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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

|                               INSERT_LEDGER_OPTIONS to set correct default |
|                               for the option 'General Ledger Journal Entry |
|                               Summarization'                               |
|    28-Sep-03 S. Singhania   Made changes for enhancing the package to      |
|                               include APIs for event_class setups (3151792)|
|                               - Added global variables and the API         |
|                                   SET_DEFAULT_VALUES                       |
|                               - Added APIs PERFORM_EVENT_CLASS_SETUP and   |
|                                   DELETE_EVENT_CLASS_SETUP                 |
|                               - Modified following procedures:             |
|                                   INSERT_JE_CATEGORY, SETUP_OPTIONS        |
|                             Minor changes in following procedures:         |
|                               SETUP_LEDGER_OPTIONS, INSERT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS, |
|                               INSERT_LEDGER_OPTIONS                        |
|    18-Nov-03 S. Singhania   Changed the default values for 'g_porcesses'   |
|                               and 'g_processing_unit_size' to 1 and 1000   |
|                               respectively in routine SET_DEFAULT_VALUES.  |
|                               (Bug # 3259247).                             |
|    10-Dec-03 S. Singhania   Added the API PERFORM_APPLICATION_SETUP_CP for |
|                               the concurrent program. (Bug 3229146).       |
|    17-Jun-04 S. Singhania   Added UPGRADE_LEDGER_OPTIONS API for AX upgrade|
|    17-JUN-04 S. Singhania   Fixed GSCC warnings for  File.Sql.35           |
|    18-JUN-04 S. Singhania   Added more validations to the API              |
|                               UPGRADE_LEDGER_OPTIONS                       |
|    01-NOV-04 S. Singhania   Made changes for Valuation Method Enhancements:|
|                               - Added g_capture_event_flag                 |
|                               - Modified SET_DEFAULT_VALUES, SETUP_OPTIONS,|
|                                 INSERT_LEDGER_OPTIONS and                  |
|                                 PERFORM_APPLICATION_SETUP_CP               |
|    19-Aug-05 V.Swapna       Removed alc_enabled_flag(bug #4364830)         |
|    24-JUL-2007 Jorge Larre  Bug 5582560                                    |
|     The program loops on applications and sets the global variable         |
|     g_capture_event_flag based on the valuation method. This is done in a  |
|     simple IF with no else clause for the other case, so after the first   |
|     application meets the condition, the global variable remains set for   |
|     all the other applications. Solution: add an ELSE clause to the IF.    |

--           ****************  declaraions  ********************
g_accounting_mode_code             VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 86

PROCEDURE insert_launch_options
       (p_ledger_id                  IN NUMBER
       ,p_application_id             IN NUMBER);
Line: 90

PROCEDURE insert_ledger_options
       (p_ledger_id                  IN NUMBER
       ,p_application_id             IN NUMBER);
Line: 94

PROCEDURE insert_je_category
       (p_ledger_id                  IN NUMBER
       ,p_application_id             IN NUMBER
       ,p_event_class_code           IN VARCHAR2);
Line: 186

   SELECT application_id
   FROM xla_subledgers;
Line: 253

   SELECT chart_of_accounts_id, sla_accounting_method_code, sla_accounting_method_type
     FROM xla_gl_ledgers_v
    WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 260

   SELECT transaction_coa_id
     FROM xla_acctg_methods_b
    WHERE accounting_method_type_code = l_ledger.sla_accounting_method_type
      AND accounting_method_code      = l_ledger.sla_accounting_method_code;
Line: 268

   SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
     FROM xla_gl_ledgers_v
    WHERE ledger_id = p_primary_ledger_id;
Line: 417

   SELECT xlr.ledger_id                        ledger_id
         ,xlr.primary_ledger_id                primary_ledger_id
         ,DECODE(xlo.ledger_id,NULL,'N','Y')   ledger_setup_flag
     FROM xla_ledger_relationships_v  xlr
         ,xla_ledger_options          xlo
    WHERE xlr.ledger_category_code IN ('PRIMARY','SECONDARY')
      AND xlr.sla_accounting_method_code IS NOT NULL
      AND xlo.application_id(+)    =  p_application_id
      AND xlo.ledger_id     (+)    =  xlr.ledger_id
   ORDER BY xlr.ledger_category_code;
Line: 434

   SELECT valuation_method_flag
     INTO l_valutation_method_flag
     FROM xla_subledgers
    WHERE application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 466

            (p_ledger_id           => c1.ledger_id
            ,p_application_id      => p_application_id
            ,p_event_class_code    => p_event_class_code);
Line: 488

PROCEDURE delete_event_class_setup
       (p_application_id             IN NUMBER
       ,p_event_class_code           IN VARCHAR2) IS
   trace('> xla_acct_setup_pkg.delete_event_class_setup'     , 10);
Line: 499

