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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 393

  select rs.child_obj_id
  from fem_ruleset_process_data rs
  ,fem_pl_object_executions x
  where rs.request_id = p_request_id
  and rs.rule_set_obj_id = p_ruleset_obj_id
  and x.request_id (+) = rs.request_id
  and x.object_id (+) = rs.child_obj_id
  and x.exec_object_definition_id (+) = rs.child_obj_def_id
  order by rs.engine_execution_sequence;
Line: 433

Line: 895

    select object_type_code
    into x_request_rec.submit_obj_type_code
    from fem_object_catalog_b
    where object_id = x_request_rec.submit_obj_id;
Line: 917

      select object_name
      into x_request_rec.ruleset_obj_name
      from fem_object_catalog_vl
      where object_id = x_request_rec.ruleset_obj_id;
Line: 943

      select rule_set_object_type_code
      into x_request_rec.rollup_obj_type_code
      from fem_rule_sets
      where rule_set_obj_def_id = x_request_rec.ruleset_obj_def_id;
Line: 984

      ' select cost_object_hier_obj_id'||
      ' ,condition_obj_id'||
      ' ,currency_code'||
      ' ,null'||
      ' from pft_couc_rollup_rules'||
      ' where couc_rollup_obj_def_id = :b_rollup_obj_def_id';
Line: 997

      ' select activity_hier_obj_id'||
      ' ,condition_obj_id'||
      ' ,currency_code'||
      ' ,null'||
      ' from pft_activity_cost_ru'||
      ' where cost_rollup_obj_def_id = :b_rollup_obj_def_id';
Line: 1010

      ' select activity_hier_obj_id'||
      ' ,condition_obj_id'||
      ' ,''STAT'''||
      ' ,statistic_basis_id'||
      ' from pft_activity_stat_ru'||
      ' where stat_rollup_obj_def_id = :b_rollup_obj_def_id';
Line: 1042

    select 'Y'
    into l_dummy_varchar
    from fem_table_class_assignmt_v
    where table_classification_code = 'ABM_LEDGER'
    and table_name = 'FEM_BALANCES';
Line: 1092

      select source_system_code
      into x_request_rec.source_system_code
      from fem_source_systems_b
      where source_system_display_code = G_PFT_SOURCE_SYSTEM_DC;
Line: 1115

    select object_id
    into x_request_rec.dataset_grp_obj_id
    from fem_object_definition_b
    where object_definition_id = x_request_rec.dataset_grp_obj_def_id;
Line: 1136

    select output_dataset_code
    into x_request_rec.output_dataset_code
    from fem_ds_input_output_defs
    where dataset_io_obj_def_id = x_request_rec.dataset_grp_obj_def_id;
Line: 1143

      select obj.object_name
      into l_object_name
      from fem_object_catalog_vl obj
      ,fem_folders_vl f
      where obj.object_id = x_request_rec.dataset_grp_obj_id
      and f.folder_id = obj.folder_id;
Line: 1385

  select d.object_definition_id
  into x_obj_def_id
  from fem_object_definition_b d
  ,fem_object_catalog_b o
  where o.object_id = p_object_id
  and o.object_type_code = p_object_type_code
  and d.object_id = o.object_id
  and p_effective_date between d.effective_start_date and d.effective_end_date
  and d.old_approved_copy_flag = 'N';
Line: 1405

    select object_name
    into l_object_name
    from fem_object_catalog_vl
    where object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 1457

  select dimension_id
  ,attribute_table_name as attr_table
  ,hierarchy_table_name as hier_table
  ,null as hier_rollup_table
  into x_dimension_rec
  from fem_xdim_dimensions_vl
  where dimension_varchar_label = p_dimension_varchar_label;
Line: 1555

    ' select dim_attribute_varchar_member'||
    ' ,date_assign_value'||
    ' from '||l_dimension_rec.attr_table||
    ' where attribute_id = :b_attribute_id'||
    ' and version_id = :b_attr_version_id'||
    ' and '||l_dimension_rec.member_col||' = :b_member_id'
    into x_dim_attribute_varchar_member
    using l_attribute_id
Line: 1651

    select dim_attribute_varchar_member
    into x_currency_code
    from fem_ledgers_attr
    where attribute_id = g_ledger_curr_attr_id
    and version_id = g_ledger_curr_attr_version_id
    and ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1731

    select att.attribute_id
    into x_attribute_id
    from fem_dim_attributes_b att
    ,fem_dim_attr_versions_b ver
    where att.dimension_id = x_dimension_rec.dimension_id
    and att.attribute_varchar_label = p_attribute_varchar_label
    and ver.attribute_id = att.attribute_id
    and ver.default_version_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1802

