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1 package body isc_dbi_sam_out_trend_pkg as
2 /* $Header: ISCRGCEB.pls 120.1 2006/04/19 17:32:54 scheung noship $ */
4 procedure get_sql (	p_param		in		bis_pmv_page_parameter_tbl,
5 			x_custom_sql	out nocopy	varchar2,
6 			x_custom_output	out nocopy	bis_query_attributes_tbl) is
8   l_period_type          varchar2(32000);
9   l_comparison_type      varchar2(32000);
10   l_sgid                 varchar2(32000);
11   l_agree                varchar2(32000);
12   l_class                varchar2(32000);
13   l_cust                 varchar2(32000);
14   l_curr                 varchar2(32000);
15   l_curr_suffix          varchar2(32000);
16   l_period_str           varchar2(32000);
17   l_lag                  number;
18   l_sg_sg                number;
19   l_sg_res               number;
20   l_sg_where             varchar2(32000);
21   l_agree_where          varchar2(32000);
22   l_class_where          varchar2(32000);
23   l_cust_where           varchar2(32000);
24   l_agree_needed         boolean;
25   l_class_needed         boolean;
26   l_cust_needed          boolean;
27   l_agg_level            number;
28   l_query                varchar2(32000);
29   l_custom_rec           bis_query_attributes;
32 begin
34   -- Get all necessary parameters from PMV
35   for i in 1..p_param.count loop
37     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'PERIOD_TYPE') then
38       l_period_type := p_param(i).parameter_value;
39     end if;
41     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'TIME_COMPARISON_TYPE') then
42       l_comparison_type := p_param(i).parameter_value;
43     end if;
45     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'ORGANIZATION+JTF_ORG_SALES_GROUP') then
46       l_sgid :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
47     end if;
49     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE+ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE') then
50       l_agree :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
51     end if;
53     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS+FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS') then
54       l_class :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
55     end if;
57     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'CUSTOMER+FII_CUSTOMERS') then
58       l_cust :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
59     end if;
61     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'CURRENCY+FII_CURRENCIES') then
62       l_curr := p_param(i).parameter_id;
63     end if;
65   end loop;
67   if (l_curr = '''FII_GLOBAL1''') then
68     l_curr_suffix := 'g';
69   else -- (l_curr = '''FII_GLOBAL2''')
70     l_curr_suffix := 'g1';
71   end if;
73   if (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_YEAR') then
74     l_period_str := 'yr';
75   elsif (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_QTR') then
76     l_period_str := 'qr';
77   elsif (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_PERIOD') then
78     l_period_str := 'pd';
79   else -- (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_WEEK')
80     l_period_str := 'wk';
81   end if;
83   case
84     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_WEEK'       and l_comparison_type = 'SEQUENTIAL') then l_lag := 1;
85     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_WEEK'       and l_comparison_type = 'YEARLY')     then l_lag := 13;
86     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_PERIOD' and l_comparison_type = 'SEQUENTIAL') then l_lag := 1;
87     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_PERIOD' and l_comparison_type = 'YEARLY')     then l_lag := 12;
88     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_QTR'    and l_comparison_type = 'SEQUENTIAL') then l_lag := 1;
89     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_QTR'    and l_comparison_type = 'YEARLY')     then l_lag := 4;
90     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_YEAR'   and l_comparison_type = 'SEQUENTIAL') then l_lag := 1;
91     when (l_period_type = 'FII_TIME_ENT_YEAR'   and l_comparison_type = 'YEARLY')     then l_lag := 1;
92   end case;
94   -- Figure out where clauses
95   l_sg_sg   := to_number(replace(substr(l_sgid,instr(l_sgid,'.') + 1),''''));
96   l_sg_res  := to_number(replace(substr(l_sgid,1,instr(l_sgid,'.') - 1),''''));
98   if (l_sg_res is null) then -- when a sales group is chosen
99     l_sg_where := ' and f.sales_grp_id = (&ORGANIZATION+JTF_ORG_SALES_GROUP) and f.resource_id is null';
100   else -- when the LOV parameter is a Salesrep (no need to go through the SG hierarchy)
101     l_sg_where := ' and f.sales_grp_id = :ISC_SG and f.resource_id = :ISC_RES';
102   end if;
104   if (l_agree is null) then
105     l_agree_where := '';
106   else
107     l_agree_where := ' and f.agreement_type_id in (&ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE+ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE)';
108   end if;
110   if (l_class is null) then
111     l_class_where := '';
112   else
113     l_class_where := ' and f.class_code in (&FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS+FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS)';
114   end if;
116   if (l_cust is null) then
117     l_cust_where := '';
118   else
119     l_cust_where := ' and f.customer_id in (&CUSTOMER+FII_CUSTOMERS)';
120   end if;
122   -- Figure out agg_level flag value
123   l_agree_needed := false;
124   l_class_needed := false;
125   l_cust_needed := false;
127   if (l_agree is not null) then
128     l_agree_needed := true;
129   end if;
131   if (l_class is not null) then
132     l_class_needed := true;
133   end if;
135   if (l_cust is not null) then
136     l_cust_needed := true;
137   end if;
139   case
