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2 /* $Header: cspvrcvs.pls 120.1 2006/07/20 06:10:36 hhaugeru noship $*/
4 G_PROD_CODE            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) := 'CSP';
6 TYPE rcv_hdr_rec_type IS RECORD (
7 			header_interface_id 	NUMBER,
8 			group_id 		NUMBER,
9     			vendor_id               NUMBER    ,
10 			vendor_site_id		NUMBER	  ,
11   			source_type_code        VARCHAR2(30),
12 			receipt_source_code	VARCHAR2(25),
13 			ship_to_org_id		NUMBER	  ,
14 			rcv_shipment_num 	VARCHAR2(30),
15 			receipt_header_id 	NUMBER,
16 			receipt_num		VARCHAR2(30),
17 			bill_of_lading		VARCHAR2(25),
18 			packing_slip 		VARCHAR2(25),
19 			shipped_date 		DATE,
20 			freight_carrier_code 	VARCHAR2(25),
21 			expected_receipt_date 	DATE,
22 			employee_id 		NUMBER,
23 			waybill_airbill_num 	VARCHAR2(20),
24 			usggl_transaction_code 	VARCHAR2(30),
25 			processing_request_id 	NUMBER,
26 			customer_id 		NUMBER,
27 			customer_site_id 	NUMBER);
29 TYPE rcv_rec_type IS RECORD(
30     interface_transaction_id 		NUMBER
31   , transaction_interface_id 		NUMBER
32   , header_interface_id 		NUMBER
33   , group_id 				NUMBER
34   , inv_loc_assignment_id		NUMBER
35   , source_type_code               VARCHAR2(30)
36   , receipt_source_code            VARCHAR2(30)
37   , order_type_code                VARCHAR2(30)
38   , order_type                     VARCHAR2(80)
39   , po_header_id                   NUMBER
40   , po_number                      VARCHAR2(30)
41   , po_line_id                     NUMBER
42   , po_line_number                 NUMBER
43   , po_line_location_id            NUMBER
44   , po_shipment_number             NUMBER
45   , po_release_id                  NUMBER
46   , po_release_number              NUMBER
47   , req_header_id                  NUMBER
48   , req_number                     VARCHAR2(80)
49   , req_line_id                    NUMBER
50   , req_line                       NUMBER
51   , req_distribution_id            NUMBER
52   , rcv_shipment_header_id         NUMBER
53   , rcv_shipment_number            VARCHAR2(30)
54   , rcv_shipment_line_id           NUMBER
55   , rcv_line_number                NUMBER
56   , from_organization_id           NUMBER
57   , to_organization_id             NUMBER
58   , vendor_id                      NUMBER
59   , SOURCE                         VARCHAR2(255)
60   , vendor_site_id                 NUMBER
61   , outside_operation_flag         VARCHAR2(1)
62   , receipt_exception         	   VARCHAR2(1)
63   , item_id                        NUMBER
64   , uom_code                       VARCHAR2(3)
65   , primary_uom                    VARCHAR2(25)
66   , primary_uom_class              VARCHAR2(10)
67   , item_allowed_units_lookup_code NUMBER
68   , item_locator_control           NUMBER
69   , restrict_locators_code         VARCHAR2(1)
70   , restrict_subinventories_code   VARCHAR2(1)
71   , shelf_life_code                NUMBER
72   , shelf_life_days                NUMBER
73   , serial_number_control_code     NUMBER
74   , lot_control_code               NUMBER
75   , item_rev_control_flag_to       VARCHAR2(1)
76   , item_rev_control_flag_from     VARCHAR2(1)
77   , item_number                    VARCHAR2(40)
78   , item_revision                  VARCHAR2(3)
79   , item_description               VARCHAR2(240)
80   , item_category_id               NUMBER
81   , hazard_class                   VARCHAR2(40)
82   , un_number                      VARCHAR2(30)
83   , vendor_item_number             VARCHAR2(30)
84   , ship_to_location_id            NUMBER
85   , ship_to_location               VARCHAR2(60)
86   , packing_slip                   VARCHAR2(80)
87   , routing_id                     NUMBER
88   , routing_name                   VARCHAR2(30)
89   , need_by_date                   DATE
90   , expected_receipt_date          DATE
91   , ordered_qty                    NUMBER
92   , ordered_uom                    VARCHAR2(25)
93   , ussgl_transaction_code         VARCHAR2(30)
94   , government_context             VARCHAR2(30)
95   , inspection_required_flag       VARCHAR2(1)
96   , receipt_required_flag          VARCHAR2(1)
97   , enforce_ship_to_location_code  VARCHAR2(30)
98   , substitute_receipt  	   VARCHAR2(30)
99   , unit_price                     NUMBER
100   , currency_code                  VARCHAR2(30)
101   , currency_conversion_type       VARCHAR2(30)
102   , currency_conversion_date       DATE
103   , currency_conversion_rate       NUMBER
104   , note_to_receiver               VARCHAR2(240)
105   , destination_type_code          VARCHAR2(30)
106   , deliver_to_person_id           NUMBER
