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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_uc_dat_imp_from_ucas AS
2 /* $Header: IGSUC19B.pls 120.2 2006/08/21 03:51:35 jbaber noship $  */
4   PROCEDURE insert_dat_into_ucas (
5      errbuf                     OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
6     ,retcode                    OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
7     ,p_report_mode              IN      VARCHAR2
8     ,p_n_rec_cnt_for_commit     IN      NUMBER
9     ,p_c_import_appl_data       IN      VARCHAR2
10      ) IS
11      -- parameter p_c_import_appl added as part of UCCR002 Bug# 2278817
13     /******************************************************************
14      Created By      :   M. S. GARCHA
15      Date Created By :   10-OCT-2001
16      Purpose         :
17      Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
18      Change History
19      Who       When         What
20      kkillams  24-Sep-2002  Call to proc_cvname_view procedure is removed.
21                             New procedure calls proc_cvRefTariff_view
22                             proc_cvJointAdmissions_view
23                             proc_cvRefSocioEconomic_view
24                             proc_cvRefSocialClass_view
25                             proc_cvRefPre2000POCC_view  are added to
26                             populate respective UCAS views.
27                             w.r.t. UCFD06 build bug no : 2574566
28     ayedubat  14-NOV-2002  Added two new procedures,proc_ivstarg_view and proc_ivstart_view
29                            The procedures proc_uvcontgrp,proc_uvcontact_view,
30                            proc_cvcourse_view, proc_uvcourse_view, proc_uvcoursevacancies_view,
31                            proc_uvcoursevacoptions_view, proc_uvcoursekeyword_view
32                            are changed to execute on every run, rather for p_c_import_appl_data = 'Y'.
33     ***************************************************************** */
35   BEGIN
36     NULL;
37   END insert_dat_into_ucas;
40   PROCEDURE update_ucas_app_with_pers_id (
41     errbuf  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
42     retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
43   ) IS
44     /******************************************************************
45      Created By      :   rbezawad
46      Date Created By :   10-Jun-2002
47      Purpose         :   To update the IGS_UC_APPLICANTS.OSS_PERSON_ID column with the IGS_PE_ALT_PERS_ID_V.PE_PERSON_ID column value.
48                          This needs to be run after running the "Import data from UCAS" and "Admission Import Process".
49      Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
50      Change History
51      Who       When        What
52      rbezawad  2-Oct-2002  6 Columns choices_transparent_ind, extra_status, extra_passport_no, request_app_dets_ind,
53                              request_copy_app_frm_ind, cef_no are added to IGS_UC_APPLICANTS TBH call w.r.t. UCFD06, bug 2574566.
54      ayedubat  13-NOV-2002 Columns from System_code to edu_qualification are added to IGS_UC_APPLICANTS TBH call for Enh Bug# 2643048
55      ayedubat  04-DEC-2002 Changed the WHERE clause of the cursor,cur_applicant to add to_char to a.app_no column since the column
56                            b.api_person_id is a VARCHAR2 field and changed the comparision of b.person_id_type directly with UCASID to
57                            the appropriate id of the UCAS system of the Applicant as for the small systems support
58                            for the bug fix: 2670807
59      anwest    18-JAN-2006 Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate
60     ***************************************************************** */
62     CURSOR cur_applicant IS
63       SELECT a.rowid
64              ,a.app_id
65              ,a.app_no
66              ,a.check_digit
67              ,a.personal_id
68              ,a.enquiry_no
69              ,a.oss_person_id
