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Line 44: from ame_conditions amecon

40: ) IS
41: --
42: cursor csr_name is
43: select amecon.condition_id, ameatr.attribute_type
44: from ame_conditions amecon
45: ,ame_attributes ameatr
46: where amecon.condition_id = p_condition_id
47: and amecon.attribute_id = ameatr.attribute_id
48: and p_effective_date between amecon.start_date and

Line 62: -- Check for the existence of condition_id in parent table(AME_CONDITIONS)

58: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name => l_proc
59: ,p_argument => 'CONDITION_ID'
60: ,p_argument_value => p_condition_id
61: );
62: -- Check for the existence of condition_id in parent table(AME_CONDITIONS)
63: open csr_name;
64: fetch csr_name into l_key,l_key2;
65: if(csr_name%notfound) then
66: close csr_name;

Line 145: -- Check for the existence of condition_id in parent table(AME_CONDITIONS)

141: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name => l_proc
142: ,p_argument => 'STRING_VALUE'
143: ,p_argument_value => p_condition_id
144: );
145: -- Check for the existence of condition_id in parent table(AME_CONDITIONS)
146: open csr_name;
147: fetch csr_name into l_key;
148: if(csr_name%found) then
149: close csr_name;