  l_comp_dim_comp_cols_insert     long;
Line: 1803

  l_comp_dim_data_cols_insert     long;
Line: 1845

  ' select reqs.column_name'||
  ' from fem_column_requiremnt_b reqs'||
  ' ,fem_tab_columns_v cols'||
  ' where reqs.'||l_comp_dim_req_col||'_dim_requirement_code is not null'||
  ' and reqs.'||l_comp_dim_req_col||'_dim_component_flag = ''Y'''||
  ' and reqs.dimension_id is not null'||
  ' and cols.table_name = ''FEM_BALANCES'''||
  ' and cols.column_name = reqs.column_name'||
  ' and cols.dimension_id = reqs.dimension_id';
Line: 1870

    l_comp_dim_comp_cols_insert := l_comp_dim_comp_cols_insert ||
    ' ,bp.'||l_column_name;
Line: 1885

  ' select reqs.column_name'||
  ' ,decode(cols.column_name,props.column_name,''Y'',''N'') as proc_key_flag'||
  ' from fem_column_requiremnt_b reqs'||
  ' ,fem_tab_columns_v cols'||
  ' ,fem_tab_column_prop props'||
  ' where reqs.'||l_comp_dim_req_col||'_dim_component_flag = ''N'''||
  ' and reqs.dimension_id is not null'||
  ' and cols.table_name = ''FEM_BALANCES'''||
  ' and cols.column_name = reqs.column_name'||
  ' and cols.dimension_id is not null'||
  ' and cols.fem_data_type_code = ''DIMENSION'''||
  ' and props.table_name (+) = cols.table_name'||
  ' and props.column_name (+) = cols.column_name'||
  ' and props.column_property_code (+) = ''PROCESSING_KEY'''||
  ' and ('||
  '   reqs.'||l_comp_dim_req_col||'_dim_requirement_code is not null'||
  '   or ('||
  '     reqs.'||l_comp_dim_req_col||'_dim_requirement_code is null'||
  '     and cols.column_name not in ('||
  '       ''ACTIVITY_ID'''||
  '       ,''COST_OBJECT_ID'''||
  '       ,''CREATED_BY_OBJECT_ID'''||
  '       ,''LAST_UPDATED_BY_OBJECT_ID'''||
  '       ,''CURRENCY_TYPE_CODE'''||
  '       ,''CURRENCY_CODE'''||
  '       ,''DATASET_CODE'''||
  '       ,''CAL_PERIOD_ID'''||
  '       ,''LEDGER_ID'''||
  '       ,''SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE'''||
  '     )'||
  '   )'||
  ' )';
Line: 1950

    l_comp_dim_data_cols_insert := l_comp_dim_data_cols_insert ||
    ' ,bp.'||l_column_name;
Line: 1965

  x_sql_rec.comp_dim_comp_cols_insert := l_comp_dim_comp_cols_insert;
Line: 1966

  x_sql_rec.comp_dim_data_cols_insert := l_comp_dim_data_cols_insert;
Line: 2041

    ,p_last_update_login      => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,p_program_id             => p_request_rec.pgm_id
    ,p_program_login_id       => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,p_program_application_id => p_request_rec.pgm_app_id
    ,p_exec_mode_code         => null
    ,p_dimension_id           => null
    ,p_table_name             => null
    ,p_hierarchy_name         => null
    ,x_msg_count              => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data               => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status          => l_return_status
Line: 2147

  select node_id
  from fem_ru_nodes_t
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_object_id
  and root_flag = 'Y'
  and costed_flag = 'N';
Line: 2158

  select node_id
  from fem_ru_nodes_t
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_object_id
  and condition_flag = 'Y'
  and costed_flag = 'N';
Line: 2327

Line: 2377

Line: 2395

  select count(*)
  into l_uncosted_node_count
  from fem_ru_nodes_t
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
  and created_by_object_id = l_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
  and costed_flag = 'N';
Line: 2577

    select object_type_code
    into x_rule_rec.rollup_obj_type_code
    from fem_object_catalog_vl
    where object_id = x_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 2715

    select h.dimension_id
    into l_dimension_id
    from fem_hierarchies h
    where h.hierarchy_obj_id = x_rule_rec.hier_obj_id;
Line: 2973

    ' select h.child_id'||
    ' ,sum(nvl(q.child_qty/decode(q.parent_qty,0,null,q.parent_qty)/decode(q.yield_percentage,0,null,q.yield_percentage),0.00)) as weighting_pct'||
    ' ,h.child_ledger_id'||
    ' from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
    ' ,fem_cost_obj_hier_qty q'||
    ' where h.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    ' and h.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' and h.parent_id = :b_parent_id'||
    ' and h.parent_depth_num = :b_parent_depth_num'||
    ' and q.relationship_id = h.relationship_id'||
    ' and '||p_input_ds_q_where_clause||
    ' group by h.child_ledger_id'||
    ' ,h.child_id';
Line: 2992

