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1 package body pay_sg_iras_archive_setup as
2 /* $Header: pysgirsu.pkb 120.1 2005/09/15 04:42:54 snimmala noship $ */
3   g_debug boolean;
4   l_package_name varchar2(50);
5   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6   -- The SELECT statement in this procedure returns the Person Ids for
7   -- Assignments that require the archive process to create an Assignment
8   -- Action.
9   -- Core Payroll recommends the select has minimal restrictions.
10   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11   procedure range_code
12     ( p_payroll_action_id   in  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type
13       , p_sql               out nocopy varchar2 )
14   is
15   begin
16       if g_debug then
17           hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'range_code - Start');
18       end if;
19       --
20       p_sql := 'select distinct person_id '                            ||
21                'from   per_people_f ppf, '                             ||
22                'pay_payroll_actions ppa '                              ||
23                'where  ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id '    ||
24                'and    ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id ' ||
25                'order by ppf.person_id';
26       --
27       if g_debug then
28           hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'range_code - End');
29       end if;
30   end range_code;
31   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32   -- This procedure is used to restrict the Assignment Action Creation.
33   -- It calls the procedure that actually inserts the Assignment Actions.
34   -- The cursor selects the assignments that have had any payroll
35   -- processing for the Legal Entity within the Basis Year.
36   -- The person must not have the "IR21 Run Date" set, as this means they
37   -- have received this form, and therefore must not appear in the
38   -- archive/magtape.
39   -- The person must not have had any Magtape File produced for the same
40   -- Business Group, Legal Entity and Basis Year. If they want to
41   -- re-archive a person, they must ROLLBACK the magtape first, or use the
42   -- standard Re-try, Rollback payroll process.
43   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44   procedure assignment_action_code
45     ( p_payroll_action_id    in  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type
46       , p_start_person_id    in  per_all_people_f.person_id%type
47       , p_end_person_id      in  per_all_people_f.person_id%type
48       , p_chunk              in  number )
49   is
50       v_next_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
51       v_effective_date      date;
52       v_business_group_id   number;
53       v_basis_start         date;
54       v_basis_end           date;
55       v_legal_entity_id     number;
56       v_basis_year          number;
57       -------------------------------------------
58       -- Record of Assignments
59       -------------------------------------------
60       type t_assignment_list is table of per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
61       asglist t_assignment_list;
62       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63       -- Legislative Parameters for Run
64       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65       cursor  get_params( c_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type )
66       is
67       select  nvl(to_date(to_char(to_date(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('EFFECTIVE_DATE', legislative_parameters),
68                                                               'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD-MM-YYYY'),'DD-MM-YYYY'),
69               to_date('31-12-'||pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters),'DD-MM-YYYY')),
70               pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BUSINESS_GROUP_ID',legislative_parameters),
71               to_date('01-01-'||pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters),'DD-MM-YYYY'),
72               to_date('31-12-'|| pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters),'DD-MM-YYYY'),
73               pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',legislative_parameters),
74               pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters)
75       from    pay_payroll_actions
76       where   payroll_action_id =c_payroll_Action_id;
77       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
78       -- Cursor Next Assignment Action
79       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80       cursor  next_action_id is
81       select  pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
82       from    dual;
83       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84       -- Filters Assignments to be processed.
85       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86       cursor process_assignments
87           ( c_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
88             c_start_person_id    in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
89             c_end_person_id      in per_all_people_f.person_id%type )
90       is
91       select  distinct a.assignment_id
92       from    per_assignments_f a,
93               pay_payroll_actions pa
94       where   pa.payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id
95       and     a.person_id    between c_start_person_id and c_end_person_id
96       and     a.business_group_id  = pa.business_group_id
97       and     ( a.effective_start_date <= v_basis_end and a.effective_end_date>= v_basis_start)
98       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
99       -- Do not select the person if they have had an IR21 Form produced
100       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
101       and    not exists
102              ( select  null
103                from    per_people_extra_info pei
104                where   pei.person_id        = a.person_id
105                and     pei.pei_information1 is not null
106                and     pei.information_type = 'HR_IR21_PROCESSING_DATES_SG'
107 	     )
108       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
109       -- Do not select the person if they have had any Magtape File produced for the same
110       -- Business Group, Legal Entity and Basis Year
111       -- If they want to re-archive a person, they must ROLLBACK the magtape first
112       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
113        and    not exists
114              ( select null
115                from   per_assignments_f  paf,
116                       pay_assignment_actions mcl,
117                       pay_payroll_actions mpl
118                where  paf.assignment_id      = a.assignment_id
119                and    paf.assignment_id      = mcl.assignment_id
120                and    mpl.payroll_action_id  = mcl.payroll_action_id
121                and    mpl.business_group_id  = pa.business_group_id
122                and    mpl.effective_date     between v_basis_start and v_basis_end
123                and    pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',mpl.legislative_parameters) = v_legal_entity_id
124                and    mpl.report_type        in ( 'SG_A8B','SG_IR8A','SG_IR8S','SG_A8A' )
125                and    mpl.action_type        = 'X'
126                and    mcl.action_status      = 'C'
127                group by paf.assignment_id
128 	     )
129       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130       -- Select an assignment if any payroll runs exist for assignment in processing
131       -- year and legal entity.
