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1 package body fnd_webfile as
2   /* $Header: AFCPFILB.pls 120.7 2007/06/26 13:08:09 ddhulla ship $ */
5 debug varchar2(1) := 'N';
8 /*--
9  *-- GENERIC_ERROR (Internal)
10  *--
11  *-- Set error message and raise exception for unexpected sql errors.
12  *--
13  */
14 procedure GENERIC_ERROR(routine in varchar2,
15   errcode in number,
16   errmsg in varchar2) is
17 begin
18    fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SQL_PLSQL_ERROR');
19    fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', routine);
20    fnd_message.set_token('ERRNO', errcode);
21    fnd_message.set_token('REASON', errmsg);
22 end;
24 /*--
25  *-- UPDATE SVC (Internal)
26  *--
27  *-- Update registered node with full service denotation (for generic services)
28  *-- Created to be autonomous transaction so no commit would occur in get_url
29  *--
30  */
31 procedure UPDATE_SVC(id in number,
32   svc in varchar2) is
34 begin
35    update fnd_file_temp
36      set node_name = svc
37      where file_id = id;
39    commit;
40 exception
41    when others then
42      rollback;
43 end update_svc;
45 /*
46  *  Procedure:  update_cfg_info
47  *     Internal use only
48  *
49  *  Purpose :
50  *    Update registered node with full context file information
51  *
52  */
53 procedure update_cfg_info(id in number,
54   dest_file in varchar2,
55   dest_svc  in varchar2,
56   tran_type in varchar2) is
58 begin
59    update fnd_file_temp
60      set destination_node = dest_svc,
61      destination_file = dest_file,
62      transfer_type = tran_type
63      where file_id = id;
65    commit;
66 exception
67    when others then
68      rollback;
69 end update_cfg_info;
71 /*
72  *procedure: update_page_info
73  *            is called from get_url function to update the page information(page_number and page_size column).
74  *            It is an internal procedure.
75  *
76  *
77  *
78  */
79 procedure update_page_info(id in number,
80   p_page_no in number,
81   p_page_size in number,
82   p_tran_type in varchar2) is
84 begin
85    update fnd_file_temp
86      set page_number = p_page_no,
87      page_size = p_page_size,
88      transfer_type = p_tran_type
89      where file_id =id;
91    commit;
92 exception
93    when others then
94      rollback;
96 end update_page_info;
101 /* Function: GET_URL
102  *
103  * Purpose: Constructs and returns the URL for a Concurrent Processing
104  *          log or output file.
105  *
106  * Arguments:
107  *  file_type - Specifies the type of file desired:
108  *       fnd_webfile.process_log = The log of the concurrent process identified
109  *                                 by the parameter ID.
110  *       fnd_webfile.icm_log     = The log of the ICM process identified by ID.
111  *                                 Or, the log of the ICM process that spawned
112  *                                 the concurrent process identified by ID.
113  *                                 Or, the log of the most recent ICM process
114  *                                 if ID is null.
115  *       fnd_webfile.request_log = The log of the request identified by ID.
116  *       fnd_webfile.request_out = The output of the request identified by ID.
117  *       fnd_webfile.request_mgr = The log of the concurrent process that ran
118  *                                 the request identified by ID.
119  *       fnd_webfile.frd_log     = The log of the forms process identified
120  *                                 by ID.
121  *       fnd_webfile.generic_log = The log file identified by ID.
122  *       fnd_webfile.generic_trc = The trace file identified by ID.
123  *       fnd_webfile.generic_ora = The ora file identified by ID.
124  *       fnd_webfile.generic_cfg = The config file identified by ID.
125  *       fnd_webfile.context_file= The context file identified by ID.
126  *       fnd_webfile.generic_text= Generic file using text transfer mode.
127  *       fnd_webfile.generic_binary = Generic file using binary transfer mode.
128  *       fnd_webfile.request_xml_output = The XML output of Concurrent Request.
129  *
130  *  id        - A concurrent process ID, concurrent request ID, or file ID
131  *                 depending on the file type specified.
132  *              For fnd_webfile.context_file,fnd_webfile.generic_text,
133  *              fnd_webfile.generic_binary this value is null.
