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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 55

    update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface ori
	set organization_id = (select organization_id from
	    mtl_parameters a
	    where a.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id is null
    and   organization_code is not null
    and   exists (select organization_code
                    from mtl_parameters b
                   where b.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    and   rownum < 2000;
Line: 73

    update bom_inventory_comps_interface ori
	set organization_id = (select organization_id from
	    mtl_parameters a
	    where a.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id is null
    and   organization_code is not null
    and   exists (select organization_code
                    from mtl_parameters b
                   where b.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    and   rownum < 2000;
Line: 91

    update bom_ref_desgs_interface ori
	set organization_id = (select organization_id from
	    mtl_parameters a
	    where a.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id is null
    and   organization_code is not null
    and   exists (select organization_code
                    from mtl_parameters b
                   where b.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    and   rownum < 2000;
Line: 109

    update bom_sub_comps_interface ori
	set organization_id = (select organization_id from
	    mtl_parameters a
 	    where a.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id is null
    and   organization_code is not null
    and   exists (select organization_code
                    from mtl_parameters b
                   where b.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    and   rownum < 2000;
Line: 127

    update mtl_item_revisions_interface ori
        set organization_id = (select organization_id from
            mtl_parameters a
            where a.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id is null
    and   organization_code is not null
    and   exists (select organization_code
                    from mtl_parameters b
                   where b.organization_code = ori.organization_code)
    and   rownum < 2000;
Line: 157

    inserts record into MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS.

    err_text    out buffer to return error message
    0 if successful
    SQLCODE if unsuccessful
FUNCTION bmasrev_assign_revision (
    org_id              NUMBER,
    all_org             NUMBER,
    user_id             NUMBER,
    login_id            NUMBER,
    prog_appid          NUMBER,
    prog_id             NUMBER,
    req_id              NUMBER,
    err_text  IN OUT    VARCHAR2
    return INTEGER

    stmt_num    NUMBER := 0;
Line: 188

        select organization_code OC, organization_id OI,
               revision R,
                inventory_item_id III, item_number IIN,
                transaction_id TI,
                implementation_date ID, effectivity_date ED
        from mtl_item_revisions_interface
        where process_flag = 1
        and   (all_org = 1
                (all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 205

    update mtl_item_revisions_interface
        set transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval
    where transaction_id is null
    and   process_flag = 1
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 233

            update mtl_item_revisions_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 262

                update mtl_item_revisions_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 275

        update mtl_item_revisions_interface set
            organization_id = nvl(organization_id, c1rec.OI),
            inventory_item_id = nvl(inventory_item_id, c1rec.III),
            revision = UPPER(c1rec.R),
            process_flag = 2,
            last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate),
            last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id),
            creation_date = nvl(creation_date, sysdate),
            created_by = nvl(created_by, user_id),
            last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
            request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
            program_application_id = nvl(program_application_id, prog_appid),
            program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
            program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate),
            effectivity_date = nvl(effectivity_date, sysdate),
            IMPLEMENTATION_DATE = nvl(effectivity_date, sysdate)
        where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 362

    cursor c1 is select
	organization_id OI, organization_code OC,
	assembly_item_id AII, item_number AIN,
	common_assembly_item_id CAII, common_item_number CAIN,
	common_organization_id COI, common_org_code COC,
	alternate_bom_designator ABD, transaction_id TI,
	bill_sequence_id BSI, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI,
	revision R, last_update_date LUD, last_updated_by LUB,
	creation_date CD, created_by CB, last_update_login LUL
	from bom_bill_of_mtls_interface
	where process_flag = 1
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 379

    cursor c2 is select
	transaction_id TI, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI,
	assembly_item_id AII, common_assembly_item_id CAAI,
	common_assembly_item_id CAID, organization_id OI,
	alternate_bom_designator ABD, common_organization_id COI,
	bill_Sequence_id BSI
	from bom_bill_of_mtls_interface
	where process_flag = 99
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 393

    cursor c3 is select 1
 	from dual where exists ( select 1
			 	 where inventory_item_id = assembly_id
				 and organization_id = assembly_org_id
				 and revision = item_rev);
Line: 406

    update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface ori
	set transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval,
	    bill_sequence_id = nvl(bill_sequence_id,
    where transaction_id is null
    and   process_flag = 1
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 436

	    update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 468

		update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
		where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 502

		update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
		where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 542

		update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
		where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 553

