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1 PACKAGE     diutil IS
3   e_subpnotfound EXCEPTION;
4   e_notinpackage EXCEPTION;
5   e_nopriv EXCEPTION;
6   e_stubtoolong EXCEPTION;
7   e_notv6compat EXCEPTION;
8   e_other EXCEPTION;
10   SUBTYPE ptnod IS pidl.ptnod;
11   SUBTYPE ub4 IS pidl.ub4;
13   --   RETURN code FROM diutil functions
14   --
15   s_ok CONSTANT NUMBER := 0;            -- successful
16   s_notinpackage CONSTANT NUMBER := 6;  -- PACKAGE found, proc NOT found
17   s_subpnotfound CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;  -- subprogram NOT found
18   s_stubtoolong CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;   -- text TO be returned IS too long
19   s_logic CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;         -- logic error
20   s_other CONSTANT NUMBER := 5;         -- other error
21   s_defaultval CONSTANT NUMBER := 8;    -- true iff parameters have DEFAULT
22   --   VALUES.  applicable TO pstub
23   s_notv6compat CONSTANT NUMBER := 7;   -- found non v6 TYPE OR construct
25   char_for_varchar2 BOOLEAN;            -- SET FROM flags FOR v6 compatibility
27   libunit_type_spec CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
28   libunit_type_body CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
30   load_source_yes CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
31   load_source_no  CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
33   -- get_d: returns the root OF the diana OF a libunit, given name AND usr.
34   --    name will be first folded TO upper CASE IF NOT IN quotes, ELSE stripped
35   --    OF quotes.
36   --    IN:  name = subprogram name
37   --         usr  = user name
38   --         dbname = database name, NULL FOR CURRENT
39   --         dbowner = NULL FOR CURRENT
40   --         libunit_type = libunit_type_spec FOR spec,
41   --                      = libunit_type_body FOR BODY
42   --    OUT: status = s_ok(0): diana root returned IN nod
43   --                  s_subpnotfound:  nod NULL
44   --                  s_other:   other error, nod NULL
45   --
46   PROCEDURE get_d(name VARCHAR2, usr VARCHAR2, dbname VARCHAR2,
47                     dbowner VARCHAR2, status IN OUT ub4, nod OUT ptnod,
48                     libunit_type NUMBER := libunit_type_spec,
49                     load_source NUMBER := load_source_no);
51   -- get_diana: returns the root OF the diana OF a libunit, given name AND usr.
52   --    name will be first folded TO upper CASE IF NOT IN quotes, ELSE stripped
53   --    OF quotes.  will trace synonym links.
54   --    IN:  name = subprogram name
55   --         usr  = user name
56   --         dbname = database name, NULL FOR CURRENT
57   --         dbowner = NULL FOR CURRENT
58   --         libunit_type = libunit_type_spec FOR spec,
59   --                      = libunit_type_body FOR BODY
60   --    OUT: status = s_ok(0): diana root returned IN nod
61   --                  s_subpnotfound:  nod NULL
62   --                  s_other:   other error, nod NULL
63   --
64   PROCEDURE get_diana(name VARCHAR2, usr VARCHAR2, dbname VARCHAR2,
65                         dbowner VARCHAR2, status IN OUT ub4, nod IN OUT ptnod,
66                         libunit_type NUMBER := libunit_type_spec,
67                         load_source NUMBER := load_source_no);
69   -- subptxt: returns the text OF a subprogram source (describe).
70   --    IN:  name - PACKAGE OR toplevel proc/func name;
71   --         subname - non-NULL TO specify proc/func IN PACKAGE <name>.
72   --         dbname - database name
73   --         dbowner - dbase owner
74   --    OUT:  status = s_ok (0): text returned IN txt
75   --                   s_subpnotfound: txt empty
76   --                   s_notinpackagte: txt empty
77   --                   s_stubtoolong: txt len too small; txt empty
78   --                   s_logic: logic error; txt empty
79   --                   s_other: other failure; txt empty
80   --
81   PROCEDURE subptxt(name VARCHAR2, subname VARCHAR2, usr VARCHAR2,
82     dbname VARCHAR2, dbowner VARCHAR2, txt IN OUT VARCHAR2,
83     status IN OUT ub4);
85   -- bool_to_int:  translates 3-valued BOOLEAN TO NUMBER FOR USE
86   --               IN sending BOOLEAN parameter / RETURN VALUES
87   --               BETWEEN pls v1 (client) AND pls v2. since sqlnet
88   --               has no BOOLEAN bind variable TYPE, we encode
89   --               booleans AS false = 0, true = 1, NULL = NULL FOR
90   --               network transfer AS NUMBER
91   --
94   -- int_to_bool:  translates 3-valued NUMBER encoding TO BOOLEAN FOR USE
95   --               IN sending BOOLEAN parameter / RETURN VALUES
96   --               BETWEEN pls v1 (client) AND pls v2. since sqlnet
97   --               has no BOOLEAN bind variable TYPE, we encode
98   --               booleans AS false = 0, true = 1, NULL = NULL FOR
99   --               network transfer AS NUMBER
100   --
101   function int_to_bool( n NUMBER) return boolean;
103   -- node_use_statistics: reports libunit's node count and limit
104   --
105   -- Parameters:
106   --
107   --   libunit_node : legal ptnod, as returned by get_diana or get_d
108   --   node_count   : how many diana nodes the unit contains
109   --   node_limit   : that many diana nodes allowed to allocate
110   --
111   procedure node_use_statistics (libunit_node IN ptnod,
112                                  node_count out ub4,
113                                  node_limit out ub4);
115   -- attribute_use_statistics: reports libunit's attribute count and limit
116   --
117   -- Parameters:
118   --
119   --   libunit_node       : legal ptnod, as returned by get_diana or get_d
120   --   attribute_count   : how many diana attributes the unit contains
121   --   attribute_limit   : that many diana attributes allowed to allocate
122   --
123   procedure attribute_use_statistics (libunit_node IN ptnod,
124                                         attribute_count out ub4,
125                                         attribute_limit out ub4);
127 end diutil;