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1 PACKAGE BODY hri_edw_dim_service AS
2 /* $Header: hriedlwb.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 07:08:39 appldev noship $ */
4 /******************************************************************************/
5 /* Retrieves constant converting days to months                               */
6 /******************************************************************************/
7 FUNCTION get_days_to_month RETURN NUMBER IS
9   l_days_to_month     NUMBER;  -- Holds constant
11   CURSOR ratio_cur IS
12   SELECT days_to_month
13   FROM hri_service_bands
14   WHERE days_to_month IS NOT NULL;
18   OPEN ratio_cur;
19   FETCH ratio_cur INTO l_days_to_month;
20   CLOSE ratio_cur;
22   RETURN l_days_to_month;
24 END get_days_to_month;
26 /******************************************************************************/
27 /* Retrieves constant converting days to months                               */
28 /******************************************************************************/
29 PROCEDURE set_days_to_months( p_days_to_month  NUMBER)
30 IS
34   UPDATE hri_service_bands
35   SET days_to_month = p_days_to_month
36   WHERE days_to_month IS NOT NULL;
38 END set_days_to_months;
40 /******************************************************************************/
41 /* Takes values in years, months, weeks and days, and the constant for how    */
42 /* many days in a months, and returns the equivalent value in months          */
43 /******************************************************************************/
44 FUNCTION normalize_band( p_band_years        NUMBER,
45                          p_band_months       NUMBER,
46                          p_band_weeks        NUMBER,
47                          p_band_days         NUMBER,
48                          p_days_to_month     NUMBER)
49          RETURN NUMBER IS
51   l_return_value      NUMBER;  -- Holds value to return
55   l_return_value := (((p_band_weeks * 7) + p_band_days) / p_days_to_month)
56                    + ((p_band_years * 12) + p_band_months);
58   RETURN l_return_value;
60 END normalize_band;
62 /******************************************************************************/
63 /* This procedure inserts a service band into the hri_service_bands table.    */
64 /* The PK is the minimum year, month, week and day for the service band.      */
65 /* There will always be a row with all of these zero since this cannot be     */
66 /* removed by the remove_service_band API) and there will always be (possibly */
67 /* the same row) a row with null maximum year, month, week and day values     */
68 /* since inserting a row always works by picking the band that the new        */
69 /* service length falls into, and splitting it into two                       */
70 /*                                                                            */
71 /* If a service length is given that already exists, nothing will happen.     */
72 /*                                                                            */
73 /* E.g. if the following bands exist (Years, Months, Weeks, Days):            */
74 /*                   (0,0,0,0) - (0,3,0,0)                                    */
75 /*                   (0,3,0,0) - (0,6,0,0)                                    */
76 /*                   (0,6,0,0) - (0,9,0,0)                                    */
77 /*                   (0,9,0,0) - (,,,)                                        */
78 /*                                                                            */
79 /*  Then insert_service_band(1,0,0,0) would give the new set of bands as:     */
80 /*                   (0,0,0,0) - (0,3,0,0)                                    */
81 /*                   (0,3,0,0) - (0,6,0,0)                                    */
82 /*                   (0,6,0,0) - (0,9,0,0)                                    */
83 /*                   (0,9,0,0) - (1,0,0,0)                                    */
84 /*                   (1,0,0,0) - (,,,)                                        */
85 /******************************************************************************/
86 PROCEDURE insert_service_band( p_service_min_years    NUMBER,
87                                p_service_min_months   NUMBER,
88                                p_service_min_weeks    NUMBER,
89                                p_service_min_days     NUMBER)
90 IS
92   l_total_min_service_months    NUMBER;    -- Holds the service length in months
94   l_band_to_split_min          NUMBER;  -- Service (in months) of band to split
95   l_band_to_split_max_years    NUMBER;  -- Max years of band to split
96   l_band_to_split_max_months   NUMBER;  -- Max months of band to split
97   l_band_to_split_max_weeks    NUMBER;  -- Max weeks of band to split
98   l_band_to_split_max_days     NUMBER;  -- Max days of band to split
100   l_days_to_month            NUMBER;  -- Constant converting days to months
102 /* Get details of band to split */
103   CURSOR split_cur
104   (v_total_min_service_months  NUMBER,
105    v_days_to_month             NUMBER) IS
