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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

      p_frm_sd_employee_contribution (V)   Default Amount The Selected Method
      p_frm_be_element_name          (V)   Base Element Name = 
      p_frm_be_reporting_name        (V)   Reporting Name
--    p_frm_be_classification        (V)   Always 'Voluntary Deduction'
      p_frm_be_description           (V)   Optional Element Description
      p_frm_ae_employer_contribution (V)   Optional Ex Rule Employer Contributn
      p_frm_ae_type                  (V)   Optional Ex Rule Employer Contributn
      p_frm_ae_rate                  (N)   Optional Employer Contribution Rate
      p_frm_ctl_effective_start_date (D)   Standard Effective Start Date
      p_frm_ctl_effective_end_date   (D)   Standard Effective End Date
      p_frm_ctl_busines_group_id     (N)   Standard Business Group Id

   l_proc                        VARCHAR2(61):= g_proc||'create_user_template';
Line: 64

   SELECT element_type_id
   FROM   pay_shadow_element_types
   WHERE  template_id = l_te_ustrctr_id
     AND  element_name = p_el_stkhldr_nm;
Line: 73

   SELECT input_value_id
   FROM   pay_shadow_input_values
   WHERE  element_type_id = p_el_stkhldr_id
     AND  name = DECODE(p_frm_sd_contribution_method
                       ,'P','Percentage Contribution'
                       ,'F','Flat Rate Contribution'
Line: 85

   SELECT input_value_id
   FROM   pay_shadow_input_values
   WHERE  element_type_id = p_el_stkhldr_id
     AND  name = DECODE(p_frm_ae_type
                       ,'P','Employers Percentage'
                       ,'F','Employers Factor'
Line: 98

   SELECT input_value_id
   FROM   pay_shadow_input_values
   WHERE  element_type_id = p_el_stkhldr_id
     AND  name = 'Scheme Name';
Line: 112

   SELECT ptco.core_object_id
   FROM   pay_shadow_element_types psbt,
          pay_template_core_objects ptco
   WHERE  psbt.template_id      = l_te_ustrctr_id
     AND  psbt.element_name     = c_element_name
     AND  ptco.template_id      = psbt.template_id
     AND  ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.element_type_id
     AND  ptco.core_object_type = 'ET';
Line: 132

     SELECT template_id
     FROM   pay_element_templates
     WHERE  template_name     = l_template_name
     AND    legislation_code  = p_legislation_code
     AND    template_type     = 'T'
     AND    business_group_id is NULL;
Line: 171

           SELECT element_type_id
             FROM   pay_element_types_f
            WHERE  element_name      = c_object_name
              AND  business_group_id = p_frm_ctl_business_group_id;
Line: 177

          SELECT ptco.core_object_id
            FROM   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
                   pay_template_core_objects ptco
           WHERE  psbt.template_id      = l_te_ustrctr_id
             AND  psbt.balance_name     = c_object_name
             AND  ptco.template_id      = psbt.template_id
             AND  ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 214

      p_frm_sd_employee_contribution  (V)   Default Amount The Selected Method
      p_frm_be_element_name          (V)   Base Element Name = 
      p_frm_be_reporting_name        (V)   Reporting Name
--    p_frm_be_classification        (V)   Always 'Voluntary Deduction'
      p_frm_be_description           (V)   Optional Element Description
      p_frm_ae_employer_contribution (V)   Optional Ex Rule Employer Contributn
      p_frm_ae_type                  (V)   Optional Ex Rule Employer Contributn
      p_frm_ae_rate                  (N)   Optional Employer Contribution Rate
      p_frm_ctl_effective_start_date (D)   Standard Effective Start Date
      p_frm_ctl_effective_end_date   (D)   Standard Effective End Date
      p_frm_ctl_busines_group_id     (N)   Standard Business Group Id


  hr_utility.set_location('Entering : '||l_proc, 10);
Line: 322

      (p_validate               => FALSE
       ,p_effective_date        => p_frm_ctl_effective_start_date
       ,p_element_type_id       => row_el_stkhldr_details.element_type_id
--     ,p_element_name          => p_frm_be_element_name
       ,p_reporting_name        => p_frm_be_reporting_name
       ,p_description           => p_frm_be_description
       ,p_skip_formula          => l_el_skpfrml_nm
       ,p_object_version_number => row_el_stkhldr_details.object_version_number
Line: 508

PROCEDURE delete_user_template
            (p_frm_ctl_business_group_id     IN     NUMBER
            ,p_frm_ctl_element_type_id       IN     NUMBER
            ,p_frm_be_element_name           IN     VARCHAR2
            ,p_frm_ctl_effective_start_date  IN     DATE
  l_te_ustrctr_id     NUMBER(9);
Line: 517

  l_proc              VARCHAR2(61):=g_proc||'delete_user_template';
Line: 522

  SELECT element_type_extra_info_id
  FROM   pay_element_type_extra_info petei
  WHERE  element_type_id = p_frm_ctl_element_type_id ;
Line: 528

  SELECT template_id
  FROM   pay_element_templates
  WHERE  base_name = p_frm_be_element_name
    AND  business_group_id = p_frm_ctl_business_group_id
    AND  template_type = 'U';
Line: 544

      (p_validate                    => FALSE
      ,p_element_type_extra_info_id  => l_ee_stkhldr_id
      ,p_object_version_number       => l_ee_stkhldr_ovn
Line: 561

    (p_validate                =>   FALSE
    ,p_drop_formula_packages   =>   TRUE
    ,p_template_id             =>   l_te_ustrctr_id
Line: 569

END delete_user_template;