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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

     SELECT current_inst_code
     FROM   igs_uc_defaults
     WHERE  system_code = 'U';
Line: 75

     rbezawad  27-Apr-04    Added code to insert a record into igs_uc_inst_control
                            when there is no existing record for bug 3595582.
     jbaber    03-Aug-05    Import ALL fields instead of just some for bug 4532072
     jchakrab  08-Aug-2005  Modified for UC315 - removed validation for insttype
                            and updater, as these columns are no longer used
    ***************************************************************** */

    l_rowcnt      NUMBER ;
Line: 87

     SELECT  uinst.rowid,
     FROM   igs_uc_uinst_ints uinst
     WHERE  record_status = 'N';
Line: 93

     SELECT count(*)
     FROM   igs_uc_inst_control;
Line: 97

     SELECT inst.rowid row_id,
     FROM   igs_uc_inst_control inst;
Line: 128

         igs_uc_inst_control_pkg.insert_row  -- IGSXI20B.pls
           x_rowid                      =>    l_rowid
          ,x_updater                    =>    '-1'
          ,x_inst_type                  =>    'C'
          ,x_inst_short_name            =>    NULL
          ,x_inst_name                  =>    NULL
          ,x_inst_full_name             =>    NULL
          ,x_switchboard_tel_no         =>    NULL
          ,x_decision_cards             =>    NULL
          ,x_record_cards               =>    NULL
          ,x_labels                     =>    NULL
          ,x_weekly_mov_list_seq        =>    NULL
          ,x_weekly_mov_paging          =>    NULL
          ,x_form_seq                   =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_required               =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_media_1or2             =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_media_3                =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_1or2_merged            =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_1or2_board_group       =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_3_board_group          =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_nc_app                 =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_major_key1             =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_major_key2             =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_major_key3             =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_minor_key1             =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_minor_key2             =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_minor_key3             =>    NULL
          ,x_ebl_final_key              =>    NULL
          ,x_odl1                       =>    NULL
          ,x_odl1a                      =>    NULL
          ,x_odl2                       =>    NULL
          ,x_odl3                       =>    NULL
          ,x_odl_summer                 =>    NULL
          ,x_odl_route_b                =>    NULL
          ,x_monthly_seq                =>    NULL
          ,x_monthly_paper              =>    NULL
          ,x_monthly_page               =>    NULL
          ,x_monthly_type               =>    NULL
          ,x_june_list_seq              =>    NULL
          ,x_june_labels                =>    NULL
          ,x_june_num_labels            =>    NULL
          ,x_course_analysis            =>    NULL
          ,x_campus_used                =>    NULL
          ,x_d3_doc_required            =>    NULL
          ,x_clearing_accept_copy_form  =>    NULL
          ,x_online_message             =>    NULL
          ,x_ethnic_list_seq            =>    NULL
          ,x_mode                       =>    'R'
          ,x_starx                      =>    NULL
Line: 205

                 igs_uc_inst_control_pkg.update_row  -- IGSXI20B.pls
                   x_rowid                      =>    old_inst_ctl_rec.row_id
                  ,x_updater                    =>    new_uinst_rec.updater
                  ,x_inst_type                  =>    new_uinst_rec.insttype
                  ,x_inst_short_name            =>    new_uinst_rec.instshortname
                  ,x_inst_name                  =>    new_uinst_rec.instname
                  ,x_inst_full_name             =>    new_uinst_rec.instfullname
                  ,x_switchboard_tel_no         =>    new_uinst_rec.switchboardtelno
                  ,x_decision_cards             =>    new_uinst_rec.decisioncards
                  ,x_record_cards               =>    new_uinst_rec.recordcards
                  ,x_labels                     =>    new_uinst_rec.labels
                  ,x_weekly_mov_list_seq        =>    new_uinst_rec.weeklymovlistseq
                  ,x_weekly_mov_paging          =>    new_uinst_rec.weeklymovpaging
                  ,x_form_seq                   =>    new_uinst_rec.formseq
                  ,x_ebl_required               =>    new_uinst_rec.eblrequired
                  ,x_ebl_media_1or2             =>    new_uinst_rec.eblmedia1or2
                  ,x_ebl_media_3                =>    new_uinst_rec.eblmedia3
                  ,x_ebl_1or2_merged            =>    new_uinst_rec.ebl1or2merged
                  ,x_ebl_1or2_board_group       =>    new_uinst_rec.ebl1or2boardgroup
                  ,x_ebl_3_board_group          =>    new_uinst_rec.ebl3boardgroup
                  ,x_ebl_nc_app                 =>    new_uinst_rec.eblncapp
                  ,x_ebl_major_key1             =>    new_uinst_rec.eblmajorkey1
                  ,x_ebl_major_key2             =>    new_uinst_rec.eblmajorkey2
                  ,x_ebl_major_key3             =>    new_uinst_rec.eblmajorkey3
                  ,x_ebl_minor_key1             =>    new_uinst_rec.eblminorkey1
                  ,x_ebl_minor_key2             =>    new_uinst_rec.eblminorkey2
                  ,x_ebl_minor_key3             =>    new_uinst_rec.eblminorkey3
                  ,x_ebl_final_key              =>    new_uinst_rec.eblfinalkey
                  ,x_odl1                       =>    new_uinst_rec.odl1
                  ,x_odl1a                      =>    new_uinst_rec.odl1a
                  ,x_odl2                       =>    new_uinst_rec.odl2
                  ,x_odl3                       =>    new_uinst_rec.odl3
                  ,x_odl_summer                 =>    new_uinst_rec.odlsummer
                  ,x_odl_route_b                =>    new_uinst_rec.odlrouteb
                  ,x_monthly_seq                =>    new_uinst_rec.monthlyseq
                  ,x_monthly_paper              =>    new_uinst_rec.monthlypaper
                  ,x_monthly_page               =>    new_uinst_rec.monthlypage
                  ,x_monthly_type               =>    new_uinst_rec.monthlytype
                  ,x_june_list_seq              =>    new_uinst_rec.junelistseq
                  ,x_june_labels                =>    new_uinst_rec.junelabels
                  ,x_june_num_labels            =>    new_uinst_rec.junenumlabels
                  ,x_course_analysis            =>    new_uinst_rec.courseanalysis
                  ,x_campus_used                =>    new_uinst_rec.campusused
                  ,x_d3_doc_required            =>    new_uinst_rec.d3docsrequired
                  ,x_clearing_accept_copy_form  =>    new_uinst_rec.clearingacceptcopyform
                  ,x_online_message             =>    new_uinst_rec.onlinemessage
                  ,x_ethnic_list_seq            =>    new_uinst_rec.ethniclistseq
                  ,x_mode                       =>    'R'
                  ,x_starx                      =>    new_uinst_rec.starx
                  );              EXCEPTION
Line: 286

