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APPS.IGS_HE_IMPORT_DATA dependencies on IGS_AD_IMP_001

Line 1044: IGS_AD_IMP_001.IMP_ADM_DATA ( errbuf => l_errbuff,

1040: CLOSE cur_match_set;
1043: -- Call admission application import process procedure because current process has to wait until import process is finished
1044: IGS_AD_IMP_001.IMP_ADM_DATA ( errbuf => l_errbuff,
1045: retcode => l_retcode ,
1046: p_batch_id => p_batch_id,
1047: p_source_type_id => p_source_type_id,
1048: p_match_set_id => match_set_rec.match_set_id,

Line 2246: IF igs_ad_imp_001.find_source_cat_rule (c_src_type_id_rec.source_type_id, 'PERSON_ACADEMIC_HISTORY') <> 'I' THEN

2243: ELSE
2244: --When only one Academic History record exists then Check the discrepancy rule set for Source Type "UCAS PER"
2245: -- is set to "Updating Existing Values With Imported Values" or not.
2246: IF igs_ad_imp_001.find_source_cat_rule (c_src_type_id_rec.source_type_id, 'PERSON_ACADEMIC_HISTORY') <> 'I' THEN
2247: --Log a message asking users for mannual review and update
2248: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_DSCRPNCY_RULE_NOT_SET');
2249: fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_NO',l_person_info_rec.person_number);
2250: fnd_message.set_token('INST', l_oss_inst);