70              ,a.application_source
71              ,a.name_change_date
72              ,a.student_support
73              ,a.address_area
74              ,a.application_date
75              ,a.application_sent_date
76              ,a.application_sent_run
77              ,a.lea_code
78              ,a.fee_payer_code
79              ,a.fee_text
80              ,a.domicile_apr
81              ,a.code_changed_date
82              ,a.school
83              ,a.withdrawn
84              ,a.withdrawn_date
85              ,a.rel_to_clear_reason
86              ,a.route_b
87              ,a.exam_change_date
88              ,a.a_levels
89              ,a.as_levels
90              ,a.highers
91              ,a.csys
92              ,a.winter
93              ,a.previous
94              ,a.gnvq
95              ,a.btec
96              ,a.ilc
97              ,a.ailc
98              ,a.ib
99              ,a.manual
100              ,a.reg_num
101              ,a.oeq
102              ,a.eas
103              ,a.roa
104              ,a.status
105              ,a.firm_now
106              ,a.firm_reply
107              ,a.insurance_reply
108              ,a.conf_hist_firm_reply
109              ,a.conf_hist_ins_reply
110              ,a.residential_category
111              ,a.personal_statement
112              ,a.match_prev
113              ,a.match_prev_date
114              ,a.match_winter
115              ,a.match_summer
116              ,a.gnvq_date
117              ,a.ib_date
118              ,a.ilc_date
119              ,a.ailc_date
120              ,a.gcseqa_date
121              ,a.uk_entry_date
122              ,a.prev_surname
123              ,a.criminal_convictions
124              ,a.sent_to_hesa
125              ,a.sent_to_oss
126              ,a.batch_identifier
127              ,a.gce
128              ,a.vce
129              ,a.sqa
130              ,a.previousas
131              ,a.keyskills
132              ,a.vocational
133              ,a.scn
134              ,a.prevoeq
135              ,b.pe_person_id
136              ,a.choices_transparent_ind
137              ,a.extra_status
138              ,a.extra_passport_no
139              ,a.request_app_dets_ind
140              ,a.request_copy_app_frm_ind
141              ,a.cef_no
142              ,a.system_code
143              ,a.gcse_eng
144              ,a.gcse_math
145              ,a.degree_subject
146              ,a.degree_status
147              ,a.degree_class
148              ,a.gcse_sci
149              ,a.welshspeaker
150              ,a.ni_number
151              ,a.earliest_start
152              ,a.near_inst
153              ,a.pref_reg
154              ,a.qual_eng
155              ,a.qual_math
156              ,a.qual_sci
157              ,a.main_qual
158              ,a.qual_5
159              ,a.future_serv
160              ,a.future_set
161              ,a.present_serv
162              ,a.present_set
163              ,a.curr_employment
164              ,a.edu_qualification
165              ,a.ad_batch_id
166              ,a.ad_interface_id
167              ,a.nationality
168              ,a.dual_nationality
169              ,a.special_needs
170              ,a.country_birth
171       FROM   igs_uc_applicants a, igs_pe_alt_pers_id_v b
172       WHERE  a.oss_person_id IS NULL
173 	      AND  b.api_person_id = to_char(a.app_no)
174         AND  b.person_id_type = DECODE(a.system_code,'U','UCASID','G','GTTRID','N','NMASID','S','SWASID')
175         AND  NVL(b.start_dt, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
176         AND  NVL(b.end_dt, SYSDATE)   >= SYSDATE
177       ORDER BY a.app_no;
179     l_app_count NUMBER :=0 ;
181   BEGIN
183     --anwest 18-JAN-2006 Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate
184     IGS_GE_GEN_003.SET_ORG_ID;
186     --Loop through the all the Applicants records that needs to populate the OSS_person_id value.
187     FOR applicant_rec IN cur_applicant
188     LOOP
189       --Updates the IGS_UC_APPLICANTS.OSS_PERSON_ID column with the IGS_PE_ALT_PERS_ID_V.PE_PERSON_ID column value.
