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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  4.              23-Aug-2007    Bgowrava     6012570	   120.6         modified the c_get_pa_details cursor query to select from the tables PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL,
                                                                       PA_PROJECTS_ALL instead of pa_draft_invoices_v. This was done to improve the performance
                                                                       of the query

  5.              24-Sep-2007    vkantamn    6083978     120.8          The org_id for the po has been changed to fetch from the
								 	PO table.
									Also New transaction source 'RECEIVING' has been added,
									and the org_id has been picked from the
									ja_in_rcv_transactions for the above invoices.
  6.              04-Oct-2007    CSahoo	     6457710      120.9         Added a ELSIF block related to projects in the procedure extract_rgm_trxs.

  7.              10-Oct-2007    CSahoo	     6457710      120.10        Modified the follwing cursors in get_document_details procedure

									Added the cess and sh cess tax types in the AND clause.
  8.              27-Sep-2007    Bill.Shi                120.11         Add the logic for AP standalone invoice.

  9.              25-Feb-2008    rchandan    6843479     	120.12 Issue : The PO Matched to Receipt transactions are not shown in the
 	                                                                                 'Service tax Repository Review' form after running the India Service Tax Processing' conc program.
 	                                                                           Fix : This above issue has been fixed by adding a new elsif condition for the 'RECIVING'
 	                                                                                 in the procedure 'extract_rgm_trxs'.
 	                                                                                 This is forward port of  bug#6323157

	10.             08-Apr-2008		Lion         6977917      120.17		   Issue: The standalone inovice transactions are not shown in the
 	                                                                            'Service tax Repository Review' form after running the India Service Tax Processing' conc program.
                                                                           Fix : This above issue has been fixed by adding a new elsif condition for the 'standalone'
 	                                                                                 in the procedure 'extract_rgm_trxs'.
  11.             22-Apr-2008   Lion         6991108      120.18       Issue: SERVICE TYPE IN SERVICE TAX REPOSITORY IS BLANK
                                                                       Fix: Modify cursor l_get_si_tax_amt_csr in Procedure get_document_details to get the right value.

12. 19-May-2008 Changes by nprashar for bug #6636517 , added a NVL clause in join condition of cursor c_get_po_details.

13 . 4-Aug-2008   Changes by nprashar for bug 7172723.
                  Issue : India ST Processing concurrent should consider Third Party Invoices and
	          update India Service Tax Credit register report
		  Fix : Modifed following procedure to use receipt information for Third party
		  invoices which do not have reference to PO
		  1 - get_doc_from_reference - Added logic for third party invoices which do not have references to PO
		  Modified cursor - c_get_refs_rec
		  Added cursor - c_get_source_type,c_get_line_number,c_get_doc_details,c_get_ra_line_srvtyp

 /*----------------------------------------- PRIVATE MEMBERS DECLRATION -------------------------------------*/

      /** Package level variables used in debug package*/
      lv_object_name  jai_cmn_debug_contexts.log_context%type default 'JAI_TRX_REPO_EXTRACT_PKG';
Line: 107

    select         (recs.repository_id) repository_id
                  , nvl(refs.reference_id, recs.reference_id) reference_id
                  , refs.invoice_id
                  , refs.item_line_id
                  , recs.source
                  , recs.service_type_code
                  , nvl(recs.organization_id, recs.inv_organization_id) organization_id
                  , recs.location_id
                  , (nvl(trx_credit_amount,0) + nvl(trx_debit_amount,0)) repository_tax_amt
                  , recs.organization_type
                  , recs.source_document_id
    from     jai_rgm_trx_refs       refs
           , jai_rgm_trx_records    recs
    where   recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id (+)
    and    (  p_organization_id is null
           or (recs.organization_id     = p_organization_id)
    and    (p_location_id is null     or recs.location_id     = p_location_id    )
    and    trunc(transaction_date) between nvl (p_from_trx_date, trunc(transaction_date)) and nvl (p_to_trx_date, trunc(transaction_date))
    and    recs.regime_code = p_regime_code
    and    ( (p_query_settled_flag = 'N' and (recs.settlement_id is null))
          or (p_query_settled_flag = jai_constants.yes)
    and    ( (p_query_only_null_srvtype = 'Y' and (recs.service_type_code is null))
          or (p_query_only_null_srvtype = 'N')
    and    (p_source is null or p_source = recs.source )
    and    recs.organization_type = 'IO'
    and    recs.source in ('AP'
Line: 143

      select name
      from   hr_organization_units
      where  organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 149

      select description
      from   hr_locations_all
      where  location_id = cp_location_id;
Line: 160

