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Line 117: FROM mtl_system_items msi,

113: l_rec_BIT,
114: l_rec_CII,
115: l_rec_ID,
116: l_parent_BIT
117: FROM mtl_system_items msi,
118: bom_inventory_components bic,
119: bom_bill_of_materials bbom
120: WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = bbom.assembly_item_id
121: AND msi.organization_id = bbom.organization_id

Line 228: -- exists in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS and has the correct item attributes |

224: END IF;
226: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
227: -- Check new substitute component item (for create or update) already |
228: -- exists in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS and has the correct item attributes |
229: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
231: stmt_num := 7;
232: BEGIN

Line 238: FROM mtl_system_items

234: --('Verify sub. comp. exists in MTL_System_Item with correct attributes . . .');
236: SELECT bom_item_type, bom_enabled_flag, eng_item_flag
237: INTO l_sbc_item_type, l_sbc_bom_enabled_flag, l_sbc_eng_item_flag
238: FROM mtl_system_items
239: WHERE organization_id = p_Sub_Comp_Unexp_Rec.Organization_Id
240: AND inventory_item_id = p_Sub_Comp_Unexp_Rec.substitute_component_id;
242: IF l_sbc_item_type <> 4 THEN

Line 302: FROM mtl_system_items msi

298: AND bbom.common_bill_sequence_id = l_rec_BSI
299: AND bbom.organization_id <> bbom.common_organization_id
300: AND not exists
301: (SELECT null
302: FROM mtl_system_items msi
303: WHERE msi.organization_id = bbom.organization_id
304: AND msi.inventory_item_id =
305: p_Sub_Comp_Unexp_Rec.substitute_component_id
306: AND msi.bom_enabled_flag = 'Y'

Line 753: FROM mtl_system_items

749: l_Token_Tbl Error_Handler.Token_Tbl_Type;
750: l_Return_Status VARCHAR2(1);
751: CURSOR c_GetSubCompType IS
752: SELECT bom_item_type
753: FROM mtl_system_items
754: WHERE inventory_item_id = p_sub_comp_unexp_rec.substitute_component_id
755: AND organization_id = p_sub_comp_unexp_rec.organization_id;
757: BEGIN