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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

INSERT_INTO_OPEN_INTERFACE      CONSTANT        pls_integer     := 3000;
Line: 286

procedure build_insert_stmt (
   p_insert_cursor IN OUT  NOCOPY pls_integer,
   p_level         IN      pls_integer) IS

   i_method_name   varchar2(2000) := 'ecx_actions.build_insert_stmt';
Line: 292

   cInsert_stmt            varchar2(32000) := 'INSERT INTO ';
Line: 303

   cInsert_stmt := cInsert_stmt || ' ' ||
                   ecx_utils.g_target_levels(p_level).base_table_name || ' (';
Line: 311

         cInsert_stmt := cInsert_stmt || ' ' ||
                         ecx_utils.g_target(i).base_column_name || ',';
Line: 321

   cInsert_stmt := RTRIM(cInsert_stmt, ',') || ')';
Line: 323

   cInsert_stmt := cInsert_stmt || cValue_stmt;
Line: 325

     ecx_debug.log(l_statement,'Insert_statement ', cInsert_stmt,i_method_name);
Line: 327

   p_insert_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 329

     ecx_debug.log(l_statement,'p_insert_cursor', p_insert_cursor,i_method_name);
Line: 333

      dbms_sql.parse (p_insert_cursor, cInsert_stmt, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 346

      ecx_error_handling_pvt.print_parse_error (l_error_position, cInsert_stmt);
Line: 351

      ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(2,30,SQLERRM||' - ECX_ACTIONS.BUILD_INSERT_STMT');
Line: 365

        ecx_debug.log(l_unexpected,'ECX', 'ECX_PROGRAM_ERROR', 'PROGRESS_LEVEL', 'ECX_ACTIONS.BUILD_INSERT_STMT');
Line: 368

       ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(2,30,SQLERRM||' - ECX_ACTIONS.BUILD_INSERT_STMT');
Line: 375

END build_insert_stmt;
Line: 378

procedure insert_level_into_table (
   p_level                    IN     pls_integer) IS

   i_method_name   varchar2(2000) := 'ecx_actions.insert_level_into_table';
Line: 387

   l_insert_cursor            pls_integer;
Line: 388

   l_insert_failed            EXCEPTION;
Line: 404

      build_insert_stmt (ecx_utils.g_target_levels(p_level).cursor_handle, p_level);
Line: 407

   l_insert_cursor := ecx_utils.g_target_levels(p_level).cursor_handle;
Line: 428

            dbms_sql.bind_variable (l_insert_cursor, 'f' || k, l_date);
Line: 439

            dbms_sql.bind_variable (l_insert_cursor, 'f' || k, l_number);
Line: 448

           dbms_sql.bind_variable (l_insert_cursor, 'f' || k,l_clob_value );
Line: 469

             dbms_sql.bind_variable (l_insert_cursor, 'f' || k,l_value);
Line: 504

   l_dummy := dbms_sql.execute(l_insert_cursor);
Line: 506

      raise l_insert_failed;
Line: 531

   WHEN l_insert_failed then
      if(l_unexpectedEnabled) then
        ecx_debug.log(l_unexpected ,'ECX', 'ECX_STAGE_INSERT_FAILED',i_method_name, 'LEVEL', p_level);
Line: 534

        ecx_debug.log(l_unexpected, 'ECX', 'ECX_PROGRAM_ERROR',i_method_name, 'PROGRESS_LEVEL', 'ECX_ACTIONS.INSERT_LEVEL_INTO_TABLE');
Line: 537

      ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(2,30,SQLERRM||' - ECX_ACTIONS.INSERT_LEVEL_INTO_TABLE');
Line: 551

        ecx_debug.log(l_unexpected,'ECX', 'ECX_PROGRAM_ERROR',i_method_name, 'PROGRESS_LEVEL', 'ECX_ACTIONS.INSERT_LEVEL_INTO_TABLE');
Line: 554

      ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(2,30,SQLERRM||' -  ECX_ACTIONS.INSERT_LEVEL_INTO_TABLE');
Line: 561

END insert_level_into_table;
Line: 565

Executes a select string and returns the First Column from the select
clause as OUT parameter.
procedure execute_string (
   cString         IN     Varchar2,
   o_value         OUT    NOCOPY Varchar2) IS

   i_method_name   varchar2(2000) := 'ecx_actions.execute_string';
Line: 664

   cString := 'select  '||i_seq_name||'.NEXTVAL  from dual';
Line: 695

Returns the Function Value by building a select Clause for the
Function name.
procedure get_function_value (
   i_function_name     IN     Varchar2,
   o_value             OUT    NOCOPY Varchar2) IS

   i_method_name   varchar2(2000) := 'ecx_actions.get_function_value';
Line: 711

      select to_char(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS') into o_value from dual;
Line: 715

      cString := 'select  '||cString||'  from dual';
Line: 2164

	 select count(*) into i_prod_code_cnt from fnd_application where APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME = substr(i_msg, 1, i_len);
Line: 2282

	  select count(*) into i_prod_code_cnt from fnd_application where APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME = substr(i_msg, 1, i_len);
Line: 2616

/*   select substr(value, 1, 1)
   into   nls_dec_char
   from   v$nls_parameters
   where  parameter = 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS';
Line: 4555

       select payload
      into   l_xslt_payload
      from   ecx_files
      where  (i_version is null or version = i_version)
      and    (i_application_code is null or application_code = i_application_code)
      and    name = i_filename
      and    type = 'XSLT';
Line: 4911

   select variable_name,
          data_type datatype
   from   ecx_tran_stage_data ets
   where  ets.map_id = ecx_utils.g_map_id
   and    variable_level = 0
   and action_type = 10;
Line: 4956

Line: 5447

         elsif ecx_utils.g_stage_data(i).action_type = INSERT_INTO_OPEN_INTERFACE then
            insert_level_into_table (i_level);
Line: 5709

procedure delete_doctype as