134  *
135  *  gwyuid    - The value of the environment variable GWYUID used in
136  *                 constructing the URL. No longer used.
137  *
138  *  two_task  - The database two_task, used in constructing the URL. No longer used.
139  *
140  *  expire_time - The number of minutes for which this URL will remain
141  *                   valid.
142  *  source_file - Source file name with full patch
143  *
144  *  source_node - Source node name.
145  *
146  *  dest_file   - Destination file name
147  *
148  *  dest_node   - Destination node name
149  *
150  *  page_no	    - Current page number
151  *
152  *  page_size	- Number of lines in a page
153  *
154  *  Returns NULL on error.  Check the FND message stack.
155  *
156  * Note that gwyuid and two_task are no longer used. They are retained for
157  * compatibility only.
158  *
159  */
160 function get_url(  file_type  IN number,
161                           id  IN number,
162                       gwyuid  IN varchar2,
163                     two_task  IN varchar2,
164                  expire_time  IN number,
165                  source_file  IN varchar2 default null,
166                  source_node  IN varchar2 default null,
167                    dest_file  IN varchar2 default null,
168                    dest_node  IN varchar2 default null,
169                      page_no  IN number   default null,
170                    page_size  IN number   default null) return varchar2
171 is
172      base            varchar2(257);
173      base_type       varchar2(3) := 'CGI';
174      url             varchar2(512);
175      fname           varchar2(255);
176      node            varchar2(50);
177      mtype           varchar2(80) := 'text/plain';
178      x_mode          varchar2(30) := 'TEXT';
179      ffcode          varchar2(30);
180      fs_enabled      varchar2(2);
181      temp_id         varchar2(32);
182      pos             number;
183      svc             varchar2(254);
184      dest_svc        varchar2(254);
185      t_node          varchar2(50);
186      req_id          number;
187      controlling_mgr number;
188      cpid            number;
189      fsize           number;
190      save_out        varchar2(2);
191      ext             varchar2(32);
192      cmpext          varchar2(32);
193      sqlstmt         varchar2(200);
194      ncenc           varchar2(1) := 'N';
195      prog_name       varchar2(30) := null;
196      appl_name       varchar2(30) := null;
197      action_publish_count  number;
198 begin
200    /* Get URL base. */
202    --First check IF there is a url base defined FOR CGI - enh# 4477258
203    IF (fnd_profile.defined('APPS_CGI_AGENT')) THEN
204       fnd_profile.get('APPS_CGI_AGENT', base);
205    END IF;
207    --IF CGI agent is null then check the web agent
208    --Also set the base_type to WEB
209    IF (base IS NULL) THEN
210       fnd_profile.get('APPS_WEB_AGENT', base);
211       base_type := 'WEB';
212    END IF;
214    if (base is null) then
215      fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FS-NO URL');
216      return null;
217    end if;
220    if (file_type = process_log) then
221      /* Concurrent process log */
222      begin
223        select logfile_name, node_name
224          into fname, node
225          from fnd_concurrent_processes
226         where concurrent_process_id = id;
227      exception
228        when no_data_found then
229          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-PROCESS MISSING');
230          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');
231          fnd_message.set_token('CPID', id);
232          return null;
233      end;
234      if (fname is null) then
235          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-MANAGER LOGFILE NULL');
236          fnd_message.set_token('PROCESS_ID', id);
237          return null;
238      end if;
240    elsif (file_type = icm_log) then
241      /* ICM log */
242      begin
243        select logfile_name, node_name
244          into fname, node
245          from fnd_concurrent_processes
246         where (((id is not null)
247                and concurrent_process_id =
248                  ( select max(p.concurrent_process_id)
249                    from fnd_concurrent_processes p,
250                         fnd_concurrent_processes p2
251                   where p.queue_application_id = 0
252                     and p.concurrent_queue_id  = 1
253                     and p2.concurrent_process_id= id
254                     and p.process_start_date <=
255                           nvl(p2.process_start_date, sysdate) ) )
256            or
257               ((id is null) and concurrent_process_id =
258                 ( select max(p.concurrent_process_id)
259                     from fnd_concurrent_processes p
260                    where p.queue_application_id = 0
261                      and p.concurrent_queue_id  = 1 ) ));
262      exception
263        when no_data_found then
264          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-PROCESS MISSING');
265          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');
266          fnd_message.set_token('CPID', id);
267          return null;
268      end;
269      if (fname is null) then
270          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-MANAGER LOGFILE NULL');
271          fnd_message.set_token('PROCESS_ID', id);
272          return null;
273      end if;
275    elsif (file_type = request_log) then
276      /* Request Log */
277      begin