190       igs_uc_applicants_pkg.update_row
191       ( x_rowid                               => applicant_rec.rowid
192        ,x_app_id                              => applicant_rec.app_id
193        ,x_app_no                              => applicant_rec.app_no
194        ,x_check_digit                         => applicant_rec.check_digit
195        ,x_personal_id                         => applicant_rec.personal_id
196        ,x_enquiry_no                          => applicant_rec.enquiry_no
197        ,x_oss_person_id                       => applicant_rec.pe_person_id
198        ,x_application_source                  => applicant_rec.application_source
199        ,x_name_change_date                    => applicant_rec.name_change_date
200        ,x_student_support                     => applicant_rec.student_support
201        ,x_address_area                        => applicant_rec.address_area
202        ,x_application_date                    => applicant_rec.application_date
203        ,x_application_sent_date               => applicant_rec.application_sent_date
204        ,x_application_sent_run                => applicant_rec.application_sent_run
205        ,x_lea_code                            => applicant_rec.lea_code
206        ,x_fee_payer_code                      => applicant_rec.fee_payer_code
207        ,x_fee_text                            => applicant_rec.fee_text
208        ,x_domicile_apr                        => applicant_rec.domicile_apr
209        ,x_code_changed_date                   => applicant_rec.code_changed_date
210        ,x_school                              => applicant_rec.school
211        ,x_withdrawn                           => applicant_rec.withdrawn
212        ,x_withdrawn_date                      => applicant_rec.withdrawn_date
213        ,x_rel_to_clear_reason                 => applicant_rec.rel_to_clear_reason
214        ,x_route_b                             => applicant_rec.route_b
215        ,x_exam_change_date                    => applicant_rec.exam_change_date
216        ,x_a_levels                            => applicant_rec.a_levels
217        ,x_as_levels                           => applicant_rec.as_levels
218        ,x_highers                             => applicant_rec.highers
219        ,x_csys                                => applicant_rec.csys
220        ,x_winter                              => applicant_rec.winter
221        ,x_previous                            => applicant_rec.previous
222        ,x_gnvq                                => applicant_rec.gnvq
223        ,x_btec                                => applicant_rec.btec
224        ,x_ilc                                 => applicant_rec.ilc
225        ,x_ailc                                => applicant_rec.ailc
226        ,x_ib                                  => applicant_rec.ib
227        ,x_manual                              => applicant_rec.manual
228        ,x_reg_num                             => applicant_rec.reg_num
229        ,x_oeq                                 => applicant_rec.oeq
230        ,x_eas                                 => applicant_rec.eas
231        ,x_roa                                 => applicant_rec.roa
232        ,x_status                              => applicant_rec.status
233        ,x_firm_now                            => applicant_rec.firm_now
234        ,x_firm_reply                          => applicant_rec.firm_reply
235        ,x_insurance_reply                     => applicant_rec.insurance_reply
236        ,x_conf_hist_firm_reply                => applicant_rec.conf_hist_firm_reply
237        ,x_conf_hist_ins_reply                 => applicant_rec.conf_hist_ins_reply
238        ,x_residential_category                => applicant_rec.residential_category
239        ,x_personal_statement                  => applicant_rec.personal_statement
240        ,x_match_prev                          => applicant_rec.match_prev
241        ,x_match_prev_date                     => applicant_rec.match_prev_date
242        ,x_match_winter                        => applicant_rec.match_winter
243        ,x_match_summer                        => applicant_rec.match_summer
244        ,x_gnvq_date                           => applicant_rec.gnvq_date
245        ,x_ib_date                             => applicant_rec.ib_date
246        ,x_ilc_date                            => applicant_rec.ilc_date
247        ,x_ailc_date                           => applicant_rec.ailc_date
248        ,x_gcseqa_date                         => applicant_rec.gcseqa_date
249        ,x_uk_entry_date                       => applicant_rec.uk_entry_date
250        ,x_prev_surname                        => applicant_rec.prev_surname
