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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 52

                                         the for update of . . . added a for update
                                         on the lock the created assignment_action_id.
   06-DEC-2002 tclewis            115.11 Added NOCOPY directive and fixed some typo's
                                         formatting issue with the 'YTD SUI EE Taxable'
                                         and 'YTD SUI ER Taxable' messages
   25-JUN-2003 vinaraya  2963239  115.13 Added extra check in prc_process_data for medicare
                                         and SS balance check.(bug number 2963239)
                                         Moved the call to prc_process_data from report to
                                         action_creation code. prc_write_data definition has
                                         been changed to include two new arguements.
   30-JUN-2003 vinaraya  3005756  115.14 Modified code for caching and removal of unwanted
                                         code as per review comments.
   01-JUL-2003 vinaraya  3005756  115.15 Changed function fnc_get_tax_limit_rate to include
                                         join for start date in the cursor c_sui_sdi_info.
   03-JUL-2003 vinaraya  3005756  115.16 Included 4 new cursors for state,county,city and
                                         school jurisdiction data fetch.Included check for
					 validity of run balances to make use of the new
					 cursors accordingly.
                                         Moved state,county,city and school
					 balance checks to inline procedures.
   08-JUL-2003 vinaraya  3005756  115.17 Restructured entire code to remove repeated code.
                                         Removed action interlocking
   27-AUG-2003 kaverma   3115988  115.18 Added difference calculation for FUTA
   19-DEC-2003 saurgupt  3291736  115.19 In action_creation, procedure insert_action
                                         is removed. Also, if no Unacceptable tax balances
                                         are found then a dummy action is created. This will
                                         happen only if payroll/prepayments have been run.
   26-DEC-2003 saurgupt  3316599  115.20 Tax Unit id is added to where condition to decrease
                                         the cost of query.
   06-JAN-2004 sdahiya   3316599  115.21 Modified queries for performance enhancement.
   24-MAR-2004 fusman    3418991  115.22 Modified cursors c_actions,c_get_latest_asg,
                                         c_school_jurisdictions_valid and
   17-NOV-2004 ahanda    3962872  115.23 Changed range code, action creation and
                                         enabled RANGE_PERSON_ID.
   18-NOV-2004 ahanda             115.24 Fixed GSCC issues.
   18-NOV-2004 ahanda             115.25 Fixed GSCC issues.
   08-NOV-2007 dduvvuri  6360505  115.26 Performance Improvements for Bug 6360505
   05-May-2008 Pannapur  6719359  115.27 Reverted the peformance fix
   01-Jul-2008 Pannapur  7174993  115.28 Perfomance Improvements for bug 7174993
   21-Jul-2008 Pannapur  7174993  115.29 Perfomance Improvements for bug 7174993(removed the hint added
                                          in previous version)


   c_fixed_futa_rt CONSTANT NUMBER(10,4) := 6.2;
Line: 122

   G_dummy_action_inserted_flag  VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
Line: 204

     SELECT NVL(org_information7,0)/100
       FROM hr_organization_information
      WHERE organization_id = IN_tax_unit_id
        AND org_information_context = 'Federal Tax Rules';
Line: 212

     SELECT effective_date, business_group_id, legislative_parameters
       FROM pay_payroll_actions
      WHERE payroll_action_id = IN_pact_id;
Line: 242

     select effective_date,legislative_parameters
       into ld_effective_date,lv_leg_param
       from pay_payroll_actions
      where payroll_action_id = IN_pactid;
Line: 260

   select fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ld_cur_date)
     into lv_cur_date
     from dual;
Line: 266

