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Line 35: -- Bug 3232300: Added joins for table ff_archive_items and ff_database_items

31: -- p_report_type in varchar2 ) return varchar2 ;
32: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
33: -- PUBLIC cursors to retrieve data and pass it to IRAS formulae that
34: -- will write out header information for the 3 file types.
35: -- Bug 3232300: Added joins for table ff_archive_items and ff_database_items
36: -- so that it selects only that assignment action id against
37: -- which archived header information exist.
39: ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 54: ff_database_items fdi

50: from pay_payroll_actions mpa,
51: pay_payroll_actions apa,
52: pay_assignment_actions aac,
53: ff_archive_items ffi,
54: ff_database_items fdi
55: where mpa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
56: and apa.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_RUN_ID', mpa.legislative_parameters)
57: and apa.payroll_action_id = aac.payroll_action_id
58: and apa.action_status = 'C'

Line 78: ,ff_database_items fdi

74: from pay_payroll_actions mpa,
75: pay_payroll_actions apa,
76: pay_assignment_actions aac
77: ,ff_archive_items ffi
78: ,ff_database_items fdi
79: where mpa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
80: and apa.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_RUN_ID', mpa.legislative_parameters)
81: and apa.payroll_action_id = aac.payroll_action_id
82: and apa.action_status = 'C'

Line 102: ff_database_items fdi

98: from pay_payroll_actions mpa,
99: pay_payroll_actions apa,
100: pay_assignment_actions aac,
101: ff_archive_items ffi,
102: ff_database_items fdi
103: where mpa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
104: and apa.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_RUN_ID', mpa.legislative_parameters)
105: and apa.payroll_action_id = aac.payroll_action_id
106: and apa.action_status = 'C'

Line 126: ff_database_items fdi

122: from pay_payroll_actions mpa,
123: pay_payroll_actions apa,
124: pay_assignment_actions aac,
125: ff_archive_items ffi,
126: ff_database_items fdi
127: where mpa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
128: and apa.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_RUN_ID', mpa.legislative_parameters)
129: and apa.payroll_action_id = aac.payroll_action_id
130: and apa.action_status = 'C'

Line 247: ff_database_items fdi,

243: pay_assignment_actions aac,
244: per_all_assignments_f paa,
245: ff_archive_items fai,
246: ff_archive_items fai1,
247: ff_database_items fdi,
248: ff_archive_item_contexts ac2,
249: ff_archive_item_contexts ac3
250: where mpa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
251: and paa.person_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PERSON_ID')

Line 260: from ff_database_items

256: and fai.archive_item_id = ac2.archive_item_id and ac2.sequence_no = 2
257: and fai.archive_item_id = ac3.archive_item_id and ac3.sequence_no = 3
258: and fai.user_entity_id in (
259: select user_entity_id
260: from ff_database_items
261: where user_name = 'X_MOA410')
262: and fai.context1 = fai1.context1
263: and fai1.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
264: and fdi.user_name = 'X_IR8S_C_INVALID_RECORDS'

Line 306: from ff_database_items

302: and fai.archive_item_id = ac2.archive_item_id and ac2.sequence_no = 2
303: and fai.archive_item_id = ac3.archive_item_id and ac3.sequence_no = 3
304: and fai.user_entity_id in (
305: select user_entity_id
306: from ff_database_items
307: where user_name = 'X_A8B_OPTION')
308: and fai.value = 'E'
309: /* Bug 2654499 */
310: and (paa.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/' || '12/' || pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR', apa.legislative_parameters),'dd/mm/yyyy')

Line 350: from ff_database_items

346: and fai.archive_item_id = ac2.archive_item_id and ac2.sequence_no = 2
347: and fai.archive_item_id = ac3.archive_item_id and ac3.sequence_no = 3
348: and fai.user_entity_id in (
349: select user_entity_id
350: from ff_database_items
351: where user_name = 'X_A8B_OPTION')
352: and fai.value = 'EE'
353: /* Bug 2654499 */
354: and (paa.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/' || '12/' || pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR', apa.legislative_parameters),'dd/mm/yyyy')

Line 394: from ff_database_items

390: and fai.archive_item_id = ac2.archive_item_id and ac2.sequence_no = 2
391: and fai.archive_item_id = ac3.archive_item_id and ac3.sequence_no = 3
392: and fai.user_entity_id in (
393: select user_entity_id
394: from ff_database_items
395: where user_name = 'X_A8B_OPTION')
396: and fai.value = 'C'
397: /* Bug 2654499 */
398: and (paa.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/' || '12/' || pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR', apa.legislative_parameters),'dd/mm/yyyy')

Line 434: from ff_database_items

430: and fai.archive_item_id = ac2.archive_item_id and ac2.sequence_no = 2
431: and fai.archive_item_id = ac3.archive_item_id and ac3.sequence_no = 3
432: and fai.user_entity_id in (
433: select user_entity_id
434: from ff_database_items
435: where user_name = 'X_A8B_OPTION')
436: /* Bug 2654499 */
437: and (paa.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/' || '12/' || pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR', apa.legislative_parameters),'dd/mm/yyyy')
438: and paa.effective_end_date >= to_date('01/' || '01/' || pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR', apa.legislative_parameters),'dd/mm/yyyy'))