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Line 761: select status_code from iex_strategies where party_id = l_strategy_rec.party_id and

758: IF l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 10 THEN
759: OPEN c_strategy_exists
760: FOR
761: select status_code from iex_strategies where party_id = l_strategy_rec.party_id and
762: jtf_object_id = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_id and jtf_object_type = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_type
763: and (checklist_yn IS null or checklist_yn = 'N') ;
764: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 20 THEN
765: OPEN c_strategy_exists

Line 767: select status_code from iex_strategies where CUST_ACCOUNT_ID = l_strategy_rec.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID and

763: and (checklist_yn IS null or checklist_yn = 'N') ;
764: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 20 THEN
765: OPEN c_strategy_exists
766: FOR
767: select status_code from iex_strategies where CUST_ACCOUNT_ID = l_strategy_rec.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID and
768: jtf_object_id = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_id and jtf_object_type = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_type
769: and (checklist_yn IS null or checklist_yn = 'N') ;
770: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 30 THEN
771: OPEN c_strategy_exists

Line 773: select status_code from iex_strategies where customer_site_use_ID = l_strategy_rec.customer_site_use_ID and

769: and (checklist_yn IS null or checklist_yn = 'N') ;
770: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 30 THEN
771: OPEN c_strategy_exists
772: FOR
773: select status_code from iex_strategies where customer_site_use_ID = l_strategy_rec.customer_site_use_ID and
774: jtf_object_id = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_id and jtf_object_type = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_type
775: and (checklist_yn IS null or checklist_yn = 'N') ;
776: ELSE
777: OPEN c_strategy_exists

Line 779: select status_code from iex_strategies where

775: and (checklist_yn IS null or checklist_yn = 'N') ;
776: ELSE
777: OPEN c_strategy_exists
778: FOR
779: select status_code from iex_strategies where
780: delinquency_id = l_strategy_rec.delinquency_id and
781: jtf_object_id = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_id and jtf_object_type = l_strategy_rec.jtf_object_type
782: and (checklist_yn IS null or checklist_yn = 'N') ;
783: END IF;

Line 950: (select 'x' from iex_strategies SS where SS.delinquency_id = pDelinquencyID

946: where ST.category_type = pCategoryType and ST.Check_List_YN = 'N' AND
947: OBF.OBJECT_ID(+) = ST.Strategy_temp_ID and
949: and not exists
950: (select 'x' from iex_strategies SS where SS.delinquency_id = pDelinquencyID
951: and SS.OBJECT_TYPE = pCategoryType)
952: ORDER BY strategy_rank DESC;
953: */
954: C_DynSql varchar2(1000);

Line 1040: (select 'x' from iex_strategies SS where SS.delinquency_id = p_stry_cnt_rec.delinquency_id

1036: st.strategy_level = l_DefaultStrategyLevel and
1037: OBF.OBJECT_ID(+) = ST.Strategy_temp_ID and
1039: and not exists
1040: (select 'x' from iex_strategies SS where SS.delinquency_id = p_stry_cnt_rec.delinquency_id
1041: and SS.OBJECT_TYPE = p_stry_cnt_rec.object_type)
1042: ORDER BY to_number(strategy_rank) DESC;
1043: */
1044: END IF;

Line 1202: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies

1199: --Begin bug#2369298 schekuri 24-Feb-2006
1201: /*Cursor c_strategy_exists(p_delinquency_id number, p_object_id number, p_object_type varchar2) is
1202: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies
1203: where ((delinquency_id = p_delinquency_id and
1204: object_id = p_object_id and object_type = p_object_type)) and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N')
1205: and (status_code in ( 'OPEN', 'ONHOLD'));*/
1206: Cursor c_strategy_exists(p_object_id number, p_object_type varchar2) is