           UPDATE igs_uc_uinst_ints
           SET    error_code    = g_error_code
           WHERE  rowid = new_uinst_rec.rowid;
Line: 297

           UPDATE igs_uc_uinst_ints
           SET    record_status = 'D',
                  error_code    = NULL
           WHERE  rowid = new_uinst_rec.rowid;
Line: 334

     Purpose         :   For processing Updateable Offer Abbreviations data from UCAS
     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
     Change History
     Who       When         What
     jchakrab  08-Aug-2005  Modified for UC315
                            - Added update-facility for offer abbrevs as UvOfferAbbrev view
                              is no longer updateable via odbc-link
                            - Only AbbrevText can be updateable via net-update system
                            - Removed validation for letterformat, as this column is no longer used
    ***************************************************************** */

    -- Get new interface records
    CURSOR int_uvoffabrv_cur IS
    SELECT rowid
    FROM   igs_uc_uofabrv_ints
    WHERE  record_status = 'N';
Line: 359

    SELECT rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_ref_off_abrv
    WHERE  abbrev_code = p_abbrev;
Line: 445

                 igs_uc_ref_off_abrv_pkg.insert_row  --IGSXI30B.pls
                   x_rowid          => old_uvoffabrv_rec.rowid      -- i.e. NULL.
                  ,x_abbrev_code    => l_char_abbrev
                  ,x_uv_updater     => new_uvoffabrv_rec.updater
                  ,x_abbrev_text    => new_uvoffabrv_rec.abbrevtext
                  ,x_letter_format  => new_uvoffabrv_rec.letterformat
                  ,x_summary_char   => NVL(new_uvoffabrv_rec.summarychar, 'N')
                  ,x_uncond         => l_uncond
                  ,x_withdrawal     => l_withdrawal
                  ,x_release        => 'N'
                  ,x_imported       => 'N'
                  ,x_sent_to_ucas   => 'Y'
                  ,x_deleted        => 'N'
                  ,x_tariff         => NULL
                  ,x_mode           => 'R'
Line: 471

            ELSE  -- update

                 igs_uc_ref_off_abrv_pkg.update_row  --IGSXI30B.pls
                   x_rowid          => old_uvoffabrv_rec.rowid
                  ,x_abbrev_code    => old_uvoffabrv_rec.abbrev_code
                  ,x_uv_updater     => old_uvoffabrv_rec.uv_updater
                  ,x_abbrev_text    => new_uvoffabrv_rec.abbrevtext  -- only abbrev_text is updateable
                  ,x_letter_format  => old_uvoffabrv_rec.letter_format
                  ,x_summary_char   => old_uvoffabrv_rec.summary_char
                  ,x_uncond         => old_uvoffabrv_rec.uncond
                  ,x_withdrawal     => old_uvoffabrv_rec.withdrawal
                  ,x_release        => old_uvoffabrv_rec.release
                  ,x_imported       => old_uvoffabrv_rec.imported
                  ,x_sent_to_ucas   => old_uvoffabrv_rec.sent_to_ucas
                  ,x_deleted        => old_uvoffabrv_rec.deleted
                  ,x_tariff         => old_uvoffabrv_rec.tariff
                  ,x_mode           => 'R'
Line: 523

          UPDATE igs_uc_uofabrv_ints
          SET    error_code = g_error_code
          WHERE  rowid      = new_uvoffabrv_rec.rowid;
Line: 534

          UPDATE igs_uc_uofabrv_ints
          SET    record_status = l_rec_status,
                 error_code = NULL
          WHERE  rowid      = new_uvoffabrv_rec.rowid;
Line: 573

    SELECT cvinst.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_cinst_ints cvinst
    WHERE  record_status = 'N';
Line: 580