106   SELECT normalize_band( band_min_total_years
107                        , band_min_total_months
108                        , band_min_total_weeks
109                        , band_min_total_days
110                        , v_days_to_month)     band_months
111   ,band_max_total_years
112   ,band_max_total_months
113   ,band_max_total_weeks
114   ,band_max_total_days
115   FROM hri_service_bands
116   WHERE (normalize_band( band_max_total_years
117                        , band_max_total_months
118                        , band_max_total_weeks
119                        , band_max_total_days
120                        , v_days_to_month)        > v_total_min_service_months
121     OR ( band_max_total_years IS NULL AND band_max_total_months IS NULL
122       AND band_max_total_weeks IS NULL AND band_max_total_days IS NULL))
123   AND   normalize_band( band_min_total_years
124                       , band_min_total_months
125                       , band_min_total_weeks
126                       , band_min_total_days
127                       , v_days_to_month)        < v_total_min_service_months;
131 /* Retrive constant */
132   l_days_to_month := get_days_to_month;
134 /* Convert input to months */
135   l_total_min_service_months := normalize_band( p_service_min_years
136                                               , p_service_min_months
137                                               , p_service_min_weeks
138                                               , p_service_min_days
139                                               , l_days_to_month );
141 /* Find which service band contains input service length */
142   OPEN split_cur(l_total_min_service_months, l_days_to_month);
143   FETCH split_cur INTO l_band_to_split_min,
144                        l_band_to_split_max_years,
145                        l_band_to_split_max_months,
146                        l_band_to_split_max_weeks,
147                        l_band_to_split_max_days;
148   IF (split_cur%NOTFOUND OR split_cur%NOTFOUND IS NULL) THEN
150   /* Service Band already exists */
151     CLOSE split_cur;
152   ELSE
153     /* Create new service band using maximum of band to split */
154     INSERT INTO hri_service_bands
155       (band_min_total_years,
156        band_min_total_months,
157        band_min_total_weeks,
158        band_min_total_days,
159        band_max_total_years,
160        band_max_total_months,
161        band_max_total_weeks,
162        band_max_total_days)
163       VALUES
164         ( p_service_min_years,
165           p_service_min_months,
166           p_service_min_weeks,
167           p_service_min_days,
168           l_band_to_split_max_years,
169           l_band_to_split_max_months,
170           l_band_to_split_max_weeks,
171           l_band_to_split_max_days );
173 /* Update the maximum of band to split with the input */
174     UPDATE hri_service_bands
175     SET band_max_total_years  = p_service_min_years,
176         band_max_total_months = p_service_min_months,
177         band_max_total_weeks  = p_service_min_weeks,
178         band_max_total_days   = p_service_min_days
179     WHERE normalize_band( band_min_total_years,
180                           band_min_total_months,
181                           band_min_total_weeks,
182                           band_min_total_days,
183                           l_days_to_month )     = l_band_to_split_min;
184   END IF;
186 END insert_service_band;
188 /******************************************************************************/
189 /* Removes a service band, if it exists. The maximum of the band preceding    */
190 /* the removed band is updated with the maximim of the removed band.          */
191 /******************************************************************************/
192 PROCEDURE remove_service_band( p_service_min_years   NUMBER,
193                                p_service_min_months  NUMBER,
194                                p_service_min_weeks   NUMBER,
195                                p_service_min_days    NUMBER)
196 IS
198   l_total_min_service_months    NUMBER;     -- Service length of band to remove
200   l_band_to_grow_max_years     NUMBER; -- Max years of band to remove
201   l_band_to_grow_max_months    NUMBER; -- Max months of band to remove
202   l_band_to_grow_max_weeks     NUMBER; -- Max weeks of band to remove
203   l_band_to_grow_max_days      NUMBER; -- Max days of band to remove
205 /* Get maximum service length of band to remove */
206   CURSOR grow_cur IS
207   SELECT
208    band_max_total_years
209   ,band_max_total_months
210   ,band_max_total_weeks
211   ,band_max_total_days
212   FROM hri_service_bands
213   WHERE band_min_total_years  = p_service_min_years
214   AND   band_min_total_months = p_service_min_months
215   AND   band_min_total_weeks  = p_service_min_weeks
216   AND   band_min_total_days   = p_service_min_days;
220 /* Populate variables with maximum service length of band to remove */
221   OPEN grow_cur;
222   FETCH grow_cur INTO l_band_to_grow_max_years,
223                       l_band_to_grow_max_months,
