_date         => NULL,
        x_incomp_grading_schema_cd     => NULL,
        x_incomp_version_number        => NULL,
        x_incomp_default_grade         => NULL,
        x_incomp_default_mark          => NULL,
        x_comments                     => NULL,
        x_uoo_id                       => l_uoo_id,
        x_mark_capped_flag             => 'N',
        x_release_date                 => NULL,
        x_manual_override_flag         => 'N',
        x_show_on_academic_histry_flag => 'Y'
Line: 354

    UPDATE igs_as_chn_grd_req
       SET current_status = 'REJECTED',
           approver_id = l_approver_id,
           approver_date = SYSDATE,
           approver_comments = l_comment
     WHERE person_id = l_person_id
     AND   course_cd = l_course_cd
     AND   uoo_id = l_uoo_id
     AND   current_status = 'IN PROGRESS';
Line: 402

    UPDATE igs_as_chn_grd_req
       SET current_status = 'NEED MORE INFO',
           approver_id = l_approver_id,
           approver_date = SYSDATE,
           approver_comments = l_comment
     WHERE person_id = l_person_id
     AND   course_cd = l_course_cd
     AND   uoo_id = l_uoo_id
     AND   current_status = 'IN PROGRESS';