    SELECT cominst.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_com_inst cominst
    WHERE  cominst.inst = p_inst ;
Line: 630

                 igs_uc_com_inst_pkg.insert_row -- IGSXI09B.pls
                 x_rowid               => old_inst_rec.rowid
                ,x_inst                => new_cvinst_rec.inst
                ,x_inst_code           => new_cvinst_rec.instcode
                ,x_inst_name           => new_cvinst_rec.instname
                ,x_ucas                => 'Y'          -- For FTUG System
                ,x_gttr                => NVL(new_cvinst_rec.gttr, 'N')
                ,x_swas                => NVL(new_cvinst_rec.swas, 'N')
                ,x_nmas                => NVL(new_cvinst_rec.nmas, 'N')
                ,x_imported            => 'Y'
                ,x_mode                => 'R'
Line: 650

            ELSE  -- update

                 -- update a new record in the main table
                 igs_uc_com_inst_pkg.update_row -- IGSXI09B.pls
                 x_rowid               => old_inst_rec.rowid
                ,x_inst                => old_inst_rec.inst
                ,x_inst_code           => new_cvinst_rec.instcode
                ,x_inst_name           => new_cvinst_rec.instname
                ,x_ucas                => 'Y'          -- For FTUG System
                ,x_gttr                => NVL(old_inst_rec.gttr, 'N')
                ,x_swas                => NVL(old_inst_rec.swas, 'N')
                ,x_nmas                => NVL(old_inst_rec.nmas, 'N')
                ,x_imported            => 'Y'
                ,x_mode                => 'R'
Line: 674

            END IF;  -- insert/update
Line: 697

         UPDATE igs_uc_cinst_ints
         SET    error_code = g_error_code
         WHERE  rowid      = new_cvinst_rec.rowid;
Line: 709

         UPDATE igs_uc_cinst_ints
         SET    record_status = 'D',
                error_code = NULL
         WHERE  rowid      = new_cvinst_rec.rowid;
Line: 749

    SELECT cves.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_ceblsbj_ints cves
    WHERE  cves.record_status = 'N';
Line: 756

    SELECT ces.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_com_ebl_subj ces
    WHERE  ces.subject_id = p_sub_id ;
Line: 765

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM   igs_uc_ref_awrdbdy
    WHERE  year = p_year AND
           sitting = p_sitting AND
           awarding_body = p_awd_body;
Line: 835

                  igs_uc_com_ebl_subj_pkg.insert_row  -- IGSXI08B.pls
                     x_rowid             => old_eblsubj_rec.rowid
                    ,x_subject_id        => new_eblsubj_rec.subjectid
                    ,x_year              => new_eblsubj_rec.year
                    ,x_sitting           => new_eblsubj_rec.sitting
                    ,x_awarding_body     => new_eblsubj_rec.awardingbody
                    ,x_external_ref      => new_eblsubj_rec.externalref
                    ,x_exam_level        => new_eblsubj_rec.examlevel
                    ,x_title             => new_eblsubj_rec.title
                    ,x_subject_code      => NVL(new_eblsubj_rec.subjcode ,'ZZZZZZ')
                    ,x_imported          => 'Y'
                    ,x_mode              => 'R'
Line: 856

            ELSE  -- update

                  -- update a new record in the main table
                  igs_uc_com_ebl_subj_pkg.update_row   -- IGSXI08B.pls
                      x_rowid             => old_eblsubj_rec.rowid
                     ,x_subject_id        => old_eblsubj_rec.subject_id
                     ,x_year              => new_eblsubj_rec.year
                     ,x_sitting           => new_eblsubj_rec.sitting
                     ,x_awarding_body     => new_eblsubj_rec.awardingbody
                     ,x_external_ref      => new_eblsubj_rec.externalref
                     ,x_exam_level        => new_eblsubj_rec.examlevel
                     ,x_title             => new_eblsubj_rec.title
                     ,x_subject_code      => NVL(new_eblsubj_rec.subjcode ,'ZZZZZZ')
                     ,x_imported          => 'Y'
                     ,x_mode              => 'R'
Line: 881

            END IF;  -- insert/update
Line: 903

          UPDATE igs_uc_ceblsbj_ints
          SET    error_code = g_error_code
          WHERE  rowid      = new_eblsubj_rec.rowid;
Line: 915

          UPDATE igs_uc_ceblsbj_ints
          SET    record_status = 'D',
                 error_code = NULL
          WHERE  rowid      = new_eblsubj_rec.rowid;
Line: 953

    SELECT cvs.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_cvsch_ints cvs
    WHERE  cvs.record_status = 'N';
Line: 960

    SELECT csh.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_com_sch csh
    WHERE  csh.school = p_school_id ;
Line: 968

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM   igs_uc_ref_codes
    WHERE  code_type = 'ST'
    AND    code = p_sch_type;
Line: 975

    FROM   igs_uc_com_schsites a
    WHERE  school = p_sch_id
    AND    sitecode = p_site_cd;
Line: 1043

                  igs_uc_com_sch_pkg.insert_row  -- IGSXI10B.pls
                     x_rowid              => old_school_rec.rowid
                    ,x_school             => new_school_rec.school
                    ,x_school_name        => new_school_rec.schoolname
                    ,x_name_change_date   => NULL
                    ,x_former_name        => new_school_rec.formername
                    ,x_ncn                => new_school_rec.ncn
                    ,x_edexcel_ncn        => new_school_rec.edexcelncn
                    ,x_dfee_code          => new_school_rec.dfeecode
                    ,x_country            => new_school_rec.country
                    ,x_lea                => new_school_rec.lea
                    ,x_ucas_status        => new_school_rec.ucasstatus
                    ,x_estab_group        => new_school_rec.estabgrp
                    ,x_school_type        => NVL(new_school_rec.schooltype,'A')
                    ,x_stats_date         => NVL(new_school_rec.statsdate, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
                    ,x_number_on_roll     => NVL(new_school_rec.noroll ,0)
                    ,x_number_in_5_form   => NVL(new_school_rec.no5th ,0)
                    ,x_number_in_6_form   => NVL(new_school_rec.no6th ,0)
                    ,x_number_to_he       => NVL(new_school_rec.nohe ,0)
                    ,x_imported           => 'Y'
                    ,x_mode               => 'R'
Line: 1073