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs, jai_rgm_trx_refs refs
      where  recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id
      and    refs.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      and    refs.line_id    = cp_line_id
      and    refs.source     = cp_source
      and    recs.settlement_id is not null
      and    recs.service_type_code is not null
      and    rownum = 1;
Line: 175

      select transfer_number
      from  jai_rgm_dis_src_hdrs
      where party_type = cp_party_type
      and   party_id   =  cp_party_id
      and   transfer_id = cp_transfer_id;
Line: 189

      select transfer_number
            ,creation_date    transaction_date
      from  JAI_RGM_DIS_DES_HDRS
      where destination_party_type = cp_party_type
      and   destination_party_id   = cp_party_id
      and   transfer_id = cp_transfer_id;
Line: 203

      select  party_type
           ,  party_id
           ,  transaction_date
           ,  remarks
           ,  invoice_number
     where  transaction_number = cp_trx_number;
Line: 215

    select vendor_name
    from   po_vendors
    where  vendor_id = cp_vendor_id;
Line: 221

    select hzp.party_name
    from   hz_cust_accounts hzca
          ,hz_parties       hzp
    where hzca.cust_account_id = cp_party_id
    and   hzp.party_id         = hzca.party_id;
Line: 229

      substr(aia.invoice_num,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)+1,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,2)-instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)-1) rcp_no,
      pha.segment1 po_num,
      po_headers_all pha,
      rcv_transactions rt,
      rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
      ap_invoices_all aia
      rsh.receipt_num=substr(aia.invoice_num,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)+1,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,2)-instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)-1) AND
      rsh.shipment_header_id=rt.shipment_header_id AND
      rt.po_header_id=pha.po_header_id AND
      pha.org_id=aia.org_id AND
      and rownum=1;
Line: 249

    select pv.vendor_name,pv.vendor_id  from
     jai_rgm_trx_refs jrtr,
     po_vendors pv
    where invoice_id=cp_invoice_id
    and pv.vendor_id=jrtr.party_id
    and rownum=1;
Line: 397

                      , 'Before insert into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt' || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_repository_id ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_repository_id || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_reference_id  ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_reference_id  || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc
Line: 426

      insert into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
Line: 486

      jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print ( ln_reg_id, 'After insert into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt');
Line: 496

    for r_docs in (select distinct  transaction_source
                                  , document_id
                                  , document_line_id
                   from             jai_trx_repo_extract_gt gt
                   where            gt.repository_source in ('AP','AR')

      lr_trx_repo_extract := null;
Line: 617

                      , 'Before update into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt' || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc
Line: 646

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set  transaction_source     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source
       ,   party_name             =  lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name
       ,   document_number        =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number
       ,   document_date          =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date
       ,   document_id            =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id
       ,   document_line_id       =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id
       ,   document_line_num      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num
       ,   document_line_item     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item
       ,   document_line_desc     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc
       ,   document_line_qty      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_qty
       ,   document_line_uom      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_uom
       ,   document_line_amt      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_amt
       ,   repository_tax_amt     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.repository_tax_amt
       ,   document_currency_code =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_currency_code
       ,   inventory_item_id      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.inventory_item_id
       ,   party_id               =  lr_trx_repo_extract.party_id
       ,   organization_id        =  nvl(lr_trx_repo_extract.organization_id, organization_id)
       ,   location_id            =  nvl(lr_trx_repo_extract.location_id,location_id)
       ,   service_type_code      =  nvl(lr_trx_repo_extract.service_type_code, service_type_code)
       ,   updatable_flag         =  lr_trx_repo_extract.updatable_flag
       ,   processed_flag         =  lr_trx_repo_extract.processed_flag
      where transaction_source    =  r_docs.transaction_source
      and   (  (r_docs.document_id is not null and document_id  =  r_docs.document_id)
            or r_docs.document_id is null -- incase of order management it will be null
      and   document_line_id     =  r_docs.document_line_id;
Line: 676