107   , deliver_to_location_id         NUMBER
108   , destination_subinventory       VARCHAR2(10)
109   , attribute_category             VARCHAR2(30)
110   , attribute1                     VARCHAR2(240)
111   , attribute2                     VARCHAR2(240)
112   , attribute3                     VARCHAR2(240)
113   , attribute4                     VARCHAR2(240)
114   , attribute5                     VARCHAR2(240)
115   , attribute6                     VARCHAR2(240)
116   , attribute7                     VARCHAR2(240)
117   , attribute8                     VARCHAR2(240)
118   , attribute9                     VARCHAR2(240)
119   , attribute10                    VARCHAR2(240)
120   , attribute11                    VARCHAR2(240)
121   , attribute12                    VARCHAR2(240)
122   , attribute13                    VARCHAR2(240)
123   , attribute14                    VARCHAR2(240)
124   , attribute15                    VARCHAR2(240)
125   , closed_code                    VARCHAR2(30)
126   , asn_type                       VARCHAR2(30)
127   , bill_of_lading                 VARCHAR2(30)
128   , shipped_date                   DATE
129   , freight_carrier_code           VARCHAR2(30)
130   , waybill_airbill_num            VARCHAR2(80)
131   , freight_bill_num               VARCHAR2(35)
132   , vendor_lot_num                 VARCHAR2(80)
133   , container_num                  VARCHAR2(35)
134   , truck_num                      VARCHAR2(35)
135   , bar_code_label                 VARCHAR2(35)
136   , rate_type_display              VARCHAR2(30)
137   , match_option                   VARCHAR2(25)
138   , country_of_origin_code         VARCHAR2(2)
139   , oe_order_header_id             NUMBER
140   , oe_order_num                   NUMBER
141   , oe_order_line_id               NUMBER
142   , oe_order_line_num              NUMBER
143   , customer_id                    NUMBER
144   , customer_site_id               NUMBER
145   , customer_item_num              VARCHAR2(50)
146   , pll_note_to_receiver           VARCHAR2(240)
147   , po_distribution_id             NUMBER
148   , qty_ordered                    NUMBER
149   , wip_entity_id                  NUMBER
150   , wip_operation_seq_num          NUMBER
151   , wip_resource_seq_num           NUMBER
152   , wip_repetitive_schedule_id     NUMBER
153   , wip_line_id                    NUMBER
154   , bom_resource_id                NUMBER
155   , destination_type               VARCHAR2(80)
156   , LOCATION                       VARCHAR2(60)
157   , currency_conversion_rate_pod   NUMBER
158   , currency_conversion_date_pod   DATE
159   , project_id                     NUMBER
160   , task_id                        NUMBER
161   , locator_id                     NUMBER
162   , employee_id 		   NUMBER
163   , lot_number 			   VARCHAR2(80)
164   , transaction_quantity           NUMBER
165   , transaction_uom                VARCHAR2(25)
166   , primary_quantity               NUMBER
167   , lot_quantity                   NUMBER
168   , lot_primary_quantity           NUMBER
169   , expiration_date                DATE,
170   status_id               NUMBER,
171   product_transaction_id  NUMBER,
172   product_code 		VARCHAR2(5)  ,
173   att_exist 		VARCHAR2(1)  ,
174   update_mln 		VARCHAR2(1)  ,
175   description 		VARCHAR2(256)  ,
176   vendor_name 		VARCHAR2(240)  ,
177   supplier_lot_number 	VARCHAR2(150)  ,
178   origination_date        DATE      ,
179   date_code 		VARCHAR2(150)  ,
180   grade_code 		VARCHAR2(150)  ,
181   change_date             DATE      ,
182   maturity_date           DATE      ,
183   retest_date             DATE      ,
184   age                     NUMBER    ,
185   item_size               NUMBER    ,
186   color 			VARCHAR2(150)  ,
187   volume                  NUMBER    ,
188   volume_uom 		VARCHAR2(3)  ,
189   place_of_origin 	VARCHAR2(150)  ,
190   best_by_date            DATE      ,
191   length                  NUMBER    ,
192   length_uom 		VARCHAR2(3)  ,
193   recycled_content        NUMBER    ,
194   thickness               NUMBER    ,
195   thickness_uom 		VARCHAR2(3)  ,
196   width                   NUMBER    ,
197   width_uom 		VARCHAR2(3)  ,
198   curl_wrinkle_fold 	VARCHAR2(150)  ,
199   territory_code 		VARCHAR2(30)  ,
200   fm_serial_number 	VARCHAR2(30),
201   to_serial_number 	VARCHAR2(30),
202   update_msn 		VARCHAR2(1)  ,
203   vendor_serial_number 	VARCHAR2(30) ,
204   vendor_lot_number 	VARCHAR2(80) ,
205   parent_serial_number 	VARCHAR2(30) ,
206   time_since_new 		NUMBER,
207   cycles_since_new 	NUMBER,
208   time_since_overhaul 	NUMBER,
209   cycles_since_overhaul 	NUMBER,
210   time_since_repair 	NUMBER,