    '   select :b_source_system_code as source_system_code'||--new
    '   ,:b_currency_code as currency_code'||--new
    '   ,b.currency_type_code'||
    '   ,parent.cost_object_id'||
    '   ,sum(b.xtd_balance_f) xtd_balance_f'||
    '   from fem_balances b'||
    '   ,fem_cost_objects parent'||
    '   where b.cost_object_id = :b_child_id'||
    '   and parent.cost_object_id = :b_parent_id'||
    '   and b.currency_type_code = ''ENTERED'''||
    '   and '||p_input_ds_b_where_clause||
    '   group by b.currency_type_code'||
    '   ,parent.cost_object_id'||
    ' ) bc'||
    ' on ('||
    '   bp.source_system_code = bc.source_system_code'||
    '   and bp.currency_code = bc.currency_code'||
    '   and bp.currency_type_code = bc.currency_type_code'||
    '   and bp.cost_object_id = bc.cost_object_id'||
    '   and bp.dataset_code = :b_output_dataset_code'||
    '   and bp.cal_period_id = :b_output_cal_period_id'||
    '   and bp.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and bp.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' )'||
    ' when matched then'||
    '   update set'||
    '     bp.xtd_balance_e = bp.xtd_balance_e + ( round((bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct),37) / :b_child_exch_rate_den * :b_child_exch_rate_num / :b_entered_exch_rate_den * :b_entered_exch_rate_num)'||
    '     ,bp.xtd_balance_f = bp.xtd_balance_f + ( round((bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct),37) / :b_child_exch_rate_den * :b_child_exch_rate_num )'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' when not matched then'||
    '   insert ('||
    '     bp.dataset_code'||
    '     ,bp.cal_period_id'||
    '     ,bp.creation_row_sequence'||
    '     ,bp.source_system_code'||
    '     ,bp.currency_code'||
    '     ,bp.currency_type_code'||
    '     ,bp.cost_object_id'||
    '     ,bp.created_by_request_id'||
    '     ,bp.created_by_object_id'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_request_id'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_object_id'||
    '     ,bp.xtd_balance_e'||
    '     ,bp.xtd_balance_f'||
    '   )'||
    '   values'||
    '   ('||
    '     :b_output_dataset_code'||
    '     ,:b_output_cal_period_id'||
    '     ,'||p_rule_rec.sequence_name||'.NEXTVAL'||
    '     ,bc.source_system_code'||
    '     ,bc.currency_code'||
    '     ,bc.currency_type_code'||
    '     ,bc.cost_object_id'||
    '     ,:b_request_id'||
    '     ,:b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '     ,:b_request_id'||
    '     ,:b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '     ,round((bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct),37) / :b_child_exch_rate_den * :b_child_exch_rate_num / :b_entered_exch_rate_den * :b_entered_exch_rate_num'||
    '     ,round((bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct),37) / :b_child_exch_rate_den * :b_child_exch_rate_num'||
    '   )';
Line: 3065

    ' select distinct created_by_request_id'||
    ' ,created_by_object_id'||
    ' from fem_balances b'||
    ' where b.currency_type_code = ''ENTERED'''||
    ' and '||p_input_ds_b_where_clause||
    ' and b.cost_object_id = :b_child_id'||
    ' and not ('||
    '   b.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and b.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' )'||
    ' and not exists ('||
    '   select 1'||
    '   from fem_pl_chains c'||
    '   where c.request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and c.object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '   and c.source_created_by_request_id = b.created_by_request_id'||
    '   and c.source_created_by_object_id = b.created_by_object_id'||
    ' )';
Line: 3085

    ' select count(*)'||
    ' from fem_balances b'||
    ' where b.currency_type_code = ''ENTERED'''||
    ' and '||p_input_ds_b_where_clause||
    ' and not ('||
    '   created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' )'||
    ' and exists ('||
    '   select 1'||
    '   from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
    '   where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '   and n.node_id = b.cost_object_id'||
    '   and n.costed_flag = ''Y'''||
    '   and n.root_flag = ''N'''||
    '   and n.condition_flag = ''N'''||
    ' )';
Line: 3108

    ' select h.child_id'||
    ' ,nvl(h.weighting_pct,1.00) as weighting_pct'||
    ' ,null as child_ledger_id'||
    ' from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
    ' where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
    ' and h.child_id <> h.parent_id'||
    ' and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
    ' and h.parent_id = :b_parent_id'||
    ' and h.parent_depth_num = :b_parent_depth_num';
Line: 3142

