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1 package body BEN_EXT_DPNT as
2 /* $Header: benxdpnt.pkb 120.1 2007/10/16 23:18:59 tjesumic noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33)	:= '  ben_ext_dpnt.';  -- Global package name
9 --
10 -- procedure to initialize the globals - May, 99
11 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -- |---------------------< initialize_globals >-------------------------------|
13 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 PROCEDURE initialize_globals IS
15   --
16   l_proc             varchar2(72) := g_package||'initialize_globals';
17   --
18 Begin
19 --
20   --
21   hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
22   --
23     --
24     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_cvrd_dpnt_id        := null;
25     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt         := null;
26     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt         := null;
27     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_rlshp_type          := null;
28     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_contact_seq_num     := null;
29     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_shared_resd_flag    := null;
30     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_national_identifier := null;
31     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_last_name           := null;
32     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_first_name          := null;
33     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_middle_names        := null;
34     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_full_name           := null;
35     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_suffix              := null;
36     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prefix              := null;
37     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_title               := null;
38     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_date_of_birth       := null;
39     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_marital_status      := null;
40     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_sex                 := null;
41     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_disabled_flag       := null;
42     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_student_status      := null;
43     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_date_of_death       := null;
44     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_language            := null;
45     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_nationality         := null;
46     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_email_address       := null;
47     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_known_as            := null;
48     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_known_as            := null;
49     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_pre_name_adjunct    := null;
50     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_tobacco_usage       := null;
51     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prev_last_name      := null;
52     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address1       := null;
53     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address2       := null;
54     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address3       := null;
55     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_city           := null;
56     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_state          := null;
57     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_postal_code    := null;
58     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_country        := null;
59     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_effect_date    := null;
60     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_region         := null;
61     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_home_phone          := null;
62     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_work_phone          := null;
63     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_fax                 := null;
64     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_mobile              := null;
65     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_name            := null;
66     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_ident           := null;
67     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_typ             := null;
68     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_strt_dt         := null;
69     ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_end_dt          := null;
70     --
71   --
72   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 15);
73   --
74 End initialize_globals;
75 --
76 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 -- |---------------------< main >---------------------------------------------|
78 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80     (                        p_person_id          in number,
81                              p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  in number,
82                              p_ext_rslt_id        in number,
83                              p_ext_file_id        in number,
84                              p_data_typ_cd        in varchar2,
85                              p_ext_typ_cd         in varchar2,
86                              p_chg_evt_cd         in varchar2,
87                              p_business_group_id  in number,
88                              p_effective_date     in date) is
89    --
90    l_proc             varchar2(72) := g_package||'main';
91    l_include          varchar2(1) ;
92    --
93   cursor c_dpnt (l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number) is
94     select
95              a.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
96            , a.cvg_strt_dt
97            , a.cvg_thru_dt