211   cycles_since_repair 	NUMBER,
212   time_since_visit 	NUMBER,
213   cycles_since_visit 	NUMBER,
214   time_since_mark 	NUMBER,
215   cycles_since_mark 	NUMBER,
216   number_of_repairs   	NUMBER,
217   set_of_books_id_sob   NUMBER,
218   reason_id   		NUMBER,
219   currency_code_sob     VARCHAR2(15),
220   department_code     VARCHAR2(10),
221   comments     		VARCHAR2(240) );
224 TYPE csp_global_var_rec IS RECORD (
225 			transaction_interface_id NUMBER);
227 g_csp_var_rec csp_global_var_rec;
229 TYPE rcv_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF rcv_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
231 PROCEDURE receive_shipments
232 		       (P_Api_Version_Number 	IN NUMBER,
233 			P_init_Msg_List      	IN VARCHAR2,
234     			P_Commit             	IN VARCHAR2,
235     			P_Validation_Level   	IN NUMBER,
236 			p_receive_hdr_rec	IN rcv_hdr_rec_type,
237 			p_receive_rec_tbl	IN rcv_rec_tbl_type,
238     			X_Return_Status      	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
239     			X_Msg_Count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
240     		 	X_Msg_Data 		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
242 PROCEDURE insert_rcv_hdr_interface
243 		       (P_Api_Version_Number 	IN NUMBER,
244 			P_init_Msg_List      	IN VARCHAR2,
245     			P_Commit             	IN VARCHAR2,
246     			P_Validation_Level   	IN NUMBER,
247     			X_Return_Status      	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
248     			X_Msg_Count             OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
249     		 	X_Msg_Data              OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
250 			p_header_interface_id   IN NUMBER,
251 			p_group_id       	IN NUMBER,
252 			p_receipt_source_code	IN VARCHAR2,
253 			p_source_type_code	IN VARCHAR2,
254 			p_vendor_id		IN NUMBER,
255 			p_vendor_site_id	IN NUMBER,
256 			p_ship_to_org_id	IN NUMBER,
257 			p_shipment_num		IN VARCHAR2,
258 			p_receipt_header_id	IN NUMBER,
259 			p_receipt_num		IN VARCHAR2,
260 			p_bill_of_lading	IN VARCHAR2,
261 			p_packing_slip		IN VARCHAR2,
262 			p_shipped_date		IN DATE,
263 			p_freight_carrier_code	IN VARCHAR2,
264 			p_expected_receipt_date	IN DATE,
265 			p_employee_id		IN NUMBER,
266 			p_waybill_airbill_num	IN VARCHAR2,
267 			p_usggl_transaction_code IN VARCHAR2,
268 			p_processing_request_id	IN NUMBER,
269 			p_customer_id		IN NUMBER,
270 			p_customer_site_id	IN NUMBER,
271 			x_header_interface_id 	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
272 			x_group_id 		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
274 PROCEDURE insert_rcv_txn_interface
275 		       (P_Api_Version_Number 	IN NUMBER,
276 			P_init_Msg_List      	IN VARCHAR2,
277     			P_Commit             	IN VARCHAR2,
278     			P_Validation_Level   	IN NUMBER,
279     			X_Return_Status      	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
280     			X_Msg_Count             OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
281     		 	X_Msg_Data              OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
282 			x_interface_transaction_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
283 			p_receive_rec 		IN rcv_rec_type);
285 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
286   * PROCEDURE: insert_lots_interface
287   * Description:
288   *   This procedure inserts a record into MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE
289   *     If there already exists a record with the transaction_interface_id
290   *           and lot_number combination THEN
291   *       Update transaction_quantity and primary_quantity
292   *     Else
293   *       Insert a new record into MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE
294   *
295   *    @param p_api_version             - Version of the API
296   *    @param p_init_msg_list            - Flag to initialize message list
297   *    @param x_return_status
298   *      Return status indicating Success (S), Error (E), Unexpected Error (U)
299   *    @param x_msg_count
300   *      Number of messages in  message list
301   *    @param x_msg_data
302   *      Stacked messages text
303   *    @param p_transaction_interface_id - MTLI.Interface Transaction ID
304   *    @param p_lot_number              - Lot Number
305   *    @param p_transaction_quantity    - Transaction Quantity for the lot
306   *    @param p_primary_quantity        - Primary Quantity for the lot
307   *    @param p_organization_id         - Organization ID
308   *    @param p_inventory_item_id       - Inventory Item ID
309   *    @param x_serial_transaction_temp_id