    '   select :b_source_system_code as source_system_code'||--new
    '   ,:b_currency_code as currency_code'||--new
    '   ,b.currency_type_code'||
    '   ,b.ledger_id'||
    '   ,parent.activity_id'||
    '   ,sum(b.xtd_balance_f) xtd_balance_f'||
    '   from fem_balances b'||
    '   ,fem_activities parent'||
    '   where b.activity_id = :b_child_id'||
    '   and parent.activity_id = :b_parent_id'||
    '   and b.ledger_id = :b_ledger_id'||
    '   and b.currency_type_code = ''ENTERED'''||
    '   and '||l_financial_elem_id_clause||
    '   and '||l_line_item_id_clause||
    '   and '||p_input_ds_b_where_clause||
    '   group by b.currency_type_code'||
    '   ,b.ledger_id'||
    '   ,parent.activity_id'||
    ' ) bc'||
    ' on ('||
    '   bp.source_system_code = bc.source_system_code'||
    '   and bp.currency_code = bc.currency_code'||
    '   and bp.currency_type_code = bc.currency_type_code'||
    '   and bp.ledger_id = bc.ledger_id'||
    '   and bp.activity_id = bc.activity_id'||
    '   and bp.dataset_code = :b_output_dataset_code'||
    '   and bp.cal_period_id = :b_output_cal_period_id'||
    '   and bp.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and bp.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' )'||
    ' when matched then'||
    '   update set'||
    '     bp.xtd_balance_e = bp.xtd_balance_e + ( bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct / :b_entered_exch_rate_den * :b_entered_exch_rate_num)'||
    '     ,bp.xtd_balance_f = bp.xtd_balance_f + ( bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct)'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' when not matched then'||
    '   insert ('||
    '     bp.dataset_code'||
    '     ,bp.cal_period_id'||
    '     ,bp.creation_row_sequence'||
    '     ,bp.source_system_code'||
    '     ,bp.currency_code'||
    '     ,bp.currency_type_code'||
    '     ,bp.ledger_id'||
    '     ,bp.activity_id'||
    '     ,bp.created_by_request_id'||
    '     ,bp.created_by_object_id'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_request_id'||
    '     ,bp.last_updated_by_object_id'||
    '     ,bp.xtd_balance_e'||
    '     ,bp.xtd_balance_f'||
    '   )'||
    '   values'||
    '   ('||
    '     :b_output_dataset_code'||
    '     ,:b_output_cal_period_id'||
    '     ,'||p_rule_rec.sequence_name||'.NEXTVAL'||
    '     ,bc.source_system_code'||
    '     ,bc.currency_code'||
    '     ,bc.currency_type_code'||
    '     ,bc.ledger_id'||
    '     ,bc.activity_id'||
    '     ,:b_request_id'||
    '     ,:b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '     ,:b_request_id'||
    '     ,:b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '     ,bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct / :b_entered_exch_rate_den * :b_entered_exch_rate_num'||
    '     ,bc.xtd_balance_f * :b_weighting_pct'||
    '   )';
Line: 3223

    ' select distinct created_by_request_id'||
    ' ,created_by_object_id'||
    ' from fem_balances b'||
    ' where b.ledger_id = :b_ledger_id'||
    ' and b.currency_type_code = ''ENTERED'''||
    ' and '||l_financial_elem_id_clause||
    ' and '||l_line_item_id_clause||
    ' and '||p_input_ds_b_where_clause||
    ' and b.activity_id = :b_child_id'||
    ' and not ('||
    '   b.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and b.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' )'||
    ' and not exists ('||
    '   select 1'||
    '   from fem_pl_chains c'||
    '   where c.request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and c.object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '   and c.source_created_by_request_id = b.created_by_request_id'||
    '   and c.source_created_by_object_id = b.created_by_object_id'||
    ' )';
Line: 3246

    ' select count(*)'||
    ' from fem_balances b'||
    ' where b.ledger_id = :b_ledger_id'||
    ' and b.currency_type_code = ''ENTERED'''||
    ' and '||l_financial_elem_id_clause||
    ' and '||l_line_item_id_clause||
    ' and '||p_input_ds_b_where_clause||
    ' and not ('||
    '   created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' )'||
    ' and exists ('||
    '   select 1'||
    '   from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
    '   where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    '   and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    '   and n.node_id = b.activity_id'||
    '   and n.costed_flag = ''Y'''||
    '   and n.root_flag = ''N'''||
    '   and n.condition_flag = ''N'''||
    ' )';
Line: 3366

    ,p_last_update_login         => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,p_exec_mode_code            => null
    ,x_exec_state                => l_exec_state
    ,x_prev_request_id           => l_prev_request_id
    ,x_msg_count                 => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data                  => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status             => l_return_status
Line: 3399

    ,p_last_update_login         => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,x_msg_count                 => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data                  => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status             => l_return_status
Line: 3443

