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Line 706: d.total_indep_Demand_qty * msi.standard_cost,

703: ---- make sure this indep_demand_value is qty * std_cost. this is used to calculate
704: ---- cogs =item std cost x sum of Indep dem qty
705: ---d.total_indep_demand_value, -- qty * std_Cost
706: d.total_indep_Demand_qty * msi.standard_cost,
708: d.total_dep_demand_qty,
709: d.sales_order_Qty * (nvl(msi.list_price,0) -(1-nvl(msi.AVERAGE_DISCOUNT,0)/100)) sales_order_value,
710: s.return_order_qty * (nvl(msi.list_price,0) -(1-nvl(msi.AVERAGE_DISCOUNT,0)/100)) return_order_value,

Line 845: --sum(nvl(INDEP_DEMAND_QTY,0) * msi.standard_cost) total_indep_demand_value,

841: sum(nvl(mdf.INDEP_DEMAND_QTY,0) ) total_indep_demand_qty,
842: ---- make sure this indep_demand_value is qty * std_cost. this is used to calculate
843: ---- cogs =item std cost x sum of Indep dem qty
845: --sum(nvl(INDEP_DEMAND_QTY,0) * msi.standard_cost) total_indep_demand_value,
846: sum(decode(nvl(mdf.order_type,0),
847: -1,decode(mpd.plan_type,5,0,nvl(mdf.demand_qty,0)), -- exclude drp planned demand from dep demand
848: -2,nvl(mdf.demand_qty,0),
849: -3,nvl(mdf.demand_qty,0),

Line 1203: pab.pab_qty*m1.standard_cost pab_value,

1200: pab.order_date,
1201: --------------------------------------------------------------
1202: pab.pab_qty,
1203: pab.pab_qty*m1.standard_cost pab_value,
1204: --------------------------------------------------------------
1205: to_number(null) safety_stock_qty, -- ss
1206: to_number(null) min_inventory_level, -- min level
1207: to_number(null) max_inventory_level,

Line 1508: order by map.date2) * msi_bis.standard_cost pab_value,

1504: --- populated in sno plan
1505: last_value(mbid.pab ignore nulls) over (partition by mbid.plan_id, mbid.sr_instance_id,
1506: mbid.organization_id, mbid.inventory_item_id,
1507: mbid.ship_method
1508: order by map.date2) * msi_bis.standard_cost pab_value,
1509: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1511: to_number(null) safety_stock_qty, -- ss
1512: to_number(null) min_inventory_level, -- min level

Line 1562: msi_1.standard_cost,

1558: (select msi_1.plan_id,
1559: msi_1.sr_instance_id,
1560: msi_1.organization_id,
1561: msi_1.inventory_item_id,
1562: msi_1.standard_cost,
1563: nvl(vmi.number6,0) vmi_flag
1564: from msc_system_items msi_1,
1565: msc_hub_query vmi
1566: where vmi.query_id(+) =l_qid_vmi_item