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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

  select_clause   in out nocopy varchar2,
  and_clause      in out nocopy varchar2,
  index_col       in     varchar2)
  TYPE TOKENS is table of VARCHAR2(256) index by binary_integer;
Line: 167

    selc := 'select /*+index(lob FND_LOBS_CTX) USE_NL(lob hd)*/ round( (0 '||selc||')/'||sccnt||', 0 ) pct,';
Line: 169

    selc := 'select 100 pct,';   -- should never get here --
Line: 177

  select_clause := selc;
Line: 311

  delete from fnd_lobs l
  where  program_name = 'FND_HELP'
  and    not exists (select 'x' from fnd_help_documents d
                     where  l.file_id = d.file_id);
Line: 316

  delete from fnd_help_documents d
  where  not exists (select 'x' from fnd_lobs l
                     where  l.file_id = d.file_id);
Line: 320

  delete from fnd_help_targets t
  where  not exists (select 'x' from fnd_help_documents d
                     where  t.file_id = d.file_id);
Line: 334

  select u.oracle_username into own
  from   fnd_product_installations inst,
         fnd_oracle_userid u,
         fnd_application a
  where  a.application_id = inst.application_id
  and    inst.oracle_id = u.oracle_id
  and    a.application_short_name = upper(p_app_short_name);
Line: 560

  select_clause   in out nocopy varchar2,
  and_clause      in out nocopy varchar2,
  index_col       in     varchar2)
  ft   tokens;
Line: 600

     selc := 'select /*+index(lob FND_LOBS_CTX) USE_NL(lob hd)*/ score(1) pct,';
Line: 603

     selc := 'select 100 pct,';   -- should never get here --
Line: 607

  select_clause := selc;