    ,p_statement_type => 'INSERT'
Line: 3453

    ,p_statement_type => 'INSERT'
Line: 3465

      ,p_statement_type => 'INSERT'
Line: 3478

      ,p_statement_type => 'INSERT'
Line: 3563

    ,p_last_update_login    => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,x_msg_count            => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data             => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status        => l_return_status
Line: 3646

    ,p_last_update_login  => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,x_msg_count          => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data           => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status      => l_return_status
Line: 3742

    ,p_last_update_login => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,x_return_status     => l_return_status
    ,x_msg_count         => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data          => l_msg_data
Line: 3818

    select 'Y'
    into l_object_exists_flag
    from fem_pl_temp_objects
    where request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
    and object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
    and object_type = 'SEQUENCE'
    and object_name = p_rule_rec.sequence_name;
Line: 3838

      delete from fem_pl_temp_objects
      where request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
      and object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
      and object_type = 'SEQUENCE'
      and object_name = p_rule_rec.sequence_name;
Line: 3990

  ' insert into fem_ru_nodes_t ('||
  '   created_by_request_id'||
  '   ,created_by_object_id'||
  '   ,node_id'||
  '   ,costed_flag'||
  '   ,root_flag'||
  '   ,condition_flag'||
  ' )'||
  ' select :b_request_id'||
  ' ,:b_rollup_obj_id'||
  ' ,m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
  ' ,''N'''||
  ' ,''N'''||
  ' ,''Y'''||
  ' from '||l_dimension_rec.member_b_table||' m'||
  ' where m.local_vs_combo_id = :b_local_vs_combo_id'||
--  ' and {{data_slice}}'||
  ' and '||l_cond_where_clause||
  ' and not exists ('||
  '   select 1'||
  '   from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
  '   where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
  '   and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
  '   and n.node_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
  ' )';
Line: 4021

    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
    '   where h.hierarchy_obj_id = :b_hier_obj_id'||
    '   and :b_effective_date between h.effective_start_date and h.effective_end_date'||
    '   and h.parent_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
    ' )';
Line: 4045

    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
    '   where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
    '   and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
    '   and h.parent_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
    ' )';
Line: 4087

  select count(*)
  into l_node_count
  from fem_ru_nodes_t
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 4106

    ' select count(*)'||
    ' from '||l_dimension_rec.member_b_table||' m'||
    ' where m.local_vs_combo_id = :b_local_vs_combo_id'||
    ' and '||l_cond_where_clause;
Line: 4116

      '   select 1'||
      '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
      '   where h.hierarchy_obj_id = :b_hier_obj_id'||
      '   and :b_effective_date between h.effective_start_date and h.effective_end_date'||
      '   and h.child_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
      ' )';
Line: 4136

      '   select 1'||
      '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
      '   where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
      '   and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
      '   and h.child_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
      ' )';
Line: 4197

  ' update fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
  ' set root_flag = ''Y'''||
  ' where created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
  ' and created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id';
Line: 4207

    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
    '   ,'||l_dimension_rec.member_b_table||' parent'||
    '   where h.hierarchy_obj_id = :b_hier_obj_id'||
    '   and :b_effective_date between h.effective_start_date and h.effective_end_date'||
    '   and h.child_id = n.node_id'||
    '   and parent.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||' = h.parent_id'||
    '   and parent.ledger_id = :b_ledger_id'|| --must restrict by ledger for x-ledger
    ' )';
Line: 4231

    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
    '   where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
    '   and h.child_id = h.parent_id'||
    '   and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
    '   and h.parent_id = n.node_id'||
    ' )';
Line: 4322

  ' insert into fem_ru_nodes_t ('||
  '   created_by_request_id'||
  '   ,created_by_object_id'||
  '   ,node_id'||
  '   ,costed_flag'||
  '   ,root_flag'||
  '   ,condition_flag'||
  ' )'||
  ' select :b_request_id'||
  ' ,:b_rollup_obj_id'||
  ' ,m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
  ' ,''N'''||
  ' ,''Y'''||
  ' ,''N'''||
  ' from '||l_dimension_rec.member_b_table||' m'||
  ' where m.local_vs_combo_id = :b_local_vs_combo_id'||
--  ' and {{data_slice}}'||
  ' and not exists ('||
  '   select 1'||
  '   from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
  '   where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
  '   and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
  '   and n.node_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
  ' )';
Line: 4352

