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Line 54: FROM per_position_extra_info pei

50: SELECT pei.position_id,
51: pei.position_extra_info_id,
52: pei.poei_information3 grade_id,
53: to_number(pei.poei_information5) user_tab_id
54: FROM per_position_extra_info pei
55: WHERE pei.information_type = 'GHR_US_POS_VALID_GRADE'
56: AND to_number(pei.poei_information5) <> l_essl_tab_id
57: AND pei.position_id in
58: (SELECT position_id

Line 74: WHERE pah.table_name = 'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO'

70: pah.information9 , -- grade_id
71: to_number(pah.information11) user_tab_id,
72: pah.effective_date
73: FROM ghr_pa_history pah
74: WHERE pah.table_name = 'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO'
75: AND pah.information5 = 'GHR_US_POS_VALID_GRADE'
76: AND to_number(pah.information11) <> l_essl_tab_id
77: AND to_number(pah.information4) in
78: (SELECT position_id

Line 111: WHERE table_name = 'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO'

107: ---
108: CURSOR cur_his_cut_off_date IS
109: SELECT 1
110: FROM ghr_pa_history pah1
112: AND information5 = 'GHR_US_POS_VALID_GRADE'
113: and effective_date = l_effective_date
114: AND to_number(information4) = l_position_id
115: AND to_number(information11) = l_essl_tab_id;

Line 121: l_pos_ei_data per_position_extra_info%rowtype;

117: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'ghr_ses_pay_cal_conv';
119: l_his_match BOOLEAN := FALSE;
120: l_pos_valid BOOLEAN := FALSE;
121: l_pos_ei_data per_position_extra_info%rowtype;
122: l_pay_plan per_grade_definitions.segment1%type;
123: l_grade_or_level per_grade_definitions.segment2%type;
124: l_posei_id per_position_extra_info.position_extra_info_id%type;
125: l_grd_id per_position_extra_info.poei_information5%type;

Line 124: l_posei_id per_position_extra_info.position_extra_info_id%type;

120: l_pos_valid BOOLEAN := FALSE;
121: l_pos_ei_data per_position_extra_info%rowtype;
122: l_pay_plan per_grade_definitions.segment1%type;
123: l_grade_or_level per_grade_definitions.segment2%type;
124: l_posei_id per_position_extra_info.position_extra_info_id%type;
125: l_grd_id per_position_extra_info.poei_information5%type;
126: l_hist_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type;
127: l_his_eff_date ghr_pa_requests.effective_date%type;
128: l_counter NUMBER := 0;

Line 125: l_grd_id per_position_extra_info.poei_information5%type;

121: l_pos_ei_data per_position_extra_info%rowtype;
122: l_pay_plan per_grade_definitions.segment1%type;
123: l_grade_or_level per_grade_definitions.segment2%type;
124: l_posei_id per_position_extra_info.position_extra_info_id%type;
125: l_grd_id per_position_extra_info.poei_information5%type;
126: l_hist_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type;
127: l_his_eff_date ghr_pa_requests.effective_date%type;
128: l_counter NUMBER := 0;
129: l_counter1 NUMBER := 0;


195: ---
197: IF l_pay_plan in ('ES','EP','IE','FE') THEN
200: SET poei_information5 = to_char(l_essl_tab_id)
201: WHERE current of cur_pos_ei;
203: FOR tab_name IN cur_user_pay_tab_name

Line 225: p_message_name => 'ERR-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',

221: ---
222: l_log_text := substr(l_log_text || ', Message : ' || 'ERROR NOT UPDATED ,',1,2000);
223: ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog(
224: p_program_name => g_proc_name,
225: p_message_name => 'ERR-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',
226: p_log_text => substr(l_log_text || 'DB ERROR is : ' || SQLERRM,1,2000),
227: p_log_date => sysdate);
228: ELSE
229: l_counter := l_counter + 1;

Line 237: p_message_name => 'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',

233: ---
234: l_log_text := substr(l_log_text || ', Message : ' || 'Updated Successful ',1,2000);
235: ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog(
236: p_program_name => g_proc_name,
237: p_message_name => 'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',
238: p_log_text => l_log_text,
239: p_log_date => sysdate);
240: END IF;

Line 249: --- No Records in PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO - so Enter log.

245: END LOOP;
247: IF l_counter = 0 THEN
248: ---
249: --- No Records in PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO - so Enter log.
250: ---
251: ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog(
252: p_program_name => g_proc_name,
253: p_message_name => 'NO-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',

Line 253: p_message_name => 'NO-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',

249: --- No Records in PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO - so Enter log.
250: ---
251: ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog(
252: p_program_name => g_proc_name,
253: p_message_name => 'NO-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',
254: p_log_text => 'Error : NO Valid Extra Position Info records found for Update' ,
255: p_log_date => sysdate);
256: ELSE
257: ---

Line 258: --- All Records in PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO updated - so Enter log.

254: p_log_text => 'Error : NO Valid Extra Position Info records found for Update' ,
255: p_log_date => sysdate);
256: ELSE
257: ---
258: --- All Records in PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO updated - so Enter log.
259: ---
260: ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog(
261: p_program_name => g_proc_name,
262: p_message_name => 'TOT-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',

Line 262: p_message_name => 'TOT-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',

258: --- All Records in PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO updated - so Enter log.
259: ---
260: ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog(
261: p_program_name => g_proc_name,
262: p_message_name => 'TOT-PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO',
263: p_log_text => 'Total Records updated with SES equivalent plans are ' || to_char(l_counter),
264: p_log_date => sysdate);
265: END IF;