278        select logfile_name, logfile_node_name
279          into fname, node
280          from fnd_concurrent_requests
281         where request_id = id;
282         req_id := id;
283      exception
284        when no_data_found then
285          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-REQUEST MISSING');
286          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');
287          fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST', id);
288          return null;
289      end;
290      if (fname is null) then
291          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-REQUEST LOGFILE NULL');
292          fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', id);
293          return null;
294      end if;
296    elsif (file_type = request_out or file_type = request_xml_output) then
297      /* Request Output */
298      ncenc := 'Y';
299      begin
300        select fcr.outfile_name, fcr.outfile_node_name, fmt.mime_type,
301               fcr.save_output_flag, fcr.ofile_size, fmt.file_format_code,
302               fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name
303          into fname, node, mtype, save_out, fsize, ffcode, prog_name,appl_name
304          from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt,
305               fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a
306         where fcr.request_id = id
307           and upper(fcr.output_file_type) = upper(fmt.file_format_code)
308           and fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
309           and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
310           and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
311           and rownum = 1;
313           /* Bug 6040814. Supporting output file display for FNDREPRINT (REPRINT and REPULISH) programs.
314           *  First check whether the program is a FNDREPRINT program.
315           *  1) YES - case a. whether it is a REPRINT and REPUBLISH - check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs
316           *           case b. Only REPRINT
317           *                 Check whether the parent program supports republish
318           *                 1) YES - Check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs which request id as parent request id.
319           *                 2) NO - Check for output details in fnd_concurrent_requests with REPRINT request id.
320           *  2) NO (NOT FNDREPRINT)
321           *         case a. If the program is layout enabled - check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs
322           *         case b. Check for the output details in fnd_concurrent_requests as already done in the above sql.
323           */
325         /* Check whether the program is a FNDREPRINT program */
326         if (prog_name = 'FNDREPRINT' and appl_name ='FND') then
328                select count(1) into action_publish_count from fnd_conc_pp_actions
329                where concurrent_request_id=id and action_type=6;
331                if(action_publish_count=1) then /* Check if it is a REPRINT and REPUBLISH request */
332                    begin
333                       select file_type,file_name,file_node_name,file_size, fmt.mime_type
334                         into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
335                         from fnd_conc_req_outputs RO, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
336                        where concurrent_request_id = id
337                          and RO.file_type = fmt.file_format_code
338                          and rownum = 1;
339                    exception
340                          when no_data_found then
341                             fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-NO OUTPUT FILE');
342                             fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', id);
343                             return null;
344                    end;
345                else /* Only a REPRINT request */
346                    begin
347                       /* Find the parent program for the REPRINT request */
348                       select fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name
349                         into prog_name, appl_name
350                         from fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
351                       where fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
352                         and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
353                         and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
354                         and fcr.request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id);
355                     exception
356                        when no_data_found then
357                          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-REQUEST MISSING');
358                          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');
359                          fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST', id);
360                          return null;
361                      end;
363                     /* Check if the parent program is layout enabled */
364                     if (fnd_conc_sswa.layout_enabled(appl_name, prog_name)) then
365                        begin
366                          select file_type,file_name,file_node_name,file_size, fmt.mime_type
367                           into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
