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1 package dbms_dbfs_sfs
2     authid current_user
3 as
7     /*
8      *
9      * Special properties for SFS filesystems.
10      *
11      *
12      * sfs_props_pts:
13      * If specified, the granularity (in seconds) of the update of the
14      * timestamp of the parent directory of a file element being created
15      * or deleted. If the most recent update to the parent directory was
16      * more recent than the specified interval, no changes are made to
17      * the parent---this can lead to 2 types of potential problems: (a)
18      * a slightly inaccurate timestamp and (b) race conditions where one
19      * application is attempting to delete an empty directory and
20      * another application is attempting to create a new file element
21      * inside that directory.
22      *
23      * If the child element is a directory, this property is ignored
24      * since directory creation/deletion involve other changes to the
25      * parent (link counting) that cannot be skipped.
26      *
27      * Use with care and only when it is absolutely clear what
28      * specifying this property means.
29      *
30      *
31      * sfs_props_rootid:
32      * An internally generated and maintained number indicating the
33      * filesystem incarnation (root node ID) at the time of creation or
34      * truncation. **NOTE**: This value should not be used or modified
35      * by anyone except the SFS provider itself.
36      *
37      *
38      * sfs_props_normid:
39      * If specified (as a boolean equivalent), and if the filesystem
40      * uses normalized root node IDs (see "sfs_props_rootid" above), the
41      * SFS provider will attempt to dynamically generate and translate
42      * guids so as to be globally unique.
43      *
44      *
45      * sfs_props_df:
46      * If specified, denotes the type of algorithm used for space usage
47      * computation in a filesystem. Possible values are:
48      *
49      *   'full' (the default) implying a detailed computation that
50      *   maps used and free space based on segment bitmaps.
51      *
52      *   'fast' implying a segment-level summary of the total bytes
53      *   used (with no "free" space).
54      *
55      *   'none' implying no space usage computation (both "used" and
56      *   "free" space denoted as zero).
57      *
58      * Non-default values will result in "df"-like commands executing
59      * very quickly, but will show varying levels of inaccurate data.
60      *
61      *
62      * sfs_props_df_cache:
63      * If specified, the cache lifetime (in seconds) of the space
64      * computation results of the given store. A value <= "0" implies no
65      * caching of the results. If space usage is cached, tools like "df"
66      * will not immediately reflect changes to the filesystem, but the
67      * overall performance of DBFS operations will improve (since
68      * expensive queries are not run as long as the cache is considered
69      * valid).
70      *
71      */
73     sfs_props_pts       constant varchar2(32)   := 'sfs:props:pts';
74     sfs_props_rootid    constant varchar2(32)   := 'sfs:props:rootid';
75     sfs_props_normid    constant varchar2(32)   := 'sfs:props:normid';
76     sfs_props_df        constant varchar2(32)   := 'sfs:props:df';
77     sfs_props_df_cache  constant varchar2(32)   := 'sfs:props:df_cache';
81     /*
82      * Table/filesystem descriptors:
83      *
84      * A "table_t" is a record that describes a POSIX filesystem table
85      * (in any schema) that is available for use a POSIX store.
86      *
87      * A "filesystem_t" is a record that describes a POSIX filesystem
88      * registered for use by the current user.
89      *
90      * Clients can query this API for the list of available store
91      * tables, determine which ones are suitable for their use, and
92      * register one or more of these tables as stores.
93      *
94      */
96     type table_t        is record (
97         schema_name         varchar2(32),
98         table_name          varchar2(32),
99         ptable_name         varchar2(32),
100         version#            varchar2(32),
101         created             timestamp,
102         formatted           timestamp,
103         properties          dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t
104     );
105     type tables_t is table of table_t;
108     type volume_t       is record (
109         schema_name         varchar2(32),
110         table_name          varchar2(32),
111         volume_name         varchar2(128),
112         created             timestamp,
113         from_volume         varchar2(128),
114         from_snapshot       varchar2(128)
115     );
116     type volumes_t is table of volume_t;
119     type snapshot_t     is record (
120         schema_name         varchar2(32),
121         table_name          varchar2(32),
122         volume_name         varchar2(128),
123         snapshot_name       varchar2(128),
124         created             timestamp
125     );
126     type snapshots_t is table of snapshot_t;
129     type filesystem_t   is record (
130         store_name          varchar2(32),
131         schema_name         varchar2(32),
132         table_name          varchar2(32),
133         volume_name         varchar2(128),
134         snapshot_name       varchar2(128),
135         created             timestamp
136     );
137     type filesystems_t is table of filesystem_t;
141     /* fastpath types */
142     type dir_entry_t is record (
143         path        varchar2(1024),              /* dbms_dbfs_content.path_t */
144         item_name   varchar2(256),               /* dbms_dbfs_content.name_t */
145         st_ino      integer,
146         st_mode     integer,
147         st_nlink    integer,
148         st_uid      integer,
149         st_gid      integer,
150         st_size     integer,
151         st_blksize  integer,
152         st_blocks   integer,
153         st_atime    integer,
154         st_mtime    integer,
155         st_ctime    integer,
156         st_atimens  integer,
157         st_mtimens  integer,
158         st_ctimens  integer
159     );
160     type dir_entries_t is table of dir_entry_t;
163     /* table of dbms_dbfs_content.propname_t */
164     type propnames_t is table of varchar2(32);
168     /* dependent segments */
169     type dsegment_t is record (
170         schema          varchar2(128),
171         segment_name    varchar2(128)
172     );
173     type dsegments_t is table of dsegment_t index by pls_integer;
177     /*
178      * List all available store tables and their properties.
179      *
180      */
182     function    listTables
183             return  tables_t
184                 pipelined;
187     /*
188      * List all volumes available for POSIX store tables.
189      *
190      */
192     function    listVolumes
193             return  volumes_t
194                 pipelined;
197     /*
198      * List all snapshots available for POSIX store tables.
199      *
200      */
202     function    listSnapshots
203             return  snapshots_t
204                 pipelined;
207     /*
208      * List all registered POSIX filesystems.
209      *
210      */
212     function    listFilesystems
213             return  filesystems_t
214                 pipelined;
218     /*
219      * Lookup store features (see dbms_dbfs_content.feature_XXX). Lookup
220      * store id.
221      *
222      * A store ID identifies a provider-specific store, across
223      * registrations and mounts, but independent of changes to the store
224      * contents.
225      *
226      * I.e. changes to the store table(s) should be reflected in the
227      * store ID, but re-initialization of the same store table(s) should
228      * preserve the store ID.
229      *
230      * Providers should also return a "version" (either specific to a
231      * provider package, or to an individual store) based on a standard
232      * <a.b.c> naming convention (for <major>, <minor>, and <patch>
233      * components).
234      *
235      */
237     function    getFeatures(
238         store_name          in      varchar2)
239             return  integer;
241     function    getStoreId(
242         store_name          in      varchar2)
243             return  number;
245     function    getVersion(
246         store_name          in      varchar2)
247             return  varchar2;
251     /*
252      * Lookup pathnames by (store_name, std_guid) or (store_mount,
253      * std_guid) tuples.
254      *
255      * If the underlying "std_guid" is found in the underlying store,
256      * this function returns the store-qualified pathname.
257      *
258      * If the "std_guid" is unknown, a "null" value is returned. Clients
259      * are expected to handle this as appropriate.
