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APPS.IGS_DA_XML_PKG dependencies on FND_USER

Line 33: | nmankodi 11-Apr-2005 fnd_user.customer_id column has been changed to

29: large xml containing information for all students
30: bradhakr 01-mar-2005 bug -4210676 - Modify the procedure call igs_pr_cp_gpa.get_sua_all to include uoo_id
32: or multiple small xml's 1 for each student.
33: | nmankodi 11-Apr-2005 fnd_user.customer_id column has been changed to
34: | fnd_user.person_party_id as an ebizsuite wide TCA mandate.
35: swaghmar 15-Sep-2005 bug# 4491456
36: nmankodi 16-Sep-2005 Bug# 4613611
37: ijeddy 05-Dec-2006 Bug 4755785 - Modified the update_req_students procedure and added the IF conditions to

Line 34: | fnd_user.person_party_id as an ebizsuite wide TCA mandate.

30: bradhakr 01-mar-2005 bug -4210676 - Modify the procedure call igs_pr_cp_gpa.get_sua_all to include uoo_id
32: or multiple small xml's 1 for each student.
33: | nmankodi 11-Apr-2005 fnd_user.customer_id column has been changed to
34: | fnd_user.person_party_id as an ebizsuite wide TCA mandate.
35: swaghmar 15-Sep-2005 bug# 4491456
36: nmankodi 16-Sep-2005 Bug# 4613611
37: ijeddy 05-Dec-2006 Bug 4755785 - Modified the update_req_students procedure and added the IF conditions to
38: check the variable if not null then do the string operation

Line 1699: FROM igs_da_rqst dr, fnd_user fdu

1695: FOR UPDATE OF dr.request_status NOWAIT;
1697: CURSOR c_requestor IS
1698: SELECT dr.requestor_id,fdu.user_name
1699: FROM igs_da_rqst dr, fnd_user fdu
1700: WHERE dr.batch_id = p_batch_id
1701: AND dr.requestor_id = fdu.person_party_id;
1702: CURSOR c_da_wf_admin IS
1703: SELECT fdu.person_party_id,fdu.user_name

Line 1704: FROM fnd_user fdu

1700: WHERE dr.batch_id = p_batch_id
1701: AND dr.requestor_id = fdu.person_party_id;
1702: CURSOR c_da_wf_admin IS
1703: SELECT fdu.person_party_id,fdu.user_name
1704: FROM fnd_user fdu
1705: WHERE fdu.person_party_id = l_da_wf_admin_id;
1708: l_da_wf_admin_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

Line 1708: l_da_wf_admin_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

1704: FROM fnd_user fdu
1705: WHERE fdu.person_party_id = l_da_wf_admin_id;
1708: l_da_wf_admin_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
1709: l_parameter_list wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t();
1710: l_event_name VARCHAR2(255);
1711: l_event_key VARCHAR2(255);
1712: l_debug_level NUMBER := 3;

Line 1713: l_requester fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

1709: l_parameter_list wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t();
1710: l_event_name VARCHAR2(255);
1711: l_event_key VARCHAR2(255);
1712: l_debug_level NUMBER := 3;
1713: l_requester fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
1714: l_error_type VARCHAR2(2) := '25';
1715: l_error_code VARCHAR2(2) := '25';
1716: l_error_message VARCHAR2(20);

Line 1849: FROM fnd_user

1845: l_item_key VARCHAR2(100);
1846: -- cursor to find the requestor
1847: CURSOR c_req (cp_batch_id igs_da_rqst.batch_id%TYPE) IS
1848: SELECT user_name
1849: FROM fnd_user
1850: WHERE person_party_id IN (SELECT requestor_id
1851: FROM igs_da_rqst
1852: WHERE batch_id = cp_batch_id);
1853: l_req VARCHAR2(2000);