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1 PACKAGE ar_upgrade_cash_accrual AS
2 /* $Header: ARUPGLZS.pls 120.4.12010000.1 2008/07/24 16:58:52 appldev ship $ */
4 /*------------------------------------------------------+
5  | Procedure for insertion in ra_ar_gt all transaction  |
6  | distributions usable in OLTP and BATCH               |
7  +------------------------------------------------------*/
8 PROCEDURE get_direct_inv_dist
9   (p_mode                 IN VARCHAR2,
10    p_trx_id               IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
11    p_gt_id                IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL);
13 --MFAR invoice distributions
14 PROCEDURE get_direct_mf_inv_dist
15   (p_mode                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'BATCH',
16    p_gt_id                IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL);
18 /*------------------------------------------------------+
19  | Procedure for insertion in ra_ar_gt all adjustment   |
20  | distributions usable in OLTP and BATCH               |
21  +------------------------------------------------------*/
22 PROCEDURE get_direct_adj_dist
23   (p_mode                 IN VARCHAR2,
24    p_trx_id               IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL,
25    p_gt_id                IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL);
27 PROCEDURE get_direct_inv_adj_dist
28   (p_mode                 IN VARCHAR2,
29    p_trx_id               IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL,
30    p_gt_id                IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL);
32 --MFAR adj distributions procedure only in batch mode
33 PROCEDURE get_direct_mf_adj_dist
34   (p_mode                 IN VARCHAR2,
35    p_gt_id                IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL);
37 /*------------------------------------------------------+
38  | Procedure for update the base proration only batch   |
39  +------------------------------------------------------*/
40 PROCEDURE update_base
41   (p_gt_id                IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL);
43 /*------------------------------------------------------+
44  | Procedure for create distribution only batch         |
45  +------------------------------------------------------*/
46 PROCEDURE create_distributions;
48 FUNCTION fct_acct_amt
49   (p_amt             IN NUMBER,
50    p_base_amt        IN NUMBER,
51    p_base_acctd_amt  IN NUMBER,
52    p_currency_code   IN VARCHAR2,
53    p_base_currency   IN VARCHAR2,
54    p_ind_id          IN NUMBER)
58 ---------------------------------------
60 ---------------------------------------
61 -- Arguments Input
62 --  p_app_rec         IN  ar_receivable_applications%ROWTYPE -- the application record initial
63 --  p_app_level       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRANSACTION'     -- level of application
64 --  p_group_id        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL              -- if level = GROUP then which group
65 --  p_ctl_id          IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL              -- if level = LINE then which line
66 --  p_currency        IN  VARCHAR2                           -- transactional currency
67 --------------
68 -- Outputs
69 --  x_app_rec         OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications%ROWTYPE -- after leasing the result app_rec
70 --  x_return_status   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
71 --  x_msg_data        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
72 --  x_msg_count       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
73 --------------
74 -- Objective:
75 --  When does a application on a 11i MFAR transaction, the amount allocated per bucket can in disconcordance
76 --  with the remaining amounts stamped in AR on the transaction because
77 --  AR tied the charges and freight adjusted to revenue line
78 --  but PSA tied the freight to freight line
79 --  prorate the charges on all lines
80 --  Therefore  remaining amount calculated by AR can not the same from PSA
81 --  For legacy transaction originate by PSA, in the upgrade AR should ensure:
82 --  * the overall amount remaining all buckets and application all buckets are not incompatible
83 --    that is no overapplication
84 --  * the ED UNED bucket are not mixed with the application buckets
85 --  * but the disconcordance between the rem and the application amount per bucket will be
86 --    handled by the amount applied bucket
87 ----------------------------------------
89 ( p_app_rec         IN         ar_receivable_applications%ROWTYPE,
90   x_app_rec         OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications%ROWTYPE,
91   p_app_level       IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRANSACTION',
92   p_source_data_key1 IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
93   p_source_data_key2 IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
94   p_source_data_key3 IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
95   p_source_data_key4 IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
96   p_source_data_key5 IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