260      *
261      */
263     function    getPathByStoreId(
264         store_name          in      varchar2,
265         guid                in      integer)
266             return  varchar2;
270     /*
271      * to_epoch:  timestamp to Unix epoch convertor.
272      * get_epoch: the Unix epoch.
273      *
274      */
276     function    to_epoch(
277         tv              in              timestamp)
278         return  number
279             deterministic;
281     function    get_epoch
282         return  timestamp
283             deterministic;
287     /*
288      * DBFS SPI: space usage.
289      *
290      * Clients can query filesystem space usage statistics via the
291      * "spaceUsage()" method. Store providers, in turn, are expected to
292      * support at least the "spaceUsage()" method for their stores (and
293      * to make a best effort determination of space usage---esp. if the
294      * store consists of multiple tables/indexes/lobs, etc. scattered
295      * across multiple tablespaces/datafiles/disk-groups, etc.).
296      *
297      * See "dbms_dbfs_content_spi" for more details on the
298      * DBFS-API/provider-SPI contract.
299      *
300      *
301      * "blksize" is the natural tablespace blocksize that holds the
302      * store---if multiple tablespaces with different blocksizes are
303      * used, any valid blocksize is acceptable.
304      *
305      * "tbytes" is the total size of the store in bytes, and "fbytes" is
306      * the free/unused size of the store in bytes. These values are
307      * computed over all segments that comprise the store.
308      *
309      * "nfile", "ndir", "nlink", and "nref" count the number of
310      * currently available files, directories, links, and references in
311      * the store.
312      *
313      * Since database objects are dynamically growable, it is not easy
314      * to estimate the division between "free" space and "used" space.
315      *
316      *
317      * The SPI has 2 space usage methods: "spaceUsage()" and
318      * "spaceUsageFull()". The difference between the two is that the
319      * latter function should implement a "bulk" API---i.e. the ability
320      * to query and aggregate space usage information for all stores
321      * specified as the "propvalue" fields of the "store_names" property
322      * list (the other fields of the property list can be ignored).
323      *
324      * If the SPI does not support the "bulk" aggregation API, the DBFS
325      * API will itself do the necessary iteration and aggregation,
326      * however, at the risk of inaccurate data due to potential
327      * double-counting.
328      *
329      *
330      * In all cases, the DBFS API will invoke the SPI's space usage
331      * functions with only those stores that are managed by the provider
332      * package.
333      *
334      *
335      * If "useEstimate" is specified, providers capable of computing
336      * fast-but-approximate space usage information can make use of this
337      * optimization. Otherwise, the default space usage computation will
338      * be used.
339      *
340      */
342     procedure   spaceUsage(
343         store_name  in              varchar2,
344         blksize     out             integer,
345         tbytes      out             integer,
346         fbytes      out             integer,
347         nfile       out             integer,
348         ndir        out             integer,
349         nlink       out             integer,
350         nref        out             integer);
352     procedure   spaceUsage(
353         store_name  in              varchar2,
354         blksize     out             integer,
355         tbytes      out             integer,
356         fbytes      out             integer,
357         nfile       out             integer,
358         ndir        out             integer,
359         nlink       out             integer,
360         nref        out             integer,
361         useEstimate in              integer);
363     procedure   spaceUsageFull(
364         store_names in              dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
365         blksize     out             integer,
366         tbytes      out             integer,
370         nlink       out             integer,
367         fbytes      out             integer,
368         nfile       out             integer,
369         ndir        out             integer,
371         nref        out             integer);
373     procedure   spaceUsageFull(
374         store_names in              dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
375         blksize     out             integer,
376         tbytes      out             integer,
377         fbytes      out             integer,
378         nfile       out             integer,
379         ndir        out             integer,
380         nlink       out             integer,
381         nref        out             integer,
382         useEstimate in              integer);
386     /*
387      * Fastpath lookup view support.
388      *
389      * Providers that are willing/able to create a fastpath lookup view
390      * (whose structure conforms to the schema of
391      * "dbms_fuse.dir_entry_t") should define "createGetattrView()" and
392      * "dropGetattrView()" methods, and create/drop the underlying view
393      * as needed.
394      *
395      * The view name should be returned to the caller. The provider is
396      * free to invalidate or drop the view at any time, even without
397      * explicit request, based on its own state.
398      *
399      *
400      * The "recreateGetattrView" is meant for internal-use only during
401      * export/import operations.
402      *
403      *
404      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
405      * after its execution).
406      *
407      */
409     procedure   createGetattrView(
410         store_name  in              varchar2,
411         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
412         view_name   out nocopy      varchar2);
414     procedure   recreateGetattrView(
415         store_name  in              varchar2,
416         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
417         view_name   in              varchar2);
419     procedure   dropGetattrView(
420         store_name  in              varchar2,
421         view_name   in              varchar2);
425     /*
426      * DBFS SPI: notes on pathnames.
427      *
428      * All pathnames used in the SPI are store-qualified, i.e. a 2-tuple
429      * of the form (store_name, pathname) (where the pathname is rooted
430      * within the store namespace).
431      *
432      *
433      * Stores/providers that support contentID-based access (see
434      * "feature_content_id") also support a form of addressing that is
435      * not based on pathnames. Items are identified by an explicit store
436      * name, a "null" pathname, and possibly a contentID specified as a
437      * parameter or via the "opt_content_id" property.
438      *
439      * Not all operations are supported with contentID-based access, and
440      * applications should depend only on the simplest create/delete
441      * functionality being available.
442      *
443      */
447     /*
448      * DBFS SPI: creation operations
449      *
450      * The SPI must allow the DBFS API to create directory, file, link,
451      * and reference elements (subject to store feature support).
452      *
453      *
454      * All of the creation methods require a valid pathname (see the
455      * special exemption for contentID-based access below), and can
456      * optionally specify properties to be associated with the pathname
457      * as it is created. It is also possible for clients to fetch-back
458      * item properties after the creation completes (so that
459      * automatically generated properties (e.g. "std_creation_time") are
460      * immediately available to clients (the exact set of properties
461      * fetched back is controlled by the various "prop_xxx" bitmasks in
462      * "prop_flags").
463      *
464      *
465      * Links and references require an additional pathname to associate
466      * with the primary pathname.
467      *
468      * File pathnames can optionally specify a BLOB value to use to
469      * initially populate the underlying file content (the provided BLOB
470      * may be any valid lob: temporary or permanent). On creation, the
471      * underlying lob is returned to the client (if "prop_data" is
472      * specified in "prop_flags").
473      *
474      * Non-directory pathnames require that their parent directory be
475      * created first. Directory pathnames themselves can be recursively
476      * created (i.e. the pathname hierarchy leading up to a directory
477      * can be created in one call).
478      *
479      *
480      * Attempts to create paths that already exist is an error; the one
481      * exception is pathnames that are "soft-deleted" (see below for
482      * delete operations)---in these cases, the soft-deleted item is
483      * implicitly purged, and the new item creation is attempted.
484      *
485      *
486      * Stores/providers that support contentID-based access accept an
487      * explicit store name and a "null" path to create a new element.
488      * The contentID generated for this element is available via the
489      * "opt_content_id" property (contentID-based creation automatically
490      * implies "prop_opt" in "prop_flags").