                     , 'Number of rows updated ='||sql%rowcount
Line: 684

    for r_org in (select distinct organization_id from jai_trx_repo_extract_gt where organization_id is not null)

                      , 'OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE c_get_organization_name, r_org.organization_id='||r_org.organization_id
Line: 702

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set    organization_name = lv_organization_name
      where  organization_id = r_org.organization_id;
Line: 712

    for r_loc in (select distinct location_id from jai_trx_repo_extract_gt where location_id is not null )
                      ,'OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE c_get_location_name, r_loc.location_id='||r_loc.location_id
Line: 728

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set    location_name = lv_location_name
      where  location_id = r_loc.location_id;
Line: 766

    select pov.vendor_name      party_name
          ,poh.segment1         document_number
          ,poh.creation_date    document_date
          ,poh.po_header_id     document_id
          ,pol.po_line_id       document_line_id
          ,pol.line_num         document_line_num
          ,msi.segment1         document_line_item
          ,pol.item_description document_line_desc
          ,pol.quantity         document_line_qty
          ,pol.unit_meas_lookup_code document_line_uom
          ,(pol.unit_price * pol.quantity)  document_line_amt
          ,poh.currency_code    document_currency_code
          ,pol.item_id          inventory_item_id
          ,poh.vendor_id        party_id
         -- ,fsp.inventory_organization_id  organization_id /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
	  ,hl.inventory_organization_id  organization_id /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
          ,poll.ship_to_location_id       location_id
    from   po_headers_all     poh
         , po_lines_all       pol
         , po_line_locations_all  poll /*6843479*/
         , mtl_system_items   msi
         , po_vendors         pov
	 , hr_locations       hl /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
        -- , financials_system_parameters fsp /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
           --poh.po_header_id = p_document_id /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
	   poh.po_header_id = cp_header_id /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pol.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
   -- and    pol.po_line_id   = p_document_line_id /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pol.po_line_id   = cp_line_id /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pol.po_line_id    = poll.po_line_id
    and    poll.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
    and    pol.item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id (+)
    --and    nvl(msi.organization_id ,fsp.inventory_organization_id )= fsp.inventory_organization_id  /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6026463 */
    and   nvl(poll.ship_to_location_id,poh.ship_to_location_id )= hl.location_id
/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 6636517 poh.ship_to_location_id = hl.location_id --Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pov.vendor_id = poh.vendor_id  ;
Line: 806

      select hzp.party_name           party_name
          ,  oeh.order_number         document_number
          ,  oeh.ordered_date         document_date
          ,  oeh.header_id            document_id
          ,  oel.line_id              document_line_id
          ,  oel.line_number          document_line_num
          ,  msi.segment1             document_line_item
          ,  substr(oel.user_item_description,1,240) document_line_desc
          ,  oel.ordered_quantity     document_line_qty
          ,  oel.order_quantity_uom   document_line_uom
          ,  nvl(oel.unit_selling_price * oel.ordered_quantity,0) document_line_amt
          ,  oeh.transactional_curr_code  document_currency_code
          ,  oel.inventory_item_id    inventory_item_id
          ,  oeh.sold_to_org_id       party_id
          ,  oel.ship_from_org_id     organization_id
          ,  oel.line_category_code   line_category_code
             oe_order_headers_all   oeh
            ,oe_order_lines_all     oel
            ,hz_parties             hzp
            ,hz_cust_accounts       hzca
            ,mtl_system_items       msi
      where  (p_document_id is null or  p_document_id = '' or oeh.header_id = p_document_id)
      and    oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
      and    oel.line_id   = p_document_line_id
      and    oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
      and    oel.ship_from_org_id  = msi.organization_id
      and    hzca.cust_account_id  = oel.sold_to_org_id
      and    hzca.party_id         = hzp.party_id ;
Line: 838

