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APPS.IGS_AD_GEN_002 dependencies on FND_GLOBAL

Line 1273: fnd_global.newline;

1269: END IF;
1270: v_output_course := v_output_course ||
1271: LTRIM(TO_CHAR(p_course_sem_last_enr, '0')) ||
1272: LTRIM(TO_CHAR(p_equiv_full_time_enr, '00V00')) ||
1273: fnd_global.newline;
1274: UTL_FILE.PUT(fp_output, v_output_course);
1275: UTL_FILE.FFLUSH(fp_output);

Line 1514: fnd_global.newline;

1510: RPAD(NVL(v_surname, ' '), 20) ||
1511: RPAD(NVL(v_first_name, ' '), 15) ||
1512: RPAD(NVL(v_second_name, ' '), 15) ||
1513: RPAD(NVL(v_birth_dt_str, ' '), 6) ||
1514: fnd_global.newline;
1515: UTL_FILE.PUT(fp_output, v_output_student);
1516: UTL_FILE.FFLUSH(fp_output);
1517: v_course_year_first_enr := 9999;
1518: v_course_year_last_enr := 0;

Line 1760: fnd_global.newline;

1756: LTRIM(TO_CHAR(v_sua_eftsu, '000V000')) ||
1757: RPAD(NVL(v_grade, ' '), 6) ||
1758: IGS_GE_NUMBER.TO_CANN(v_subject_completion_code) ||
1759: LTRIM(TO_CHAR(NVL(v_subject_discipline_group, 0), '0000')) ||
1760: fnd_global.newline;
1761: v_subject_cnt := v_subject_cnt + 1;
1762: t_subject(v_subject_cnt) := v_output_subject;
1763: END LOOP;
1764: -- Write course header only if student is enrolled in a course

Line 2033: fnd_global.newline;

2029: r_header_rec.request_cd ||
2030: r_header_rec.applicant_id ||
2031: LTRIM(TO_CHAR(r_header_rec.campus_cd, '0000')) ||
2032: RPAD(v_output_header_reason_code, 2) ||
2033: fnd_global.newline;
2034: UTL_FILE.PUT(fp_output, v_output_header);
2035: UTL_FILE.FFLUSH(fp_output);
2036: -- Now we need to loop through the PLSQL table of matched ID's again
2037: -- and write out NOCOPY all the details for each matched student.