   DELETE FROM xla_je_categories
         WHERE application_id    = p_application_id
           AND event_class_code  = p_event_class_code;
Line: 502

   trace('Number of rows deleted    = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT        , 40);
Line: 504

   trace('< xla_acct_setup_pkg.delete_event_class_setup'     , 10);
Line: 510

      (p_location   => 'xla_acct_setup_pkg.delete_event_class_setup');
Line: 511

END delete_event_class_setup;
Line: 534

   SELECT application_id
     FROM xla_subledgers_fvl
    WHERE application_id = NVL(p_application_id,application_id);
Line: 567

         FROM xla_je_categories         xjc
        WHERE application_id         =  c1.application_id
          AND NOT EXISTS
              (SELECT 1
                 FROM xla_event_classes_b
                WHERE application_id          = xjc.application_id
                  AND event_class_code        = xjc.event_class_code);
Line: 576

      trace('Number of rows deleted      = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,30);
Line: 583

      trace('Inserting rows in xla_launch_options for the ledgers '||
            'that are not already setup',20);
Line: 586

      INSERT INTO xla_launch_options
         xla_ledger_relationships_v           xlr
        ,xla_subledgers                       xsl
        ,xla_acctg_methods_b                  xam
        ,gl_ledgers                           gll
          xlr.ledger_category_code          IN ('PRIMARY','SECONDARY')
      AND xlr.sla_accounting_method_code    IS NOT NULL
      AND xsl.application_id                 = c1.application_id
      AND xlr.ledger_category_code           = DECODE(xsl.valuation_method_flag
      AND xam.accounting_method_code         = xlr.sla_accounting_method_code
      AND xam.accounting_method_type_code    = xlr.sla_accounting_method_type
      AND gll.ledger_id                      = xlr.primary_ledger_id
      AND NVL(xam.transaction_coa_id
             ,gll.chart_of_accounts_id)      = gll.chart_of_accounts_id
                        FROM xla_launch_options
                       WHERE ledger_id               = xlr.ledger_id
                         AND application_id          = xsl.application_id));
Line: 646

      trace('Number of rows inserted      = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,30);
Line: 654

      trace('Inserting rows in xla_ledger_options for the ledgers '||
            'that are not already setup',20);
Line: 662

      INSERT INTO xla_ledger_options
                      ,'PRIMARY', 'Y'
         xla_ledger_relationships_v           xlr
        ,xla_subledgers                       xsl
        ,xla_acctg_methods_b                  xam
        ,gl_ledgers                           gll
        ,gl_ledgers                           gl2
          xlr.ledger_category_code          IN ('PRIMARY','SECONDARY')
      AND xlr.sla_accounting_method_code    IS NOT NULL
      AND xsl.application_id                 = c1.application_id
      AND xam.accounting_method_code         = xlr.sla_accounting_method_code
      AND xam.accounting_method_type_code    = xlr.sla_accounting_method_type
      AND gll.ledger_id                      = xlr.primary_ledger_id
      AND gl2.ledger_id                      = xlr.ledger_id
      AND NVL(xam.transaction_coa_id
             ,gll.chart_of_accounts_id)      = gll.chart_of_accounts_id
                        FROM xla_ledger_options
                       WHERE ledger_id               = xlr.ledger_id
                         AND application_id          = xsl.application_id));
Line: 717

      trace('Number of rows inserted      = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,30);
Line: 725

      trace('Inserting rows in xla_je_categories for the event classes and ledgers '||
            'that are not already setup',20);
Line: 728

      INSERT INTO xla_je_categories
         xla_ledger_relationships_v           xlr
        ,xla_subledgers                       xsl
        ,xla_acctg_methods_b                  xam
        ,gl_ledgers                           gll
        ,xla_event_class_attrs                xec
          xlr.ledger_category_code          IN ('PRIMARY','SECONDARY')
      AND xlr.sla_accounting_method_code    IS NOT NULL
      AND xsl.application_id                 = c1.application_id
      AND xam.accounting_method_code         = xlr.sla_accounting_method_code
      AND xam.accounting_method_type_code    = xlr.sla_accounting_method_type
      AND gll.ledger_id                      = xlr.primary_ledger_id
      AND NVL(xam.transaction_coa_id
             ,gll.chart_of_accounts_id)      = gll.chart_of_accounts_id
      AND xec.application_id                 = xsl.application_id
                        FROM xla_je_categories
                       WHERE application_id          = xsl.application_id
                         AND ledger_id               = xlr.ledger_id
                         AND entity_code             = xec.entity_code
                         AND event_class_code        = xec.event_class_code));
Line: 773

      trace('Number of rows inserted      = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,30);
Line: 852

PROCEDURE insert_launch_options
       (p_ledger_id                  IN NUMBER
       ,p_application_id             IN NUMBER) IS

l_exist                           VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 859

