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1 PACKAGE BODY wip_wol_processor AS
2 /* $Header: wipwolpb.pls 115.7 2002/11/29 14:22:38 rmahidha noship $ */
4 --copied from $INV_TOP/src/inltwv.ppc
5   PROCEDURE deriveItemRevision(p_header_id IN NUMBER) is
6     BEGIN
7     UPDATE wip_lpn_completions wlc
8        SET last_update_date = SYSDATE,
9            bom_revision =
10             (SELECT NVL(wlc.bom_revision, MAX(mir.revision))
11              FROM mtl_item_revisions mir
12              WHERE mir.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
13              AND mir.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
14              AND mir.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE
15              AND mir.effectivity_date =
16               (SELECT MAX(mir2.effectivity_date)
17                FROM mtl_item_revisions mir2
18                WHERE mir2.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
19                AND mir2.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
20                AND mir2.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE))
21      WHERE p_header_id = source_id
22        AND p_header_id <> header_id
23        AND bom_revision IS NULL
24        AND EXISTS (
25        SELECT 'X'
26        FROM mtl_system_items msi
27        WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
28        AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
29        AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2);
30   END deriveItemRevision;
32 --copied from $INV_TOP/src/inltwv.ppc
33   FUNCTION validateItemRevision(p_source_id IN NUMBER) return NUMBER is
34     BEGIN
35       UPDATE wip_lpn_completions wlc
36          SET last_update_date = sysdate,
37              error_code = 'HOOWAA'
38        WHERE p_source_id = source_id
39          AND source_id <> header_id
40          AND ((bom_revision is not null
41                AND ( (EXISTS (
42                        SELECT 'item is under revision control'
43                        FROM mtl_system_items msi
44                        WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
45                        AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
46                        AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2)
47                      AND NOT EXISTS (
48                        SELECT 'revision is effective and not an open/hold eco'
49                        FROM bom_bill_released_revisions_v bbrrv
50                        WHERE bbrrv.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
51                        AND bbrrv.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
52                        AND bbrrv.revision = wlc.bom_revision
53                        AND bbrrv.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE))
54                     OR
55                     (EXISTS (
56                        SELECT 'item is not under revision control'
57                        FROM mtl_system_items msi
58                        WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
59                        AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
60                        AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 1))))
61               OR
62               (bom_revision IS NULL
63                AND (EXISTS (
64                       SELECT 'item is under revision control'
65                       FROM mtl_system_items msi
66                       WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
67                       AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
68                       AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2)
69                     AND NOT EXISTS (
70                       SELECT 'any effective revision'
71                       FROM bom_bill_released_revisions_v bbrrv
72                       WHERE bbrrv.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
73                       AND bbrrv.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
74                       AND bbrrv.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE))));
75     return SQL%ROWCOUNT;
76   END validateItemRevision;
78   FUNCTION Get_Component_ProjectSupply (
79           p_organization_id   IN     NUMBER,
80           p_project_id        IN     NUMBER,
81           p_task_id           IN     NUMBER,
82           p_wip_entity_id     IN     NUMBER,
83           p_supply_sub        IN     VARCHAR2,
84           p_supply_loc_id     IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
85           p_item_id           IN     NUMBER,
86           p_org_loc_control   IN     NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
88   l_loc_id              NUMBER       := 0;
89   l_peg_flag            VARCHAR2(1)  := NULL;
91   CURSOR c1 IS
92     SELECT end_assembly_pegging_flag
93     FROM   mtl_system_items
94     WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_item_id
95     AND    organization_id = p_organization_id;
97   BEGIN
99     OPEN c1;
100     FETCH c1 INTO l_peg_flag;
101     CLOSE c1;
103     IF ( l_peg_flag IN ( 'I' , 'X' ) ) THEN
104         IF (pjm_project_locator.Check_ItemLocatorControl(p_organization_id,
105             p_supply_sub, p_supply_loc_id, p_item_id, 0)) THEN