            ELSE  -- update

                  -- update a new record in the main table
                  igs_uc_com_sch_pkg.update_row  -- IGSXI10B.pls
                     x_rowid              => old_school_rec.rowid
                    ,x_school             => old_school_rec.school
                    ,x_school_name        => new_school_rec.schoolname
                    ,x_name_change_date   => NULL
                    ,x_former_name        => new_school_rec.formername
                    ,x_ncn                => new_school_rec.ncn
                    ,x_edexcel_ncn        => new_school_rec.edexcelncn
                    ,x_dfee_code          => new_school_rec.dfeecode
                    ,x_country            => new_school_rec.country
                    ,x_lea                => new_school_rec.lea
                    ,x_ucas_status        => new_school_rec.ucasstatus
                    ,x_estab_group        => new_school_rec.estabgrp
                    ,x_school_type        => NVL(new_school_rec.schooltype,'A')
                    ,x_stats_date         => NVL(new_school_rec.statsdate,TRUNC(SYSDATE))
                    ,x_number_on_roll     => NVL(new_school_rec.noroll ,0)
                    ,x_number_in_5_form   => NVL(new_school_rec.no5th ,0)
                    ,x_number_in_6_form   => NVL(new_school_rec.no6th ,0)
                    ,x_number_to_he       => NVL(new_school_rec.nohe ,0)
                    ,x_imported           => 'Y'
                    ,x_mode               => 'R'
Line: 1107

            END IF;  -- insert/update
Line: 1126

                    igs_uc_com_schsites_pkg.insert_row -- IGSXI11B.pls
                      x_rowid           => l_schsite_rowid
                      ,x_school          => new_school_rec.school
                      ,x_sitecode        => NVL(new_school_rec.sitecode ,'A')
                      ,x_address1        => new_school_rec.address1
                      ,x_address2        => new_school_rec.address2
                      ,x_address3        => new_school_rec.address3
                      ,x_address4        => new_school_rec.address4
                      ,x_postcode        => new_school_rec.postcode
                      ,x_mailsort        => new_school_rec.mailsort
                      ,x_town_key        => new_school_rec.townkey
                      ,x_county_key      => new_school_rec.countykey
                      ,x_country_code    => new_school_rec.countrycode
                      ,x_imported        => 'Y'
                      ,x_mode            => 'R'
Line: 1152

                    igs_uc_com_schsites_pkg.update_row -- IGSXI11B.pls
                       x_rowid           => l_schsite_rowid
                       ,x_school          => old_school_rec.school
                       ,x_sitecode        => NVL(new_school_rec.sitecode, 'A')
                       ,x_address1        => new_school_rec.address1
                       ,x_address2        => new_school_rec.address2
                       ,x_address3        => new_school_rec.address3
                       ,x_address4        => new_school_rec.address4
                       ,x_postcode        => new_school_rec.postcode
                       ,x_mailsort        => new_school_rec.mailsort
                       ,x_town_key        => new_school_rec.townkey
                       ,x_county_key      => new_school_rec.countykey
                       ,x_country_code    => new_school_rec.countrycode
                       ,x_imported        => 'Y'
                       ,x_mode            => 'R'
Line: 1175

               END IF; -- insert/update school sites
Line: 1210

          UPDATE igs_uc_cvsch_ints
          SET    error_code = g_error_code
          WHERE  rowid      = new_school_rec.rowid;
Line: 1222

          UPDATE igs_uc_cvsch_ints
          SET    record_status = 'D',
                 error_code = NULL
          WHERE  rowid      = new_school_rec.rowid;
Line: 1258

    SELECT csci.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_cschcnt_ints csci
    WHERE  csci.record_status = 'N';
Line: 1267

    SELECT csscn.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_com_scsicnts csscn
    WHERE  csscn.school       = p_school
    AND    csscn.sitecode     = p_site_code
    AND    csscn.contact_code = p_contact_cd;
Line: 1276

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM   igs_uc_com_sch
    WHERE  school = p_school;
Line: 1282

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM   igs_uc_com_schsites
    WHERE  school   = p_school
    AND    sitecode = p_site_code;
Line: 1368

                 igs_uc_com_scsicnts_pkg.insert_row --IGSXI12B.pls
                  x_rowid              => old_schsite_cnt_rec.rowid
                 ,x_school             => new_schcntct_rec.school
                 ,x_sitecode           => new_schcntct_rec.sitecode
                 ,x_contact_code       => new_schcntct_rec.contactcode
                 ,x_contact_post       => new_schcntct_rec.contactpost
                 ,x_contact_name       => new_schcntct_rec.contactname
                 ,x_telephone          => new_schcntct_rec.telephone
                 ,x_fax                => new_schcntct_rec.fax
                 ,x_email              => new_schcntct_rec.email
                 ,x_principal          => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.principal,'N')
                 ,x_lists              => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.lists,'N')
                 ,x_orders             => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.orders,'N')
                 ,x_forms              => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.forms,'N')
                 ,x_referee            => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.referee,'N')
                 ,x_careers            => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.careers,'N')
                 ,x_eas_contact        => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.eascontact,'N')
                 ,x_imported           => 'Y'
                 ,x_mode               => 'R'
Line: 1396