    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
    '   where h.hierarchy_obj_id = :b_hier_obj_id'||
    '   and :b_effective_date between h.effective_start_date and h.effective_end_date'||
    '   and h.parent_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
    ' )'||
    ' and not exists ('||
    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
    '   ,'||l_dimension_rec.member_b_table||' parent'||
    '   where h.hierarchy_obj_id = :b_hier_obj_id'||
    '   and :b_effective_date between h.effective_start_date and h.effective_end_date'||
    '   and h.child_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
    '   and parent.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||' = h.parent_id'||
    '   and parent.ledger_id = m.ledger_id'|| --must restrict by ledger for x-ledger
    ' )';
Line: 4388

    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||l_dimension_rec.hier_table||' h'||
    '   where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
    '   and h.child_id = h.parent_id'||
    '   and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
    '   and h.parent_id = m.'||l_dimension_rec.member_col||
    ' )';
Line: 4430

  select count(*)
  into l_node_count
  from fem_ru_nodes_t
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
  and root_flag = 'Y';
Line: 4556

  select costed_flag
  into l_costed_flag
  from fem_ru_nodes_t
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
  and node_id = p_top_node_id;
Line: 4583

      insert into fem_ru_cost_obj_hier_t (
      select ru.created_by_request_id
      from (
        select created_by_request_id
        ,level as parent_depth_num
        ,(level + 1) as child_depth_num
        from (
          select nvl(n.created_by_request_id,p_request_rec.request_id) as created_by_request_id
          ,nvl(n.created_by_object_id,p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id) as created_by_object_id
          ,nvl(n.costed_flag,'N') as costed_flag
          from fem_cost_objects_hier h
          ,fem_cost_objects parent
          ,fem_ru_nodes_t n
          where h.hierarchy_obj_id = p_rule_rec.hier_obj_id
          and p_request_rec.effective_date between h.effective_start_date and h.effective_end_date
          and parent.cost_object_id = h.parent_id
          and parent.ledger_id = p_request_rec.ledger_id
          and n.created_by_request_id (+) = p_request_rec.request_id
          and n.created_by_object_id (+) = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
          and n.node_id (+) = h.parent_id
        start with parent_id = p_top_node_id
        connect by prior child_id = parent_id
        and prior costed_flag = 'N'
      ) ru
      ,fem_cost_objects child
      where child.cost_object_id = ru.child_id;
Line: 4666

      insert into fem_ru_activities_hier_t (
      select created_by_request_id
      ,level + 1
      from (
        select nvl(n.created_by_request_id,p_request_rec.request_id) as created_by_request_id
        ,nvl(n.created_by_object_id,p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id) as created_by_object_id
        ,nvl(n.costed_flag,'N') as costed_flag
        from fem_activities_hier h
        ,fem_ru_nodes_t n
        where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = p_rule_rec.hier_obj_def_id
        and h.child_id <> h.parent_id
        and h.single_depth_flag = 'Y'
        and n.created_by_request_id (+) = p_request_rec.request_id
        and n.created_by_object_id (+) = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
        and n.node_id (+) = h.parent_id
      start with parent_id = p_top_node_id
      connect by prior child_id = parent_id
      and prior costed_flag = 'N';
Line: 4733

  ' insert into fem_ru_nodes_t ('||
  '   created_by_request_id'||
  '   ,created_by_object_id'||
  '   ,node_id'||
  '   ,costed_flag'||
  '   ,root_flag'||
  '   ,condition_flag'||
  ' )';
Line: 4745

    ' select distinct h.created_by_request_id'||
    ' ,h.created_by_object_id'||
    ' ,h.child_id'||
    ' ,''N'''||
    ' ,''N'''||
    ' ,''N'''||
    ' from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
    ' where h.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    ' and h.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' and not exists ('||
    '   select 1'||
    '   from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
    '   where n.created_by_request_id = h.created_by_request_id'||
    '   and n.created_by_object_id = h.created_by_object_id'||
    '   and n.node_id = h.child_id'||
    ' )';
Line: 4775

      ' select h.created_by_request_id'||
      ' ,h.created_by_object_id'||
      ' ,h.child_id'||
      ' ,''N'''||
      ' ,''N'''||
      ' ,''N'''||
      ' from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
      ' where h.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
      ' and h.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
      ' and h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
      ' and h.child_id <> h.parent_id'||
      ' and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
      ' and not exists ('||
      '   select 1'||
      '   from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
      '   where n.created_by_request_id = h.created_by_request_id'||
      '   and n.created_by_object_id = h.created_by_object_id'||
      '   and n.node_id = h.child_id'||
      ' )';
Line: 4806

      ' select :b_request_id'||
      ' ,:b_rollup_obj_id'||
      ' ,h.child_id'||
      ' ,''N'''||
      ' ,''N'''||
      ' ,''N'''||
      ' from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
      ' where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
      ' and h.child_id <> h.parent_id'||
      ' and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
      ' and not exists ('||
      '   select 1'||
      '   from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
      '   where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
      '   and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
      '   and n.node_id = h.child_id'||
      ' )';
Line: 4866