107             pjm_project_locator.Get_DefaultProjectLocator(p_organization_id,
108                                       p_supply_loc_id,
109                                       p_project_id,
110                                       p_task_id,
111                                       l_loc_id);
112         END IF;
113     ELSE
114         pjm_project_locator.Get_DefaultProjectLocator(p_organization_id,
115                                   p_supply_loc_id,
116                                   NULL,
117                                   NULL,
118                                   l_loc_id);
120     END IF;
122     PJM_UserProjectLocator_Pub.Get_UserProjectSupply(
123         p_item_id,
124         p_organization_id,
125         p_wip_entity_id,
126         l_loc_id);
128     IF l_loc_id <> 0 THEN
129         p_supply_loc_id := L_loc_id ;
130     END IF;
131     return(TRUE);
132   END Get_Component_ProjectSupply;
134 /* not currently used
135 --copy of pjm_project_locator.Get_Flow_ProjectSupply (PJMPLOC[S,B].pls)
136   FUNCTION generateLocatorIDs(p_header_id IN NUMBER,
137                               p_org_id IN NUMBER,
138                               p_wip_entity_id IN NUMBER,
139                               p_project_id IN NUMBER,
140                               p_task_id IN NUMBER) return boolean
141   IS
142     CURSOR c_items IS
143         SELECT inventory_item_id, subinventory_code, locator_id, rowid
144           FROM wip_lpn_completions
145          WHERE p_header_id = source_id
146            AND p_header_id <> header_id
147            AND locator_id is not null
148       ORDER BY operation_seq_num;
150     l_proj_ref_enabled  NUMBER       := 2;
151     l_org_loc_control   NUMBER       := 0;
152     l_success           BOOLEAN      := TRUE;
153     l_ROW_ID            ROWID;
155     BEGIN
156     if (p_org_id  is not null) then
157        BEGIN
158          SELECT NVL(mp.project_reference_enabled, 2),
159                 mp.stock_locator_control_code
160            INTO l_proj_ref_enabled,
161                 l_org_loc_control
162            FROM mtl_parameters mp
163           WHERE mp.organization_id = p_org_id;
165          EXCEPTION
166            when OTHERS then
167              return false;
168        END;
169     END if;
171     if ((l_proj_ref_enabled = 1) AND (p_project_id is not null)) then
172       FOR compRec IN c_items LOOP
173         l_success := Get_Component_ProjectSupply(
174                                     p_org_id,
175                                     p_project_id,
176                                     p_task_id,
177                                     p_wip_entity_id,
178                                     compRec.subinventory_code,
179                                     compRec.locator_id,
180                                     compRec.inventory_item_id,
181                                     l_org_loc_control);
182         if(l_success = false) then
183           return false;
184         else
185           if (compRec.locator_id <> 0) then
186             BEGIN
187                UPDATE wip_lpn_completions
188                   SET (locator_id, item_project_id, item_task_id) =
189                       (select inventory_location_id, project_id, task_id
190                          from mtl_item_locations
191                         where inventory_location_id = compRec.locator_id
192                           and organization_id = p_org_id)
193                 WHERE rowid = compRec.rowid;
195                EXCEPTION
196                when others then
197                return false;
198             END;
199           END if;
200         END if;
201       END loop;
202     END if;
203     return true;
204   END generateLocatorIDs;
205 */
206   PROCEDURE completeAssyItem(p_header_id IN  NUMBER,
207                              x_err_msg    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
208                              x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
209     IS
210     l_wlcRec wip_lpn_completions%ROWTYPE;
211     l_errNum NUMBER;
212     l_err_msg VARCHAR2(240);
213     l_wip_entity_id NUMBER;
215     BEGIN
216     SAVEPOINT preProcessing;
217     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
219     SELECT *
220     INTO l_wlcRec
221     FROM wip_lpn_completions
222     WHERE header_id = p_header_id;
224     --default locator ids by the item's project
225 /* There is no place to enter the project in the mobile
226  * wol completion form. Thus there will never be an
227  * associated project for the completion and this
228  * check is not necessary. Note this commented code
229  * has not been tested and will need to be if pjm
230  * integration with the wol mobile form takes place
231  *    if(l_wlcRec.item_project_id IS NOT NULL) then
232  *      if(generateLocatorIDs(p_header_id,
233  *                              l_wlcRec.organization_id,
234  *                              l_wlcRec.wip_entity_id,
235  *                              l_wlcRec.item_project_id,
236  *                              l_wlcRec.item_task_id) = false) then
237  *        x_err_msg :=  'locator id defaulting error ' || x_err_msg;
238  *        RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;
239  *      END if;
240  *    END if;
241  */
244     --is this necessary?
