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1 package CSD_Migrate_From_115X_PKG3 AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: csdmig3s.pls 115.12 2004/04/01 01:17:57 vparvath noship $ */
5 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /* procedure name: CSD_REPAIR_ACT_HDR_MIG3                                       */
7 /* description   : procedure for migrating ACTUALS Headers data                  */
8 /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                        */
9 /*                                                                               */
10 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
12   PROCEDURE csd_repair_act_hdr_mig3(p_slab_number IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
14 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
15 /* procedure name: CSD_CHARGE_ESTIMATE_LINES_MIG3                                */
16 /* description   : procedure for migrating ESTIMATES data                        */
17 /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                        */
18 /*                                                                               */
19 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21   PROCEDURE csd_charge_estimate_lines_mig3(p_slab_number IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
24 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
25 /* procedure name: CSD_REPAIR_ESTIMATE_LINES_MIG3                                */
26 /* description   : procedure for migrating ESTIMATES data                        */
27 /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                        */
28 /*                                                                               */
29 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31   PROCEDURE csd_repair_estimate_lines_mig3(p_slab_number IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
33 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 /* procedure name: CSD_ACTTOEST_CHARGE_LINE_MIG3                                 */
35 /* description   : procedure for copying the ACTUAL CHARGE LINE TO ESTIMATE      */
36 /*                 CHARGE LINE : creates new Estimate charge line                */
37 /*                 1. linking the new Estimate charge line to Depot Estimate line*/
38 /*             and 2. create a new Depot Actual line and link it old Estimate    */
39 /*                    charge line for CSD_REPAIR_ESTIMATE_LINES table data       */
40 /*                    migration from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                           */
41 /*                                                                               */
42 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44   PROCEDURE csd_acttoest_charge_line_mig3(p_slab_number IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
46 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
47 /* procedure name: CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF_MIG3                                      */
48 /* description   : procedure for migrating CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF table data        */
49 /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                        */
50 /*                                                                               */
51 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
53   PROCEDURE csd_repair_job_xref_mig3(p_slab_number IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
57 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
58 /* procedure name: CSD_REPAIR_TYPE_MIG3                                           */
59 /* description   : procedure for migrating repair_type_ref table data            */
60 /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                        */
61 /*                                                                               */
62 /* Repair Types. - In the 11.5.10, we will changed the repair type ref for       */
63 /* the seeeded repair type - "Walk-In Repair" to  "Repair and Return",           */
64 /* and the repair type ref for the seed repair type -                            */
65 /* "Walk-In Repair with Loaner" to "Loaner, Repair and Return".                  */
66 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
68   PROCEDURE csd_repair_type_mig3;
71 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
72 /* procedure name: csd_cost_data_mig3                                            */
73 /* description   : procedure for migrating item_cost information from CSD_reapir_Estimate_lines  table data        */
74 /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                        */
75 /* modified : sangigup Mar 8th, 2004                                             */
76 /*                                                                               */
77 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
78   PROCEDURE csd_cost_Data_mig3(p_slab_number IN NUMBER) ;
80 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
81 /* procedure name: LOG_ERROR                                                     */
82 /* description   : procedure for logging errors while migrating                  */
83 /*                 csd_repair_estimate_lines table cost data                     */
84 /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                        */
85 /* created         sangigup Mar 8, 2004                                          */
86 /* This procedure will log the item_cost in CSD_UPG_ERRORS table                 */
87 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
88    procedure log_Error( p_estimate_line_id number,p_item_cost number, p_cost_currency_code varchar2);
90     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
91     /* procedure name: CSD_REPAIR_HISTORY_MIG3                                */
92     /* description   : procedure for migrating CSD_REPAIR_HISTORY table data  */
93     /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                 */
94     /* Created : vkjain on SEPT-30-2003                                       */
95     /*                                                                        */
96     /* Here are the details for the migration -                               */
97     /* Event Code (New field(s) populated)      Comments
98     /* RR         Receiving Org Name (paramc3)  Using receiving transactions
99     /*                                          Id to determine values.
100     /*
101     /* RSC        Receiving Subinv Name(paramc1)Using receiving transactions
102     /*                                          Id to determine values.
103     /*
104     /* JS         <None>                        Job Name, Item Name,
105     /*                                          Quantity allocated, Group Id
106     /*                                          and Concurrent Request Number
107     /*                                          fields not populated  unable
108     /*                                          to determine values.
109     /*                                          The event code will be
110     /*                                          renamed to JSU.
111     /*
112     /* TC         Task Name (paramc7)           Unable to determine values
113     /*                                          for the other new fields.
114     /*
115     /* TOC        Task Name (paramc7)           Unable to determine values
116     /*                                          for the other new fields.
117     /*
118     /* TSC        Task Name (paramc7)           Unable to determine values
119     /*                                          for the other new fields.
120     /*
121     /* PS         Shipping Org Name (paramc3),  Using delivery detail Id
122     /*            Shipping SubinvName (paramc4) to determine values.
123     /*
124     /* A          <None>                        Event Code renamed to ESU.
125     /*                                          Estimate total field not
126     /*                                          populated unable to
127     /*                                          determine value.
128     /*
129     /* R          <None>                        Event Code renamed to ESU.
130     /*                                          Estimate total field not
131     /*                                          populated unable to
132     /*                                          determine value.
133     /*
134     /* Points to note
135     /*
136     /* 1. New events do not need data migration effort.
137     /* 2. JC is the only event that exists in 11.5.9 and has new fields for
138     /*    11.5.10 but does not appear in the list above. This is because we are
139     /*    unable to determine the value for the new field 'Quantity Allocated'.
140     /* 3. As a pre-upgrade step, we expect the users to fully complete all the
141     /*    pending wip jobs and run the update program.
142     /*                                                                        */
143     /*                                                                        */
144     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
146     PROCEDURE csd_repair_history_mig3(p_slab_number IN NUMBER);
149     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
150     /* procedure name: CSD_PRODUCT_TRANS_MIG3(p_slab_Number Number)
151     /* description   : procedure for migrating CSD_PRODUCT_TRANSACTIONS data  */
152     /*                 from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10                                 */
153     /* Created : saupadhy SEPT-30-2003                                       */
154     /*                                                                        */
155     /* Here are the details for the migration -                               */
156     /* Prod Txn Status  (New field(s) populated)      Comments
157     /* RECEIVED         Quantity_Received,                                   */
158     /*                  source_serial_number                                 */
159     /*                  source_instance_id                                   */
160     /*                  sub_inventory                                        */
161     /*                  lot_Number                                           */
162     /*                  locator_id                                           */
163     /* SHIPPED          Quantity_Shipped                                     */
164     /*                  source_serial_number                                 */
165     /*                  source_instance_id                                   */
166     /*                  non_source_serial_number                             */
167     /*                  non_source_instance_id                               */
168     /*                  sub_inventory                                        */
169     /*                  lot_Number                                           */
170     /*                  locator_id                                           */
171     /* BOOKED     action_type is 'RMA' and order line qty is > 1             */
172     /*            Only qty that is captured in csd_repair_history is         */
173     /*            updated in csd_product_txns table                          */
174     /*RELEASED   action_type is 'SHIP' and order line qty is > 1             */
175     /*           Only qty that is captured in csd_repair_history is          */
176     /*           updated in csd_product_txns table.                          */
177     /************************************************************************/
178     procedure CSD_PRODUCT_TRANS_MIG3(p_slab_Number Number) ;
180 END CSD_Migrate_From_115X_PKG3;