    ' select co.cost_object_id'||
    ' from fem_cost_objects co'||
    ' ,fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
    ' where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
    ' and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
    ' and n.costed_flag = ''N'''||
    ' and n.node_id = co.cost_object_id';
Line: 4904

      ' select act.activity_id'||
      ' from fem_activities act'||
      ' ,fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
      ' where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
      ' and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
      ' and n.costed_flag = ''N'''||
      ' and n.node_id = act.activity_id';
Line: 4923

      ' select act.activity_id'||
      ' from fem_activities act'||
      ' ,'||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
      ' where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
      ' and h.child_id = act.activity_id'||
      ' and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y''';
Line: 4977

    select min(h.parent_depth_num)
    into l_min_parent_depth_num
    from fem_ru_cost_obj_hier_t h
    where h.created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
    and h.created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
    and h.parent_id = p_top_node_id;
Line: 4984

    select max(h.parent_depth_num)
    into l_max_parent_depth_num
    from fem_ru_cost_obj_hier_t h
    where h.created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
    and h.created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 4996

      select min(h.parent_depth_num)
      into l_min_parent_depth_num
      from fem_ru_activities_hier_t h
      where h.created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
      and h.created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
      and h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = p_rule_rec.hier_obj_def_id
      and h.child_id <> h.parent_id
      and h.single_depth_flag = 'Y'
      and h.parent_id = p_top_node_id;
Line: 5006

      select max(h.parent_depth_num)
      into l_max_parent_depth_num
      from fem_ru_activities_hier_t h
      where h.created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
      and h.created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
      and h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = p_rule_rec.hier_obj_def_id
      and h.child_id <> h.parent_id
      and h.single_depth_flag = 'Y';
Line: 5017

      select min(h.parent_depth_num)
      into l_min_parent_depth_num
      from fem_activities_hier h
      where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = p_rule_rec.hier_obj_def_id
      and h.child_id <> h.parent_id
      and h.single_depth_flag = 'Y'
      and h.parent_id = p_top_node_id;
Line: 5025

      select max(h.parent_depth_num)
      into l_max_parent_depth_num
      from fem_activities_hier h
      where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = p_rule_rec.hier_obj_def_id
      and h.child_id <> h.parent_id
      and h.single_depth_flag = 'Y';
Line: 5058

  ' select n.node_id'||
  ' from fem_ru_nodes_t n'||
  ' where n.created_by_request_id = :b_request_id'||
  ' and n.created_by_object_id = :b_rollup_obj_id'||
  ' and n.costed_flag = ''N''';
Line: 5069

    '   select 1'||
    '   from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
    '   where h.created_by_request_id = n.created_by_request_id'||
    '   and h.created_by_object_id = n.created_by_object_id'||
    '   and h.parent_id = n.node_id'||
    '   and h.parent_depth_num = :b_parent_depth_num'||
    ' )';
Line: 5085

      '   select 1'||
      '   from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
      '   where h.created_by_request_id = n.created_by_request_id'||
      '   and h.created_by_object_id = n.created_by_object_id'||
      '   and h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
      '   and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
      '   and h.parent_id = n.node_id'||
      '   and h.parent_depth_num = :b_parent_depth_num'||
      ' )';
Line: 5099

      '   select 1'||
      '   from '||p_rule_rec.hier_rollup_table||' h'||
      '   where h.hierarchy_obj_def_id = :b_hier_obj_def_id'||
      '   and h.single_depth_flag = ''Y'''||
      '   and h.parent_id = n.node_id'||
      '   and h.parent_depth_num = :b_parent_depth_num'||
      ' )';
Line: 5200

Line: 5222

    delete from fem_ru_cost_obj_hier_t
    where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
    and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 5240

    delete from fem_ru_activities_hier_t
    where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
    and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 5403

    select costed_flag
    into l_costed_flag
    from fem_ru_nodes_t
    where created_by_request_id = p_request_id
    and created_by_object_id = p_rollup_obj_id
    and node_id = p_parent_id;
Line: 5739

      update fem_ru_nodes_t
      set costed_flag = 'Y'
      where created_by_request_id = p_request_id
      and created_by_object_id = p_rollup_obj_id
      and node_id = l_child_id_tbl(i)
      and costed_flag = 'N';
Line: 5746

Line: 5747

Line: 5748

Line: 5763

  update fem_ru_nodes_t
  set costed_flag = 'Y'
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_rollup_obj_id
  and node_id = p_parent_id;
Line: 5945

        ,p_last_update_login            => p_login_id
        ,x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
        ,x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data
        ,x_return_status                => l_return_status
Line: 5961

Line: 5962

Line: 6039

 |   Updates the status of the object execution in the
 |   processing locks tables.