            ELSE  -- update

                 -- update a new record in the main table
                 igs_uc_com_scsicnts_pkg.update_row  --IGSXI12B.pls
                  x_rowid              => old_schsite_cnt_rec.rowid
                 ,x_school             => new_schcntct_rec.school
                 ,x_sitecode           => new_schcntct_rec.sitecode
                 ,x_contact_code       => new_schcntct_rec.contactcode
                 ,x_contact_post       => new_schcntct_rec.contactpost
                 ,x_contact_name       => new_schcntct_rec.contactname
                 ,x_telephone          => new_schcntct_rec.telephone
                 ,x_fax                => new_schcntct_rec.fax
                 ,x_email              => new_schcntct_rec.email
                 ,x_principal          => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.principal,'N')
                 ,x_lists              => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.lists,'N')
                 ,x_orders             => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.orders,'N')
                 ,x_forms              => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.forms,'N')
                 ,x_referee            => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.referee,'N')
                 ,x_careers            => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.careers,'N')
                 ,x_eas_contact        => NVL(new_schcntct_rec.eascontact,'N')
                 ,x_imported           => 'Y'
                 ,x_mode               => 'R'
Line: 1428

            END IF;  -- insert/update
Line: 1460

         UPDATE igs_uc_cschcnt_ints
         SET    error_code = g_error_code
         WHERE  rowid      = new_schcntct_rec.rowid;
Line: 1472

         UPDATE igs_uc_cschcnt_ints
         SET    record_status = 'D',
                error_code = NULL
         WHERE  rowid      = new_schcntct_rec.rowid;
Line: 1511

    SELECT csci.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_ccrse_ints csci
    WHERE  csci.record_status = 'N';
Line: 1521

    SELECT crdet.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_crse_dets crdet
    WHERE  crdet.ucas_program_code = p_course
    AND    crdet.institute         = p_inst
    AND    crdet.ucas_campus       = p_campus
    AND    crdet.system_code       = p_system_code;
Line: 1531

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM   igs_uc_com_inst
    WHERE  inst = p_inst;
Line: 1538

    SELECT  a.ROWID row_id,
    FROM    igs_uc_crse_dets a, igs_uc_ucrsvop_ints b
    WHERE   a.ucas_program_code = b.course
    AND     a.ucas_campus       = b.campus
    AND     a.institute         = g_crnt_institute
    AND     a.system_code       = 'U'
    AND     b.record_status     = 'N';
Line: 1609

                 igs_uc_crse_dets_pkg.insert_row -- IGSXI14B.pls
                   x_rowid                            => old_crse_rec.rowid
                  ,x_ucas_program_code                => new_cvcrse_rec.course
                  ,x_oss_program_code                 => NULL
                  ,x_oss_program_version              => NULL
                  ,x_institute                        => new_cvcrse_rec.inst
                  ,x_uvcourse_updater                 => '5'
                  ,x_uvcrsevac_updater                => '5'
                  ,x_short_title                      => new_cvcrse_rec.shortname
                  ,x_long_title                       => new_cvcrse_rec.longname
                  ,x_ucas_campus                      => new_cvcrse_rec.campus
                  ,x_oss_location                     => NULL
                  ,x_faculty                          => new_cvcrse_rec.faculty
                  ,x_total_no_of_seats                => NULL
                  ,x_min_entry_points                 => NULL
                  ,x_max_entry_points                 => NULL
                  ,x_current_validity                 => 'R'
                  ,x_deferred_validity                => 'R'
                  ,x_term_1_start                     => NULL
                  ,x_term_1_end                       => NULL
                  ,x_term_2_start                     => NULL
                  ,x_term_2_end                       => NULL
                  ,x_term_3_start                     => NULL
                  ,x_term_3_end                       => NULL
                  ,x_term_4_start                     => NULL
                  ,x_term_4_end                       => NULL
                  ,x_cl_updated                       => NULL
                  ,x_cl_date                          => NULL
                  ,x_vacancy_status                   => NULL
                  ,x_no_of_vacancy                    => NULL
                  ,x_score                            => NULL
                  ,x_rb_full                          => NULL
                  ,x_scot_vac                         => NULL
                  ,x_sent_to_ucas                     => 'Y'
                  ,x_mode                             => 'R'
                  ,x_ucas_system_id                   => NULL -- passed as NULL as System_code is being used for identifying the System
                  ,x_oss_attendance_type              => NULL
                  ,x_oss_attendance_mode              => NULL
                  ,x_joint_admission_ind              => new_cvcrse_rec.jointadmission
                  ,x_open_extra_ind                   => new_cvcrse_rec.openextra
                  ,x_system_code                      => new_cvcrse_rec.system_code
                  ,x_clearing_options                 => 'N'
                  ,x_imported                         => 'Y'
Line: 1661