132       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133        and    exists
134              ( select null
135                from   per_assignments_f  paf,
136                       pay_assignment_actions pac,
137                       pay_payroll_actions ppa
138                where  paf.assignment_id      = a.assignment_id
139                and    paf.assignment_id      = pac.assignment_id
140                and    pac.tax_unit_id        = v_legal_entity_id
141                and    ppa.payroll_action_id  = pac.payroll_action_id
142                and    ppa.action_type        in ('R','B','I','Q','V')
143                and    pac.action_status      = 'C'
144                and    ppa.business_group_id  = v_business_group_id
145                and    ppa.effective_date     between v_basis_start and v_basis_end
146                group by paf.assignment_id
147              );
148       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
149   begin
150       if g_debug then
151           hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'assignment_action_code - Start');
152       end if;
153       --
154       open   get_params(p_payroll_action_id);
155       fetch  get_params
156       into   v_effective_date,
157              v_business_group_id,
158              v_basis_start,
159              v_basis_end,
160              v_legal_entity_id,
161              v_basis_year;
162       close get_params;
163       --
164       open process_assignments(  p_payroll_action_id,
165                                  p_start_person_id,
166                                  p_end_person_id  ) ;
167       fetch process_assignments bulk collect into asglist;
168       close process_assignments;
169       --
170       for i in 1..asglist.count
171       loop
172          if asglist.exists(i) then
173              open   next_action_id;
174              fetch  next_action_id into v_next_action_id;
175              close  next_action_id;
176              --
177              if g_debug then
178                  hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'assignment_action_code - Before hr_nonrun_asact.insact');
179              end if;
180 	     --
181              hr_nonrun_asact.insact(   v_next_action_id
182 	                             , asglist(i)
183 				     , p_payroll_action_id
184 				     , p_chunk
185 				     , null
186 				   );
187              --
188              if g_debug then
189                  hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'assignment_action_code - After hr_nonrun_asact.insact');
190              end if;
191          end if;
192       end loop;
193       --
194       if g_debug then
195            hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'assignment_action_code - End');
196       end if;
197   end assignment_action_code;
198   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
199   -- Archives Person details for the processing Assignment
200   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
201   procedure archive_code
202     ( p_assignment_action_id    in  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type
203       , p_effective_date        in  date )
204   is
205       v_national_identifier    per_all_people_f.national_identifier%type;
206       v_start_date              varchar2(50); /* Bug# 3910804 */
207       v_person_id              per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
208       v_assignment_id          per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
209       v_setup_action           pay_assignment_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
210       ------------------------------------------------------------------------
211       -- Get Person Details
212       -- Bug 3910804 - Selected canonical format of person start date
213       ------------------------------------------------------------------------
214       cursor get_details
215           ( c_assignment_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type )
216       is
217       select  nvl(pap.national_identifier,per_information12),
218               fnd_date.date_to_canonical(pap.start_date),   /* Bug# 3910804 */
219               paa.person_id,
220               pac.assignment_id
221       from    pay_assignment_actions pac,
222               per_assignments_f      paa,
223               per_people_f           pap
224       where   pac.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
225       and     paa.assignment_id        = pac.assignment_id
226       and     paa.person_id            = pap.person_id;
227       --
228   begin
229       if g_debug then
230           hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Archive_Code - Start');
231       end if;
232       -------------------------------------------------------------------
233       -- Get setup action id
234       -------------------------------------------------------------------
235       select  payroll_action_id
236       into    v_setup_action
237       from    pay_assignment_actions
238       where   assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id ;
239       --
240       open get_details ( p_assignment_action_id );
241       fetch get_details into v_national_identifier,
242                              v_start_date,
243                              v_person_id,
244                              v_assignment_id;
245       if get_details%found then
246            close get_details;
247            --
248            if g_debug then
249                hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Archive_Code - Before pai insert');