** Insert revision record
        stmt_num := 6;
Line: 565

 	      insert into mtl_item_revisions_interface
   		) values
		(c1rec.AII, c1rec.OI, UPPER(c1rec.R),
		 nvl(c1rec.LUD, sysdate),
		 nvl(c1rec.LUB, user_id),
		 nvl(c1rec.CD, sysdate),
		 nvl(c1rec.CB, user_id),
                 nvl(c1rec.LUL, user_id),
Line: 602

	update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface
	set organization_id = nvl(organization_id, c1rec.OI),
	    assembly_item_id = nvl(assembly_item_id, c1rec.AII),
            common_organization_id = nvl(common_organization_id, c1rec.COI),
	    common_assembly_item_id = nvl(common_assembly_item_id, c1rec.CAII),
	    assembly_type = nvl(assembly_type, 1),
	    last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate),
	    last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id),
	    creation_date = nvl(creation_date, sysdate),
	    created_by = nvl(created_by, user_id),
	    last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
	    request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
	    program_application_id = nvl(program_application_id, prog_appid),
 	    program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
	    program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate),
	    process_flag = 99
	where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 732

        update bom_bill_of_mtls_interface set
	    process_flag = proc_flag,
	    common_bill_sequence_id = c2rec.CBSI,
	    common_organization_id = c_org_id,
	    common_assembly_item_id = assy_id
        where transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 794

	select organization_code OC, organization_id OI,
		assembly_item_id AII, assembly_item_number AIN,
		alternate_bom_designator ABD, bill_sequence_id BSI,
		component_sequence_id CSI, transaction_id TI,
		component_item_id CII, component_item_number CIN,
		location_name LN, supply_locator_id SLI,
		operation_seq_num OSN,
		to_char(effectivity_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') ED,
                bom_item_type BIT
	from bom_inventory_comps_interface
	where process_flag = 1
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 816

    update bom_inventory_comps_interface
	set transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval,
	    component_sequence_id = nvl(component_sequence_id,
    where transaction_id is null
    and   process_flag = 1
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 846

	    update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 867

            update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 896

		update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
		where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 929

                update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 961

		update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
		where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 990

                update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1021

		update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
		where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1034

              select bom_item_type
                into c1rec.BIT
                from mtl_system_items
               where organization_id = c1rec.OI
                 and inventory_item_id = c1rec.CII;
Line: 1054

		update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
		where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1070

	update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
	component_item_id = nvl(component_item_id, c1rec.CII),
	item_num = nvl(item_num, 1),
	component_quantity = nvl(component_quantity, 1),
	component_yield_factor = nvl(component_yield_factor, 1),
	implementation_date = effectivity_date,
	planning_factor = nvl(planning_factor, 100),
	quantity_related = nvl(quantity_related, 2),
	so_basis = nvl(so_basis, 2),
	optional = nvl(optional, 2),
	mutually_exclusive_options = nvl(mutually_exclusive_options, 2),
	include_in_cost_rollup = nvl(include_in_cost_rollup, 1),
	check_atp = nvl(check_atp, 2),
	required_to_ship = nvl(required_to_ship, 2),
	required_for_revenue = nvl(required_for_Revenue, 2),
	include_on_ship_docs = nvl(include_on_ship_docs, 2),
	include_on_bill_docs = nvl(include_on_bill_docs, 2),
	low_quantity = nvl(low_quantity, nvl(high_quantity,null)),
	high_quantity = nvl(high_quantity,nvl(low_quantity,null)),
	bill_sequence_id = nvl(bill_Sequence_id, c1rec.BSI),
	pick_components = nvl(pick_components, 2),
	supply_locator_id = nvl(supply_locator_id, c1rec.SLI),
	assembly_item_id = nvl(assembly_item_id, c1rec.AII),
        alternate_bom_designator = nvl(alternate_bom_designator,c1rec.ABD),
	organization_id = nvl(organization_id, c1rec.OI),
	creation_date = nvl(creation_date, sysdate),
	created_by = nvl(created_by, user_id),
	last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate),
	last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id),
	last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
        request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
        program_application_id = nvl(program_application_id, prog_appid),
        program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
        program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate),
	process_flag = 2,
        bom_item_type = c1rec.BIT
	where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1109

** update component_sequence_id for ref desgs and sub comps
	ret_code := bmascmpid_assign_cmp_seq_id(
		org_id => c1rec.OI,
		assy_id => c1rec.AII,
		alt_desg => c1rec.ABD,
		op_seq => c1rec.OSN,
		cmp_seq_id => c1rec.CSI,
		cmp_id => c1rec.CII,
		eff_date => c1rec.ED,
		err_text => err_text);
Line: 1176

        select bill_sequence_id
	into bill_seq_id
	from bom_bill_of_materials
	where organization_id = org_id
	and   assembly_item_id = item_id
	and   nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE');
Line: 1192

    select bill_sequence_id
	into bill_seq_id
	from bom_bill_of_mtls_interface
	where organization_id = org_id
	and assembly_item_id  = item_id
	and nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
	    nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
        and process_flag <> 3 and process_flag <> 7
	and rownum = 1;
Line: 1249