368                           from fnd_conc_req_outputs RO, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
369                          where concurrent_request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id)
370                           and RO.file_type = fmt.file_format_code
371                           and rownum = 1;
372                        exception
376                             return null;
373                         when no_data_found then
374                             fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-NO OUTPUT FILE');
375                             fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', id);
377                        end;
378                     else /* Parent program is not layout enabled*/
379                        begin
380                           select output_file_type, outfile_name, outfile_node_name, ofile_size, fmt.mime_type
381                             into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
382                           from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
383                           where request_id = id
384                             and fcr.output_file_type = fmt.file_format_code
385                             and rownum = 1;
386                        exception
387                           when no_data_found then
388                             fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-NO OUTPUT FILE');
389                             fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', id);
390                             return null;
391                        end;
392                     end if;
393                end if;
394         elsif(fnd_conc_sswa.layout_enabled(appl_name, prog_name) and file_type=request_out) then /* Not a FNDREPRINT request */
395               begin
396               select file_type,file_name,file_node_name,file_size, fmt.mime_type
397                 into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
398                 from fnd_conc_req_outputs RO, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
399                where concurrent_request_id = id
400                  and RO.file_type = fmt.file_format_code
401                  and rownum = 1;
402               exception
403                  when no_data_found then
404                     fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-NO OUTPUT FILE');
405                     fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', id);
406                     return null;
407               end;
408         end if;
410          req_id := id;
411      exception
412        when no_data_found then
413          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-REQUEST MISSING');
414          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');
415          fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST', id);
416          return null;
417      end;
418      if (save_out = 'N') then
419        fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-Output file not saved');
420        return null;
421      end if;
422      if (fname is null) then
423          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-REQUEST OUTFILE NULL');
424          fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', id);
425          return null;
426      end if;
428      /* Decide the transfer mode, after getting the fnd_file_format datamodal
429     we have to replace these hardcoded values */
430      if ( upper(ffcode) in ('PDF','PS','PCL')) then
431     x_mode := 'BINARY';
432      end if;
434    elsif (file_type = request_mgr) then
435      begin
436        select p.logfile_name, p.node_name, r.controlling_manager,
437               p.concurrent_process_id
438          into fname, node, controlling_mgr, cpid
439          from fnd_concurrent_requests r, fnd_concurrent_processes p
440         where r.request_id = id
441           and r.controlling_manager = p.concurrent_process_id(+);
442        /* The outer join makes sure that we don't say that the request
443           row is missing, when the manager row is missing.  We know that
444           the manager row was missing if cpid is null. */
445      exception
446        when no_data_found then
447          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-REQUEST MISSING');
448          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');
449          fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST', id);
450          return null;
451      end;
452      if (cpid is null) then
453          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-PROCESS MISSING');
454          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');
455          fnd_message.set_token('CPID', controlling_mgr);
456          return null;
457      end if;
458      if (fname is null) then
459          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-MANAGER LOGFILE NULL');
460          fnd_message.set_token('PROCESS_ID', cpid);
461          return null;
462      end if;
464    elsif (file_type = frd_log) then
465      begin
466     sqlstmt := 'select node from fnd_oam_forms_rti where rti_id = :id';
467     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstmt INTO node USING id;
469     sqlstmt := 'select filename from fnd_oam_frd_log where rti_id = :id';
470     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstmt INTO fname USING id;
472      exception
473        when no_data_found then