140     when (    l_agree_needed and     l_class_needed and     l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 0;
141     when (    l_agree_needed and     l_class_needed and not l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 2;
142     when (    l_agree_needed and not l_class_needed and     l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 0;
143     when (not l_agree_needed and     l_class_needed and     l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 1;
144     when (    l_agree_needed and not l_class_needed and not l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 4;
145     when (not l_agree_needed and     l_class_needed and not l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 3;
146     when (not l_agree_needed and not l_class_needed and     l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 1;
147     when (not l_agree_needed and not l_class_needed and not l_cust_needed) then l_agg_level := 5;
148   end case;
150   l_query := '
151 select
152 cal_name VIEWBY,
153 nvl(c_out,0) ISC_MEASURE_3,
154 (c_out-p_out)/decode(p_out,0,null,abs(p_out))*100 ISC_MEASURE_4,
155 nvl(c_act,0) ISC_MEASURE_5,
156 (c_act-p_act)/decode(p_act,0,null,abs(p_act))*100 ISC_MEASURE_6,
157 nvl(c_out,0) ISC_MEASURE_7,
158 nvl(c_act,0) ISC_MEASURE_8
159 from
160 (select
161 cal_name, cal_start_date,
162 sum(c_act)+sum(c_out) c_out,
163 sum(p_act)+sum(p_out) p_out,
164 sum(c_act) c_act,
165 sum(p_act) p_act
166 from
167 (
168 select
169 cal.name cal_name,
170 cal.start_date cal_start_date,
171 0 c_out,
172 0 p_out,
173 c_act,
174 p_act
175 from
176 (select
177 n.start_date,
178 sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
179 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE))
180 then act_amt else null end) c_act,
181 lag(sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE
182 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE))
183 then act_amt else null end), :ISC_LAG) over (order by n.start_date) p_act
184 from
185 (
186 select n.start_date,
187 n.report_date ,
188 sum(f.commit_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||') act_amt
189 from isc_sam_003_mv f, -- active balance
190 (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ n.ent_year_id,
191 n.report_date,
192 cal.start_date,
193 cal.end_date
194 from '||l_period_type||' cal,
195 fii_time_day n
196 where cal.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
197 and n.report_date in (least(cal.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE), &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE)
198 and n.report_date between cal.start_date and cal.end_date) n
199 where f.ent_year_id = n.ent_year_id
200 and f.agg_level = :ISC_AGG_LEVEL
201 '||l_sg_where||l_agree_where||l_class_where||l_cust_where||'
202 group by n.start_date, n.report_date) i, '||l_period_type||' n
203 where i.start_date (+) = n.start_date
205 group by n.start_date) iset, '||l_period_type||' cal
206 where cal.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
207 and cal.start_date = iset.start_date(+)
208 union all
209 select
210 cal.name cal_name,
211 cal.start_date cal_start_date,
212 0 c_out,
213 0 p_out,
214 c_act,
215 p_act
216 from
217 (select
218 n.start_date,
219 sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
220 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE))
221 then act_amt else null end) c_act,
222 lag(sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE
223 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE))
224 then act_amt else null end), :ISC_LAG) over (order by n.start_date) p_act
225 from
226 (
227 select n.start_date,
228 n.report_date ,
229 sum(f.commit_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||') act_amt
230 from isc_sam_001_mv f, -- activation
231 (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ n.time_id,
232 n.record_type_id,
233 n.period_type_id,
234 n.report_date,
235 cal.start_date,
236 cal.end_date
237 from '||l_period_type||' cal,
238 fii_time_rpt_struct_v n
239 where cal.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
240 and n.report_date in (least(cal.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE), &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE)
241 and n.report_date between cal.start_date and cal.end_date
242 and bitand(n.record_type_id, 119) = n.record_type_id) n
243 where f.time_id = n.time_id
244 and f.agg_level = :ISC_AGG_LEVEL
245 '||l_sg_where||l_agree_where||l_class_where||l_cust_where||'
246 group by n.start_date, n.report_date) i, '||l_period_type||' n
247 where i.start_date (+) = n.start_date
249 group by n.start_date) iset, '||l_period_type||' cal
250 where cal.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
251 and cal.start_date = iset.start_date(+)
252 union all
253 select
254 cal.name cal_name,
255 cal.start_date cal_start_date,
256 0 c_out,
257 0 p_out,
258 -c_act,
259 -p_act
260 from
261 (select
262 n.start_date,
263 sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
264 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE))
265 then act_amt else null end) c_act,
266 lag(sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE
267 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE))
268 then act_amt else null end), :ISC_LAG) over (order by n.start_date) p_act
269 from
270 (
271 select n.start_date,
272 n.report_date ,
273 sum(f.commit_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||') act_amt
274 from isc_sam_004_mv f, -- effective end
275 (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ n.time_id,
276 n.record_type_id,
277 n.period_type_id,
278 n.report_date,
279 cal.start_date,
280 cal.end_date
281 from '||l_period_type||' cal,
282 fii_time_rpt_struct_v n
283 where cal.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
284 and n.report_date in (least(cal.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE), &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE)