491      *
495      *
492      * The newly created element may also have an internally generated
493      * pathname (if "feature_lazy_path" is not supported) and this path
494      * is available via the "std_canonical_path" property.
496      * Only file elements are candidates for contentID-based access.
497      *
498      */
500     procedure   createFile(
501         store_name  in              varchar2,
502         path        in              varchar2,
503         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
504         content     in out nocopy   blob,
505         prop_flags  in              integer,
506         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
508     procedure   createLink(
509         store_name  in              varchar2,
510         srcPath     in              varchar2,
511         dstPath     in              varchar2,
512         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
513         prop_flags  in              integer,
514         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
516     procedure   createReference(
517         store_name  in              varchar2,
518         srcPath     in              varchar2,
519         dstPath     in              varchar2,
520         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
521         prop_flags  in              integer,
522         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
524     procedure   createDirectory(
525         store_name  in              varchar2,
526         path        in              varchar2,
527         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
528         prop_flags  in              integer,
529         recurse     in              integer,
530         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
534     /*
535      * DBFS SPI: deletion operations
536      *
537      * The SPI must allow the DBFS API to delete directory, file, link,
538      * and reference elements (subject to store feature support).
539      *
540      *
541      * By default, the deletions are "permanent" (get rid of the
542      * successfully deleted items on transaction commit), but stores may
543      * also support "soft-delete" features. If requested by the client,
544      * soft-deleted items are retained by the store (but not typically
545      * visible in normal listings or searches).
546      *
547      * Soft-deleted items can be "restore"d, or explicitly purged.
548      *
549      *
550      * Directory pathnames can be recursively deleted (i.e. the pathname
551      * hierarchy below a directory can be deleted in one call).
552      * Non-recursive deletions can be performed only on empty
553      * directories. Recursive soft-deletions apply the soft-delete to
554      * all of the items being deleted.
555      *
556      *
557      * Individual pathnames (or all soft-deleted pathnames under a
558      * directory) can be restored or purged via the restore and purge
559      * methods.
560      *
561      *
562      * Providers that support filtering can use the provider "filter" to
563      * identify subsets of items to delete---this makes most sense for
564      * bulk operations (deleteDirectory, restoreAll, purgeAll), but all
565      * of the deletion-related operations accept a "filter" argument.
566      *
567      *
568      * Stores/providers that support contentID-based access can also
569      * allow file items to be deleted by specifying their contentID.
570      *
571      */
573     procedure   deleteFile(
574         store_name  in              varchar2,
575         path        in              varchar2,
576         filter      in              varchar2,
577         soft_delete in              integer,
578         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
580     procedure   deleteContent(
581         store_name  in              varchar2,
582         contentID   in              raw,
583         filter      in              varchar2,
584         soft_delete in              integer,
585         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
587     procedure   deleteDirectory(
588         store_name  in              varchar2,
589         path        in              varchar2,
590         filter      in              varchar2,
591         soft_delete in              integer,
592         recurse     in              integer,
593         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
595     procedure   restorePath(
596         store_name  in              varchar2,
597         path        in              varchar2,
598         filter      in              varchar2,
599         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
601     procedure   purgePath(
602         store_name  in              varchar2,
603         path        in              varchar2,
604         filter      in              varchar2,
605         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
607     procedure   restoreAll(
608         store_name  in              varchar2,
609         path        in              varchar2,
610         filter      in              varchar2,
611         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
613     procedure   purgeAll(
614         store_name  in              varchar2,
615         path        in              varchar2,
616         filter      in              varchar2,
617         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
621     /*
622      * DBFS SPI: path get/put operations.
623      *
624      * Existing path items can be accessed (for query or for update) and
625      * modified via simple get/put methods.
626      *
627      * All pathnames allow their metadata (i.e. properties) to be
628      * read/modified. On completion of the call, the client can request
629      * (via "prop_flags") specific properties to be fetched as well.
630      *
631      * File pathnames allow their data (i.e. content) to be
632      * read/modified. On completion of the call, the client can request
633      * (via the "prop_data" bitmaks in "prop_flags") a new BLOB locator
634      * that can be used to continue data access.
635      *
636      * Files can also be read/written without using BLOB locators, by
637      * explicitly specifying logical offsets/buffer-amounts and a
638      * suitably sized buffer.
639      *
640      *
641      * Update accesses must specify the "forUpdate" flag. Access to link
642      * pathnames can be implicitly and internally dereferenced by stores
643      * (subject to feature support) if the "deref" flag is
644      * specified---however, this is dangerous since symbolic links are
645      * not always resolvable.
646      *
647      *
648      * The read methods (i.e. "getPath" where "forUpdate" is "false"
649      * also accepts a valid "asof" timestamp parameter that can be used
650      * by stores to implement "as of" style flashback queries. Mutating
651      * versions of the "getPath" and the "putPath" methods do not
652      * support as-of modes of operation.
653      *
654      *
655      * "getPathNowait" implies a "forUpdate", and, if implemented (see
656      * "feature_nowait"), allows providers to return an exception
657      * (ORA-54) rather than wait for row locks.
658      *
659      */
661     procedure   getPath(
662         store_name  in              varchar2,
663         path        in              varchar2,
664         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
665         content     out    nocopy   blob,
666         item_type   out             integer,
667         prop_flags  in              integer,
668         forUpdate   in              integer,
669         deref       in              integer,
670         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
672     procedure   getPathNowait(
673         store_name  in              varchar2,
674         path        in              varchar2,
675         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
676         content     out    nocopy   blob,
677         item_type   out             integer,
678         prop_flags  in              integer,
679         deref       in              integer,
680         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
682     procedure   getPath(
683         store_name  in              varchar2,
684         path        in              varchar2,
685         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
686         amount      in out          number,
687         offset      in              number,
688         buffer      out    nocopy   raw,
689         prop_flags  in              integer,
690         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
692     procedure   getPath(
693         store_name  in              varchar2,
694         path        in              varchar2,
695         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
696         amount      in out          number,
697         offset      in              number,
698         buffers     out    nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_raw_t,
699         prop_flags  in              integer,
700         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
702     procedure   putPath(
703         store_name  in              varchar2,
704         path        in              varchar2,
705         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
706         content     in out nocopy   blob,
707         item_type   out             integer,
708         prop_flags  in              integer,
709         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
711     procedure   putPath(
712         store_name  in              varchar2,
713         path        in              varchar2,
714         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
715         amount      in              number,
716         offset      in              number,
717         buffer      in              raw,
718         prop_flags  in              integer,
719         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
721     procedure   putPath(
722         store_name  in              varchar2,
723         path        in              varchar2,
724         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
725         written     out             number,
726         offset      in              number,
727         buffers     in              dbms_dbfs_content_raw_t,
728         prop_flags  in              integer,
729         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
733     /*
734      * DBFS SPI: rename/move operations.
738      *
735      *
736      * Pathnames can be renamed or moved, possibly across directory
737      * hierarchies and mount-points, but within the same store.
739      *
740      * Path renaming functions like the POSIX "rename" syscall while
741      * path moving functions like the POSIX "mv" command.
742      *
743      *
744      * The following table summarizes the behavior of "rename" and
745      * "move".