        'SELECT /*+ ORDERED
                    INDEX (ppa PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
                    INDEX (pa1 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
                    INDEX (act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N50)
                    INDEX (paf PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK) */
                DISTINCT paf.person_id
           FROM pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                pay_payroll_actions    pa1,
                pay_assignment_actions act,
                per_assignments_f      paf
          WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id    = :payroll_action_id
            AND pa1.effective_date >= fnd_date.canonical_to_date('''|| lv_cur_date ||''')
            AND pa1.effective_date <=  ppa.effective_date
            AND pa1.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
            AND paf.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
            AND pa1.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                       AND paf.effective_end_date
            AND pa1.action_type in (''B'',''I'',''R'',''Q'',''V'')
            AND act.action_status = ''C''
            AND paf.business_group_id +0 = ppa.business_group_id
            AND act.tax_unit_id = ' || lv_tax_unit_id;
Line: 324

            paf.person_id person_id
       FROM per_all_assignments_f      paf,
            pay_all_payrolls_f         PPY
      WHERE exists
           (select /*+ INDEX(paa PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
                       INDEX(ppa PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK) */
              from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                   pay_assignment_actions paa
             where ppa.effective_date between cp_period_start
                                          and cp_period_end
               and  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
               and  ppa.action_status = 'C'
               and  ppa.business_group_id + 0 = cp_business_group_id
               and  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
               and  paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
               and  paa.action_status = 'C'
               and  paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
               and  ppa.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id +0
               and  ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                           and  paf.effective_end_date)
        AND paf.person_id between cp_start_person_id and cp_end_person_id
        AND paf.assignment_type = 'E'
        AND (cp_organization_id is null OR
             paf.organization_id = cp_organization_id)
        AND (cp_location_id is null OR
             paf.LOCATION_ID =  cp_location_id)
        AND PPY.payroll_id = paf.payroll_id;
Line: 357

     SELECT ppr.person_id person_id
       FROM pay_population_ranges ppr
      where ppr.payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_Action_id
        and ppr.chunk_number = cp_chunk_number;
Line: 374

     SELECT /*+ ORDERED */
            to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')||paa.assignment_action_id),16)) assignment_action_id
       FROM per_all_assignments_f paf,
            pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_action_classifications pac
      WHERE paf.person_id = cp_person_id
        AND paf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
        AND (paf.organization_id = IN_org_id
              OR IN_org_id IS NULL)
        AND (paf.location_id = IN_location_id
              OR IN_location_id IS NULL)
        AND paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
        AND paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
        AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
        AND ((NVL(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) IS NULL
                   AND paa.source_action_id IS NULL)
               OR (NVL(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) IS NOT NULL
                   AND paa.source_action_id IS NOT NULL )
               OR (ppa.action_type = 'V' AND ppa.run_type_id IS NULL
                   AND paa.run_type_id IS NOT NULL
                   AND paa.source_action_id IS NULL))
        AND ppa.effective_date  BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                    AND paf.effective_end_date
        AND ppa.effective_date  BETWEEN cp_start_date AND cp_as_of_date
        AND ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
        AND pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED';
Line: 410

     SELECT paa.assignment_id ,
       FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            per_all_assignments_f paf
      WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = cp_asg_act_id
        AND paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
        AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
        AND ppa.effective_date  BETWEEN cp_start_date AND cp_as_of_date
        AND paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
	AND ppa.effective_date  BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                    AND paf.effective_end_date
	AND paf.person_id = cp_person_id;
Line: 543

      SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO L_lockingactid
        FROM dual;
Line: 566

      G_dummy_action_inserted_flag = 'N'  THEN
Line: 586

   IO_sqlstr := 'SELECT paa1.rowid
                /* we need the row id of the assignment actions that are
                   created by PYUGEN */
                   FROM hr_organization_units  hou,
			hr_organization_units  hou1,
                        hr_locations  	       loc,
			per_people_f           ppf,
                        per_all_assignments_f  paf,
                        pay_assignment_actions paa1, /* PYUGEN assignment action */
                        pay_payroll_actions    ppa1  /* PYUGEN payroll action id */
		  WHERE ppa1.payroll_action_id = :pactid
		    AND paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
		    AND paa1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                    AND paf.effective_start_date =
                         (SELECT MAX(paf1.effective_start_date)
                            FROM per_assignments_f paf1
                           WHERE paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                             AND paf1.effective_start_date <= ppa1.effective_date
                             AND paf1.effective_end_date >=
  		    AND hou1.organization_id = paa1.tax_unit_id
 		    AND hou.organization_id = paf.organization_id
		    AND loc.location_id  = paf.location_id
		    AND ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
		    AND ppa1.effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
                                                AND ppf.effective_END_date
                 ORDER BY
                      hou1.name,   /* GRE */
		 FOR UPDATE of paa1.assignment_action_id';
Line: 762

