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Line 2539: hz_relationships a, hz_cust_accounts b

2536: CURSOR relationship_cur IS
2537: select a.object_id
2538: from
2539: hz_relationships a, hz_cust_accounts b
2540: where a.party_id = l_party_id
2541: and a.object_id = b.party_id
2542: and b.cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id
2543: and a.status = 'A'

Line 2637: from hz_cust_accounts

2633: where party_id = p_party_id and status ='A';
2635: CURSOR cust_cur IS
2636: SELECT party_id
2637: from hz_cust_accounts
2638: where cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id
2639: AND status = 'A'
2640: AND (sysdate BETWEEN NVL(account_activation_date, sysdate) AND
2641: NVL(account_termination_date, sysdate));

Line 2645: from hz_org_contacts a, hz_relationships b, hz_cust_accounts c

2641: NVL(account_termination_date, sysdate));
2643: CURSOR person_relationship_cur IS
2644: SELECT b.party_id
2645: from hz_org_contacts a, hz_relationships b, hz_cust_accounts c
2646: where
2647: --a.status = 'A' and -- status column obseleted
2648: a.party_relationship_id = b.relationship_id
2649: and b.subject_id = p_party_id

Line 2860: FROM hz_cust_accounts

2856: IS
2858: CURSOR C_get_cust_id_from_party_id(l_Party_Id NUMBER) IS
2859: SELECT cust_account_id
2860: FROM hz_cust_accounts
2861: WHERE party_id = l_Party_Id
2862: and status = 'A'
2863: AND (sysdate BETWEEN NVL(account_activation_date, sysdate) AND
2864: NVL(account_termination_date, sysdate));

Line 2874: from hz_cust_accounts a, hz_cust_account_roles b

2870: AND status = 'A';
2872: CURSOR account_user_cur IS
2873: select a.cust_account_id
2874: from hz_cust_accounts a, hz_cust_account_roles b
2875: where a.cust_account_id = b.cust_account_id
2876: and b.party_id = p_party_id
2877: and b.role_type = 'ACCOUNT_USER'
2878: AND b.status = 'A'

Line 3005: hz_cust_accounts acc

3001: CURSOR C_party IS
3002: SELECT par.party_id
3003: FROM hz_relationships par,
3004: hz_org_contacts org ,
3005: hz_cust_accounts acc
3006: WHERE org.party_relationship_id = par.relationship_id
3007: AND org.org_contact_id = p_org_contact_id
3008: -- AND org.status = 'A' -- status column obseleted
3009: and par.status = 'A'