250            end if;
251            --------------------------------------------------------------
252            --
253            --
254            --------------------------------------------------------------
255            insert into pay_action_information
256            (  action_information_id,
257               action_context_id,
258               action_context_type,
259               action_information_category,
260               action_information1,
261               action_information2,
262               action_information3,
263               assignment_id  )
264            values
265            (  pay_action_information_s.nextval,
266               v_setup_action,
267               'AAP',
268               'SG_IRAS_SETUP',
269               v_national_identifier,
270               v_person_id,
271               v_start_date,
272               v_assignment_id  );
273            --
274            if g_debug then
275                hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Archive_Code - After pai insert');
276            end if;
277       else
278            if g_debug then
279                hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Archive_Code - Person record not found');
280            end if;
281            --
282            close get_details;
283       end if;
284       --
285       if g_debug then
286            hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Archive_Code - End');
287       end if;
288   end archive_code;
289   --------------------------------------------------------------
290   -- Initiates IRAS Line Archive Processor
291   --------------------------------------------------------------
292   procedure deinit_code
293       ( p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type )
294   is
295       l_rep_req_id  number;
296       v_magnetic_file_name    varchar2(50);
297       v_legal_entity          number;
298       v_basis_year            number;
299       v_business_group_id     number;
300       v_action_parameter_group varchar2(50);
301       --
302       cursor  csr_iras_action_details is
303       select  pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BUSINESS_GROUP_ID',legislative_parameters),
304               pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',legislative_parameters),
305               pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters),
306               pay_core_utils.get_parameter('MAGNETIC_FILE_NAME',legislative_parameters),
307 	      pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ACTION_PARAMETER_GROUP',legislative_parameters)
308         from  pay_payroll_actions
309        where  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
310   begin
311       if g_debug then
312            hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Deinit_Code - Start');
313       end if;
314       --
315       open   csr_iras_action_details;
316       fetch  csr_iras_action_details into
317                   v_business_group_id,
318                   v_legal_entity,
319                   v_basis_year,
320                   v_magnetic_file_name,
321                   v_action_parameter_group;
322       close  csr_iras_action_details;
323       --
324       if g_debug then
325            hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Deinit_Code - Before initiating archive');
326       end if;
327       --
328       l_rep_req_id := FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST (
329  	                                         APPLICATION          =>   'PAY',
330                                                  PROGRAM              =>   'PYSGIRAR',
331                                                  ARGUMENT1            =>   'ARCHIVE',
332                                                  ARGUMENT2            =>   'SG_IRAS_ARCHIVE',
333 						 ARGUMENT3            =>   'SG',
334 						 ARGUMENT4            =>   null,
335 						 ARGUMENT5            =>   null,
336 						 ARGUMENT6            =>   'REPORT',
337 						 ARGUMENT7            =>   v_business_group_id,
338 						 ARGUMENT8            =>   v_magnetic_file_name,
339 						 ARGUMENT9            =>   null,
340 						 ARGUMENT10           =>   v_action_parameter_group,
341                                                  ARGUMENT11           =>   v_legal_entity,
342                                                  ARGUMENT12           =>   v_basis_year,
343                                                  ARGUMENT13           =>   'END_DATE='||to_char(v_basis_year)||'/12/31 00:00:00',
344                                                  ARGUMENT14           =>   p_payroll_action_id,
345                                                  ARGUMENT15           =>   'BUSINESS_GROUP_ID='||v_business_group_id||' LEGAL_ENTITY_ID='||v_legal_entity||
346                                                                            ' SETUP_ACTION_ID='||p_payroll_action_id||'  BASIS_YEAR='||v_basis_year||' '||
347                                                                            'END_DATE='||to_char(v_basis_year)||'/12/31 00:00:00'  );
348       if g_debug then
349            hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Deinit_Code - After initiating archive');
350       end if;
351       --
352       if g_debug then
353            hr_utility.trace(l_package_name||'Deinit_Code - End');
354       end if;
355   end deinit_code;
356 begin
357   l_package_name := 'pay_sg_iras_archive_setup.';
358   g_debug        := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
359 end pay_sg_iras_archive_setup;