746      *
747      * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
748      * operation         oldPath               newPath   behavior
749      * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
750      * rename      non-directory                  self   noop/success
751      * rename      non-directory          non-existent   rename/success
752      * rename      non-directory         non-directory   delete "newPath", rename
753      * rename      non-directory             directory   invalid_arguments exception
754      *
755      * rename          directory                  self   noop/success
756      * rename          directory          non-existent   rename/success
757      * rename          directory         non-directory   invalid_arguments exception
758      * rename          directory       empty directory   delete "newPath", rename
759      * rename          directory   non-empty directory   invalid_arguments exception
760      * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
761      * move        non-directory                  self   noop/success
762      * move        non-directory          non-existent   rename/success
763      * move        non-directory         non-directory   delete "newPath", rename
764      * move        non-directory             directory   move "oldPath" into "newPath"
765      *               (delete existing non-directory, else invalid_arguments exception)
766      *
767      * move            directory                  self   noop/success
768      * move            directory          non-existent   rename/success
769      * move            directory         non-directory   invalid_arguments exception
770      * move            directory       empty directory   move "oldPath" into "newPath"
771      * move            directory   non-empty directory   move "oldPath" into "newPath"
772      *             (delete existing empty directory, else invalid_arguments exception)
773      * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
774      *
775      * Since the semantics of rename/move w.r.t. non-existent/existent
776      * and non-directory/directory targets is complex, clients may
777      * choose to implement complex renames and moves as a sequence of
778      * simpler moves or copies.
779      *
780      *
781      * Stores/providers that support contentID-based access and lazy
782      * pathname binding also support the "setPath" method that
783      * associates an existing "contentID" with a new "path".
784      *
785      */
787     procedure   renamePath(
788         store_name  in              varchar2,
789         oldPath     in              varchar2,
790         newPath     in              varchar2,
791         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
792         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
794     procedure   movePath(
795         store_name  in              varchar2,
796         oldPath     in              varchar2,
797         newPath     in              varchar2,
798         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
799         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
801     procedure   setPath(
802         store_name  in              varchar2,
803         contentID   in              raw,
804         path        in              varchar2,
805         properties  in out nocopy   dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t,
806         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
810     /*
811      * DBFS SPI: directory navigation and search.
812      *
813      * The DBFS API can list or search the contents of directory
814      * pathnames, optionally recursing into sub-directories, optionally
815      * seeing soft-deleted items, optionally using flashback "as of" a
816      * provided timestamp, and optionally filtering items in/out within
817      * the store based on list/search predicates.
818      *
819      *
820      * "listCursor" is a highly specialized directory enumerator that is
821      * meant for use with "dbms_fuse" and "dbfs_client" as the ultimate
822      * callers, and with "dbms_dbfs_sfs.listCursor" as the callee.
823      *
824      * Other providers are not expected to implement this method
825      * (dbms_fuse can compensate for this by falling back to using the
826      * generic "list()" method).
827      *
828      */
830     function    list(
831         store_name  in              varchar2,
832         path        in              varchar2,
833         filter      in              varchar2,
834         recurse     in              integer,
835         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t)
836             return  dbms_dbfs_content_list_items_t
837                 pipelined;
839     function    listCursor(
840         store_name  in              varchar2,
841         mnt_prefix  in              varchar2,
845         doFts       in              integer,
842         path        in              varchar2,
843         withProps   in              integer,
844         doSort      in              integer,
846         doBulk      in              integer,
847         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t)
848             return  integer;
850     function    search(
851         store_name  in              varchar2,
852         path        in              varchar2,
853         filter      in              varchar2,
854         recurse     in              integer,
855         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t)
856             return  dbms_dbfs_content_list_items_t
857                 pipelined;
861     /*
862      * DBFS SPI: locking operations.
863      *
864      * Clients of the DBFS API can apply user-level locks to any valid
865      * pathname (subject to store feature support), associate the lock
866      * with user-data, and subsequently unlock these pathnames.
867      *
868      * The status of locked items is available via various optional
869      * properties (see "opt_lock*" above).
870      *
871      *
872      * It is the responsibility of the store (assuming it supports
873      * user-defined lock checking) to ensure that lock/unlock operations
874      * are performed in a consistent manner.
875      *
876      */
878     procedure   lockPath(
879         store_name  in              varchar2,
880         path        in              varchar2,
881         lock_type   in              integer,
882         lock_data   in              varchar2,
883         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
885     procedure   unlockPath(
886         store_name  in              varchar2,
887         path        in              varchar2,
888         ctx         in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t);
892     /*
893      * DBFS SPI: access checks.
894      *
895      * Check if a given pathname (store_name, path, pathtype) can be
896      * manipulated by "operation (see the various
897      * "dbms_dbfs_content.op_xxx" opcodes) by "principal".
898      *
899      * This is a convenience function for the DBFS API; a store that
900      * supports access control still internally performs these checks to
901      * guarantee security.
902      *
903      */
905     function    checkAccess(
906         store_name  in              varchar2,
907         path        in              varchar2,
908         pathtype    in              integer,
909         operation   in              varchar2,
910         principal   in              varchar2)
911             return  integer;
915     /*
916      * Create and register a new POSIX store.
917      *
918      *
919      * Create a new POSIX store "store_name" in schema "schema_name"
920      * (defaulting to the current schema) as table "tbl_name", with the
921      * table (and internal indexes) in tablespace "tbl_tbs" (defaulting
922      * to the schema's default tablespace), and its lob column in
923      * tablespace "lob_tbs" (defaulting to "tbl_tbs").
924      *
925      * If "tbl_name" is not specified, an internally generated name is
926      * used.
927      *
928      * If "use_bf" is true, a basicfile lob is used, otherwise a
929      * securefile lob is used.
930      *
931      *
932      * "props" is a table of (name, value, typecode) tuples that can be
933      * used to configure the store properties. Currently, no such
934      * properties are defined or used, but the placeholder exists for
935      * future versions of the reference implementation.
936      *
937      *
938      * If the "create_only" argument is "true", the filesystem is
939      * created, but not registered with the current user---a separate
940      * call to "dbms_dbfs_sfs_admin.registerFilesystem" (by the same
941      * users or by other users) is needed to make the filesystem visible
942      * for provider operations.
943      *
944      *
945      * If "use_objects" is true, a single base-table with an object-type
946      * column (using a nested table) is created to back the new
947      * filesystem. Otherwise, a pair of (parent, child) tables is used
948      * to back the filesystem. In any case, the object type nested table
949      * or the child table is used only for user-defined properties.
950      *
951      *
952      * If "with_grants" is true, DML and query access permissions are
953      * granted to the "dbfs_role" as part of creating the filesystem.
954      * Otherwise, explicit grants (or existing permissions) are required
955      * to be able to access the filesystem.
956      *
957      *
958      * All of the remaining arguments to the procedure deal with special
959      * storage options for the file content lobs or to control the
960      * partitioning strategy of the filesystem tables. Settings that do
961      * not apply (to basicfiles or partitioning strategy) will be
962      * silently ignored and coerced to sane values.
963      *
964      * "createStore" is a wrapper around "createFilesystem".
965      *
966      *
967      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
968      * after its execution).