98            , a.dpnt_person_id
99            , a.per_in_ler_id
100            , a.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
101            , a.last_update_date
102            , b.contact_type
103            , b.sequence_number
104            , b.rltd_per_rsds_w_dsgntr_flag
105            , c.last_name
106            , c.correspondence_language
107            , c.date_of_birth
108            , c.email_address
109            , c.first_name
110            , c.full_name
111            , c.marital_status
112            , c.middle_names
113            , c.nationality
114            , c.national_identifier
115            , c.registered_disabled_flag
116            , c.sex
117            , c.student_status
118            , c.suffix
119            , c.pre_name_adjunct prefix
120            , c.title
121            , c.date_of_death
122            , c.known_as
123            , c.pre_name_adjunct
124            , c.uses_tobacco_flag
125            , c.previous_last_name
126        from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f           a,
127             per_contact_relationships      b,
128             per_all_people_f               c
129        where
130             a.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
131         and a.cvg_pndg_flag = 'N'
132     --  remarked for bug 1394604
133     --    and p_effective_date between a.cvg_strt_dt
134     --                             and a.cvg_thru_dt
135     --    and a.cvg_thru_dt <= a.effective_end_date
136         --
137         and a.dpnt_person_id = b.contact_person_id
138         and b.person_id = p_person_id
139         --
140         and c.person_id = a.dpnt_person_id
141         and p_effective_date between c.effective_start_date
142                                  and c.effective_end_date
143         and p_effective_date between a.effective_start_date
144                                  and a.effective_end_date
145         and p_effective_date between nvl(b.date_Start,p_effective_date)
146                                  and nvl(b.date_end ,p_effective_date)
147       ;
150   cursor c_pil (p_per_in_ler_id number) is
151   select pil.PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD,
152         pil.LF_EVT_OCRD_DT,
153         pil.NTFN_DT,
154         pil.LER_ID
155    from ben_per_in_ler pil
156    where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id ;
158    l_per_in_ler_stat_cd ben_per_in_ler.PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD%Type ;
159    l_LF_EVT_OCRD_DT     ben_per_in_ler.LF_EVT_OCRD_DT%type ;
160    l_NTFN_DT            ben_per_in_ler.NTFN_DT%type ;
161    l_ler_id             ben_per_in_ler.ler_id%type ;
166 --
167 cursor prim_address_c(p_dpnt_person_id number) is
168     select
169          a.address_line1
170        , a.address_line2
171        , a.address_line3
172        , a.town_or_city
173        , a.region_2
174        , a.postal_code
175        , a.country
176        , a.date_from
177        , a.region_3
178     from per_addresses  a
179     where
180           a.person_id = p_dpnt_person_id
181       and p_effective_date between nvl(a.date_from, p_effective_date)
182                               and nvl(a.date_to, p_effective_date)
183       and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
184       ;
185 --
186     cursor prim_rltd_address_c(p_dpnt_person_id number)  is
187     select
188          a.address_line1
189        , a.address_line2
190        , a.address_line3
191        , a.town_or_city
192        , a.region_2
193        , a.postal_code
194        , a.country
195        , a.date_from
196        , a.region_3
197     from per_addresses  a,
198          per_contact_relationships r
199     where
200           r.contact_person_id = p_dpnt_person_id
201       and r.person_id = p_person_id
202       and r.person_id = a.person_id
203       and p_effective_date between nvl(a.date_from, p_effective_date)
204                               and nvl(a.date_to, p_effective_date)
205       and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
206       and r.rltd_per_rsds_w_dsgntr_flag = 'Y'
207       /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1856611: addition	*/
208       and p_effective_date between r.date_start
209                            and nvl(r.date_end,hr_api.g_eot)
210       /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1856611: addition	*/
211       ;
212    --
213 cursor ext_phone_c(p_dpnt_person_id number) is
214    select
215           h.phone_number  phone_home
216         , w.phone_number  phone_work
217         , f.phone_number  phone_fax
218         , m.phone_number  phone_mobile
219     from  per_all_people_f  p
220         , per_phones        h
221         , per_phones        w
222         , per_phones        f
223         , per_phones        m
224    where  p.person_id = p_dpnt_person_id
225      and  p_effective_date between nvl(p.effective_start_date, p_effective_date)
226                               and nvl(p.effective_end_date, p_effective_date)
227      and  h.parent_id (+) = p.person_id
228      and  w.parent_id (+) = p.person_id
229      and  f.parent_id (+) = p.person_id
230      and  m.parent_id (+) = p.person_id
231      and  h.parent_table (+) = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
232      and  w.parent_table (+) = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
233      and  f.parent_table (+) = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
234      and  m.parent_table (+) = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
235      and  h.phone_type (+) = 'H1'
236      and  w.phone_type (+) = 'W1'
237      and  f.phone_type (+) = 'WF'
238      and  m.phone_type (+) = 'M'
239      and  p_effective_date between nvl(h.date_from, p_effective_date)
240                               and nvl(h.date_to, p_effective_date)
241      and  p_effective_date between nvl(w.date_from, p_effective_date)
242                               and nvl(w.date_to, p_effective_date)
243      and  p_effective_date between nvl(f.date_from, p_effective_date)