       SELECT state_code,sta_information5,sta_information6,sta_information3,sta_information4
       FROM pay_us_state_tax_info_f pusif
       WHERE IN_as_of_date <= pusif.effective_end_date
       AND   IN_start_date >= pusif.effective_start_date
       AND pusif.sta_information_category = 'State tax limit rate info'
       ORDER BY 1;
Line: 893

         SELECT org_information1,org_information15
         FROM hr_organization_information
         WHERE organization_id = IN_organization_id
         AND org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules';
Line: 899

         SELECT state_abbrev
	   FROM pay_us_states
         WHERE state_code = IN_sui_state_code;
Line: 969

   SELECT pus.state_code,org_information6/100, org_information7/100 , org_information14/100
     FROM hr_organization_information org, pay_us_states pus
    WHERE org.org_information1 = pus.state_abbrev
      AND pus.state_code between 00 and 99
      AND org.organization_id = IN_tax_unit_id
      AND org.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules';
Line: 1105

      INSERT INTO pay_us_rpt_totals
Line: 1130

	 -- insert the action record.

Line: 1135

	 G_dummy_action_inserted_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1142

      INSERT INTO pay_us_rpt_totals
          location_name,  -- NULL
          IN_balance_nm2,  -- NULL
          IN_calculated,  -- NULL
          IN_difference,  -- NULL
Line: 1238

      SELECT city_tax,school_tax
      FROM pay_us_city_tax_info_f
      WHERE jurisdiction_code = IN_jurisdiction
      AND IN_as_of_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 1245

       SELECT county_tax,school_tax
       FROM pay_us_county_tax_info_f
       WHERE jurisdiction_code = IN_jurisdiction
       AND IN_as_of_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 1369

              prb.jurisdiction_code||'-000-0000' jurisdiction_code,
              pus.state_code state_code,
         FROM pay_run_balances prb,
              per_assignments_f paf,
              pay_us_states pus
        WHERE paf.person_id = IN_person_id
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date and IN_as_of_date
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                     AND paf.effective_end_date
          AND prb.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
          AND prb.jurisdiction_code = pus.state_code
          AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL);
Line: 1391

              prb.jurisdiction_code||'-0000' jurisdiction_code,
              puc.county_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name
         FROM pay_run_balances prb,
              per_assignments_f paf,
              pay_us_states pus,
              pay_us_counties puc
        WHERE paf.person_id = IN_person_id
          AND paf.effective_start_date <= IN_as_of_date
          AND paf.effective_end_date   >= IN_start_date
          AND prb.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                    AND paf.effective_end_date
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date AND IN_as_of_date
          AND pus.state_code = prb.jurisdiction_comp1
          AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
          AND prb.jurisdiction_code = puc.state_code||'-'||puc.county_code
          AND pus.state_code = puc.state_code;
Line: 1417

              pun.city_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name
         FROM pay_run_balances prb,
              per_assignments_f paf,
              pay_us_states pus,
              pay_us_city_names pun
        WHERE paf.person_id          = IN_person_id
          AND paf.effective_start_date <= IN_as_of_date
          AND paf.effective_end_date   >= IN_start_date
          AND paf.assignment_id      = prb.assignment_id
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                     AND paf.effective_end_date
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date AND IN_as_of_date
          AND prb.jurisdiction_code =
          AND pun.primary_flag = 'Y'
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp2 = pun.county_code
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp3 = pun.city_code
          AND pun.state_code = pus.state_code
          AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
          AND pus.state_code = prb.jurisdiction_comp1;
Line: 1448