310   *           - Serial Transaction Temp Id (for lot and serial controlled item)
311   *    @param p_product_transaction_id  - Product Transaction Id. This parameter
312   *           is stamped with the transaction identifier with
313   *    @param p_product_code            - Code of the product creating this record
314   * @ return: NONE
315   *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
317 PROCEDURE insert_lots_interface (
318       p_api_version                IN             NUMBER
319     , p_init_msg_list              IN             VARCHAR2
320     , x_return_status              OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
321     , x_msg_count                  OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER
322     , x_msg_data                   OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
323     , p_serial_transaction_temp_id IN   	NUMBER
324     , p_transaction_interface_id   IN 		NUMBER
325     , p_lot_number                 IN             VARCHAR2
326     , p_transaction_quantity       IN             NUMBER
327     , p_primary_quantity           IN             NUMBER
328     , p_organization_id            IN             NUMBER
329     , p_inventory_item_id          IN             NUMBER
330     , p_product_transaction_id     IN 		NUMBER
331     , p_product_code               IN             VARCHAR2);
333 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
334   * PROCEDURE: insert_serial_interface
335   * Description:
336   *   This procedure inserts a record into MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE
337   *     Generate transaction_interface_id if the parameter is NULL
338   *     Generate product_transaction_id if the parameter is NULL
339   *     The insert logic is based on the parameter p_att_exist.
340   *     If p_att_exist is "N" Then (attributes are not available in table)
341   *       Read the input parameters (including attributes) into a PL/SQL table
342   *       Insert one record into MSNI with the from and to serial numbers passed
343   *     Else
344   *       Loop through each serial number between the from and to serial number
345   *       Fetch the attributes into one row of the PL/SQL table and
346   *     For each row in the PL/SQL table, insert one MSNI record
347   *     End If
348   *
349   *    @param p_api_version             - Version of the API
350   *    @param p_init_msg_list           - Flag to initialize message list
351   *    @param x_return_status
352   *      Return status indicating Success (S), Error (E), Unexpected Error (U)
353   *    @param x_msg_count
354   *      Number of messages in  message list
355   *    @param x_msg_data
356   *      Stacked messages text
357   *    @param p_transaction_interface_id - MTLI.Interface Transaction ID
358   *    @param p_fm_serial_number         - From Serial Number
359   *    @param p_to_serial_number         - To Serial Number
360   *    @param p_organization_id         - Organization ID
361   *    @param p_inventory_item_id       - Inventory Item ID
362   *    @param p_status_id               - Material Status for the lot
363   *    @param p_product_transaction_id  - Product Transaction Id. This parameter
364   *           is stamped with the transaction identifier with
365   *    @param p_product_code            - Code of the product creating this record
366   *
367   * @ return: NONE
368   *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
370   PROCEDURE insert_serial_interface(
371 		    p_api_version               IN            NUMBER
372 		  , p_init_msg_list             IN            VARCHAR2
373 		  , x_return_status             OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
374 		  , x_msg_count                 OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
375 		  , x_msg_data                  OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
376 		  , px_transaction_interface_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
377 		  , p_product_transaction_id    IN 	      NUMBER
378 		  , p_product_code              IN            VARCHAR2
379 		  , p_fm_serial_number          IN            VARCHAR2
380 		  , p_to_serial_number          IN            VARCHAR2) ;
385 /*********************************************************************/
382 /**********************************************************************/
383 -- This procedure is to process interface
384 -- transaction records online.
386 PROCEDURE rcv_online_request ( p_group_id	IN NUMBER,
387 			      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
388 			      x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
391 number) RETURN VARCHAR2;