972     -- "compression" parameter
969      *
970      */
973     compression_default constant varchar2(32)   := '';
974     compression_low     constant varchar2(32)   := 'low';
975     compression_medium  constant varchar2(32)   := 'medium';
976     compression_high    constant varchar2(32)   := 'high';
978     -- "encryption" parameter
979     encryption_default  constant varchar2(32)   := '';
980     encryption_3des168  constant varchar2(32)   := '3DES168';
981     encryption_aes128   constant varchar2(32)   := 'AES128';
982     encryption_aes192   constant varchar2(32)   := 'AES192';
983     encryption_aes256   constant varchar2(32)   := 'AES256';
985     -- "npartitions" parameter
986     default_partitions  constant integer        := 16;
988     -- "partition_key" parameter
989     partition_by_item   constant integer        := 1;
990     partition_by_path   constant integer        := 2;
991     partition_by_guid   constant integer        := 3;
993     procedure   createFilesystem(
994         store_name      in          varchar2,
995         schema_name     in          varchar2    default null,
996         tbl_name        in          varchar2    default null,
997         tbl_tbs         in          varchar2    default null,
998         lob_tbs         in          varchar2    default null,
999         use_bf          in          boolean     default false,
1000         properties      in          dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t
1001                                                 default null,
1002         create_only     in          boolean     default false,
1003         use_objects     in          boolean     default false,
1004         with_grants     in          boolean     default false,
1005         do_dedup        in          boolean     default false,
1006         do_compress     in          boolean     default false,
1007         compression     in          varchar2    default compression_default,
1008         do_encrypt      in          boolean     default false,
1009         encryption      in          varchar2    default encryption_default,
1010         do_partition    in          boolean     default false,
1011         npartitions     in          number      default default_partitions,
1012         partition_key   in          number      default partition_by_item,
1013         partition_guidi in          boolean     default false,
1014         partition_pathi in          boolean     default false,
1015         partition_prop  in          boolean     default true);
1017     procedure   createStore(
1018         store_name  in              varchar2,
1019         tbl_name    in              varchar2    default null,
1020         tbs_name    in              varchar2    default null,
1021         use_bf      in              boolean     default false,
1022         stgopts     in              varchar2    default '');
1026     /*
1027      * Export a filesystem (for general cross-schema use) by granting
1028      * suitable permissions to the tables underlying the filesystem to
1029      * the "dbfs_role".
1030      *
1031      * These methods can be successfully invoked only by those users who
1032      * are capable of granting the necessary privileges, i.e. either by
1033      * the users who own the underlying filesystem tables, or
1034      * sufficiently privileged users who can grant access across
1035      * schemas.
1036      *
1037      *
1038      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1039      * after its execution).
1040      *
1041      */
1043     procedure   exportTable(
1044         schema_name in              varchar2    default null,
1045         tbl_name    in              varchar2,
1046         toUserRole  in              varchar2    default 'DBFS_ROLE');
1048     procedure   exportFilesystem(
1049         store_name  in              varchar2,
1050         toUserRole  in              varchar2    default 'DBFS_ROLE');
1054     /*
1055      * (Re)initialize a POSIX store.
1056      *
1057      *
1058      * The table associated with the POSIX store "store_name" is
1059      * truncated and reinitialized with a single "root" directory entry.
1060      *
1061      *
1062      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1063      * after its execution).
1064      *
1065      */
1067     procedure   initFS(
1068         store_name  in              varchar2);
1072     /*
1073      * Normalize the guid numbering of an existing POSIX store.
1074      *
1075      *
1076      * Lock the tables associated with the store, renumber the
1077      * std_guid/std_parent_guid of the various store elements, and
1078      * modify the store to use normalized numbering (see
1079      * "sfs_props_rootid").
1080      *
1081      * **NOTE**: do not invoke this procedure unless you know exactly
1082      * what you are doing.
1083      *
1084      *
1085      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1086      * after its execution).
1087      *
1088      */
1090     procedure   normalizeFS(
1091         store_name  in              varchar2);
1092             pragma  supplemental_log_data(
1093                         normalizeFS,
1094                         AUTO_WITH_COMMIT);
1098     /*
1099      * Shrink a POSIX store.
1103      * various segments underlying the store.
1100      *
1101      *
1102      * Logically shrink a POSIX store by releasing space from the
1104      *
1105      * The primary benefit of the shrink is expected to come from the
1106      * lob segments in the store (although it is possible in certain
1107      * circumstances---a large number of very small inline lobs---for
1108      * the shrink to benefit by operating on table segments).
1109      *
1110      * By default, the shrink operation attempts to recover space
1111      * unconditionally. However, it is possible to specify either a
1112      * minimum percentage or minimum #bytes reduction before the shrink
1113      * is triggered---these reduction checks are performed only on the
1114      * lob segments underlying the store, and are based on an
1115      * approximate comparison between the size of active lobs vs. size
1116      * of the underlying segments.
1117      *
1118      * If a POSIX store is partitioned, the shrink benefit checks, if
1119      * enabled, are performed on a per-partition basis.
1120      *
1121      *
1122      * If "dryrun" is specified, the store is not modified, but various
1123      * checks and space usage computations are traced (via the DBFS API
1124      * trace).
1125      *
1126      *
1127      * In the case of POSIX stores based on securefiles, shrink requires
1128      * the use of interim tables. These tables are created, by default,
1129      * in the default tablespace corresponding to the user that executes
1130      * the shrink. The "tbs" argument can be used to specify a different
1131      * tablespace (presumably with enough space) to hold any interim
1132      * tables created for the shrink.
1133      *
1134      *
1135      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1136      * after its execution).
1137      *
1138      */
1140     procedure   shrinkFS(
1141         store_name  in              varchar2,
1142         min_pct     in              number      default null,
1143         min_bytes   in              number      default null,
1144         dryrun      in              boolean     default false,
1145         tbs         in              varchar2    default null);
1146             pragma  supplemental_log_data(
1147                         shrinkFS,
1148                         AUTO_WITH_COMMIT);
1152     /*
1153      * (Online) redefine/reorganize a POSIX store.
1154      *
1155      *
1156      * Redefine/reorganize the logical structure of a POSIX store using
1157      * another (initially empty) POSIX store as the template for the new
1158      * organization.
1159      *
1160      * This procedure internally uses "dbms_redefinition" and on
1161      * completion, swaps the objects underlying the old and new stores,
1162      * as per the semantics of online redefinition.
1163      *
1164      *
1165      * The "srcStore" being reorganized remains available during the
1166      * process.
1167      *
1168      * The "dstStore" being used as the template for reorganization
1169      * should start out empty (but with the desired new logical
1170      * structure). This store should also not be in active use (i.e. no
1171      * ContentAPI registrations or mounts).
1172      *
1173      *
1174      * On completion of the reorganization, both "srcStore" and
1175      * "dstStore" will have a copy of the same logical data, and
1176      * "srcStore" will have the desired new structure.
1177      *
1178      * At this point, "dstStore" can be dropped to clean up space.
1179      *
1180      *
1181      * The reorganization procedure can be used to:
1182      *
1183      *  . shrink a store to release space.
1184      *  . convert partitioned stores into non-partitioned ones,
1185      *    or vice versa.
1186      *  . change the compression, encryption, deduplication storage
1187      *    properties of the securefiles underlying a store.
1188      *  . move a store across tablespaces.
1189      *  . and more
1190      *
1191      *
1192      * The only kind of reorganization not currently supported is
1193      * converting a user-properties child table based store to/from a
1194      * nested object-table based store.
1195      *
1196      *
1197      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1198      * after its execution).