251        ,x_criminal_convictions                => applicant_rec.criminal_convictions
252        ,x_sent_to_hesa                        => applicant_rec.sent_to_hesa
253        ,x_sent_to_oss                         => NULL
254        ,x_batch_identifier                    => applicant_rec.batch_identifier
255        ,x_gce                                 => applicant_rec.gce
256        ,x_vce                                 => applicant_rec.vce
257        ,x_sqa                                 => applicant_rec.sqa
258        ,x_previousas                          => applicant_rec.previousas
259        ,x_keyskills                           => applicant_rec.keyskills
260        ,x_vocational                          => applicant_rec.vocational
261        ,x_scn                                 => applicant_rec.scn
262        ,x_prevoeq                             => applicant_rec.prevoeq
263        ,x_mode                                => 'R'
264        ,x_choices_transparent_ind             => applicant_rec.choices_transparent_ind
265        ,x_extra_status                        => applicant_rec.extra_status
266        ,x_extra_passport_no                   => applicant_rec.extra_passport_no
267        ,x_request_app_dets_ind                => applicant_rec.request_app_dets_ind
268        ,x_request_copy_app_frm_ind            => applicant_rec.request_copy_app_frm_ind
269        ,x_cef_no                              => applicant_rec.cef_no
270        ,x_system_code                         => applicant_rec.system_code
271        ,x_gcse_eng                            => applicant_rec.gcse_eng
272        ,x_gcse_math                           => applicant_rec.gcse_math
273        ,x_degree_subject                      => applicant_rec.degree_subject
274        ,x_degree_status                       => applicant_rec.degree_status
275        ,x_degree_class                        => applicant_rec.degree_class
276        ,x_gcse_sci                            => applicant_rec.gcse_sci
277        ,x_welshspeaker                        => applicant_rec.welshspeaker
278        ,x_ni_number                           => applicant_rec.ni_number
279        ,x_earliest_start                      => applicant_rec.earliest_start
280        ,x_near_inst                           => applicant_rec.near_inst
281        ,x_pref_reg                            => applicant_rec.pref_reg
282        ,x_qual_eng                            => applicant_rec.qual_eng
283        ,x_qual_math                           => applicant_rec.qual_math
284        ,x_qual_sci                            => applicant_rec.qual_sci
285        ,x_main_qual                           => applicant_rec.main_qual
286        ,x_qual_5                              => applicant_rec.qual_5
287        ,x_future_serv                         => applicant_rec.future_serv
288        ,x_future_set                          => applicant_rec.future_set
289        ,x_present_serv                        => applicant_rec.present_serv
290        ,x_present_set                         => applicant_rec.present_set
291        ,x_curr_employment                     => applicant_rec.curr_employment
292        ,x_edu_qualification                   => applicant_rec.edu_qualification
293        ,x_ad_batch_id                         => applicant_rec.ad_batch_id
294        ,x_ad_interface_id                     => applicant_rec.ad_interface_id
295        ,x_nationality                         => applicant_rec.nationality
296        ,x_dual_nationality                    => applicant_rec.dual_nationality
297        ,x_special_needs                       => applicant_rec.special_needs
298        ,x_country_birth                       => applicant_rec.country_birth
299       );
301       l_app_count := l_app_count + 1;
303       fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_UPD_APP_PID_REC');
304       fnd_message.set_token('APP_NO', TO_CHAR(applicant_rec.app_no));
305       fnd_message.set_token('OSS_PID',TO_CHAR(applicant_rec.pe_person_id));
306       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
308     END LOOP;
310     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, ' ');
311     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_APP_COUNT');
312     fnd_message.set_token('APP_COUNT', TO_CHAR(l_app_count));
313     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
317       ROLLBACK;
318       retcode := 2;
319       Fnd_Message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
320       fnd_message.set_token('NAME', 'IGS_UC_DAT_IMP_FROM_UCAS.UPDATE_UCAS_APP_WITH_PERS_ID');
321       errbuf  := fnd_message.get;
322       Igs_Ge_Msg_Stack.CONC_EXCEPTION_HNDL;
324   END update_ucas_app_with_pers_id;
326 END igs_uc_dat_imp_from_ucas;