            ELSE  -- update

                 -- update a new record in the main table
                 igs_uc_crse_dets_pkg.update_row -- IGSXI14B.pls
                   x_rowid                       => old_crse_rec.rowid
                  ,x_ucas_program_code           => old_crse_rec.ucas_program_code
                  ,x_oss_program_code            => old_crse_rec.oss_program_code
                  ,x_oss_program_version         => old_crse_rec.oss_program_version
                  ,x_institute                   => old_crse_rec.institute
                  ,x_uvcourse_updater            => old_crse_rec.uvcourse_updater
                  ,x_uvcrsevac_updater           => old_crse_rec.uvcrsevac_updater
                  ,x_short_title                 => new_cvcrse_rec.shortname
                  ,x_long_title                  => new_cvcrse_rec.longname
                  ,x_ucas_campus                 => old_crse_rec.ucas_campus
                  ,x_oss_location                => old_crse_rec.oss_location
                  ,x_faculty                     => new_cvcrse_rec.faculty
                  ,x_total_no_of_seats           => old_crse_rec.total_no_of_seats
                  ,x_min_entry_points            => old_crse_rec.min_entry_points
                  ,x_max_entry_points            => old_crse_rec.max_entry_points
                  ,x_current_validity            => old_crse_rec.current_validity
                  ,x_deferred_validity           => old_crse_rec.deferred_validity
                  ,x_term_1_start                => old_crse_rec.term_1_start
                  ,x_term_1_end                  => old_crse_rec.term_1_end
                  ,x_term_2_start                => old_crse_rec.term_2_start
                  ,x_term_2_end                  => old_crse_rec.term_2_end
                  ,x_term_3_start                => old_crse_rec.term_3_start
                  ,x_term_3_end                  => old_crse_rec.term_3_end
                  ,x_term_4_start                => old_crse_rec.term_4_start
                  ,x_term_4_end                  => old_crse_rec.term_4_end
                  ,x_cl_updated                  => old_crse_rec.cl_updated
                  ,x_cl_date                     => old_crse_rec.cl_date
                  ,x_vacancy_status              => old_crse_rec.vacancy_status
                  ,x_no_of_vacancy               => old_crse_rec.no_of_vacancy
                  ,x_score                       => old_crse_rec.score
                  ,x_rb_full                     => old_crse_rec.rb_full
                  ,x_scot_vac                    => old_crse_rec.scot_vac
                  ,x_sent_to_ucas                => old_crse_rec.sent_to_ucas
                  ,x_mode                        => 'R'
                  ,x_ucas_system_id              => NULL -- passed as NULL as System_code is being used for identifying the System
                  ,x_oss_attendance_type         => old_crse_rec.oss_attendance_type
                  ,x_oss_attendance_mode         => old_crse_rec.oss_attendance_mode
                  ,x_joint_admission_ind         => new_cvcrse_rec.jointadmission
                  ,x_open_extra_ind              => new_cvcrse_rec.openextra
                  ,x_system_code                 => old_crse_rec.system_code
                  ,x_clearing_options            => old_crse_rec.clearing_options
                  ,x_imported                    => 'Y'
Line: 1717

            END IF;  -- insert/update
Line: 1750

         UPDATE igs_uc_ccrse_ints
         SET    error_code = g_error_code
         WHERE  rowid      = new_cvcrse_rec.rowid;
Line: 1762

         UPDATE igs_uc_ccrse_ints
         SET    record_status = 'D',
                error_code = NULL
         WHERE  rowid      = new_cvcrse_rec.rowid;
Line: 1780

              igs_uc_crse_dets_pkg.update_row -- IGSXI14B.pls
                x_rowid                       => crse_vacops_rec.row_id
               ,x_ucas_program_code           => crse_vacops_rec.ucas_program_code
               ,x_oss_program_code            => crse_vacops_rec.oss_program_code
               ,x_oss_program_version         => crse_vacops_rec.oss_program_version
               ,x_institute                   => crse_vacops_rec.institute
               ,x_uvcourse_updater            => crse_vacops_rec.uvcourse_updater
               ,x_uvcrsevac_updater           => crse_vacops_rec.uvcrsevac_updater
               ,x_short_title                 => crse_vacops_rec.short_title
               ,x_long_title                  => crse_vacops_rec.long_title
               ,x_ucas_campus                 => crse_vacops_rec.ucas_campus
               ,x_oss_location                => crse_vacops_rec.oss_location
               ,x_faculty                     => crse_vacops_rec.faculty
               ,x_total_no_of_seats           => crse_vacops_rec.total_no_of_seats
               ,x_min_entry_points            => crse_vacops_rec.min_entry_points
               ,x_max_entry_points            => crse_vacops_rec.max_entry_points
               ,x_current_validity            => crse_vacops_rec.current_validity
               ,x_deferred_validity           => crse_vacops_rec.deferred_validity
               ,x_term_1_start                => crse_vacops_rec.term_1_start
               ,x_term_1_end                  => crse_vacops_rec.term_1_end
               ,x_term_2_start                => crse_vacops_rec.term_2_start
               ,x_term_2_end                  => crse_vacops_rec.term_2_end
               ,x_term_3_start                => crse_vacops_rec.term_3_start
               ,x_term_3_end                  => crse_vacops_rec.term_3_end
               ,x_term_4_start                => crse_vacops_rec.term_4_start
               ,x_term_4_end                  => crse_vacops_rec.term_4_end
               ,x_cl_updated                  => crse_vacops_rec.cl_updated
               ,x_cl_date                     => crse_vacops_rec.cl_date
               ,x_vacancy_status              => crse_vacops_rec.vacancy_status
               ,x_no_of_vacancy               => crse_vacops_rec.no_of_vacancy
               ,x_score                       => crse_vacops_rec.score
               ,x_rb_full                     => crse_vacops_rec.rb_full
               ,x_scot_vac                    => crse_vacops_rec.scot_vac
               ,x_sent_to_ucas                => crse_vacops_rec.sent_to_ucas
               ,x_mode                        => 'R'
               ,x_ucas_system_id              => NULL -- passed as NULL as System_code is being used for identifying the System
               ,x_oss_attendance_type         => crse_vacops_rec.oss_attendance_type
               ,x_oss_attendance_mode         => crse_vacops_rec.oss_attendance_mode
               ,x_joint_admission_ind         => crse_vacops_rec.joint_admission_ind
               ,x_open_extra_ind              => crse_vacops_rec.open_extra_ind
               ,x_system_code                 => crse_vacops_rec.system_code
               ,x_clearing_options            => 'Y'
               ,x_imported                    => crse_vacops_rec.imported
Line: 1857