      pov.vendor_name      party_name
    , apa.invoice_num      document_number
    , apa.creation_date    document_date
    , apa.invoice_id       document_id
    , NULL                 document_line_id
    , apla.line_number     document_line_num
    , NULL                 document_line_item
    , NULL                 document_line_desc
    , NULL                 document_line_qty
    , NULL                 document_line_uom
    , apla.amount          document_line_amt
    , jasl.currency_code   document_currency_code
    , NULL                 inventory_item_id
    , apa.vendor_id        party_id
    , jasl.organization_id organization_id
    , jasl.location_id     location_id
      ap_invoices_all      apa
    , ap_invoice_lines_all apla
    , po_vendors           pov
    , jai_ap_invoice_lines jasl
    WHERE apa.invoice_id = p_document_id
      AND apa.invoice_id = apla.invoice_id
      AND apla.line_number = p_document_line_id
      AND jasl.invoice_id = apa.invoice_id
      AND jasl.invoice_line_number = apla.line_number
      AND pov.vendor_id = apa.vendor_id;
Line: 870

    select  hzp.party_name
           ,rct.trx_number              document_number
           ,rct.trx_date                document_date
           ,rct.customer_trx_id         document_id
           ,rctl.customer_trx_line_id   document_line_id
           ,rctl.line_number            document_line_num
           ,msi.segment1                document_line_item
           ,rctl.description            document_line_desc
           ,rctl.quantity_invoiced      document_line_qty
           ,rctl.uom_code               document_line_uom
           ,rctl.extended_amount        document_line_amt
           ,rct.invoice_currency_code   document_currency_code
           ,rctl.inventory_item_id      inventory_item_id
           ,nvl(rct.sold_to_customer_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id) party_id
           ,jrct.organization_id        organization_id
           ,jrct.location_id            location_id
    from   ra_customer_trx_all        rct
          ,ra_customer_trx_lines_all  rctl
          ,jai_ar_trxs      jrct
          ,hz_parties                 hzp
          ,hz_cust_accounts           hzca
          ,mtl_system_items           msi
    where rct.customer_trx_id = p_document_id
    and   jrct.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
    and   rctl.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
    and   rctl.customer_trx_line_id = p_document_line_id
    and   rctl.inventory_item_id    = msi.inventory_item_id (+)
    and   nvl(msi.organization_id,jrct.organization_id) = jrct.organization_id
    and   hzca.cust_account_id      = nvl(rct.sold_to_customer_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id)
    and   hzca.party_id             = hzp.party_id;
Line: 902

    /*modified the below cusrsor query to select from the tables PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL,
    PA_PROJECTS_ALL instead of pa_draft_invoices_v.*/
    cursor c_get_pa_details
    select   c.customer_name     party_name,
          ,  padi.creation_date             document_date
          ,  jpadi.draft_invoice_id         document_id
          ,  jpadil.draft_invoice_line_id   document_line_id
          ,  jpadil.line_num                document_line_num
          ,  null                           document_line_item
          ,  substr(padil.text,1,240)       document_line_desc
          ,  null                           document_line_qty
          ,  null                           document_line_uom
          ,  jpadil.line_amt                document_line_amt
          ,  padi.inv_currency_code     document_currency_code
          ,  null                           inventory_item_id
          ,  padi.ship_to_customer_id       party_id
          ,  jpadi.organization_id          organization_id
          ,  jpadi.location_id              location_id
          ,  jpadil.service_type_code        service_type_code
             PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL       padi,
             PA_PROJECTS_ALL p
            ,pa_draft_invoice_items    padil
            ,jai_pa_draft_invoices     jpadi
            ,jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines jpadil
            ,PA_CUSTOMERS_V c
      where  jpadi.draft_invoice_id = p_document_id
      and    jpadil.draft_invoice_line_id = p_document_line_id
      and    jpadi.draft_invoice_id       = jpadil.draft_invoice_id
      and    jpadi.project_id         = padi.project_id
      and    jpadi.draft_invoice_num  = padi.draft_invoice_num
      and    p.project_id=padi.project_id
      and    padi.ship_to_customer_id=c.customer_id;
Line: 945

      select service_type_code, sum(jpollt.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from   JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS jpoll
            ,jai_po_taxes jpollt
      where  jpoll.po_line_id = cp_po_line_id
      and    jpollt.line_location_id = jpoll.line_location_id
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jpollt.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jpollt.tax_type = 'Service'
      group by service_type_code;
Line: 957