Line 1207: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies

1203: where ((delinquency_id = p_delinquency_id and
1204: object_id = p_object_id and object_type = p_object_type)) and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N')
1205: and (status_code in ( 'OPEN', 'ONHOLD'));*/
1206: Cursor c_strategy_exists(p_object_id number, p_object_type varchar2) is
1207: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies
1208: where object_id = p_object_id and
1209: object_type = p_object_type and
1210: (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N') and
1211: status_code in ( 'OPEN', 'ONHOLD');

Line 1487: select s.strategy_id, st.strategy_name, s.next_work_item_id, t.name from iex_strategies s,

1483: l_ObjectType VARCHAR2(30);
1484: l_object_version_number number ;
1486: Cursor c_strategy(p_delinquency_id number, p_object_id number, p_object_type varchar2) is
1487: select s.strategy_id, st.strategy_name, s.next_work_item_id, t.name from iex_strategies s,
1488: iex_strategy_templates_vl st,
1489: iex_strategy_work_items w,
1490: iex_stry_temp_work_items_vl t
1491: where ((s.delinquency_id = p_delinquency_id and

Line 1501: select s.strategy_id, st.strategy_name, s.next_work_item_id, t.name from iex_strategies s,

1497: order by s.creation_date desc;
1499: --Start bug 6723540 gnramasa 02 Jan 08
1500: Cursor c_cont_strategy(p_object_id number, p_object_type varchar2) is
1501: select s.strategy_id, st.strategy_name, s.next_work_item_id, t.name from iex_strategies s,
1502: iex_strategy_templates_vl st,
1503: iex_strategy_work_items w,
1504: iex_stry_temp_work_items_vl t
1505: where (s.object_id = p_object_id and s.object_type = p_object_type) and

Line 1676: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies where ((delinquency_id = p_delinquency_id and

1672: TYPE c_open_strategiesCurTyp IS REF CURSOR; -- weak
1673: c_open_strategies c_open_strategiesCurTyp; -- declare cursor variable
1674: /*
1675: Cursor c_strategy_exists(p_delinquency_id number, p_object_id number, p_object_type varchar2) is
1676: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies where ((delinquency_id = p_delinquency_id and
1677: object_id = p_object_id and object_type = p_object_type)) and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N');
1678: */

Line 1743: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies

1740: IF l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 10 THEN
1741: OPEN c_open_strategies
1742: FOR
1743: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies
1744: where (party_id = p_objectid and object_id = p_objectid and object_type = p_objecttype)
1745: and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N') and Status_Code not in ('CLOSED', 'CANCELLED');
1747: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 20 THEN

Line 1750: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies

1747: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 20 THEN
1748: OPEN c_open_strategies
1749: FOR
1750: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies
1751: where (cust_account_id = p_objectid and object_id = p_objectid and object_type = p_objecttype)
1752: and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N') and Status_Code not in ('CLOSED', 'CANCELLED');
1753: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 30 THEN
1754: OPEN c_open_strategies

Line 1756: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies

1752: and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N') and Status_Code not in ('CLOSED', 'CANCELLED');
1753: elsif l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 30 THEN
1754: OPEN c_open_strategies
1755: FOR
1756: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies
1757: where (customer_site_use_id = p_objectid and object_id = p_objectid and object_type = p_objecttype)
1758: and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N') and Status_Code not in ('CLOSED', 'CANCELLED');
1759: ELSE
1760: OPEN c_open_strategies

Line 1762: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies

1758: and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N') and Status_Code not in ('CLOSED', 'CANCELLED');
1759: ELSE
1760: OPEN c_open_strategies
1761: FOR
1762: select strategy_id, status_code, object_version_number from iex_strategies
1763: where (delinquency_id = p_delinquencyid and object_id = p_objectid and object_type = p_objecttype)
1764: and (checklist_yn IS NULL or checkList_YN = 'N') and Status_Code not in ('CLOSED', 'CANCELLED');
1765: END IF;
1766: -- Open c_Strategy_Exists(p_delinquencyid, p_objectid, p_objecttype);