     Purpose         :   For processing Updateable Course details info. from UCAS
     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
     Change History
     Who       When         What

    -- Get new interface records
    CURSOR int_uvcrse_cur IS
    SELECT usci.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_ucrse_ints usci
    WHERE  usci.record_status = 'N';
Line: 1875

    SELECT ucrdet.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_crse_dets ucrdet
    WHERE  ucrdet.ucas_program_code = p_course
    AND    ucrdet.institute         = p_inst
    AND    ucrdet.ucas_campus       = p_campus
    AND    ucrdet.system_code       = p_system;
Line: 1929

            ELSE  -- update

                 -- update a new record in the main table
                 igs_uc_crse_dets_pkg.update_row -- IGSXI14B.pls
                   x_rowid                       => old_ucrse_rec.rowid
                  ,x_ucas_program_code           => old_ucrse_rec.ucas_program_code
                  ,x_oss_program_code            => old_ucrse_rec.oss_program_code
                  ,x_oss_program_version         => old_ucrse_rec.oss_program_version
                  ,x_institute                   => old_ucrse_rec.institute
                  ,x_uvcourse_updater            => NVL(new_uvcrse_rec.updater,'5')
                  ,x_uvcrsevac_updater           => old_ucrse_rec.uvcrsevac_updater
                  ,x_short_title                 => new_uvcrse_rec.shorttitle
                  ,x_long_title                  => new_uvcrse_rec.longtitle
                  ,x_ucas_campus                 => old_ucrse_rec.ucas_campus
                  ,x_oss_location                => old_ucrse_rec.oss_location
                  ,x_faculty                     => new_uvcrse_rec.faculty
                  ,x_total_no_of_seats           => old_ucrse_rec.total_no_of_seats
                  ,x_min_entry_points            => old_ucrse_rec.min_entry_points
                  ,x_max_entry_points            => old_ucrse_rec.max_entry_points
                  ,x_current_validity            => old_ucrse_rec.current_validity
                  ,x_deferred_validity           => old_ucrse_rec.deferred_validity
                  ,x_term_1_start                => new_uvcrse_rec.term1start
                  ,x_term_1_end                  => new_uvcrse_rec.term1end
                  ,x_term_2_start                => new_uvcrse_rec.term2start
                  ,x_term_2_end                  => new_uvcrse_rec.term2end
                  ,x_term_3_start                => new_uvcrse_rec.term3start
                  ,x_term_3_end                  => new_uvcrse_rec.term3end
                  ,x_term_4_start                => new_uvcrse_rec.term4start
                  ,x_term_4_end                  => new_uvcrse_rec.term4end
                  ,x_cl_updated                  => old_ucrse_rec.cl_updated
                  ,x_cl_date                     => old_ucrse_rec.cl_date
                  ,x_vacancy_status              => old_ucrse_rec.vacancy_status
                  ,x_no_of_vacancy               => old_ucrse_rec.no_of_vacancy
                  ,x_score                       => old_ucrse_rec.score
                  ,x_rb_full                     => old_ucrse_rec.rb_full
                  ,x_scot_vac                    => old_ucrse_rec.scot_vac
                  ,x_sent_to_ucas                => old_ucrse_rec.sent_to_ucas
                  ,x_mode                        => 'R'
                  ,x_ucas_system_id              => NULL -- passed as NULL as System_code is being used for identifying the System
                  ,x_oss_attendance_type         => old_ucrse_rec.oss_attendance_type
                  ,x_oss_attendance_mode         => old_ucrse_rec.oss_attendance_mode
                  ,x_joint_admission_ind         => new_uvcrse_rec.jointadmission
                  ,x_open_extra_ind              => new_uvcrse_rec.openextra
                  ,x_system_code                 => old_ucrse_rec.system_code
                  ,x_clearing_options            => old_ucrse_rec.clearing_options
                  ,x_imported                    => 'Y'
Line: 1986

            END IF;  -- insert/update
Line: 2009

         UPDATE igs_uc_ucrse_ints
         SET    error_code = g_error_code
         WHERE  rowid      = new_uvcrse_rec.rowid;
Line: 2021

         UPDATE igs_uc_ucrse_ints
         SET    record_status = 'D',
                error_code = NULL
         WHERE  rowid      = new_uvcrse_rec.rowid;
Line: 2050

