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1 PACKAGE jai_inv_items_pkg
2 /* $Header: jai_inv_items.pls 120.2 2005/07/22 15:31:50 avallabh ship $ */
3 AS
4  /*  */
5  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6   FILENAME: jai_items_pkg_s.pls  CHANGE HISTORY:
7   SlNo.  DD/MM/YYYY       Author and Details of Modifications
8   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9   1.   22/04/2005       Brathod for Bug # 4299606 (Item DFF Elimination), File Version 116.1
11                         Issue:- Item DFF Needs to be eliminated
12   Package fie is renamed to JAI_INV_ITEMS_PKG.PLS
13   -----------------------------------------------
14   2.   24/05/2005         Brathod, For Bug# 4389149 (Item Code Hook - API), File Version 116.1
15                           Issue:-
16                           Code hook (API) needs to developed that will be called when item is either
17                           copied, assigned, deleted or imported in the base item form.
18                           Fix:-
19                           To support this functionality a procedure PROPAGATE_ITEM_ACTION is developed
20                           which accepts the base action as well as pl/sql table as inventory items to be processed.
21                           The procedure will be able to process items in bulk so that only one call from base item
22                           form can propagate changes in many items.  Each row in plsql table PT_ITEM_DATA will be
23                           a comman (,) seperated string depending upon the PV_ACTION_TYPE argument.
24                           (For more details regarding possible values for each argument and format of the string
25                           for each PV_ACTION_TYPE argument please refere the bug# 4389149)
27 3. 08-Jun-2005  Version 116.2 jai_inv_items -Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
28 		as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.
30 4. 15-Jul-2005            Brathod, For Bug# 4496223 Version 117.2
31                           Issue: -
32                           The Code hook API for IL Item currently accepts datatype of the type
33                           table_item which is pl-sql table of varchar2(100).  But as the code hook
34                           needs to be called by base application it should not have any depedancy on IL
35                           Product.  Use of this data type introduces the dependancy of IL.
36                           Solution:-
37                           To avoid this the datatype should be independent of product.  The pl-sql table
38                           type aregument is removed from PROPAGATE_ITEM_ACTION procedure and added
39                           the following four simple arguments
40                           1. pn_organization_id   - NUMBER - Destination Organization
41                           2. pn_inventory_item_id - NUMBER - Destination Inventory Item
42                           3. pn_source_organization_id   - NUMBER - Source Organization
43                           4. pn_source_inventory_item_id - NUMBER - Source Inventory Item
44                             of TABLE_ITEMS.
47   Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
48   (Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/
49   A datamodel change )
51   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52   Current Version       Current Bug    Dependent         Dependency On Files       Version   Author   Date          Remarks
53   Of File                              On Bug/Patchset
54   jai_items_pkg_s.sql
55   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56   115.0                 4245134       IN60105D2         VAT Objects                115.0     Brathod  17-Mar-2005   Technical Dependacny
57                                       +4245089
58   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
59   TYPE type_rec_jmsi_attribs IS RECORD
60   (
61     item_class        JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.item_class%TYPE
62   , modvat_flag       JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.modvat_flag%TYPE
63   , item_tariff       JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.item_tariff%TYPE
64   , item_folio        JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.item_folio%TYPE
65   , excise_flag       JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.excise_flag%TYPE
66   , trading_flag      JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.item_trading_flag%TYPE
67   , count             NUMBER
68   );
70   TYPE type_rec_rgm_itm_attribs IS RECORD
71   (
74   );
76   TYPE type_tab_attributes IS TABLE OF type_rec_rgm_itm_attribs
79   gr_jmsi_attribs type_rec_jmsi_attribs;
80   gt_attributes   type_tab_attributes;
82   /*  Added by Brathod for bug#4389149 */
84    -- TYPE table_items IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (100) -- Bug# 4496223
87   /*  End of Bug# 4389149 */
89   /*  API to find out attribute of particular inventory item */
90   PROCEDURE jai_get_attrib
91                       ( p_regime_code       IN   JAI_RGM_ITM_TEMPLATES.REGIME_CODE%TYPE ,
92                         p_organization_id   IN   JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE ,
93                         p_inventory_item_id IN   JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE ,
94                         p_attribute_code    IN   JAI_RGM_ITM_TMPL_ATTRS.ATTRIBUTE_CODE%TYPE,
95                         p_attribute_value OUT NOCOPY JAI_RGM_ITM_TMPL_ATTRS.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE%TYPE,
96                         p_process_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
97                         p_process_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
98                       );
102                                 , p_description   JAI_RGM_ITM_TEMPLATES.DESCRIPTION%TYPE DEFAULT NULL
99   /*  This function will create template and retrun the newly created template_id */
100   FUNCTION jai_create_template(   p_regime_code   JAI_RGM_ITM_TEMPLATES.REGIME_CODE%TYPE
101                                 , p_template_name JAI_RGM_ITM_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_NAME%TYPE
103                              )
105   /*  Procedure to assign template to particular / all inventory items in organization */
106   PROCEDURE jai_assign_template(  p_template_id       JAI_RGM_ITM_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_ID%TYPE
107                                 , p_organization_id   JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE
108                                 , p_inventory_item_id JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE DEFAULT NULL
109                               ) ;
110   /*  Procedure to create item specific registration */
111   PROCEDURE jai_create_item_regns ( p_regime_code       JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.REGIME_CODE%TYPE
112                                    ,p_organization_id   JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE
113                                    ,p_inventory_item_id JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE
114                                    ,p_tab_attributes    jai_inv_items_pkg.GT_ATTRIBUTES%TYPE
115                                   );
116   /*  Procedure will create either item/template attributes based on attributes passed as pl-sql table */
117   PROCEDURE jai_create_attribs ( p_template_id        JAI_RGM_ITM_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_ID%TYPE
118                                 ,p_rgm_item_regns_id  JAI_RGM_ITM_REGNS.RGM_ITEM_REGNS_ID%TYPE
119                                 ,p_tab_attributes     jai_inv_items_pkg.GT_ATTRIBUTES%TYPE
120                                 );
121   /*  Synchronization procedure for JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS table */
122   PROCEDURE jai_synchronize_jmsi (p_synchronization_number JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS.SYNCHRONIZATION_NUMBER%TYPE DEFAULT NULL
123                                  );
126  /*  Added by Brathod for bug#4389149 */
127  /* India Localization code hook for Base item copy/delete/assignment/import action */
128  PROCEDURE propagate_item_action
129   (
130     pv_action_type                IN    VARCHAR2
131   --, pt_item_data                IN    dbms_utility.uncl_array  -- TABLE_ITEMS, Bug# 4496223
132   , pn_organization_id            IN    MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE
133   , pn_inventory_item_id          IN    MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE
134   , pn_source_organization_id     IN    MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE
135   , pn_source_inventory_item_id   IN    MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE
136   , pn_set_process_id             IN    NUMBER
137   , pv_called_from                IN    VARCHAR2
138   );
139  PROCEDURE  copy_items
140               ( pn_organization_id          MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE
141                ,pn_inventory_item_id        MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE
142                ,pn_source_organization_id   MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE
143                ,pn_source_inventory_item_id MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE
144               );
146  PROCEDURE  delete_items
147               ( pn_organization_id    MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE
148                ,pn_inventory_item_id  MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID%TYPE
149               );
151  /*  End of Bug# 4389149 */
153 END jai_inv_items_pkg;