245     if(validateItemRevision(l_wlcRec.header_id) <> 0) then
246       x_err_msg := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'TRANSACTION_FAILED') || ' ' || fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'VALIDATE_ITEMS_ERROR');
248     END if;
250     deriveItemRevision(l_wlcRec.header_id);
252     --charge resources for wol completion
253     --to do this we must insert into the wip_flow_schedules table
254     --which in turn inserts into the wip_entities table via a
255     --trigger
257     l_errNum := wip_flow_utilities.create_flow_schedule(
258                         p_wip_entity_id => l_wlcRec.wip_entity_id,
259                         p_organization_id => l_wlcRec.organization_id,
260                         p_last_update_date => l_wlcRec.last_update_date,
261                         p_last_updated_by => l_wlcRec.last_updated_by ,
262                         p_creation_date => l_wlcRec.creation_date ,
263                         p_created_by => l_wlcRec.created_by,
264                         p_last_update_login => l_wlcRec.last_update_login,
265                         p_request_id => null,
266                         p_program_application_id => l_wlcRec.program_application_id,
267                         p_program_id => l_wlcRec.program_id,
268                         p_program_update_date => l_wlcRec.program_update_date,
269                         p_primary_item_id => l_wlcRec.inventory_item_id,
270                         p_class_code => l_wlcRec.accounting_class,
271                         p_scheduled_start_date => l_wlcRec.transaction_date,
272                         p_date_closed => null,
273                         p_planned_quantity => 0,
274                         p_quantity_completed => l_wlcRec.transaction_quantity,
275 			p_quantity_scrapped => 0,
276                         p_mps_sched_comp_date => null,
277                         p_mps_net_quantity => null,
278                         p_bom_revision => l_wlcRec.bom_revision,
279                         p_routing_revision => l_wlcRec.routing_revision,
280                         p_bom_revision_date => l_wlcRec.bom_revision_date,
281                         p_routing_revision_date => l_wlcRec.routing_revision_date,
282                         p_alternate_bom_designator => l_wlcRec.alternate_bom_designator,
283                         p_alternate_routing_designator => l_wlcRec.alternate_routing_designator,
284                         p_completion_subinventory => l_wlcRec.subinventory_code,
285                         p_completion_locator_id => l_wlcRec.locator_id,
286                         p_demand_class => null,
287                         p_scheduled_completion_date => l_wlcRec.transaction_date,
288                         p_schedule_group_id => null,
289                         p_build_sequence => null,
290                         p_line_id => null,
291                         p_project_id => null,
292                         p_task_id => null,
293                         p_status => 1, --open
294                         p_schedule_number => 'WMALPNWOL' || TO_CHAR(l_wlcRec.header_id),
295                         p_scheduled_flag => 2, --not scheduled
296                         p_unit_number => l_wlcRec.end_item_unit_number,
297  			p_attribute_category => null,
298  			p_attribute1 => null,
299  			p_attribute2 => null,
300  			p_attribute3 => null,
301  			p_attribute4 => null,
302  			p_attribute5 => null,
303  			p_attribute6 => null,
304  			p_attribute7 => null,
305  			p_attribute8 => null,
306  			p_attribute9 => null,
307  			p_attribute10 => null,
308  			p_attribute11 => null,
309  			p_attribute12 => null,
310  			p_attribute13 => null,
311  			p_attribute14 => null,
312  			p_attribute15 => null);
314     if(l_errNum = 0) then
315       x_err_msg := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'TRANSACTION_FAILED');
316       fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_ERROR_FLOW_VALIDATION');
317       fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY1', to_char(l_wlcRec.wip_entity_id));
318       x_err_msg := x_err_msg || ' ' || fnd_message.get ;
320     END IF;
323        SET wip_entity_id = l_wlcRec.wip_entity_id,
324            last_update_date = sysdate
325      WHERE l_wlcRec.header_id = header_id
326        AND l_wlcRec.header_id = source_id;
328     if(not wma_rsc_chrg.Charge_Resource_Overhead(p_header_id)) then
329         x_err_msg :=  fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'TRANSACTION_FAILED') || ' ' ||  fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'ERROR_RESOURCE_TXN');
331     END if;
333 --There is no way to enter a kanban card to
334 --complete against in the mobile form
335     --update kanban card status
336 --    if(l_wlcRec.kanban_card_id is not null) then
337 --      INV_Kanban_PVT.Update_Card_Supply_Status(x_return_status  => l_err_msg,
338 --                                               p_kanban_card_id  => l_wlcRec.kanban_card_id,
339 --                                               p_supply_status   => INV_Kanban_PVT.G_Supply_Status_Full,
340 --                                               p_document_type   => INV_Kanban_PVT.G_doc_type_Flow_Schedule,
341 --                                               p_document_header_id => l_wlcRec.wip_entity_id);
342 --    END if;
343 --
344 --    if(l_err_msg <> fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
345 --      x_err_msg :=  'kanban error ' || l_err_msg || x_err_msg;
346 --      RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;
347 --    END if;
349     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;--success!!
352       WHEN others Then
353         --rely on throwing code to set err_msg; also x_return_status defaulted to error, so nothing
354         --to do here except rollback.
355         ROLLBACK to SAVEPOINT preProcessing;
356   END completeAssyItem;
357 END wip_wol_processor;