244                               and nvl(f.date_to, p_effective_date)
245      and  p_effective_date between nvl(m.date_from, p_effective_date)
246                               and nvl(m.date_to, p_effective_date)
247      ;
249 --
250   cursor c_dpnt_prmry_care_prvdr(p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id  number) is
251   SELECT name
252         ,ext_ident
253         ,prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd
254         ,effective_start_date
255         ,effective_end_date
256   FROM   ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f ppr
257   WHERE  ppr.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
258   AND    p_effective_date between ppr.effective_start_date
259          and ppr.effective_end_date;
260  --
261  --
262  BEGIN
263    --
264    hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
265    hr_utility.set_location('before loop', 604);
266    --
267    FOR dpnt IN c_dpnt(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id) LOOP
268             --
269             hr_utility.set_location('internal  loop', 604);
270             -- initialize the globals - May, 99
271             initialize_globals;
272             --validationg the  coverage date
273             --if it is change  event and for the dependent then
274             --extract only the dependent
275             hr_utility.set_location('param ' || ben_ext_person.g_chg_prmtr_06 ,88);
276             hr_utility.set_location('dependent ' || dpnt.dpnt_person_id ,88);
277             hr_utility.set_location('rslt ' || ben_ext_person.g_chg_prmtr_06 ,88);
278             hr_utility.set_location('prm rslt ' || p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id ,88);
281             --- get the pil info from ecdpnt per in ler id
282             open c_pil (dpnt.per_in_ler_id) ;
283             fetch c_pil into
284                   l_per_in_ler_stat_cd,
285                   l_LF_EVT_OCRD_DT,
286                   l_NTFN_DT ,
287                   l_ler_id ;
288              close c_pil ;
292             ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.evaluate_benefit_incl(
293                p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt => dpnt.cvg_strt_dt,
294                p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt => dpnt.cvg_thru_dt,
295                p_pl_id                  => ben_ext_person.g_enrt_pl_id ,
296                p_sspndd_flag            => ben_ext_person.g_enrt_suspended_flag,
297                p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd => ben_ext_person.g_enrt_status_cd,
298                p_enrt_mthd_cd           => ben_ext_person.g_enrt_method,
299                p_pgm_id                 => ben_ext_person.g_enrt_pgm_id ,
300                p_pl_typ_id              => ben_ext_person.g_enrt_pl_typ_id,
301                p_last_update_date       => dpnt.last_update_date,
302                p_ler_id                 => nvl(l_ler_id,ben_ext_person.g_enrt_ler_id),
303                p_ntfn_dt                => nvl(l_NTFN_DT,ben_ext_person.g_enrt_lfevt_note_dt),
304                p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         => nvl(l_LF_EVT_OCRD_DT,ben_ext_person.g_enrt_lfevt_ocrd_dt) ,
305                p_per_in_ler_stat_cd     => nvl(l_per_in_ler_stat_cd,ben_ext_person.g_enrt_lfevt_status),
306                p_per_in_ler_id          => dpnt.per_in_ler_id,
307                p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => dpnt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
308                p_effective_date         => p_effective_date,
309                p_dpnt_id                => dpnt.dpnt_person_id,
310                p_include                => l_include);
312            hr_utility.set_location('inclide '||l_include , 604);
314            IF l_include = 'Y' THEN
315                --
316                hr_utility.set_location(' internal loo include  '||dpnt.full_name ,604);
317                -- fetch dependent information into globals
318                --
319                --RCHASE - Bug#6669 - Must initialize the g_dpnt_cvrd_dpnt_id cache entry
320                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_cvrd_dpnt_id        := dpnt.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id;
321                --RCHASE - End
322                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt         := dpnt.cvg_strt_dt;
323                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt         := dpnt.cvg_thru_dt;
324                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_rlshp_type          := dpnt.contact_type;
325                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_contact_seq_num     := dpnt.sequence_number;
329                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_first_name          := dpnt.first_name;
326                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_shared_resd_flag    := dpnt.rltd_per_rsds_w_dsgntr_flag;
327                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_national_identifier := dpnt.national_identifier;
328                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_last_name           := dpnt.last_name;
330                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_middle_names        := dpnt.middle_names;
331                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_full_name           := dpnt.full_name;
332                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_suffix              := dpnt.suffix;
333                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prefix              := dpnt.prefix;
334                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_title               := dpnt.title;
335                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_date_of_birth       := dpnt.date_of_birth;
336                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_marital_status      := dpnt.marital_status;