474          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-ROW MISSING');
475          return null;
477      end;
478      if (fname is null) then
479          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-LOGFILE NULL');
480          return null;
481      end if;
483    elsif (file_type >= generic_log and file_type <= generic_cfg) then
484      begin
485     select filename, node_name
486       into fname, node
487       from fnd_file_temp
488      where file_id = id;
490     pos := instr(fname, '.', -1, 1);
491     ext := substr(fname, (pos + 1));
493      exception
494        when no_data_found then
498      if (fname is null) then
495          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-ROW MISSING');
496          return null;
497      end;
499          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-LOGFILE NULL');
500          return null;
501      end if;
503      if(file_type = generic_log) then
504     cmpext := 'LOG';
505      elsif (file_type = generic_trc) then
506     cmpext := 'TRC';
507      elsif (file_type = generic_ora) then
508     cmpext := 'ORA';
509      elsif (file_type = generic_cfg) then
510     cmpext := 'CFG';
511      end if;
513      if (upper(ext) <> cmpext) then
514          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-BAD EXTENSION');
515          return null;
516      end if;
518    elsif ( file_type in (context_file, generic_text, generic_binary) ) then
519      if ( file_type = context_file ) then
520       begin
521          select node_name into t_node
522            from fnd_oam_context_files
523           where path = dest_file
524             and node_name = dest_node
525             and rownum = 1;
526       exception
527          when no_data_found then
528             fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-ROW MISSING');
529             return null;
530       end;
531      end if;
533       node := source_node;
534       fname := source_file;
536       if (fnd_profile.defined('FS_SVC_PREFIX')) then
537         fnd_profile.get('FS_SVC_PREFIX', dest_svc);
538         if (dest_svc is not null) then
539           dest_svc := substr(dest_svc || dest_node, 1, 254);
540         else
541           dest_svc := 'FNDFS_' || dest_node;
542         end if;
543       else
544         dest_svc := 'FNDFS_' || dest_node;
545       end if;
547    end if;
550    if (fnd_profile.defined('FS_SVC_PREFIX')) then
551      fnd_profile.get('FS_SVC_PREFIX', svc);
552      if (svc is not null) then
553        svc := substr(svc || node, 1, 254);
554      else
555        svc := 'FNDFS_' || node;
556      end if;
557    else
558      svc := 'FNDFS_' || node;
559    end if;
561    if (file_type >= generic_log and file_type <= generic_cfg) then
562        temp_id := id;
563     update_svc(id, svc);
564    else
565       if ( file_type = generic_binary ) then
566          x_mode := 'BINARY';
567       end if;
569       temp_id := fnd_webfile.create_id(fname,
570                                        svc,
571                                        expire_time,
572                                        mtype,
573                                        req_id,
574                                        x_mode,
575                                        ncenc);
576    end if;
578    -- finally update destination file and node name, transfer_type
579    if ( file_type in ( context_file, generic_text, generic_binary) ) then
580       update_cfg_info(temp_id, dest_file, dest_svc, 'W');
581    end if;
583    --It updates the page information. That is page size and page number.It is required to enance a functionallity for
584    --viewing output/log file(only text file) page by page.
585    IF ((page_no IS NOT null) and (page_size IS NOT null)) THEN
586       if(x_mode = 'TEXT') THEN
587          update_page_info(temp_id, page_no, page_size, 'P');
588       end if;
589    end if;
591    base := Ltrim(Rtrim(base));
593    IF (base_type = 'WEB') THEN
594       -- Strip any file path from the base URL by truncating at the
595       -- third '/'.
596       -- This leaves us with something like 'http://ap363sun:8000'.
597       pos := instr(base, '/', 1, 3);
598       if (pos > 0) then
599          base := substr(base, 1, pos - 1);
600       end if;
601       -- 2638328 - security violation - removing login information from URL
602       url := base || '/OA_CGI/FNDWRR.exe?' || 'temp_id=' || temp_id;
603    ELSIF (base_type = 'CGI') THEN
604       IF (substr(base, length(base)) <> '/') THEN
605          base := base || '/';
606       END IF;
607       url := base || 'FNDWRR.exe?' || 'temp_id=' || temp_id;
608    END IF;
610    RETURN url;
612 exception
613    when others then
614       generic_error('fnd_webfile.get_url', SQLCODE, SQLERRM);
615       return null;
616 end get_url;
625 /* Function: get_req_log_urls
626  *
627  * Purpose: Constructs and returns the URLs for a concurrent request log
628  *          and the log of the manager that ran the request..
629  *
630  * Arguments:
631  *  request_id  - Desired request_id.
632  *
633  *  gwyuid    - The value of the environment variable GWYUID used in
634  *                 constructing the URL.
635  *
636  *  two_task  - The database two_task, used in constructing the URL.
637  *
638  *  expire_time - The number of minutes for which this URL will remain
639  *                valid.
640  *
641  *  req_log - Output URL for the request log.
642  *
643  *  mgr_log - Output URL for the manager log.
644  *
645  *  Returns FALSE on error.  Check the FND message stack.