      select service_type_code, sum(jrcttl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from   JAI_AR_TRX_LINES jrctl
            ,JAI_AR_TRX_TAX_LINES jrcttl
            ,jai_cmn_taxes_all        jtc
      where  jrctl.customer_trx_line_id = cp_customer_trx_line_id
      and    jrcttl.link_to_cust_trx_line_id = jrctl.customer_trx_line_id
      and    jtc.tax_id                  = jrcttl.tax_id
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jtc.tax_type = 'Service'
      group  by service_type_code;
Line: 970

      select service_type_code, sum(jstl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from    JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES jsl
           , JAI_OM_OE_SO_TAXES jstl
           , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
      where  jsl.line_id  = cp_line_id
      and    jsl.line_id  = jstl.line_id
      and    jstl.tax_id =  jtc.tax_id
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jtc.tax_type = 'Service'
      group by service_type_code;
Line: 986

      select service_type_code, sum(jrtl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from     JAI_OM_OE_RMA_LINES  jrl
           , JAI_OM_OE_RMA_TAXES jrtl
           , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
      where  jrl.rma_line_id  = cp_line_id
      and    jrl.rma_line_id  = jrtl.rma_line_id
      and    jrtl.tax_id =  jtc.tax_id
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jtc.tax_type = 'Service'
      group by service_type_code;
Line: 1001

      select sum(tax_amt) service_tax_amount
      from   jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt
           , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
      where  jcdt.source_doc_line_id  = cp_line_id
      and    jcdt.source_doc_type = jai_constants.PA_DRAFT_INVOICE
      and    jcdt.tax_id =  jtc.tax_id
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess);
Line: 1018

    , SUM (jcdt.tax_amt)
      jai_ap_invoice_lines   jasl
    , jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt
    , jai_cmn_taxes_all      jcta
    WHERE jasl.invoice_id = jcdt.source_doc_id
      AND jasl.invoice_line_number = jcdt.source_doc_line_id
      AND jcdt.source_doc_line_id = lp_line_id
      AND jcdt.source_doc_id = p_document_id
      AND jcta.tax_id = jcdt.tax_id
      AND jcta.tax_type = jai_constants.tax_type_service
    GROUP BY jasl.service_type_code;
Line: 1040

     SUM (jcdt.tax_amt)
      jai_ap_invoice_lines   jasl
    , jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt
    , jai_cmn_taxes_all      jcta
    WHERE jasl.invoice_id = p_document_id
      AND jasl.parent_invoice_line_number = lp_line_id
      AND jasl.invoice_id = jcdt.source_doc_id
      AND jasl.invoice_line_number = jcdt.source_doc_line_id
      AND jcdt.tax_id =jcta.tax_id
      AND jcta.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)

    GROUP BY jasl.service_type_code;
Line: 1057

      jai_ap_invoice_lines   jasl
    WHERE invoice_id = p_document_id
      AND invoice_line_number = lp_line_id
Line: 1069

    select rcv.organization_id  organization_id
          ,rcv.location_id       location_id
          ,rsl.po_header_id po_header_id
          ,rsl.po_line_id       po_line_id
    from   jai_rcv_transactions     rcv,
	   rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           rcv.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
    and    rcv.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
    and	   rcv.shipment_header_id = p_document_id
    and    rcv.shipment_line_id   = p_document_line_id
    and	   rcv.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE';
Line: 1419

	-- Deleted by Lion for bug#6911533 on 2008/04/22
	   OPEN l_get_si_tax_amt_csr(lp_line_id => p_document_line_id);
Line: 1505

      select reference_id
          ,  source
          ,  invoice_id
          ,  item_line_id
	  ,  line_id  /*Added by nprashar for bug # 7172723*/
      from  jai_rgm_trx_refs refs
      where  refs.reference_id = p_reference_id;
Line: 1516

	select source
	from ap_invoices_all aia
	where aia.invoice_id in
	(select invoice_id
	 from jai_rgm_Trx_refs refs
	 where refs.reference_id = p_reference_id);
Line: 1525

	select inv_dist_id,
		row_number() over(ORDER BY INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID) line_num
	from ap_invoice_distributions_all
	where INVOICE_ID=p_invoice_id
	where inv_dist_id=p_line_id;
Line: 1538