PROCEDURE Rule_Post_Proc (
  p_request_rec                   in request_record
  ,p_rule_rec                     in rule_record
  ,p_num_of_input_rows_stmt       in long
  ,p_exec_status_code             in varchar2

  l_api_name             constant varchar2(30) := 'Rule_Post_Proc';
Line: 6100

      ,p_msg_text => 'Step 2:  Update Number of Input Rows'
Line: 6139

    FEM_PL_PKG.Update_Num_Of_Input_Rows (
      p_api_version        => 1.0
      ,p_commit            => FND_API.G_FALSE
      ,p_request_id        => p_request_rec.request_id
      ,p_object_id         => p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
      ,p_num_of_input_rows => l_num_of_input_rows
      ,p_user_id           => p_request_rec.user_id
      ,p_last_update_login => p_request_rec.login_id
      ,x_msg_count         => l_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data          => l_msg_data
      ,x_return_status     => l_return_status
Line: 6175

  delete from fem_ru_nodes_t
  where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 6197

      delete from fem_ru_cost_obj_hier_t
      where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
      and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 6218

      delete from fem_ru_activities_hier_t
      where created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
      and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id;
Line: 6234

    ,p_msg_text => 'Step 5:  Update Number of Output Rows'
Line: 6237

  select count(*)
  into l_num_of_output_rows
  from fem_balances
  where dataset_code = p_request_rec.output_dataset_code
  and cal_period_id = p_request_rec.output_cal_period_id
  and created_by_request_id = p_request_rec.request_id
  and created_by_object_id = p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
  and ledger_id = p_request_rec.ledger_id;
Line: 6258

  FEM_PL_PKG.Update_Num_Of_Output_Rows (
    p_api_version         => 1.0
    ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_request_id         => p_request_rec.request_id
    ,p_object_id          => p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
    ,p_table_name         => 'FEM_BALANCES'
    ,p_statement_type     => 'INSERT'
    ,p_num_of_output_rows => l_num_of_output_rows
    ,p_user_id            => p_request_rec.user_id
    ,p_last_update_login  => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,x_msg_count          => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data           => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status      => l_return_status
Line: 6287

    ,p_msg_text => 'Step 6:  Update Object Execution Status'
Line: 6290

  FEM_PL_PKG.Update_Obj_Exec_Status (
    p_api_version        => 1.0
    ,p_commit            => FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_request_id        => p_request_rec.request_id
    ,p_object_id         => p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
    ,p_exec_status_code  => p_exec_status_code
    ,p_user_id           => p_request_rec.user_id
    ,p_last_update_login => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,x_msg_count         => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data          => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status     => l_return_status
Line: 6319

      ,p_msg_text => 'Step 7:  Update Object Execution Errors'
Line: 6323

    FEM_PL_PKG.Update_Obj_Exec_Errors (
      p_api_version         => 1.0
      ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
      ,p_request_id         => p_request_rec.request_id
      ,p_object_id          => p_rule_rec.rollup_obj_id
      ,p_errors_reported    => 1
      ,p_errors_reprocessed => 0
      ,p_user_id            => p_request_rec.user_id
      ,p_last_update_login  => p_request_rec.login_id
      ,x_msg_count          => l_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data           => l_msg_data
      ,x_return_status      => l_return_status
Line: 6383

 |   Updates the status of the request in the processing locks tables.

PROCEDURE Request_Post_Proc (
  p_request_rec                   in request_record
  ,p_exec_status_code             in varchar2

  l_api_name             constant varchar2(30) := 'Request_Post_Proc';
Line: 6422

      p_api_version                  => 1.0
      ,p_init_msg_list               => FND_API.G_FALSE
      ,p_commit                      => FND_API.G_TRUE
      ,p_encoded                     => FND_API.G_TRUE
      ,x_return_status               => l_return_status
      ,x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data
      ,p_ruleset_object_id           => p_request_rec.ruleset_obj_id
Line: 6449

    ,p_msg_text => 'Step 2:  Update Request Status'
Line: 6452

  FEM_PL_PKG.Update_Request_Status (
    p_api_version        => 1.0
    ,p_commit            => FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_request_id        => p_request_rec.request_id
    ,p_exec_status_code  => p_exec_status_code
    ,p_user_id           => p_request_rec.user_id
    ,p_last_update_login => p_request_rec.login_id
    ,x_msg_count         => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data          => l_msg_data
    ,x_return_status     => l_return_status
Line: 6547

  select meaning
  into l_meaning
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl
  where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
  and lookup_code = p_lookup_code
  and view_application_id = 274;
Line: 6588

  select object_type_name
  into l_object_type_name
  from fem_object_types_vl
  where object_type_code = p_object_type_code;