              psd.school_dst_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name,
              psd.state_code||'-'||psd.county_code||'-'||psd.city_code reg_jurisdiction_cd
         FROM pay_run_balances prb,
              per_assignments_f paf,
              pay_us_states pus,
              pay_us_city_school_dsts psd
        WHERE paf.person_id = IN_person_id
          AND paf.effective_start_date <= IN_as_of_date
          AND paf.effective_end_date   >= IN_start_date
          AND paf.assignment_id         = prb.assignment_id
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date AND IN_as_of_date
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                     AND paf.effective_end_date
          AND prb.jurisdiction_code  = psd.state_code||'-'||psd.school_dst_code
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp2 = psd.school_dst_code
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp1 = psd.state_code
          AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp1 = pus.state_code
          AND pus.state_code         = psd.state_code
       UNION ALL
              psd.school_dst_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name,
              psd.state_code||'-'||psd.county_code||'-0000' reg_jurisdiction_cd
         FROM per_assignments_f paf,
              pay_run_balances prb,
              pay_us_states pus,
              pay_us_county_school_dsts psd
        WHERE paf.person_id = IN_person_id
          AND paf.effective_start_date <= IN_as_of_date
          AND paf.effective_end_date   >= IN_start_date
          AND prb.assignment_id         = paf.assignment_id
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date AND IN_as_of_date
          AND prb.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                     AND paf.effective_end_date
          AND prb.jurisdiction_code = psd.state_code||'-'||psd.school_dst_code
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp2 = psd.school_dst_code
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp1 = psd.state_code
          AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
          AND prb.jurisdiction_comp1 = pus.state_code
          AND pus.state_code         = psd.state_code;
Line: 1503

        FROM pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f pes,
             per_assignments_f paf,
             pay_us_states pus
       WHERE pes.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
         AND pes.state_code = pus.state_code
         AND paf.effective_start_date BETWEEN pes.effective_start_date
                                          AND pes.effective_end_date
         /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_as_of_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_start_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND paf.person_id = IN_person_id
           /* Change for Performance Bug 7174993 */
            AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
        -- AND pus.state_code = NVL(IN_state_code, pus.state_code)
         AND EXISTS (
                SELECT 'X'
                  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_run_results prr
                 WHERE action_type IN ('B','I','R','Q','V')
                   AND ppa.action_status = 'C'
                   AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date
                                              AND IN_as_of_date
                   AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                   AND paa.assignment_id = pes.assignment_id
                   AND prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   AND prr.jurisdiction_code = pes.jurisdiction_code
                   AND rownum = 1);   -- added rownum to improve performance (Bug 3316599)
Line: 1547

      SELECT DISTINCT  pes.jurisdiction_code,
             puc.county_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name
        FROM pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f pes,
             per_assignments_f paf,
             pay_us_states pus,
             pay_us_counties puc
       WHERE pes.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
         AND pes.state_code = pus.state_code
         AND pes.county_code = puc.county_code
         AND pes.state_code = puc.state_code
         AND paf.effective_start_date BETWEEN pes.effective_start_date
                                          AND pes.effective_end_date
        /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_as_of_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_start_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND paf.person_id = IN_person_id
           /* Change for Performance Bug 7174993 */
            AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
         --AND pus.state_code = NVL(IN_state_code, pus.state_code)
         AND EXISTS (
                SELECT 'X'
                  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_run_results prr
                 WHERE action_type IN ('B','I','R','Q','V')
                   AND ppa.action_status = 'C'
                   AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date
                                              AND IN_as_of_date
                   AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                   AND paa.assignment_id = pes.assignment_id
                   AND prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   AND prr.jurisdiction_code = pes.jurisdiction_code
                   AND rownum = 1);  -- added rownum to improve performance (Bug 3316599)
Line: 1591

             pun.city_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name
        FROM pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f pes,
             per_assignments_f paf,
             pay_us_states pus,
             pay_us_city_names pun
       WHERE pes.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
         AND pes.state_code = pus.state_code
         AND pes.state_code = pun.state_code
         AND pes.county_code = pun.county_code
         AND pes.city_code = pun.city_code
         AND paf.effective_start_date BETWEEN pes.effective_start_date
                                          AND pes.effective_end_date
         AND pun.primary_flag = 'Y'
         /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_as_of_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_start_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND paf.person_id = IN_person_id
         /* Change for Performance Bug 7174993 */
            AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
         -- AND pus.state_code = NVL(IN_state_code, pus.state_code)
         AND EXISTS (
                SELECT 'X'
                  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_run_results prr
                 WHERE action_type IN ('B','I','R','Q','V')
                   AND ppa.action_status = 'C'
                   AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date
                                              AND IN_as_of_date
                   AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                   AND paa.assignment_id = pes.assignment_id
                   AND prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   AND prr.jurisdiction_code = pes.jurisdiction_code
                   AND rownum = 1); -- added rownum to improve performance (Bug 3316599)
Line: 1639