224                       l_band_to_grow_max_weeks,
225                       l_band_to_grow_max_days;
226   IF (grow_cur%NOTFOUND OR grow_cur%NOTFOUND IS NULL) THEN
227   /* Age Band doesn't exist */
228     CLOSE grow_cur;
229   ELSE
230   /* Remove the band */
231     DELETE FROM hri_service_bands
232     WHERE band_min_total_years  = p_service_min_years
233     AND   band_min_total_months = p_service_min_months
234     AND   band_min_total_weeks  = p_service_min_weeks
235     AND   band_min_total_days   = p_service_min_days;
237   /* Update the previous band, which can be identified by its maximum */
238   /* being the minimum of the band removed */
239     UPDATE hri_service_bands
240     SET band_max_total_years  = l_band_to_grow_max_years,
241         band_max_total_months = l_band_to_grow_max_months,
242         band_max_total_weeks  = l_band_to_grow_max_weeks,
243         band_max_total_days   = l_band_to_grow_max_days
244     WHERE band_max_total_years  = p_service_min_years
245     AND   band_max_total_months = p_service_min_months
246     AND   band_max_total_weeks  = p_service_min_weeks
247     AND   band_max_total_days   = p_service_min_days;
248   END IF;
250 END remove_service_band;
252 /******************************************************************************/
253 /* Inserts row into table, or updates it if the row already exists. Called    */
254 /* from the UPLOAD section of FNDLOAD.                                        */
255 /******************************************************************************/
256 PROCEDURE load_row( p_band_min_yrs       IN NUMBER,
257                     p_band_min_mths      IN NUMBER,
258                     p_band_min_wks       IN NUMBER,
259                     p_band_min_days      IN NUMBER,
260                     p_band_max_yrs       IN NUMBER,
261                     p_band_max_mths      IN NUMBER,
262                     p_band_max_wks       IN NUMBER,
263                     p_band_max_days      IN NUMBER,
264                     p_days_to_month      IN NUMBER,
265                     p_owner              IN VARCHAR2 )
266 IS
268   l_row_exists        NUMBER;
270 /* Standard WHO columns */
271   l_last_update_date    DATE := SYSDATE;
272   l_last_updated_by     NUMBER := 0;
273   l_last_update_login   NUMBER := 0;
274   l_created_by          NUMBER := 0;
275   l_creation_date       DATE := SYSDATE;
277   CURSOR row_exists_cur IS
278   SELECT 1
279   FROM hri_service_bands
280   WHERE (band_min_total_years  = p_band_min_yrs
281     AND  band_min_total_months = p_band_min_mths
282     AND  band_min_total_weeks  = p_band_min_wks
283     AND  band_min_total_days   = p_band_min_days)
284   OR   (band_min_total_years  IS NULL AND p_band_min_yrs  IS NULL
285     AND band_min_total_months IS NULL AND p_band_min_mths IS NULL
286     AND band_min_total_weeks  IS NULL AND p_band_min_wks  IS NULL
287     AND band_min_total_days   IS NULL AND p_band_min_days IS NULL);
291   OPEN row_exists_cur;
292   FETCH row_exists_cur INTO l_row_exists;
293     IF (row_exists_cur%NOTFOUND OR row_exists_cur%NOTFOUND IS NULL) THEN
294     CLOSE row_exists_cur;
295     INSERT INTO  hri_service_bands
296       ( band_min_total_years
297       , band_min_total_months
298       , band_min_total_weeks
299       , band_min_total_days
300       , band_max_total_years
301       , band_max_total_months
302       , band_max_total_weeks
303       , band_max_total_days
304       , days_to_month
305       , last_update_date
306       , last_update_login
307       , last_updated_by
308       , created_by
309       , creation_date )
310       VALUES
311         ( p_band_min_yrs
312         , p_band_min_mths
313         , p_band_min_wks
314         , p_band_min_days
315         , p_band_max_yrs
316         , p_band_max_mths
317         , p_band_max_wks
318         , p_band_max_days
319         , p_days_to_month
320         , l_last_update_date
321         , l_last_update_login
322         , l_last_updated_by
323         , l_created_by
324         , l_creation_date );
325   ELSE
326     CLOSE row_exists_cur;
327     UPDATE hri_service_bands
328     SET
329      band_max_total_years  = p_band_max_yrs
330     ,band_max_total_months = p_band_max_mths
331     ,band_max_total_weeks  = p_band_max_wks
332     ,band_max_total_days   = p_band_max_days
333     ,days_to_month         = p_days_to_month
334     ,last_update_date  = l_last_update_date
335     ,last_update_login = l_last_update_login
336     ,last_updated_by   = l_last_updated_by
337     WHERE (band_min_total_years  = p_band_min_yrs
338       AND  band_min_total_months = p_band_min_mths
339       AND  band_min_total_weeks  = p_band_min_wks
340       AND  band_min_total_days   = p_band_min_days)
341     OR   (band_min_total_years  IS NULL AND p_band_min_yrs  IS NULL
342       AND band_min_total_months IS NULL AND p_band_min_mths IS NULL
343       AND band_min_total_weeks  IS NULL AND p_band_min_wks  IS NULL
344       AND band_min_total_days   IS NULL AND p_band_min_days IS NULL);
345   END IF;
347 END load_row;
349 END hri_edw_dim_service;