337                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_sex                 := dpnt.sex;
338                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_disabled_flag       := dpnt.registered_disabled_flag;
339                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_student_status      := dpnt.student_status;
340                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_date_of_death       := dpnt.date_of_death;
341                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_language            := dpnt.correspondence_language;
342                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_nationality         := dpnt.nationality;
343                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_email_address       := dpnt.email_address;
344                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_known_as            := dpnt.known_as;
345                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_pre_name_adjunct    := dpnt.pre_name_adjunct;
346                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_tobacco_usage       := dpnt.uses_tobacco_flag;
347                ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prev_last_name      := dpnt.previous_last_name;
348       --   end if ;
349          --
350          -- retrieve dependent address info if required
351             if ben_extract.g_da_csr = 'Y' then
352               open prim_address_c(dpnt.dpnt_person_id);
353               fetch prim_address_c into ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address1
354                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address2
355                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address3
356                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_city
357                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_state
358                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_postal_code
359                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_country
360                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_effect_date
361                                        ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_region;
362                  if prim_address_c%notfound then
363                    open prim_rltd_address_c(dpnt.dpnt_person_id);
364                    fetch prim_rltd_address_c into ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address1
365                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address2
366                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_address3
367                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_city
368                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_state
369                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_postal_code
370                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_country
371                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_effect_date
372                                          , ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_prim_region;
373                    close prim_rltd_address_c;
374 		     end if;
375               close prim_address_c;
376             end if;
377          --
378          -- retrieve dependent phone numbers if required
379             if ben_extract.g_dp_csr = 'Y' then
380               open ext_phone_c(dpnt.dpnt_person_id);
381               fetch ext_phone_c into ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_home_phone
382                                     ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_work_phone
383                                     ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_fax
384                                     ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_mobile;
385               close ext_phone_c;
386             end if;
387          --
388          -- retrieve dependent primary care provider info if required
389             if ben_extract.g_dpcp_csr = 'Y' then
390               open c_dpnt_prmry_care_prvdr(dpnt.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id);
391               fetch c_dpnt_prmry_care_prvdr into ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_name
392                                               ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_ident
393                                               ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_typ
394                                               ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_strt_dt
395                                               ,ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_ppr_end_dt;
396               close c_dpnt_prmry_care_prvdr;
397             end if;
398             --
399             -- format and write
400             --
401             ben_ext_fmt.process_ext_recs(p_ext_rslt_id       => p_ext_rslt_id,
402                                          p_ext_file_id       => p_ext_file_id,
403                                          p_data_typ_cd       => p_data_typ_cd,
404                                          p_ext_typ_cd        => p_ext_typ_cd,
405                                          p_rcd_typ_cd        => 'D',
406                                          p_low_lvl_cd        => 'D',
407                                          p_person_id         => p_person_id,
408                                          p_chg_evt_cd        => p_chg_evt_cd,
409                                          p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
410                                          p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
411                                         );
412         end if ;
413      --
414    END LOOP;
418  END; -- main
415    --
416    hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 15);
419 --
420 END; -- package