            pes.state_code||'-'||pes.school_district_code jurisdiction_code,
             psd.school_dst_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name,
             pes.jurisdiction_code reg_jurisdiction_cd
        FROM pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f pes,
             per_assignments_f paf,
             pay_us_states pus,
             pay_us_city_school_dsts psd
       WHERE pes.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
         AND pes.school_district_code IS NOT NULL
         AND pes.state_code = pus.state_code
         AND pes.school_district_code = psd.school_dst_code
         AND pes.state_code = psd.state_code
         AND pes.county_code = psd.county_code
         AND pes.city_code = psd.city_code
         AND paf.effective_start_date BETWEEN pes.effective_start_date
                                          AND pes.effective_end_date
        /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_as_of_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_start_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND paf.person_id = IN_person_id
         --AND pus.state_code = NVL(IN_state_code, pus.state_code)
         /* Change for Performance Bug 7174993 */
            AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
         AND EXISTS (
                SELECT 'X'
                  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_run_results prr
                 WHERE action_type IN ('B','I','R','Q','V')
                   AND ppa.action_status = 'C'
                   AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date
                                              AND IN_as_of_date
                   AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                   AND paa.assignment_id = pes.assignment_id
                   AND prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   AND prr.jurisdiction_code = pes.state_code||'-'||pes.school_district_code
                   AND rownum = 1)   -- Added rownum for perfromance enhancement (Bug 3316599)
             pes.state_code||'-'||pes.school_district_code jurisdiction_code,
             psd.school_dst_name||','||pus.state_abbrev jurisdiction_name,
             pes.jurisdiction_code reg_jurisdiction_cd
        FROM pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f pes,
             per_assignments_f paf,
             pay_us_states pus,
             pay_us_county_school_dsts psd
       WHERE pes.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
         AND pes.school_district_code IS NOT NULL
         AND pes.state_code = pus.state_code
         AND pes.school_district_code = psd.school_dst_code
         AND pes.state_code = psd.state_code
         AND pes.county_code = psd.county_code
         AND paf.effective_start_date BETWEEN pes.effective_start_date
                                          AND pes.effective_end_date
        /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_as_of_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         /* Change for Performance Bug 6360505 */
         AND IN_start_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                               AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND paf.person_id = IN_person_id
         --AND pus.state_code = NVL(IN_state_code, pus.state_code)
         /* Change for Performance Bug 7174993 */
            AND (pus.state_code = IN_state_code
              OR IN_state_code IS NULL)
         AND EXISTS (
                SELECT 'X'
                  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_run_results prr
                 WHERE action_type IN ('B','I','R','Q','V')
                   AND ppa.action_status = 'C'
                   AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN IN_start_date
                                              AND IN_as_of_date
                   AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                   AND paa.assignment_id = pes.assignment_id
                   AND prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   AND prr.jurisdiction_code = pes.state_code||'-'||pes.school_district_code
                   AND rownum = 1);  -- Added rownum for perfromance enhancement (Bug 3316599)
Line: 1730

         SELECT NVL(sui_state_code,'00')
           FROM pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
          WHERE business_group_id = IN_business_id
            AND assignment_id = IN_assignment_id
            AND effective_start_date <= IN_start_date
            AND effective_end_date >= IN_as_of_date;
Line: 1870

            SELECT medicare_tax_exempt
              FROM pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_v
             WHERE assignment_id = IN_assignment_id
               AND effective_start_date <= IN_start_date
               AND effective_end_date >= IN_as_of_date;
Line: 3879

      DELETE pay_us_rpt_totals
       WHERE session_id        = IN_pact_id
         AND business_group_id = IN_chunk_no
	 AND tax_unit_id       = IN_prc_tax_unit_id;  -- Bug 3316599 to reduce the cost of query