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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

    ' SELECT p.party_id
           , s.party_site_id
           , l.location_id
           , SUBSTR(l.short_description, INSTR(l.short_description, '' '', -1) + 1) address_id
           , l.address1 street
           , l.postal_code
           , l.city
           , l.state
           , l.country
           , t.territory_short_name
           , l.geometry
           , s.start_date_active
           , s.end_date_active
        FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl r
           , per_people_f pf
           , hz_parties p
           , hz_party_sites s
           , hz_locations l
           , fnd_territories_vl t
       WHERE r.resource_id = :resource_id
         AND pf.person_id = r.source_id
         AND pf.party_id = p.party_id (+)
         AND p.party_id = s.party_id (+)
         AND NVL(s.status, ''A'') = ''A''
         AND s.location_id = l.location_id (+)
         AND l.country = t.territory_code(+)
       ORDER BY s.party_site_id NULLS LAST, s.last_update_date DESC';
Line: 37

    ' SELECT r.source_id party_id
           , s.party_site_id
           , l.location_id
           , SUBSTR(l.short_description, INSTR(l.short_description, '' '', -1) + 1) address_id
           , l.address1 street
           , l.postal_code
           , l.city
           , l.state
           , l.country
           , t.territory_short_name
           , l.geometry
           , s.start_date_active
           , s.end_date_active
        FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl r
           , hz_party_sites s
           , hz_locations l
           , fnd_territories_vl t
       WHERE r.resource_id = :resource_id
         AND r.source_id = s.party_id (+)
         AND NVL(s.status, ''A'') = ''A''
         AND s.location_id = l.location_id (+)
         AND l.country = t.territory_code(+)
       ORDER BY s.party_site_id NULLS LAST, s.last_update_date DESC';
Line: 62

    ' SELECT p.party_id
           , s.party_site_id
           , l.location_id
           , SUBSTR(l.short_description, INSTR(l.short_description, '' '', -1) + 1) address_id
           , l.address1 street
           , l.postal_code
           , l.city
           , l.state
           , l.country
           , t.territory_short_name
           , l.geometry
           , s.start_date_active
           , s.end_date_active
        FROM hz_parties p
           , hz_party_sites s
           , hz_locations l
           , fnd_territories_vl t
       WHERE p.person_last_name  = :res_type_id_string
         AND p.person_first_name = :dep_arr_party_name
         AND s.party_id          = p.party_id
         AND l.location_id       = s.location_id
         AND l.country           = t.territory_code
       ORDER BY s.last_update_date DESC';
Line: 239

  , p_update_address    IN        VARCHAR2
  , x_geometry         OUT NOCOPY mdsys.sdo_geometry
  ) IS
    l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'RESOLVE_ADDRESS';
Line: 247

    l_update_addr         BOOLEAN;
Line: 248

    l_update_geo          BOOLEAN;
Line: 256

      SELECT object_version_number
        WHERE LOCATION_ID = p_location_id;
Line: 284

      debug('  --> Update Addr  = ' || p_update_address, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
Line: 287

    l_update_addr := NVL(fnd_api.to_boolean(p_update_address), FALSE);
Line: 288

    l_update_geo  := FALSE;
Line: 346

      l_update_geo := TRUE;
Line: 347

      l_update_addr:= TRUE;
Line: 362

    IF l_update_addr THEN
      --l_location_rec.address1 := p_address1;
Line: 406

    IF l_update_geo THEN
      l_location_rec.geometry  := x_geometry;
Line: 410

    IF l_update_addr OR l_update_geo THEN
      IF l_debug THEN
        debug('Updating Address ', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
Line: 424

        p_location_rec => l_location_rec
      , p_object_version_number => l_location_ovn
      , x_return_status => x_return_status
      , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data => x_msg_data );
Line: 606

      SELECT a.address_id
           , a.address_line1 street
           , a.postal_code
           , a.town_or_city city
           , a.region_2 state
           , a.country
           , t.territory_short_name
           , a.date_from start_date_active
           , a.date_to end_date_active
        FROM per_addresses a
           , jtf_rs_resource_extns r
           , fnd_territories_vl t
       WHERE r.resource_id = b_resource_id
         AND a.person_id = r.source_id
         AND a.country = t.territory_code
         AND TRUNC(a.date_from) <= TRUNC(b_date)
         AND TRUNC(NVL(a.date_to, b_date + 1)) >= TRUNC(b_date)
       ORDER BY a.primary_flag DESC, a.date_from DESC;
Line: 715

      SELECT territory_code FROM fnd_territories WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 797

        SELECT hz_party_number_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_person_rec.party_rec.party_number
          FROM dual;
Line: 846

      SELECT hz_party_site_number_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_party_site_rec.party_site_number
        FROM dual;
Line: 1057

      , p_update_address  => l_change_address
      , x_geometry        => x_address_rec.geometry