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APPS.SSP_SSP_PKG dependencies on DUAL

Line 744: -- one-day absences. Each individual day would not itself comprise a PIW,

740: close csr_linked_absence;
741: --
742: -- It is possible to enter separate but contiguous sickness absences. That
743: -- means that a series of absences could be entered consisting of four,
744: -- one-day absences. Each individual day would not itself comprise a PIW,
745: -- but taken together, a PIW is formed. Since absences must be entered in
746: -- chronological order, this would be detected on entry of the fourth one.
747: -- However, if the PIW thus formed links to a previous absence, then the
748: -- PIW ID must be applied to all four of the absences, not just the fourth

Line 1258: from dual;

1254: where person_id = p_person_id);
1256: cursor get_age2 is
1257: select months_between(p_date,p_date_of_birth)/12
1258: from dual;
1260: begin
1261: if p_date_of_birth is null then
1262: open get_age;

Line 4028: from sys.dual

4024: 'deleting is '||l_deleting_ch);
4025: --
4026: insert into ssp_temp_affected_rows (PIW_id, p_deleting, locked)
4027: select p_absence_id, l_deleting_ch, userenv('sessionid')
4028: from sys.dual
4029: where not exists
4030: (select null
4031: from ssp_temp_affected_rows t2
4032: where t2.PIW_id = p_absence_id);