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Line 62: from irc_offers iof

58: ,job.name as job_title
59: ,asg.person_id as applicant_id
60: ,ppf.full_name as applicant_name
61: ,iof.created_by as creator_id
62: from irc_offers iof
63: ,per_all_vacancies vac
64: ,per_jobs_vl job
65: ,per_all_assignments_f asg
66: ,per_all_people_f ppf

Line 92: from irc_offers iof

88: ,asg.person_id as applicant_id
89: ,ppf.full_name as applicant_name
90: ,ipc.name as job_posting_title
91: ,iof.last_updated_by as last_updated
92: from irc_offers iof
93: ,per_all_vacancies vac
94: ,per_jobs_vl job
95: ,per_all_assignments_f asg
96: ,per_all_people_f ppf

Line 130: from irc_offers iof

126: ,asg.person_id as applicant_id
127: ,ppf.full_name as applicant_name
128: ,iof.expiry_date
129: ,iof.created_by as creator_id
130: from irc_offers iof
131: ,per_all_vacancies vac
132: ,per_jobs_vl job
133: ,per_all_assignments_f asg
134: ,per_all_people_f ppf

Line 160: from irc_offers iof

156: ,job.name as job_title
157: ,asg.person_id as applicant_id
158: ,ppf.full_name as applicant_name
159: ,iof.created_by as creator_id
160: from irc_offers iof
161: ,per_all_vacancies vac
162: ,per_jobs_vl job
163: ,per_all_assignments_f asg
164: ,per_all_people_f ppf

Line 186: from irc_offers iof

182: select vac.name as vacancy_name
183: ,iof.created_by as creator_id
184: ,job.name as job_title
185: ,ppf.full_name as applicant_name
186: from irc_offers iof
187: ,per_all_vacancies vac
188: ,per_jobs_vl job
189: ,per_all_assignments_f asg
190: ,per_all_people_f ppf

Line 848: irc_offers_api.close_offer

844: --
845: END IF;
847: -- Set the offer status to 'CLOSED' for the expired offers
848: irc_offers_api.close_offer
849: ( p_validate => false
850: ,p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
851: ,p_offer_id => offer_expired_rec.offer_id
852: ,p_change_reason => 'EXPIRED'

Line 927: irc_offers iof

923: --
924: cursor csr_get_apl_referrer_id (p_offer_id in number) is
925: select iri.source_person_id
926: from irc_referral_info iri,
927: irc_offers iof
928: where iri.object_id = iof.APPLICANT_ASSIGNMENT_ID
929: and iri.object_type = 'APPLICATION'
930: and iof.offer_id = p_offer_id;
931: --