        select component_sequence_id
        into cmp_seq_id
        from bom_inventory_components
        where bill_sequence_id = bill_seq_id
        and   component_item_id = cmp_id
        and   operation_seq_num = op_seq
        and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') = eff_date;
Line: 1265

    select component_sequence_id
        into cmp_seq_id
        from bom_inventory_comps_interface
        where bill_sequence_id = bill_seq_id
        and   component_item_id = cmp_id
        and   operation_seq_num = op_seq
        and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') = eff_date
        and   process_flag <>3 and process_flag <> 7
        and   rownum = 1;
Line: 1319

        select assembly_item_id, organization_id, alternate_bom_designator
        into item_id, org_id, alt_desg
        from bom_bill_of_materials
        where bill_sequence_id = bill_seq_id;
Line: 1332

    select assembly_item_id, organization_id, alternate_bom_designator
        into item_id, org_id, alt_desg
        from bom_bill_of_mtls_interface
        where bill_sequence_id = bill_seq_id
          and process_flag <> 3 and process_flag <> 7
          and rownum = 1;
Line: 1381

    Select bici.rowid row_id
    From bom_inventory_comps_interface bici
    where bici.process_flag = 1
    and   bici.assembly_item_id is null
    and   bici.organization_id = org_id
    and   bici.assembly_item_number = item_number
    and   bici.bill_sequence_id is null;
Line: 1389

    Select brd.rowid row_id
    From bom_ref_desgs_interface brd
    where brd.process_flag = 1
    and   brd.assembly_item_id is null
    and   brd.organization_id = org_id
    and   brd.assembly_item_number = item_number
    and   brd.bill_sequence_id is null;
Line: 1397

    Select bsc.rowid row_id
    From bom_sub_comps_interface bsc
    where bsc.process_flag = 1
    and   bsc.assembly_item_id is null
    and   bsc.organization_id = org_id
    and   bsc.assembly_item_number = item_number
    and   bsc.bill_sequence_id is null;
Line: 1406

    update bom_inventory_comps_interface
	set assembly_item_id = item_id
    where rowid = X_Component.row_id;
Line: 1417

    update bom_ref_desgs_interface ori
	set ori.assembly_item_id = item_id
    where ori.rowid = X_Designator.row_id;
Line: 1428

    update bom_sub_comps_interface ori
	set ori.assembly_item_id = item_id
    where ori.rowid = X_Substitute.row_id;
Line: 1478

    update bom_inventory_comps_interface set
	bill_sequence_id = bom_id
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id = org_id
    and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
    and   nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
    and   bill_sequence_id is null
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 1492

    update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
	bill_sequence_id = bom_id
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id = org_id
    and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
    and   nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
    and   bill_sequence_id is null
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 1506

    update bom_sub_comps_interface set
	bill_sequence_id = bom_id
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id = org_id
    and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
    and   nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
    and   bill_sequence_id is null
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 1563

    update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
	component_sequence_id = cmp_seq_id
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id = org_id
    and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
    and   nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
    and   operation_seq_num = op_seq
    and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') = eff_date
    and   component_item_id = cmp_id
    and   component_sequence_id is null
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 1582

    update bom_sub_comps_interface set
	component_sequence_id = cmp_seq_id
    where process_flag = 1
    and   organization_id = org_id
    and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
    and   nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
    and   operation_seq_num = op_seq
    and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') = eff_date
    and   component_item_id = cmp_id
    and   component_sequence_id is null
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 1633

        select component_quantity
        into comp_qty
        from bom_inventory_components
        where component_sequence_id = comp_seq_id;
Line: 1646

    select component_quantity
        into comp_qty
        from bom_inventory_comps_interface
        where component_sequence_id = comp_seq_id
          and process_flag <> 3 and process_flag <> 7
          and rownum = 1;
Line: 1698

	select  component_sequence_id CSI,
		transaction_id TI, organization_id OI,
                bill_sequence_id BSI, assembly_item_id AII,
                assembly_item_number AIN, alternate_bom_designator ABD,
                component_item_id CII, component_item_number CIN,
                operation_seq_num OSN,
                to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') ED
	from bom_ref_desgs_interface
	where process_flag = 1
        and component_sequence_id is null
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 1715

	select transaction_id TI, organization_id OI
	from bom_ref_desgs_interface
	where process_flag = 1
        and component_sequence_id is not null
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 1726

        select component_sequence_id CSI
        from bom_ref_desgs_interface
        where process_flag = 99
        and   (all_org = 1
                (all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500
        group by component_sequence_id;
Line: 1740

