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Line 115: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Entering ',10);

111: l_lkuphv_str long;
112: l_insthv_str long;
113: --
114: begin
115: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Entering ',10);
116: --
117: -- Set the context instance cursor name
118: --
119: if p_coninst_query is not null then

Line 142: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' cursor parm loop ',20);

138: l_coninstcurpmcall_str := '(';
139: l_instcurpmint_str := '(';
140: l_instcurpmcall_str := '(';
141: --
142: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' cursor parm loop ',20);
143: --
144: for l_curparm_num in p_curparm_set.first .. p_curparm_set.last loop
145: --
146: -- Build lookup cursor parameter interface string

Line 313: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Dn cursor parm loop ',20);

309: --
310: end if;
311: --
312: end loop;
313: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Dn cursor parm loop ',20);
314: --
315: l_lkpcurpmint_str := l_lkpcurpmint_str||') ';
316: l_lkpcurpmcall_str := l_lkpcurpmcall_str||') ';
317: l_coninstcurpmint_str := l_coninstcurpmint_str||')';

Line 332: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Dn parm cursor ',20);

328: l_instcurpmint_str := ' ';
329: l_instcurpmcall_str := ' ';
330: --
331: end if;
332: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Dn parm cursor ',20);
333: --
334: -- Build the instance column value assignment string
335: --
336: if p_instcolnm_set.count > 0 then

Line 383: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Dn instance assignment string ',30);

379: --
380: end if;
381: --
382: end if;
383: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Dn instance assignment string ',30);
384: --
385: -- Build the date context lookup value str
386: --
387: if p_conlkup_name is not null then

Line 538: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Start PLSQL block ',30);

534: ||p_lkup_name||'(l_hv).fk5_id := objlook.'||p_masterfk5col_name||'; ';
535: --
536: end if;
537: --
538: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Start PLSQL block ',30);
539: --
540: -- Build cursor declaration strings
541: --
542: l_lkup_curdecstr := ' cursor c_lookup '

Line 660: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Lookup loop '||''''||',10); '

656: /*
657: --
658: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
659: --
660: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Lookup loop '||''''||',10); '
661: */
662: ||l_lkuphv_str
663: ||' if '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then'
664: ||' l_not_hash_found := false;'

Line 681: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'objlook.'||p_mastercol_name||' '||''''

677: /*
678: --
679: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
680: --
681: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'objlook.'||p_mastercol_name||' '||''''
682: ||'||objlook.'||p_mastercol_name||',10); '
683: */
684: ||' end loop; ';

Line 702: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Context Instance loop '||''''||',10); '

698: /*
699: --
700: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
701: --
702: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Context Instance loop '||''''||',10); '
703: */
704: ||' l_hv := mod(objconinst.'||p_detailcol_name
705: ||',ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key); '
706: /*

Line 710: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'objconinst.'||p_detailcol_name||' '||''''

706: /*
707: --
708: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
709: --
710: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'objconinst.'||p_detailcol_name||' '||''''
711: ||'||objconinst.'||p_detailcol_name||',10); '
712: */
714: ||' if '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then'

Line 723: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' new l_hv: '||''''

719: /*
720: --
721: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
722: --
723: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' new l_hv: '||''''
724: ||'||l_hv,10); '
725: */
726: ||' if '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then '
727: ||l_lkcacpkcmp_str||' '

Line 745: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' l_prev_hv: '||''''

741: /*
742: --
743: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
744: --
745: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' l_prev_hv: '||''''
746: ||'||l_prev_hv,10); '
747: */
748: ||' if l_prev_hv = -1 then '
749: ||' '||p_lkup_name||'(l_hv).starttorele_num := l_torrwnum; '

Line 757: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' l_prev_hv: '||''''

753: /*
754: --
755: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
756: --
757: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' l_prev_hv: '||''''
758: ||'||l_prev_hv,10); '
759: */
760: ||' end if; '
761: ||' '||l_asgcolval_str

Line 781: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Instance loop '||''''||',10); '

777: /*
778: --
779: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
780: --
781: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Instance loop '||''''||',10); '
782: */
783: ||l_insthv_str
784: /*
785: --

Line 788: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'objinst.'||p_detailcol_name||' '||''''

784: /*
785: --
786: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
787: --
788: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'objinst.'||p_detailcol_name||' '||''''
789: ||'||objinst.'||p_detailcol_name||',10); '
790: */
791: /*
792: --

Line 834: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' l_prev_hv: '||''''

830: /*
831: --
832: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
833: --
834: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' l_prev_hv: '||''''
835: ||'||l_prev_hv,10); '
836: */
838: ||' end if; '

Line 865: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Entering BENCACHE PLSBLK '||''''||',10); '

861: /*
862: --
863: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
864: --
865: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Entering BENCACHE PLSBLK '||''''||',10); '
866: */
867: ||l_lkup_loopstr
868: /*
869: --

Line 872: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Dn Lookup loop '||''''||',10); '

868: /*
869: --
870: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
871: --
872: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Dn Lookup loop '||''''||',10); '
873: */
874: ||l_inst_loopstr
875: /*
876: --

Line 879: ||' hr_utility.set_location ('||''''||'Write cache, '||p_lkup_name||'.count: '||''''

875: /*
876: --
877: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
878: --
879: ||' hr_utility.set_location ('||''''||'Write cache, '||p_lkup_name||'.count: '||''''
880: ||'||'||p_lkup_name||'.count,10); '
881: --
882: ||' hr_utility.set_location ('||''''||'Write cache, '||p_inst_name||'.count: '||''''
883: ||'||'||p_lkup_name||'.count,10); '

Line 882: ||' hr_utility.set_location ('||''''||'Write cache, '||p_inst_name||'.count: '||''''

878: --
879: ||' hr_utility.set_location ('||''''||'Write cache, '||p_lkup_name||'.count: '||''''
880: ||'||'||p_lkup_name||'.count,10); '
881: --
882: ||' hr_utility.set_location ('||''''||'Write cache, '||p_inst_name||'.count: '||''''
883: ||'||'||p_lkup_name||'.count,10); '
884: --
885: */
886: ||' exception '

Line 888: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' BENCACHE PLSBLK Others Exc: '||''''||',10); '

884: --
885: */
886: ||' exception '
887: ||' when others then '
888: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||' BENCACHE PLSBLK Others Exc: '||''''||',10); '
889: /*
890: --
891: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
892: --

Line 899: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Exe DSQL ',90);

895: */
896: ||' raise; '
897: ||' end; ';
898: --
899: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Exe DSQL ',90);
900: --
901: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_plsql_str;
902: --
903: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Leaving ',100);

Line 903: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Leaving ',100);

899: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Exe DSQL ',90);
900: --
901: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_plsql_str;
902: --
903: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Leaving ',100);
904: exception
905: when others then
906: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Others Exc ',100);
907: raise;

Line 906: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Others Exc ',100);

902: --
903: -- hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Leaving ',100);
904: exception
905: when others then
906: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Others Exc ',100);
907: raise;
908: end Write_MastDet_Cache;
909: --
910: procedure Write_BGP_Cache