1199      *
1200      */
1202     procedure   reorganizeFS(
1203         srcStore    in              varchar2,
1204         dstStore    in              varchar2);
1205             pragma  supplemental_log_data(
1206                         reorganizeFS,
1207                         AUTO_WITH_COMMIT);
1211     /*
1212      * Modify the properties of a POSIX store.
1213      *
1214      * Add, remove, or set the properties of a POSIX store. Changing
1215      * store properties is best done when there are no users of the
1216      * filesystem (existing users will attempt to reinitialize the
1217      * filesystem state and can behave in surprising and inconsistent
1218      * ways).
1219      *
1220      */
1222     procedure   addFSProperties(
1223         store_name  in              varchar2,
1224         properties  in              dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t);
1226     procedure   deleteFSProperties(
1227         store_name  in              varchar2,
1228         properties  in              dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t);
1230     procedure   setFSProperties(
1231         store_name  in              varchar2,
1232         properties  in              dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t);
1236     /*
1237      * Unregister and drop a POSIX store.
1238      *
1239      *
1240      * If the specified store table is registered by the current user,
1241      * it will be unregistered from the DBFS API and the POSIX metadata
1242      * tables.
1243      *
1244      * Subsequent to unregistration, an attempt will be made to store
1245      * table(s). This operation may fail if other users are currently
1246      * using this store table---in these cases, it is necessary to also
1247      * execute "dbms_dbfs_sfs.dropFilesystem" or
1248      * "dbms_dbfs_sfs_admin.unregisterFilesystem" as these users first
1249      * before the actual store table can be dropped.
1250      *
1251      * Finally, the user attempting a drop of the tables underlying the
1252      * store must actually have the privileges to complete the drop
1253      * operation (either as the owner of the tables, or as a
1254      * sufficiently privileged user for cross-schema operations).
1255      *
1256      *
1257      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1258      * after its execution).
1259      *
1260      */
1262     procedure   dropFilesystem(
1263         schema_name in              varchar2    default null,
1264         tbl_name    in              varchar2);
1266     procedure   dropFilesystem(
1267         store_name  in              varchar2);
1271     /*
1272      * Drop orphaned POSIX stores.
1273      *
1274      *
1275      * An "orphaned" POSIX store is one that is (a) empty of user-data,
1276      * (b) not referred to in any of the DBFS/SFS metadata tables, and
1277      * (c) conforming to the structure and signature of an SFS-managed
1278      * table.
1279      *
1280      * Such orphans are most likely left over from past failed and
1281      * incompletely cleaned up filesystem operations.
1282      *
1283      * This procedure will cleanup such orphans by first cleaning up
1284      * orphaned metadata, and then dropping the orphaned tables.
1285      *
1286      *
1287      * By default, only orphans in the current session_user's schema
1288      * will be cleaned up. It is possible to explicitly specify a
1289      * "schema_name" to invoke cleanup in other schemas, and to also
1290      * explicitly specify a "table_name" to test-and-cleanup a single
1291      * orphan.
1292      *
1293      * **NOTE**: Use this procedure with care.
1294      *
1295      *
1296      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1297      * after its execution).
1298      *
1299      */
1301     procedure   cleanupOrphans(
1302         schema_name     in          varchar2    default null,
1303         table_name      in          varchar2    default null);
1307     /*
1308      * Snapshot operations.
1309      *
1310      * All snapshot operations must specify a valid store name
1311      * "store_name" and a valid snapshot name "snap_name". Additionally,
1312      * the methods accept a volume name "vol_name" (which may be "null"
1313      * or defaulted to "main"---these refer to the primary volume);
1314      * non-default volumes are not currently supported.
1315      *
1316      * Since "snap_name" may be used as a pathname component, it should
1317      * conform to the standard rules about such names (i.e. no embedded
1318      * "/" characters).
1319      *
1320      * All operations also accept a "do_wait" parameter (default "true")
1321      * which controls whether the invoking session waits for other
1322      * active transactions to finish, or if it exits immediately if the
1323      * specified operation cannot be initiated.
1324      *
1325      * All operations execute like DDL (i.e. auto-commit before and
1326      * after their execution).
1327      *
1328      *
1329      * "createSnapshot" creates a new snapshot on the specified
1330      * store/volume.
1331      *
1332      * "revertSnapshot" drops all snapshots/changes in the specified
1333      * store/volume more recent than the specified snapshot.
1334      *
1335      * "dropSnapshot" drops the specified snapshot from the specified
1336      * store/volume.
1337      *
1338      */
1340     procedure   createSnapshot(
1341         store_name  in              varchar2,
1342         snap_name   in              varchar2,
1343         vol_name    in              varchar2    default 'main',
1344         do_wait     in              boolean     default true);
1346     procedure   revertSnapshot(
1347         store_name  in              varchar2,
1348         snap_name   in              varchar2,
1349         vol_name    in              varchar2    default 'main',
1350         do_wait     in              boolean     default true);
1352     procedure   dropSnapshot(
1353         store_name  in              varchar2,
1354         snap_name   in              varchar2,
1355         vol_name    in              varchar2    default 'main',
1356         do_wait     in              boolean     default true,
1357         recurse     in              boolean     default false);
1361     /*
1362      * Filesystem/store operations.
1363      *
1367      *
1364      * Filesystem operations are used to map a (schema, table, volume,
1365      * snapshot) tuple to a filesystem (aka store) name. A filesystem is
1366      * accessible via the DBFS API as a store/mount.
1368      *
1369      * The procedure executes like a DDL (i.e. auto-commits before and
1370      * after its execution).
1371      *
1372      */
1374     procedure   registerFilesystem(
1375         store_name  in              varchar2,
1376         schema_name in              varchar2,
1377         tbl_name    in              varchar2,
1378         vol_name    in              varchar2    default 'main',
1379         snap_name   in              varchar2    default null);
1381     procedure   unregisterFilesystem(
1382         store_name  in              varchar2);
1386     /*
1387      * Fastpath operations for dbms_fuse/dbfs_client only.
1388      *
1389      * DO NOT USE DIRECTLY.