  SELECT shipment_header_id,
  (SELECT jrt.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id,
     jrt.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id,
     jrt.receipt_num receipt_num,
     jrt.creation_date creation_date,
     jrt.qty_received qty_received,
     jrtxl.tax_amount tax_amount,
     jrt.organization_id organization_id,
     jrt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id,
     jirt.uom_code uom_code,
     jirt.location_id location_id,
     jrti.vendor_id vendor_id,
     jrti.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id,
     row_number() over(
   ORDER BY jrtxl.shipment_line_id,jrtxl.tax_line_no) rn
   FROM jai_rcv_lines jrt,
       rcv_transactions jirt,
     jai_rcv_tp_invoices jrti,
     jai_rcv_line_taxes  jrtxl -- join to ja_in_receipt_tax_lines added by vumaasha for 6856213
   WHERE jrt.shipment_header_id = jrti.shipment_header_id
   AND jrti.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
   AND jrti.shipment_header_id = jirt.shipment_header_id
   AND jirt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
   AND jirt.shipment_line_id = jrt.shipment_line_id
   AND jrtxl.shipment_header_id = jirt.shipment_header_id
   AND jrtxl.shipment_header_id = jrti.shipment_header_id
   AND jirt.shipment_line_id = jrtxl.shipment_line_id)
   WHERE rn =p_row_number ;
Line: 1581

	select service_type_code
	where vendor_id= p_vendor_id
	and vendor_site_id=p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1720

  procedure update_service_type ( p_process_flag      out nocopy  varchar2
                                , p_process_message   out nocopy  varchar2

    cursor c_get_recs_to_update
      select *
      from   jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      where  processed_flag = jai_constants.NO;
Line: 1735

    lv_member_name := 'UPDATE_SERVICE_TYPE';
Line: 1742

    jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Begin loop for C_GET_RECS_TO_UPDATE', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);
Line: 1743

    for rec in c_get_recs_to_update
      -- For each record in temporary table which is not yet processed
      jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id
                                       ,'rec.transaction_source='||rec.transaction_source || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                                        'rec.document_id='||rec.document_id               || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                                        'rec.document_line_id='||rec.document_line_id     || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
Line: 1757

        update JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  po_header_id      = rec.document_id
        and    po_line_id        = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 1766

        update JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  header_id      = rec.document_id
        and    line_id        = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 1775

        update  JAI_AR_TRX_LINES        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  customer_trx_id        = rec.document_id
        and    customer_trx_line_id   = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 1784

        update jai_rgm_manual_trxs
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        where  transaction_number = rec.document_id;
Line: 1793

        update jai_rgm_dis_src_hdrs
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  transfer_id       = rec.document_id;
Line: 1801

                                       ,'No of rows updated in trx table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 1807

        update JAI_AP_INVOICE_LINES      set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  invoice_id      = rec.document_id
        and    invoice_line_number        = rec.DOCUMENT_LINE_NUM;
Line: 1818

        update jai_rgm_trx_records
        set    service_type_code  = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date   = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by    = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login  = lv_login_id
        where  source_document_id = rec.document_id
        and    source = 'SERVICE_DISTRIBUTE_IN';
Line: 1827

                                       ,'No of rows updated in repository table for source SERVICE_DISTRIBUTE_IN='||sql%rowcount
Line: 1833

        update jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  draft_invoice_id  = rec.document_id
        and    draft_invoice_line_id = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 1849

        update jai_ar_trx_lines
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  customer_trx_id      = rec.repository_invoice_id
        and    customer_trx_line_id = rec.repository_line_id;
Line: 1858

                                         ,'Rows updated in ja_in_ra_customer_trx_lines='||sql%rowcount
Line: 1866

                                       ,'No of rows updated in trx table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 1874

      update jai_rgm_trx_records
      set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,    last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,    last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
      where  repository_id     = rec.transaction_repository_id;
Line: 1881

