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1 PACKAGE dbms_resource_manager_privs AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
3  --
4  -- grant a system privilege to a user/role.
5  --
6  -- Input arguments:
7  --   grantee        - name of the user or role to whom privilege is to be
8  --                    granted
9  --   privilege_name - name of the privilege to be granted.
10  --   admin_option   - TRUE if the grant is with admin_option, FALSE otherwise
11  --
12  PROCEDURE grant_system_privilege(grantee_name IN VARCHAR2,
13                                   privilege_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT
14                                   'ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER',
15                                   admin_option IN BOOLEAN);
17  --
18  -- revoke a system privilege from a user/role
19  --
20  -- Input arguments:
21  --   revokee_name - name of the user or role from whom privilege is to be
22  --                  revoked
23  --
24  PROCEDURE revoke_system_privilege(revokee_name IN VARCHAR2,
25                                    privilege_name in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT
26                                   'ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER');
28  --
29  -- allow the specified user/role to switch to the given consumer group
30  --
31  -- Input arguments:
32  --   grantee_name   - name of user/role to which to grant access
33  --   consumer_group - name of consumer_group
34  --   grant_option   - TRUE if grantee should be allowed to grant access,
35  --                    FALSE otherwise.
36  --
37  PROCEDURE grant_switch_consumer_group(grantee_name IN VARCHAR2,
38                                        consumer_group IN VARCHAR2,
39                                        grant_option IN BOOLEAN);
41  --
42  -- disallow the specified user/role from switching to the given
43  -- consumer group, and from granting access to the group to other
44  -- users/roles.
45  --
46  -- Input arguments:
47  --   revokee_name      - name of user/role from which to revoke access
48  --   consumer_group    - name of consumer group
49  --
50  PROCEDURE revoke_switch_consumer_group(revokee_name IN VARCHAR2,
51                                         consumer_group IN VARCHAR2);
53 END dbms_resource_manager_privs;