1390      *
1391      */
1393     function    fs_getattr(
1394         store           in              varchar2,
1395         mount           in              varchar2,
1396         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1397         path            in              varchar2,
1398         st_ino          out             integer,
1399         st_mode         out             integer,
1400         st_nlink        out             integer,
1401         st_uid          out             integer,
1402         st_gid          out             integer,
1403         st_size         out             integer,
1404         st_blksize      out             integer,
1405         st_blocks       out             integer,
1406         st_atime        out             integer,
1407         st_mtime        out             integer,
1408         st_ctime        out             integer,
1409         st_atimens      out             integer,
1410         st_mtimens      out             integer,
1411         st_ctimens      out             integer)
1412         return  integer;
1414     function    fs_readlink(
1415         store           in              varchar2,
1416         mount           in              varchar2,
1417         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1418         path            in              varchar2,
1419         link            out nocopy      varchar2)
1420         return  integer;
1422     function    fs_mknod(
1423         store           in              varchar2,
1424         mount           in              varchar2,
1425         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1426         path            in              varchar2,
1427         st_mode         in              integer,
1428         st_uid          in              integer,
1429         st_gid          in              integer)
1430         return  integer;
1432     function    fs_mknod(
1433         store           in              varchar2,
1434         mount           in              varchar2,
1435         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1436         path            in              varchar2,
1437         st_mode         in              integer,
1438         st_uid          in              integer,
1439         st_gid          in              integer,
1440         ret_ino         out             integer,
1441         ret_mode        out             integer,
1442         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1443         ret_uid         out             integer,
1444         ret_gid         out             integer,
1445         ret_size        out             integer,
1446         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1447         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1448         ret_atime       out             integer,
1449         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1450         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1451         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1452         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1453         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1454         return  integer;
1456     function    fs_mkdir(
1457         store           in              varchar2,
1458         mount           in              varchar2,
1459         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1460         path            in              varchar2,
1461         st_mode         in              integer,
1462         st_uid          in              integer,
1463         st_gid          in              integer)
1464         return  integer;
1466     function    fs_mkdir(
1467         store           in              varchar2,
1468         mount           in              varchar2,
1469         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1470         path            in              varchar2,
1471         st_mode         in              integer,
1472         st_uid          in              integer,
1473         st_gid          in              integer,
1474         ret_ino         out             integer,
1475         ret_mode        out             integer,
1476         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1477         ret_uid         out             integer,
1478         ret_gid         out             integer,
1479         ret_size        out             integer,
1480         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1481         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1482         ret_atime       out             integer,
1483         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1487         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1484         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1485         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1486         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1488         return  integer;
1490     function    fs_unlink(
1491         store           in              varchar2,
1492         mount           in              varchar2,
1493         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1494         path            in              varchar2)
1495         return  integer;
1497     function    fs_rmdir(
1498         store           in              varchar2,
1499         mount           in              varchar2,
1500         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1501         path            in              varchar2)
1502         return  integer;
1504     function    fs_symlink(
1505         store           in              varchar2,
1506         mount           in              varchar2,
1507         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1508         path            in              varchar2,
1509         link            in              varchar2,
1510         st_uid          in              integer,
1511         st_gid          in              integer)
1512         return  integer;
1514     function    fs_symlink(
1515         store           in              varchar2,
1516         mount           in              varchar2,
1517         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1518         path            in              varchar2,
1519         link            in              varchar2,
1520         st_uid          in              integer,
1521         st_gid          in              integer,
1522         ret_ino         out             integer,
1523         ret_mode        out             integer,
1524         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1525         ret_uid         out             integer,
1526         ret_gid         out             integer,
1527         ret_size        out             integer,
1528         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1529         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1530         ret_atime       out             integer,
1531         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1532         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1533         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1534         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1535         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1536         return  integer;
1538     function    fs_rename(
1539         store           in              varchar2,
1540         mount           in              varchar2,
1541         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1542         opath           in              varchar2,
1543         npath           in              varchar2)
1544         return  integer;
1546     function    fs_link(
1547         store           in              varchar2,
1548         mount           in              varchar2,
1549         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1550         path            in              varchar2,
1551         link            in              varchar2,
1552         st_uid          in              integer,
1553         st_gid          in              integer)
1554         return  integer;
1556     function    fs_link(
1557         store           in              varchar2,
1558         mount           in              varchar2,
1559         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1560         path            in              varchar2,
1561         link            in              varchar2,
1562         st_uid          in              integer,
1563         st_gid          in              integer,
1564         ret_ino         out             integer,
1565         ret_mode        out             integer,
1566         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1567         ret_uid         out             integer,
1568         ret_gid         out             integer,
1569         ret_size        out             integer,
1570         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1571         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1572         ret_atime       out             integer,
1573         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1574         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1575         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1576         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1577         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1578         return  integer;
1580     function    fs_chmod(
1581         store           in              varchar2,
1582         mount           in              varchar2,
1583         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1584         path            in              varchar2,
1585         st_mode         in              integer)
1586         return  integer;
1588     function    fs_chmod(
1589         store           in              varchar2,
1590         mount           in              varchar2,
1591         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1592         path            in              varchar2,
1593         st_mode         in              integer,
1594         ret_ino         out             integer,
1595         ret_mode        out             integer,
1596         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1597         ret_uid         out             integer,
1598         ret_gid         out             integer,
1602         ret_atime       out             integer,
1599         ret_size        out             integer,
1600         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1601         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1603         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1604         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1605         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1606         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1607         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1608         return  integer;
1610     function    fs_chown(
1611         store           in              varchar2,
1612         mount           in              varchar2,
1613         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1614         path            in              varchar2,
1615         st_uid          in              integer,
1616         st_gid          in              integer)
1617         return  integer;
1619     function    fs_chown(
1620         store           in              varchar2,
1621         mount           in              varchar2,
1622         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1623         path            in              varchar2,
1624         st_uid          in              integer,
1625         st_gid          in              integer,
1626         ret_ino         out             integer,
1627         ret_mode        out             integer,
1628         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1629         ret_uid         out             integer,
1630         ret_gid         out             integer,
1631         ret_size        out             integer,
1632         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1633         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1634         ret_atime       out             integer,
1635         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1636         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1637         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1638         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1639         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1640         return  integer;
1642     function    fs_truncate(
1643         store           in              varchar2,
1644         mount           in              varchar2,
1645         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1646         path            in              varchar2,
1647         newlen          in              number)
1648         return  integer;
1650     function    fs_truncate(
1651         store           in              varchar2,
1652         mount           in              varchar2,
1653         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1654         path            in              varchar2,
1655         newlen          in              number,
1656         ret_ino         out             integer,
1657         ret_mode        out             integer,
1658         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1659         ret_uid         out             integer,
1660         ret_gid         out             integer,
1661         ret_size        out             integer,
1662         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1663         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1664         ret_atime       out             integer,
1665         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1666         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1667         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1668         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1669         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1670         return  integer;
1672     function    fs_utime(
1673         store           in              varchar2,
1674         mount           in              varchar2,
1675         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1676         path            in              varchar2,
1677         atime           in              integer,
1678         mtime           in              integer,
1679         atimens         in              integer,
1680         mtimens         in              integer)
1681         return  integer;
1683     function    fs_utime(
1684         store           in              varchar2,
1685         mount           in              varchar2,
1686         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1687         path            in              varchar2,
1688         atime           in              integer,
1689         mtime           in              integer,
1690         atimens         in              integer,
1691         mtimens         in              integer,
1692         ret_ino         out             integer,
1693         ret_mode        out             integer,