                                       ,'No of rows updated in jai_rgm_trx_records table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 1886

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set    processed_flag    = 'Y'
      where  transaction_repository_id = rec.transaction_repository_id;
Line: 1891

                                       ,'No of rows updated in jai_trx_repo_extract_gt table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 1895

    jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'End loop for C_GET_RECS_TO_UPDATE', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);
Line: 1908

  end update_service_type;
Line: 1927

      select  rct.created_from
            , rct.interface_header_context
            , rct.interface_header_attribute1   -- holds order number if context is ORDER_ENTRY
            , rctl.interface_line_attribute6  -- holds order line id if context is ORDER_ENTRY
            , rctl.interface_line_attribute1  -- 5876390, 6012570, holds PROJECT_NUMBER if context is PROJECTS INVOICES
            , rctl.interface_line_attribute2  -- 5876390, 6012570, holds DRAFT_INVOICE_NUM if context is PROJECTS_INOVICES
      from   ra_customer_trx_all rct, ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl
      where  rct.customer_trx_id = cp_customer_trx_id
      and    rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
      and    rctl.customer_trx_line_id = cp_customer_trx_line_id;
Line: 1944

      select pod.po_header_id
            ,apd.rcv_transaction_id /*Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978*/
      from  po_distributions_all pod
           ,ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
      where pod.po_distribution_id = apd.po_distribution_id
      and   apd.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      and   apd.invoice_distribution_id = cp_distribution_id;
Line: 1959

    , jail.invoice_line_number
      jai_ap_invoice_lines         jail
    , ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
    WHERE jail.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
      AND jail.invoice_line_number = aida.invoice_line_number
      AND jail.invoice_id = lp_invoice_id
      AND aida.invoice_line_number = lp_invoice_line_number;  -- Modified by Lion for bug#6977917
Line: 1972

      select location_id
      from  jai_ar_trxs
      where customer_trx_id = cp_customer_trx_id ;
Line: 1982

      select draft_invoice_id
      from   jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines jpdil
            ,pa_projects_all ppa
      where ppa.segment1    = cp_project_number
      and   ppa.project_id  = jpdil.project_id
      and   jpdil.draft_invoice_num = cp_draft_inv_num
      and   jpdil.line_num   = cp_line_num;
Line: 1999

      select shipment_header_id,shipment_line_id
      from   rcv_transactions
      where  transaction_id = cp_rcv_trans_id;
Line: 2202

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs
            ,jai_rgm_trx_refs    refs
            ,ra_customer_trx_lines_all ractl
      where ractl.interface_line_attribute6 = p_document_line_id
      and   ractl.interface_line_context    = 'ORDER ENTRY'
      and   ractl.line_type                 = 'LINE'
      and   ractl.customer_trx_line_id      = refs.item_line_id
      and   refs.reference_id               = recs.reference_id
      and   recs.settlement_id is not null
      and   recs.service_type_code is not null
      and   recs.regime_code = 'SERVICE'
      and   recs.source = 'AR';
Line: 2218

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs
            ,jai_rgm_trx_refs    refs
      where  refs.item_line_id = p_document_line_id
      and    recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id
      and    recs.settlement_id is not null
      and    recs.service_type_code is not null
      and    recs.regime_code = 'SERVICE'
      and    recs.source = 'AR';
Line: 2230

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs
            ,jai_rgm_trx_refs    refs
            ,po_distributions_all pod
            ,ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
      where pod.po_line_id = p_document_line_id
      and   pod.po_distribution_id = apd.po_distribution_id
      and   apd.invoice_distribution_id = refs.item_line_id
      and   recs.reference_id  = refs.reference_id
      and   recs.settlement_id is not null
      and   recs.service_type_code is not null
      and   recs.regime_code = 'SERVICE'
      and   recs.source = 'AP';
Line: 2247

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs
            ,jai_rgm_trx_refs    refs
      where refs.invoice_id = p_document_id
      and   refs.item_line_id = p_document_line_id
      and   recs.reference_id  = refs.reference_id
      and   recs.settlement_id is not null
      and   recs.service_type_code is not null
      and   recs.regime_code = 'SERVICE'
      and   recs.source = 'AP';