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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 49

   SELECT jtf_task_workflow_process_s.nextval
   FROM dual;
Line: 87

   select task_status_id, task_priority_id , task_type_id, task_number
     into l_task_status_id, l_task_priority_id  , l_task_type_id,
     from jtf_tasks_b where task_id = p_task_id ;
Line: 92

   SELECT name
   INTO   l_task_type_name
   FROM   jtf_task_types_vl
   WHERE  task_type_id = l_task_type_id;
Line: 97

   SELECT name
   INTO   l_task_status_name
   FROM   jtf_task_statuses_vl
   WHERE  task_status_id = l_task_status_id;
Line: 102

   SELECT name
   INTO   l_task_priority_name
   FROM   jtf_task_priorities_vl
   WHERE  task_priority_id = l_task_priority_id;
Line: 241

    select task_type_id,
      from cug_tsk_typ_attr_deps_vl
     where incident_type_id = p_incident_type_id
       and nvl(sr_attribute_code,'-909') = nvl(p_sr_ea_attr_code,'-909')
       and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active,sysdate-1)
                              and nvl(end_date_active  ,sysdate+1)
Line: 252

   select 1 from fnd_lookups
    where description = p_sr_ea_attr_val
      and lookup_code = l_sr_attr_val_for_task
      and lookup_type in (select sr_attribute_list_name
                           from cug_sr_type_attr_maps_b
                          where incident_type_id = p_incident_type_id
                            and sr_attribute_code = p_sr_ea_attr_code);
Line: 267

    select planned_effort, planned_effort_uom, rule, workflow, nvl(workflow_type,'JTFTASK')
      from jtf_task_types_b
     where task_type_id = l_task_type_id
      /* and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active,sysdate-1)
                              and nvl(end_date_active  ,sysdate+1)*/
Line: 283

    , task_priority_id
    , task_name
    , description
    , publish_flag
    , private_flag
    , owner_type_code
    , owner_id
    , assignee_type_code --5686743
    , assigned_by_id     --5686743
    FROM cug_sr_task_type_dets_vl
    WHERE tsk_typ_attr_dep_id = l_tsk_typ_attr_dep_id;
Line: 688

  l_login_id  jtf_notes_b.last_update_login % type;
Line: 689

  l_user_id   jtf_notes_b.last_updated_by   % type;
Line: 694

  l_last_updated_by cs_incidents_all_b.last_updated_by % type;
Line: 707

 l_date_selected	VARCHAR2(1) := null;
Line: 719

  select name
  from jtf_task_types_vl
  where task_type_id = l_task_type_id;
Line: 943

        p_date_selected    => l_date_selected, -- simplex  'D',
        p_private_flag     => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).private_flag,
        p_publish_flag     => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).publish_flag,
        p_location_id        => l_location_id,
        x_return_status    => x_return_status,
	x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
	x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
        x_task_id          => l_task_id)
Line: 1137

  l_login_id  jtf_notes_b.last_update_login % type;
Line: 1138

  l_user_id   jtf_notes_b.last_updated_by   % type;
Line: 1142

    select * from cs_incidents_all_b
     where incident_id = p_request_id;
Line: 1279

         l_sr_rec.last_update_channel         := l_rec.last_update_channel;
Line: 1314

         l_sr_rec.last_update_program_code    := l_rec.last_update_program_code;
Line: 1392

             p_last_update_date   => sysdate,
             p_last_updated_by    => l_user_id,
             p_creation_date      => sysdate,
             p_created_by         => l_user_id,
             p_last_update_login  => l_login_id,
             p_source_object_id   => p_request_id,
             p_source_object_code => 'SR',
             p_notes              => l_err,
             p_notes_detail       => l_err,
             p_note_type          => l_note_type,
             p_note_status        => 'P',
             x_jtf_note_id        => l_note_id