97   p_ctl_id          IN         NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
98   p_currency        IN         VARCHAR2,
99   x_return_status   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
100   x_msg_data        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
101   x_msg_count       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
103 ---------------------------------------
104 -- PROCEDURE portion_to_move
105 ---------------------------------------
106 -- Calculate the portion to move from the total to each bucket
107 --  based on the ratio argument
108 --  for example:
109 --   total to move = 15
110 --     freight ratio = 10
111 --     tax ratio     = 20
112 --     line ratio    = 40
113 --     chrg ratio    = 80
114 --     ---
115 --     freight_portion to move = 1
116 --     tax_portion to move = 2
117 --     line_portion to move = 4
118 --     chrg_portion to move = 8
119 ----------------------------------------
120 PROCEDURE portion_to_move
121 (p_total_to_move     IN NUMBER,
122  p_freight_ratio     IN NUMBER  DEFAULT 0,
123  p_tax_ratio         IN NUMBER  DEFAULT 0,
124  p_line_ratio        IN NUMBER  DEFAULT 0,
125  p_chrg_ratio        IN NUMBER  DEFAULT 0,
126  p_currency          IN VARCHAR2,
127  x_freight_portion   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
128  x_tax_portion       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
129  x_line_portion      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
130  x_chrg_portion      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
132 ---------------------------------------
133 -- PROCEDURE move_bucket
134 ---------------------------------------
135 -- Determine the amount to move and
136 -- Does the movement of the bucket for bucket originate the movement
137 -- For example:
138 --  p_chrg_entire meaning Chrg (ED UNED APP) of an application
139 --  is greater then the Chrg remaining on the invoice to apply
140 --  we need to reconcile the surplus amount from the chrg to move
141 --  to other buckets
142 --------------
143 -- Consider we have a surplus of 15 usd of charge to move, so
144 -- if which bucket = 'CHRG' then 15 usd will be moved to line, tax, freight buckets
145 -- Consider we have a surplus of 10 usd of freight to move, so
146 -- if which bucket = 'FREIGHT' then 10 usd will be moved to line, tax buckets
147 -- Consider we have a surplus of 5 usd of tax to move, so
148 -- if which bucket = 'TAX' then 5 usd will be moved to line
149 -- No movement is allowed on LINE bucket the surplus stay in line buckets
150 ---------------
151 -- The new entire amount by bucket are returned in x_XXX_entire output argument
152 ----------------------------------------
153 PROCEDURE move_bucket
154   (p_line_entire       IN NUMBER,
155    p_freight_entire    IN NUMBER,
156    p_tax_entire        IN NUMBER,
157    p_chrg_entire       IN NUMBER,
158    --
159    p_line_rem          IN NUMBER,
160    p_freight_rem       IN NUMBER,
161    p_tax_rem           IN NUMBER,
162    p_chrg_rem          IN NUMBER,
163    --
164    p_which_bucket      IN VARCHAR2,
165    p_currency          IN VARCHAR2,
166    --
167    x_line_entire       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
168    x_freight_entire    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
169    x_tax_entire        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
170    x_chrg_entire       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
172 ---------------------------------------
173 -- PROCEDURE lease_app_bucket_amts
174 ---------------------------------------
175 -- This a wrapper which will lease the entire application amt buckets
176 -- based on the remaining of the transaction
177 --------------
178 -- For example :
179 --  The application has
180 --   ED + UNED + APP for line    - x_line_entire   => 100
181 --   ED + UNED + APP for freight - x_freight_entire=> 30
182 --   ED + UNED + APP for tax     - x_tax_entire    => 16
183 --   ED + UNED + APP for chrg    - x_chrg_entire   => 6
184 --------------
185 --  The transaction has remaining
186 --    on line      p_line_rem          => 200
187 --    on freight   p_freight_rem       => 30
188 --    on tax       p_tax_rem           => 15
189 --    on charges   p_chrg_rem          => 3
190 ----------------
191 --  sum all rem > sum all entire buckets ==> no over applications - OK
192 --  The result will be
193 --   x_line_entire      => 104
194 --   x_freight_entire   => 30
195 --   x_tax_entire       => 15
196 --   x_chrg_entire      => 3
197 --  Note in this example the surplus from tax and charges are absorbed by line buckets
198 ----------------------------------------
199 PROCEDURE lease_app_bucket_amts
200 (p_line_rem          IN NUMBER,
201  p_tax_rem           IN NUMBER,
202  p_freight_rem       IN NUMBER,
203  p_chrg_rem          IN NUMBER,
204  --
205  p_currency          IN VARCHAR2,
206  --
207  x_line_entire       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
208  x_tax_entire        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
209  x_freight_entire    IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
210  x_chrg_entire       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
213 PROCEDURE stamping_11i_mfar_app_post;
215 PROCEDURE stamping_11i_cash_app_post;
217 END;