285 and n.report_date between cal.start_date and cal.end_date
286 and bitand(n.record_type_id, 119) = n.record_type_id) n
287 where f.time_id = n.time_id
288 and f.agg_level = :ISC_AGG_LEVEL
289 '||l_sg_where||l_agree_where||l_class_where||l_cust_where||'
290 group by n.start_date, n.report_date) i, '||l_period_type||' n
291 where i.start_date (+) = n.start_date
293 group by n.start_date) iset, '||l_period_type||' cal
294 where cal.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
295 and cal.start_date = iset.start_date(+)
296 union all
297 select
298 cal.name cal_name,
299 cal.start_date cal_start_date,
300 -c_out,
301 -p_out,
302 0 c_act,
303 0 p_act
304 from
305 (select
306 n.start_date,
307 sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
308 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE))
309 then out_amt else null end) c_out,
310 lag(sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE
311 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE))
312 then out_amt else null end), :ISC_LAG) over (order by n.start_date) p_out
313 from
314 (
315 select n.start_date,
316 n.report_date ,
317 sum(f.fulfill_out_f_ee_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||') out_amt
318 from isc_sam_005_mv f, -- fulfilled
319 (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ n.time_id,
320 n.record_type_id,
321 n.period_type_id,
322 n.report_date,
323 cal.start_date,
324 cal.end_date
325 from '||l_period_type||' cal,
326 fii_time_rpt_struct_v n
327 where cal.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
328 and n.report_date in (least(cal.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE), &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE)
329 and n.report_date between cal.start_date and cal.end_date
330 and bitand(n.record_type_id, 1143) = n.record_type_id) n
331 where f.time_id = n.time_id
332 and f.agg_level = :ISC_AGG_LEVEL
333 '||l_sg_where||l_agree_where||l_class_where||l_cust_where||'
334 group by n.start_date, n.report_date) i, '||l_period_type||' n
335 where i.start_date (+) = n.start_date
337 group by n.start_date) iset, '||l_period_type||' cal
338 where cal.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
339 and cal.start_date = iset.start_date(+)
340 union all
341 select
342 cal.name cal_name,
343 cal.start_date cal_start_date,
344 c_out,
345 p_out,
346 0 c_act,
347 0 p_act
348 from
349 (select
350 n.start_date,
351 sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
352 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE))
353 then out_amt else null end) c_out,
354 lag(sum(case when (n.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE
355 and i.report_date = least(n.end_date, &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE))
356 then out_amt else null end), :ISC_LAG) over (order by n.start_date) p_out
357 from
358 (
359 select n.start_date,
360 n.report_date ,
361 sum(f.fulfill_out_f_ee_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||') out_amt
362 from isc_sam_004_mv f, -- effective end
363 (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ n.time_id,
364 n.record_type_id,
365 n.period_type_id,
366 n.report_date,
367 cal.start_date,
368 cal.end_date
369 from '||l_period_type||' cal,
370 fii_time_rpt_struct_v n
371 where cal.start_date between &BIS_PREVIOUS_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
372 and n.report_date in (least(cal.end_date, &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE), &BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE)
373 and n.report_date between cal.start_date and cal.end_date
374 and bitand(n.record_type_id, 1143) = n.record_type_id) n
375 where f.time_id = n.time_id
376 and f.agg_level = :ISC_AGG_LEVEL
377 '||l_sg_where||l_agree_where||l_class_where||l_cust_where||'
378 group by n.start_date, n.report_date) i, '||l_period_type||' n
379 where i.start_date (+) = n.start_date
381 group by n.start_date) iset, '||l_period_type||' cal
382 where cal.start_date between &BIS_CURRENT_REPORT_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
383 and cal.start_date = iset.start_date(+)
384 )
385 group by cal_name, cal_start_date) uset
386 order by cal_start_date
387 ';
389   l_custom_rec := bis_pmv_parameters_pub.initialize_query_type;
390   x_custom_output := bis_query_attributes_tbl();
392   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ISC_AGG_LEVEL';
393   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := l_agg_level;
394   l_custom_Rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
395   l_custom_Rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
396   x_custom_output.EXTEND;
397   x_custom_output(x_custom_output.count) := l_custom_rec;
399   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ISC_LAG';
400   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := l_lag;
401   l_custom_Rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
402   l_custom_Rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
403   x_custom_output.EXTEND;
404   x_custom_output(x_custom_output.count) := l_custom_rec;
406   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ISC_SG';
407   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := to_char(l_sg_sg);
408   l_custom_Rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
409   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
410   x_custom_output.extend;
411   x_custom_output(x_custom_output.count) := l_custom_rec;
413   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ISC_RES';
414   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := to_char(l_sg_res);
415   l_custom_Rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
416   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
417   x_custom_output.extend;
418   x_custom_output(x_custom_output.count) := l_custom_rec;
420   x_custom_sql := l_query;
422 end get_sql;
424 end isc_dbi_sam_out_trend_pkg;