646  */
648 function get_req_log_urls( request_id IN  number,
649                                gwyuid IN  varchar2,
650                              two_task IN  varchar2,
651                           expire_time IN  number,
652                               req_log IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
653                               mgr_log IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2) return boolean is
654 begin
655   req_log := get_url(request_log, request_id, gwyuid, two_task, expire_time);
656   mgr_log := get_url(request_mgr, request_id, gwyuid, two_task, expire_time);
658   if (req_log is not null and mgr_log is not null) then
659     return true;
660   else
661     return false;
662   end if;
663 end get_req_log_urls;
667 function create_id(     name     IN varchar2,
668                         node     IN varchar2,
669                         lifetime IN number   default 10,
670                         type     IN varchar2 default 'text/plain',
671                         req_id   IN number   default 0,
672                         x_mode   IN varchar2 default 'TEXT',
673                         ncenc    IN varchar2 default 'N') return varchar2
674 is
676 my_file_id  varchar2(32);
677 fuid        number;
678 frand       number;
679 collision   number;
680 nc_encoding varchar2(240) := NULL;
681 allow_enc   varchar2(1);
682 fs_prefix   varchar2(254) := NULL;
683 nmptr       number;
684 svc         varchar2(254) := NULL;
685 ftype       fnd_concurrent_requests.output_file_type%TYPE := NULL;
688 begin
690    collision := 1;
691    while (collision > 0) loop
692       my_file_id := fnd_concurrent_file.get_file_id;
694       select count(*)
695         into collision
696         from fnd_file_temp T
697         where T.file_id = my_file_id;
698    end loop;
701    if (ncenc = 'Y') then
703       if (req_id <> 0) then
704         begin
705            select upper(output_file_type)
706              into ftype
707              from fnd_concurrent_requests
708             where request_id = req_id;
709         exception
710          when others then
711            null;
712         end;
713       end if;
715       begin
716          select allow_client_encoding
717            into allow_enc
718            from fnd_mime_types_vl
719            where mime_type = type
720              and ((ftype is not null and upper(file_format_code) = ftype)
721               or (ftype is null and rownum = 1));
722       exception
723          when others then
724            allow_enc := 'N';
725       end;
727       if allow_enc = 'Y' then
728          fnd_profile.get('FND_NATIVE_CLIENT_ENCODING', nc_encoding);
729          if (nc_encoding is null) then
730             fnd_message.set_name('CONC', 'CONC-Cannot get profile value');
731             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'CREATE_ID');
732             fnd_message.set_token('PROFILE', 'FND_NATIVE_CLIENT_ENCODING');
733             fnd_message.set_token('REASON', 'Check if profile is set');
734          end if;
735       end if;
736    end if;
738 --- Begin Shared Appltop failover code
739 begin
741    if (fnd_profile.defined('FS_SVC_PREFIX')) then
742      fnd_profile.get('FS_SVC_PREFIX', fs_prefix);
743    end if;
745    if (fs_prefix is null) then
746 	fs_prefix := 'FNDFS_';
747    end if;
749   -- If prefix already attached - switch node and reattach later
750    if (node LIKE (fs_prefix || '%'))  then
751 	nmptr := length(fs_prefix) + 1;
752    else -- No prefix, only switch node
753 	nmptr := 1;
754 	fs_prefix := NULL;
755    end if;
757     select substr(fs_prefix || 'APPLTOP_' || b.name, 1, 254)
758      into svc
759      from fnd_nodes n, fnd_appl_tops a, fnd_appl_tops b
760     where n.node_name = substr(node, nmptr, length(node))
761       and n.node_id = a.node_id
762       and a.name = b.name
763       and b.node_id <> a.node_id
764       and ROWNUM = 1;
766 exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
767     svc := node;
769 end;
770 --- End Shared Appltop Failover code
772    insert into fnd_file_temp(  file_id,
773                                filename,
774                                node_name,
775                                mime_type,
776                                request_id,
777                                expires,
778                                transfer_mode,
779                                native_client_encoding,
780 			       enable_logging)
781     values (my_file_id, name, svc, type, req_id,
782             sysdate + (lifetime/1440), x_mode, nc_encoding,
783 	     debug);
784     commit;
786     return my_file_id;
788 exception
789     when OTHERS then
790       generic_error('fnd_webfile.create_id', SQLCODE, SQLERRM);
791       rollback;
792       return null;
794 end create_id;
797 procedure set_debug(dbg IN boolean) IS
798 begin
799    if dbg then
800       debug := 'Y';
801    else
802       debug := 'N';
803    end if;
805 end set_debug;
809 end;