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2 -- $Header: cntmotcs.pls 115.3 2002/01/28 20:04:58 pkm ship      $
3 -- +======================================================================|
4 -- |                Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation                 |
5 -- |                   Redwood Shores, California, USA                    |
6 -- |                        All rights reserved.                          |
7 -- | Package Name                                                         |
8 -- | CN_SRP_TOT_COMPS_pkg                                                 |
9 -- | Purpose                                                              |
10 -- |  This is the table handler for cn_srp_total_comps table; it takes    |
11 -- |  care of the insert, update and delete on the table. Refer high level|
12 -- |  design documentation for the business perspective.                  |
13 -- |                                                                      |
14 -- |History                                                               |
15 -- |  06-JUN-2001  sbadami     Created                                    |
16 -- +======================================================================|
17 PROCEDURE insert_row
18   (p_SRP_TOTAL_COMP_ID IN cn_srp_total_comps.SRP_TOTAL_COMP_ID%TYPE,
19    p_srp_role_id         IN cn_srp_total_comps.srp_role_id%TYPE,
20    p_role_model_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.role_model_id%TYPE := NULL,
21    p_attain_tier_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.attain_tier_id%TYPE,
22    p_role_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.role_id%TYPE,
23    p_attain_schedule_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.attain_schedule_id%TYPE,
24    p_percent IN cn_srp_total_comps.percent%TYPE,
25    p_total_comp IN cn_srp_total_comps.total_comp%TYPE,
26    p_attribute_category IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute_category%TYPE := NULL,
27    p_attribute1 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute1%TYPE := NULL,
28    p_attribute2 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute2%TYPE := NULL,
29    p_attribute3 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute3%TYPE := NULL,
30    p_attribute4 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute4%TYPE := NULL,
31    p_attribute5 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute5%TYPE := NULL,
32    p_attribute6 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute6%TYPE := NULL,
33    p_attribute7 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute7%TYPE := NULL,
34    p_attribute8 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute8%TYPE := NULL,
35    p_attribute9 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute9%TYPE := NULL,
36    p_attribute10 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute10%TYPE := NULL,
37    p_attribute11 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute11%TYPE := NULL,
38    p_attribute12 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute12%TYPE := NULL,
39    p_attribute13 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute13%TYPE := NULL,
40    p_attribute14 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute14%TYPE := NULL,
41    p_attribute15 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute15%TYPE := NULL,
42    p_created_by IN  cn_srp_total_comps.created_by%TYPE := NULL,
43    p_creation_date IN cn_srp_total_comps.creation_date%TYPE := NULL,
44    p_last_update_login IN cn_srp_total_comps.last_update_login%TYPE := NULL,
45    p_last_update_date IN cn_srp_total_comps.last_update_date%TYPE := NULL,
46    p_last_updated_by IN cn_srp_total_comps.last_updated_by%TYPE := NULL);
48 PROCEDURE update_row
49   (p_SRP_TOTAL_COMP_ID IN cn_srp_total_comps.SRP_TOTAL_COMP_ID%TYPE,
50    p_srp_role_id         IN cn_srp_total_comps.srp_role_id%TYPE,
51    p_role_model_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.role_model_id%TYPE :=NULL,
52    p_attain_tier_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.attain_tier_id%TYPE,
53    p_role_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.role_id%TYPE,
54    p_attain_schedule_id IN cn_srp_total_comps.attain_schedule_id%TYPE,
55    p_percent IN cn_srp_total_comps.percent%TYPE,
56    p_total_comp IN cn_srp_total_comps.total_comp%TYPE,
57    p_attribute_category IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute_category%TYPE := NULL,
58    p_attribute1 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute1%TYPE := NULL,
59    p_attribute2 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute2%TYPE := NULL,
60    p_attribute3 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute3%TYPE := NULL,
61    p_attribute4 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute4%TYPE := NULL,
62    p_attribute5 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute5%TYPE := NULL,
63    p_attribute6 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute6%TYPE := NULL,
64    p_attribute7 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute7%TYPE := NULL,
65    p_attribute8 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute8%TYPE := NULL,
66    p_attribute9 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute9%TYPE := NULL,
67    p_attribute10 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute10%TYPE := NULL,
68    p_attribute11 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute11%TYPE := NULL,
69    p_attribute12 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute12%TYPE := NULL,
70    p_attribute13 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute13%TYPE := NULL,
71    p_attribute14 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute14%TYPE := NULL,
72    p_attribute15 IN cn_srp_total_comps.attribute15%TYPE := NULL,
73    p_last_update_login IN cn_srp_total_comps.last_update_login%TYPE,
74    p_last_update_date IN cn_srp_total_comps.last_update_date%TYPE,
75    p_last_updated_by IN cn_srp_total_comps.last_updated_by%TYPE,
76    p_object_version_number IN cn_srp_total_comps.object_version_number%TYPE);
78 PROCEDURE delete_row
79   (p_srp_role_id         IN cn_srp_total_comps.srp_role_id%TYPE);