    insert into bom_ref_desgs_interface (
	NVL(CREATED_BY, user_id),
        NVL(LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN, user_id),
	NVL(REQUEST_ID, req_id),
	NVL(PROGRAM_ID, prog_id),
	from bom_inventory_comps_interface
	where process_flag = 2
	and   reference_designator is not null;
Line: 1775

    update bom_ref_desgs_interface
       set transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval
      where transaction_id is null
        and process_flag = 1
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 1804

            update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1838

                update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1873

            update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
                   process_flag = 3
             where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1902

                update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1938

                update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1972

            update bom_ref_desgs_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
             where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1982

        update bom_ref_desgs_interface
           set component_sequence_id = c1rec.CSI,
               assembly_item_id = c1rec.AII,
               component_item_id = c1rec.CII,
               bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI,
               organization_id = c1rec.OI
         where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2009

        update bom_ref_desgs_interface
           set process_flag = 99,
               last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date,sysdate),
               last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by,user_id),
               creation_date = nvl(creation_date,sysdate),
               created_by = nvl(created_by,user_id),
	       last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
               request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
              program_application_id = nvl(program_application_id, prog_appid),
               program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
               program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate)
         where transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2035

select count(distinct component_sequence_id)
  into total_recs
  from bom_ref_desgs_interface
 where process_flag = 99;
Line: 2046

        select mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval
          into dummy_txn
          from sys.dual;
Line: 2050

        update bom_ref_desgs_interface
           set transaction_id = dummy_txn,
	       process_flag = 2
         where component_sequence_id = c3rec.CSI
           and process_flag = 99;
Line: 2112

	select organization_id OI, substitute_comp_number SCN,
		substitute_component_id SCI, transaction_id TI
	from bom_sub_comps_interface
	where process_flag = 1
	and   substitute_component_id is null
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 2124

	select  component_sequence_id CSI,
		transaction_id TI, organization_id OI,
                bill_sequence_id BSI, assembly_item_id AII,
                assembly_item_number AIN, alternate_bom_designator ABD,
                component_item_id CII, component_item_number CIN,
                operation_seq_num OSN,
                to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') ED
	from bom_sub_comps_interface
	where process_flag = 1
        and component_sequence_id is null
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 2141

	select transaction_id TI, organization_id OI,
               component_sequence_id CSI, substitute_item_quantity SIQ
	from bom_sub_comps_interface
	where process_flag = 1
        and component_sequence_id is not null
	and   (all_org = 1
		(all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 2153

        select component_sequence_id CSI
        from bom_sub_comps_interface
        where process_flag = 99
        and   (all_org = 1
                (all_org = 2 and organization_id = org_id)
	and rownum < 500
        group by component_sequence_id;
Line: 2167

    insert into bom_sub_comps_interface (
	NVL(CREATED_BY, user_id),
        NVL(REQUEST_ID, req_id),
        NVL(PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID, prog_appid),
        NVL(PROGRAM_ID, prog_id),
        NVL(PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE, sysdate),
	from bom_inventory_comps_interface
	where process_flag = 2
	and   (substitute_comp_id is not null
		substitute_comp_number is not null);
Line: 2210

    update bom_sub_comps_interface
       set transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval
      where transaction_id is null
        and process_flag = 1
    and   rownum < 500;
Line: 2220

** update substitute component id if null
    while continue_loop loop
      commit_cnt := 0;
Line: 2246

                update bom_sub_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 2254

	   update bom_sub_comps_interface
	      set substitute_component_id = c0rec.SCI
	    where transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 2288

            update bom_sub_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2322

                update bom_sub_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2357

            update bom_sub_comps_interface set
                   process_flag = 3
             where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2393

                update bom_sub_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2427

            update bom_sub_comps_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
             where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2437

        update bom_sub_comps_interface
           set component_sequence_id = c1rec.CSI,
               assembly_item_id = c1rec.AII,
               component_item_id = c1rec.CII,
               bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI
         where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2482

           update bom_sub_comps_interface set
              process_flag = 3
           where transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2493

    update bom_sub_comps_interface
       set process_flag = 99,
           substitute_item_quantity = nvl(c2rec.SIQ,substitute_item_quantity),
           last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date,sysdate),
           last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by,user_id),
           creation_date = nvl(creation_date,sysdate),
           created_by = nvl(created_by,user_id),
	   last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),
           request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id),
           program_application_id = nvl(program_application_id, prog_appid),
           program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),
           program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate)
     where transaction_id = c2rec.TI;
Line: 2522

select count(distinct component_sequence_id)
  into total_recs
  from bom_sub_comps_interface
 where process_flag = 99;
Line: 2533

        select mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval
          into dummy_txn
          from sys.dual;
Line: 2537

        update bom_sub_comps_interface
           set transaction_id = dummy_txn,
               process_flag = 2
         where component_sequence_id = c3rec.CSI
           and process_flag = 99;