   SELECT 'x'
     FROM xla_launch_options
    WHERE application_id   = p_application_id
      AND ledger_id        = p_ledger_id;
Line: 865

   trace('> xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_launch_options'   , 10);
Line: 873

      INSERT INTO xla_launch_options
Line: 915

   trace('< xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_launch_options'    , 10);
Line: 927

      (p_location   => 'xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_launch_options');
Line: 928

END insert_launch_options;
Line: 936

PROCEDURE insert_ledger_options
       (p_ledger_id                  IN NUMBER
       ,p_application_id             IN NUMBER) IS
l_exist                           VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 942

   SELECT 'x'
     FROM xla_ledger_options
    WHERE application_id   = p_application_id
      AND ledger_id        = p_ledger_id;
Line: 948

   trace('> xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_ledger_options'   , 10);
Line: 962

         SELECT decode(net_income_code_combination_id,NULL,'P','A')
           INTO g_transfer_to_gl_mode_code
           FROM gl_ledgers
          WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 968

      INSERT INTO xla_ledger_options
Line: 1001

   trace('< xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_ledger_options'    , 10);
Line: 1013

     (p_location   => 'xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_ledger_options');
Line: 1014

END insert_ledger_options;
Line: 1022

PROCEDURE insert_je_category
       (p_ledger_id                  IN NUMBER
       ,p_application_id             IN NUMBER
       ,p_event_class_code           IN VARCHAR2) IS
CURSOR csr_event_classes IS
   SELECT xeca.entity_code
     FROM xla_event_class_attrs   xeca
    WHERE xeca.application_id      = p_application_id
      AND xeca.event_class_code    = NVL(p_event_class_code,xeca.event_class_code)
      AND xeca.event_class_code    NOT IN
                  (SELECT event_class_code
                     FROM xla_je_categories    xjc
                    WHERE xjc.application_id   = p_application_id
                      AND xjc.ledger_id        = p_ledger_id);
Line: 1040

   trace('> xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_je_category'              , 10);
Line: 1046

      INSERT INTO xla_je_categories
Line: 1070

   trace('< xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_je_category'              , 10);
Line: 1077

      (p_location   => 'xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_je_category');
Line: 1078

END insert_je_category;
Line: 1095

   SELECT 'x'
     FROM xla_launch_options
    WHERE application_id   = p_application_id
      AND ledger_id        = p_primary_ledger_id;
Line: 1167

   SELECT currency_code
     FROM xla_gl_ledgers_v
    WHERE ledger_id        = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1247

         (p_ledger_id        => p_ledger_id
         ,p_application_id   => p_application_id);
Line: 1254

         (p_ledger_id        => p_ledger_id
         ,p_application_id   => p_application_id);
Line: 1261

         (p_ledger_id        => p_ledger_id
         ,p_application_id   => p_application_id
         ,p_event_class_code => p_event_class_code);
Line: 1278

               (p_ledger_id      => p_ledger_id
               ,p_application_id => p_application_id);
Line: 1286

            (p_ledger_id        => p_ledger_id
            ,p_application_id   => p_application_id);
Line: 1293

            (p_ledger_id        => p_ledger_id
            ,p_application_id   => p_application_id
            ,p_event_class_code => p_event_class_code);
Line: 1564

   UPDATE xla_launch_options SET
      accounting_mode_code           = NVL(p_acct_mode_code, accounting_mode_code)
     ,accounting_mode_override_flag  = NVL(p_acct_mode_override_flag, accounting_mode_override_flag)
     ,summary_report_flag            = NVL(p_summary_report_flag, summary_report_flag)
     ,summary_report_override_flag   = NVL(p_summary_report_override_flag, summary_report_override_flag)
     ,submit_transfer_to_gl_flag     = NVL(p_submit_xfer_to_gl_flag, submit_transfer_to_gl_flag)
     ,submit_transfer_override_flag  = NVL(p_submit_xfer_override_flag, submit_transfer_override_flag)
     ,submit_gl_post_flag            = NVL(p_submit_gl_post_flag, submit_gl_post_flag)
     ,submit_gl_post_override_flag   = NVL(p_submit_gl_post_override_flag,submit_gl_post_override_flag)
     ,error_limit                    = DECODE(p_stop_on_error, null, error_limit, p_error_limit)
     ,processes                      = NVL(p_processes, processes)
     ,processing_unit_size           = NVL(p_processing_unit_size, processing_unit_size)
     ,last_update_date               = sysdate
     ,last_updated_by                = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
     ,last_update_login              = xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id
   WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id
     AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 1586

   UPDATE xla_ledger_options SET
      transfer_to_gl_mode_code       = NVL(p_transfer_to_gl_mode_code, transfer_to_gl_mode_code)
     ,acct_reversal_option_code      = NVL(p_acct_reversal_option_code, acct_reversal_option_code)
     ,last_update_date               = sysdate
     ,last_updated_by                = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
     ,last_update_login              = xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id
   WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id
     AND application_id = p_application_id;