1694         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1695         ret_uid         out             integer,
1696         ret_gid         out             integer,
1697         ret_size        out             integer,
1698         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1699         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1700         ret_atime       out             integer,
1701         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1702         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1703         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1704         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1705         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1706         return  integer;
1708     function    fs_open(
1709         store           in              varchar2,
1710         mount           in              varchar2,
1714         forWrite        in              integer)
1711         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1712         path            in              varchar2,
1713         content         out nocopy      blob,
1715         return  integer;
1717     function    fs_open(
1718         store           in              varchar2,
1719         mount           in              varchar2,
1720         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1721         path            in              varchar2,
1722         content         out nocopy      blob,
1723         forWrite        in              integer,
1724         ret_ino         out             integer,
1725         ret_mode        out             integer,
1726         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1727         ret_uid         out             integer,
1728         ret_gid         out             integer,
1729         ret_size        out             integer,
1730         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1731         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1732         ret_atime       out             integer,
1733         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1734         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1735         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1736         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1737         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1738         return  integer;
1740     function    fs_read(
1741         store           in              varchar2,
1742         mount           in              varchar2,
1743         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1744         path            in              varchar2,
1745         buffer          out nocopy      raw,
1746         amount          in              integer,
1747         offset0         in              integer)
1748         return  integer;
1750     function    fs_read(
1751         store           in              varchar2,
1752         mount           in              varchar2,
1753         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1754         path            in              varchar2,
1755         amount          in              integer,
1756         offset0         in              integer,
1757         buffers         out nocopy      dbms_dbfs_content_raw_t)
1758         return  integer;
1760     function    fs_write(
1761         store           in              varchar2,
1762         mount           in              varchar2,
1763         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1764         path            in              varchar2,
1765         buffer          in              raw,
1766         amount          in              integer,
1767         offset0         in              integer)
1768         return  integer;
1770     function    fs_write(
1771         store           in              varchar2,
1772         mount           in              varchar2,
1773         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1774         path            in              varchar2,
1775         buffer          in              raw,
1776         amount          in              integer,
1777         offset0         in              integer,
1778         ret_ino         out             integer,
1779         ret_mode        out             integer,
1780         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1781         ret_uid         out             integer,
1782         ret_gid         out             integer,
1783         ret_size        out             integer,
1784         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1785         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1786         ret_atime       out             integer,
1787         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1788         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1789         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1790         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1791         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1792         return  integer;
1794     function    fs_write(
1795         store           in              varchar2,
1796         mount           in              varchar2,
1797         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1798         path            in              varchar2,
1799         offset0         in              integer,
1800         buffers         in              dbms_dbfs_content_raw_t)
1801         return  integer;
1803     function    fs_write(
1804         store           in              varchar2,
1805         mount           in              varchar2,
1806         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1807         path            in              varchar2,
1808         offset0         in              integer,
1809         buffers         in              dbms_dbfs_content_raw_t,
1810         ret_ino         out             integer,
1811         ret_mode        out             integer,
1812         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1813         ret_uid         out             integer,
1814         ret_gid         out             integer,
1815         ret_size        out             integer,
1816         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1817         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1818         ret_atime       out             integer,
1819         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1820         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1824         return  integer;
1821         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1822         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1823         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1826     function    fs_statfs(
1827         store           in              varchar2,
1828         mount           in              varchar2,
1829         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1830         path            in              varchar2,
1831         f_bsize         out             integer,
1832         f_frsize        out             integer,
1833         f_blocks        out             integer,
1834         f_bfree         out             integer,
1835         f_bavail        out             integer,
1836         f_files         out             integer,
1837         f_ffree         out             integer,
1838         f_favail        out             integer,
1839         f_fsid          out             integer,
1840         f_flag          out             integer,
1841         f_namemax       out             integer)
1842         return  integer;
1844     function    fs_flush(
1845         store           in              varchar2,
1846         mount           in              varchar2,
1847         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1848         path            in              varchar2)
1849         return  integer;
1851     function    fs_release(
1852         store           in              varchar2,
1853         mount           in              varchar2,
1854         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1855         path            in              varchar2)
1856         return  integer;
1858     function    fs_fsync(
1859         store           in              varchar2,
1860         mount           in              varchar2,
1861         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1862         path            in              varchar2)
1863         return  integer;
1865     function    fs_setxattr(
1866         store           in              varchar2,
1867         mount           in              varchar2,
1868         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1869         path            in              varchar2,
1870         xname           in              varchar2,
1871         xvalue          in              raw,
1872         xflags          in              integer)
1873         return  integer;
1875     function    fs_getxattr(
1876         store           in              varchar2,
1877         mount           in              varchar2,
1878         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1879         path            in              varchar2,
1880         xname           in              varchar2,
1881         xvalue          out nocopy      raw)
1882         return  integer;
1884     function    fs_listxattr(
1885         store           in              varchar2,
1886         mount           in              varchar2,
1887         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1888         path            in              varchar2)
1889         return  propnames_t
1890             pipelined;
1892     function    fs_removexattr(
1893         store           in              varchar2,
1894         mount           in              varchar2,
1898         return  integer;
1895         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1896         path            in              varchar2,
1897         xname           in              varchar2)
1900     function    fs_opendir(
1901         store           in              varchar2,
1902         mount           in              varchar2,
1903         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1904         path            in              varchar2)
1905         return  integer;
1907     function    fs_readdir(
1908         store           in              varchar2,
1909         mount           in              varchar2,
1910         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1911         path            in              varchar2,
1912         withProps       in              integer,
1913         doCursor        in              integer,
1914         doSort          in              integer,
1915         doFts           in              integer,
1916         doBulk          in              integer,
1917         doFallback      in              integer)
1918         return  dir_entries_t
1919             pipelined;
1921     function    fs_releasedir(
1922         store           in              varchar2,
1923         mount           in              varchar2,
1924         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1925         path            in              varchar2)
1926         return  integer;
1928     function    fs_fsyncdir(
1929         store           in              varchar2,
1930         mount           in              varchar2,
1931         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1932         path            in              varchar2)
1933         return  integer;
1935     function    fs_init
1936         return  integer;
1938     function    fs_destroy
1939         return  integer;
1941     function    fs_access(
1942         store           in              varchar2,
1943         mount           in              varchar2,
1944         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1945         path            in              varchar2,
1946         st_mode         in              integer)
1947         return  integer;
1949     function    fs_creat(
1950         store           in              varchar2,
1951         mount           in              varchar2,
1952         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1953         path            in              varchar2,
1954         st_mode         in              integer,
1955         content         out nocopy      blob,
1956         st_uid          in              integer,
1957         st_gid          in              integer)
1958         return  integer;
1960     function    fs_creat(
1961         store           in              varchar2,
1962         mount           in              varchar2,
1963         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1964         path            in              varchar2,
1965         st_mode         in              integer,
1966         content         out nocopy      blob,
1967         st_uid          in              integer,
1968         st_gid          in              integer,
1969         ret_ino         out             integer,
1970         ret_mode        out             integer,
1971         ret_nlink       out             integer,
1972         ret_uid         out             integer,
1973         ret_gid         out             integer,
1974         ret_size        out             integer,
1975         ret_blksize     out             integer,
1976         ret_blocks      out             integer,
1977         ret_atime       out             integer,
1978         ret_mtime       out             integer,
1979         ret_ctime       out             integer,
1980         ret_atimens     out             integer,
1981         ret_mtimens     out             integer,
1982         ret_ctimens     out             integer)
1983         return  integer;
1987         mount           in              varchar2,
1985     function    fs_ftruncate(
1986         store           in              varchar2,
1988         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1989         path            in              varchar2,
1990         newlen          in              integer,
1991         content         in out nocopy   blob)
1992         return  integer;
1994     function    fs_fgetattr(
1995         store           in              varchar2,
1996         mount           in              varchar2,
1997         ctx             in              dbms_dbfs_content_context_t,
1998         path            in              varchar2,
1999         st_ino          out             integer,
2000         st_mode         out             integer,
2001         st_nlink        out             integer,
2002         st_uid          out             integer,
2003         st_gid          out             integer,
2004         st_size         out             integer,
2005         st_blksize      out             integer,
2006         st_blocks       out             integer,
2007         st_atime        out             integer,
2008         st_mtime        out             integer,
2009         st_ctime        out             integer,
2010         st_atimens      out             integer,
2011         st_mtimens      out             integer,
2012         st_ctimens      out             integer)
2013         return  integer;
2017 end;