     Purpose         :   For processing Updateable Course Vacancy option details info. from UCAS
     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
     Change History
     Who       When         What
     rgangara  16-ARP-04    Modified keyword processing to delete existing keyword records for the
                            combination (Course,campus, optioncode) and insert afresh the entire
                            set. If any records fails in the set, none of the records should get
                            processed. All keyword records with error would as usual get populated
                            with Error Code. For records which are successful but could not be processed
                            as the set has some invalid records would be populated with 2002 error code.
                            This is done as part of bug# 3496874.
     jbaber    15-SEP-05    Removed keyno from cursor for bug 4589994

 -- Get distinct Course options for new interface records
    CURSOR int_crseops_cur IS
    SELECT DISTINCT int.course,
    FROM   igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints int
    WHERE  int.record_status = 'N';
Line: 2078

    SELECT ucrvop.rowid, ucrvop.keyword
    FROM   igs_uc_crse_keywrds ucrvop
    WHERE  ucrvop.ucas_program_code = p_course
      AND  ucrvop.institute         = g_crnt_institute
      AND  ucrvop.ucas_campus       = p_campus
      AND  ucrvop.option_code       = p_opt_code
      AND  ucrvop.system_code       = p_system;
Line: 2091

    SELECT ucvi.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints ucvi
    WHERE  ucvi.record_status = 'N'
      AND  ucvi.course     = cp_course
      AND  ucvi.campus     = cp_campus
      AND  ucvi.optioncode = cp_optioncd;
Line: 2107

    SELECT ucrvop.rowid,
    FROM   igs_uc_crse_keywrds ucrvop
    WHERE  ucrvop.ucas_program_code = p_course
    AND    ucrvop.institute         = g_crnt_institute
    AND    ucrvop.ucas_campus       = p_campus
    AND    ucrvop.option_code       = p_opt_code
    AND    ucrvop.keyword           = p_keyword
    AND    ucrvop.system_code       = p_system;
Line: 2120

    SELECT ucrdet.rowid
    FROM   igs_uc_crse_dets ucrdet
    WHERE  ucrdet.ucas_program_code = p_course
    AND    ucrdet.institute         = g_crnt_institute
    AND    ucrdet.ucas_campus       = p_campus
    AND    ucrdet.system_code       = p_system;
Line: 2130

    SELECT rowid
    FROM   igs_uc_ref_keywords
    WHERE  keyword = p_keyword;
Line: 2153

    UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints
    SET    error_code = NULL
    WHERE  record_status = 'N';
Line: 2175

           igs_uc_crse_keywrds_pkg.delete_row (old_crskwd_del_rec.rowid);
Line: 2243

                    igs_uc_crse_keywrds_pkg.insert_row  -- IGSXI15B.pls
                       x_rowid                             => old_crsekwd_rec.rowid
                      ,x_ucas_program_code                 => new_ucrsekwd_rec.course
                      ,x_institute                         => g_crnt_institute
                      ,x_ucas_campus                       => new_ucrsekwd_rec.campus
                      ,x_option_code                       => new_ucrsekwd_rec.optioncode
                      ,x_preference                        => new_ucrsekwd_rec.keyno
                      ,x_keyword                           => new_ucrsekwd_rec.keyword
                      ,x_updater                           => NVL(new_ucrsekwd_rec.updater,'5')
                      ,x_active                            => NVL(new_ucrsekwd_rec.active,'Y')
                      ,x_deleted                           => 'N'
                      ,x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'Y'
                      ,x_mode                              => 'R'
                      ,x_system_code                       => 'U'
                      ,x_crse_keyword_id                   => l_crse_keyword_id
Line: 2268

               ELSE  -- update

                      -- update a new record in the main table
                      igs_uc_crse_keywrds_pkg.update_row  -- IGSXI15B.pls
                       x_rowid                           => old_crsekwd_rec.rowid
                      ,x_ucas_program_code               => old_crsekwd_rec.ucas_program_code
                      ,x_institute                       => old_crsekwd_rec.institute
                      ,x_ucas_campus                     => old_crsekwd_rec.ucas_campus
                      ,x_option_code                     => old_crsekwd_rec.option_code
                      ,x_preference                      => old_crsekwd_rec.preference
                      ,x_keyword                         => new_ucrsekwd_rec.keyword
                      ,x_updater                         => NVL(new_ucrsekwd_rec.updater,'5')
                      ,x_active                          => NVL(new_ucrsekwd_rec.active,'Y')
                      ,x_deleted                         => old_crsekwd_rec.deleted
                      ,x_sent_to_ucas                    => 'Y'
                      ,x_mode                            => 'R'
                      ,x_system_code                     => old_crsekwd_rec.system_code
                      ,x_crse_keyword_id                 => old_crsekwd_rec.crse_keyword_id
Line: 2296

               END IF;  -- insert/update
Line: 2331

               UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints
               SET    error_code = g_error_code
               WHERE  rowid      = new_ucrsekwd_rec.rowid;
Line: 2361

             igs_uc_crse_keywrds_pkg.delete_row (old_crskwd_del_rec.rowid);
Line: 2369

           UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints SET error_code = '2002'
            WHERE  record_status = 'N'
              AND  course = int_crseops_rec.course
              AND  campus = int_crseops_rec.campus
              AND  optioncode = int_crseops_rec.optioncode
              AND  error_code IS NULL ;
Line: 2383

           UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints SET record_status = 'D' , error_code = NULL
           WHERE  record_status = 'N'
             AND  course = int_crseops_rec.course
             AND  campus = int_crseops_rec.campus
             AND  optioncode = int_crseops_rec.optioncode;