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Line 29: so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of the Model of processing if any */

25: select BAC1.config_item_id,BAC1.organization_id,sol1.unit_code,
26: (sol1.ordered_quantity-nvl(sol1.cancelled_quantity,0)),
27: soh.order_number,sot.name,sod.line_detail_id
28: from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC1, /* the duplicate */
29: so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of the Model of processing if any */
30: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */
31: so_headers_all soh, /* to get the header info */
32: so_order_types_all sot,
33: so_line_details sod,

Line 30: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */

26: (sol1.ordered_quantity-nvl(sol1.cancelled_quantity,0)),
27: soh.order_number,sot.name,sod.line_detail_id
28: from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC1, /* the duplicate */
29: so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of the Model of processing if any */
30: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */
31: so_headers_all soh, /* to get the header info */
32: so_order_types_all sot,
33: so_line_details sod,
34: mtl_system_items msi,

Line 48: from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */

44: and msi.organization_id = BAC1.organization_id
45: and msi.inventory_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
46: and msi.inventory_item_status_code <> bp.bom_delete_status_code
47: and not exists (select 'Extra options in Order'
48: from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */
49: where sol5.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
50: and sol5.ordered_quantity > nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0)
51: and sol5.inventory_item_id not in
52: (select BAC2.component_item_id

Line 71: from so_lines_all sol7 /* processing */

67: from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC3 /* duplicates */
68: where BAC3.config_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
69: and BAC3.component_item_id <> BAC1.component_item_id
70: having count(*) <> (select count (*)
71: from so_lines_all sol7 /* processing */
72: where sol7.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
73: and sol7.ordered_quantity>nvl(sol7.cancelled_quantity,0)
74: )
75: )

Line 276: so_lines_all s3, /* Parent of the ATO Model if any */

272: prg_id,
274: bor.cfm_routing_flag
275: from
276: so_lines_all s3, /* Parent of the ATO Model if any */
277: so_lines_all s2, /* Options or Option Classes */
278: so_lines_all s1, /* Model */
279: bom_operational_routings bor,
280: mtl_system_items_interface m

Line 277: so_lines_all s2, /* Options or Option Classes */

274: bor.cfm_routing_flag
275: from
276: so_lines_all s3, /* Parent of the ATO Model if any */
277: so_lines_all s2, /* Options or Option Classes */
278: so_lines_all s1, /* Model */
279: bom_operational_routings bor,
280: mtl_system_items_interface m
281: where m.set_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')

Line 278: so_lines_all s1, /* Model */

274: bor.cfm_routing_flag
275: from
276: so_lines_all s3, /* Parent of the ATO Model if any */
277: so_lines_all s2, /* Options or Option Classes */
278: so_lines_all s1, /* Model */
279: bom_operational_routings bor,
280: mtl_system_items_interface m
281: where m.set_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
282: and m.base_item_id = s1.inventory_item_id

Line 298: table_name := 'SO_LINES_ALL';

294: when OTHERS THEN
295: error_message := 'BOMPMCFG' || to_char(stmt_num) || ':' ||
296: substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
297: message_name := 'BOM_ATO_PROCESS_ERROR';
298: table_name := 'SO_LINES_ALL';
299: return(0);
300: end;

Line 324: so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of ATO Model if any */

320: update mtl_demand m
321: set m.duplicated_config_item_id = (
322: select BAC1.config_item_id
323: from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC1, /* the duplicate */
324: so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of ATO Model if any */
325: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */
326: mtl_system_items msi,
327: bom_parameters bp
328: where BAC1.base_model_id = sol1.inventory_item_id

Line 325: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */

321: set m.duplicated_config_item_id = (
322: select BAC1.config_item_id
323: from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC1, /* the duplicate */
324: so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of ATO Model if any */
325: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */
326: mtl_system_items msi,
327: bom_parameters bp
328: where BAC1.base_model_id = sol1.inventory_item_id
329: and BAC1.organization_id = sol1.warehouse_id

Line 337: from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */

333: and msi.organization_id = BAC1.organization_id
334: and msi.inventory_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
335: and msi.inventory_item_status_code <> bp.bom_delete_status_code
336: and not exists (select 'X'
337: from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */
338: where sol5.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
339: and sol5.ordered_quantity > nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0)
340: and sol5.inventory_item_id not in
341: (select BAC2.component_item_id

Line 360: from so_lines_all sol7 /* processing */

356: from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC3 /* duplicates */
357: where BAC3.config_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
358: and BAC3.component_item_id <> BAC1.component_item_id
359: having count(*) <> (select count (*)
360: from so_lines_all sol7 /* processing */
361: where sol7.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
362: and sol7.ordered_quantity>nvl(sol7.cancelled_quantity,0)
363: )
364: )

Line 397: table_name := 'SO_LINES_ALL';

394: error_message := 'BOMPMCFG' || to_char(stmt_num) || ':' ||
395: substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
396: message_name := 'BOM_ATO_PROCESS_ERROR';
397: table_name := 'SO_LINES_ALL';
398: return(0);
399: end;
401: end BOMPMCFG;