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APPS.WIP_MTI_PUB dependencies on WIP_MTI_PUB

Line 1: package body wip_mti_pub as

1: package body wip_mti_pub as
2: /* $Header: wipmtivb.pls 120.7.12000000.3 2007/02/21 23:58:08 skaradib ship $ */
4: type num_tbl_t is table of number;
5: type date_tbl_t is table of date;

Line 115: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWipProcessing',

111: begin
112: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
113: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnHeaderID';
114: l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnHeaderID;
115: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWipProcessing',
116: p_params => l_params,
117: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
118: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
119: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 215: error_code = 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

211: program_update_date = sysdate,
212: request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id,
213: process_flag = 3,
214: lock_flag = 2,
215: error_code = 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
216: error_explanation = l_errExp
217: where transaction_interface_id = l_tbls.txnIntID(i);
219: elsif(l_convPriQty <> l_tbls.priQty(i) or l_tbls.priQty(i) is null or

Line 289: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

285: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
288: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
289: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
290: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
291: p_msg => 'success',
292: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
293: wip_logger.cleanup(l_returnStatus);

Line 311: error_code = 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

307: program_update_date = sysdate,
308: request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id,
309: process_flag = 3,
310: lock_flag = 2,
311: error_code = 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
312: error_explanation = l_errExp
313: where transaction_header_id = p_txnHeaderID
314: and transaction_source_type_id = 5
315: and process_flag = wip_constants.mti_inventory;

Line 318: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

314: and transaction_source_type_id = 5
315: and process_flag = wip_constants.mti_inventory;
317: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
318: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
319: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
320: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
321: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
322: wip_logger.cleanup(l_returnStatus);

Line 349: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessWorkOrder',

345: l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnHeaderID;
346: l_params(2).paramName := 'p_index';
347: l_params(2).paramValue := p_index;
349: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessWorkOrder',
350: p_params => l_params,
351: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
352: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
353: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 365: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

361: elsif(p_tbls.txnActionID(p_index) = wip_constants.retassy_action) then
362: l_txnType := wip_constants.ret_txn;
363: else --scrap. don't do anything
364: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
365: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
366: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
367: p_msg => 'success (scrap txn)',
368: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
369: end if;

Line 452: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

448: end if;
450: end if;
451: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
452: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
453: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
454: p_msg => 'success',
455: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
456: end if;

Line 466: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

462: p_errTbls.txnIntID(l_errCount) := p_tbls.txnIntID(p_index);
463: p_errTbls.errCode(l_errCount) := 'WIP_PREPROCESSING';
464: wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => l_msg);
465: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
466: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
467: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
468: p_msg => 'error:' || l_msg,
469: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
470: end if;

Line 474: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',

470: end if;
471: p_errTbls.errExpl(l_errCount) := substrb(l_msg, 1, 240);
472: when others then
473: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
474: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvWIPProcessing',
475: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
476: p_msg => 'unexp error:' || SQLERRM,
477: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
478: end if;

Line 484: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_mti_pub',

480: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
481: l_errCount := extendErrTbls(p_errTbls);
482: p_errTbls.txnIntID(l_errCount) := p_tbls.txnIntID(p_index);
483: p_errTbls.errCode(l_errCount) := 'WIP_PREPROCESSING';
484: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_mti_pub',
485: p_procedure_name => 'preInvProcessWorkOrder',
486: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
487: wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => l_msg);
488: p_errTbls.errExpl(l_errCount) := substrb(l_msg, 1, 240);

Line 568: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessFlow',

565: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
566: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnHeaderID';
567: l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnHeaderID;
568: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessFlow',
569: p_params => l_params,
570: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
571: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
572: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 580: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessFlow',

576: -- do derivation and validation only for flow records
577: wip_flowUtil_priv.processFlowInterfaceRecords(p_txnHeaderID);
579: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
580: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessFlow',
581: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
582: p_msg => 'Finished pre inventory flow processing!',
583: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
584: end if;

Line 589: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessFlow',

585: exception
586: when others then
587: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
588: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
589: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.preInvProcessFlow',
590: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
591: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
592: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
593: end if;

Line 594: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_mti_pub',

590: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
591: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
592: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
593: end if;
594: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_mti_pub',
595: p_procedure_name => 'preInvProcessFlow',
596: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
597: wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => l_bigErrMsg);
598: l_errMsg := substrb(l_bigErrMsg, 1, 240);

Line 752: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPValidation.',

749: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
750: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnHeaderID';
751: l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnHeaderID;
752: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPValidation.',
753: p_params => l_params,
754: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
755: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
756: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 1938: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPValidation',

1934: end if;
1935: end loop;*/
1937: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1938: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPValidation',
1939: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1940: p_msg => 'Finished validating interface rows!',
1941: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1942: end if;

Line 1947: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPValidation',

1943: exception
1944: when others then
1945: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1946: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1947: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPValidation',
1948: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1949: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
1950: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
1951: end if;

Line 2053: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',

2049: begin
2050: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2051: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnHeaderID';
2052: l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnHeaderID;
2053: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',
2054: p_params => l_params,
2055: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2056: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
2057: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 2608: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',

2604: and wfs.wip_entity_id = mti.transaction_source_id
2605: and wfs.status = 2);
2607: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2608: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',
2609: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2610: p_msg => 'normal completion',
2611: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
2612: end if;

Line 2627: error_code = 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',

2623: program_update_date = sysdate,
2624: request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id,
2625: process_flag = 3,
2626: lock_flag = 2,
2627: error_code = 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',
2628: error_explanation = l_errMsg
2629: where transaction_header_id = p_txnHeaderID
2630: and transaction_source_type_id = 5
2631: and process_flag = wip_constants.mti_inventory;

Line 2634: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',

2630: and transaction_source_type_id = 5
2631: and process_flag = wip_constants.mti_inventory;
2633: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2634: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.doPreProcessingValidations',
2635: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2636: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
2637: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
2638: end if;

Line 2662: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWipProcessing',

2658: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnHeaderID';
2659: l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnHeaderID;
2660: l_params(2).paramName := 'p_txnBatchID';
2661: l_params(2).paramValue := p_txnBatchID;
2662: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWipProcessing',
2663: p_params => l_params,
2664: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
2665: end if;
2666: --delete any pre-allocations that occurred for errored records

Line 2740: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPProcessing',

2736: or move_transaction_id = l_movTxnIDTbl(i))
2737: and transaction_action_id in (wip_constants.cplassy_action, wip_constants.retassy_action);
2739: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2740: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPProcessing',
2741: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2742: p_msg => 'success',
2743: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus); --discard logging return status
2744: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);

Line 2751: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPProcessing',

2747: exception
2748: when others then
2749: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2750: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
2751: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_mti_pub.postInvWIPProcessing',
2752: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
2753: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
2754: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus); --discard logging return status
2755: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);

Line 2758: end wip_mti_pub;

2754: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus); --discard logging return status
2755: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);
2756: end if;
2757: end postInvWIPProcessing;
2758: end wip_mti_pub;