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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

   mreid    01-OCT-1999  Added explicit column list to insert on
   nbristow 09-NOV-1999  Changes to the ff_archive_item table made for
                         the new Archive Item API.
   alogue   15-FEB-2000  Utf8 support : ff_database_items user_name and
                         ff_user_entities item_name lengthened to 240.
                         Use of varchar_240_tbl.
                         Remove insert of 'AAP' into
                         ff_archive_items.archive_type as column doesn't
                         exist in 11i.
   nbristow 19-MAY-2000  Added the deinitialize section.
   ssarma   03-AUG-2000  Added US specific code for EOY related issue.
                         It starts as -- if g_leg_code = US then ....
   nbristow 18-FEB-2001  Changed the process_employee so that the dynamic
                         procedure call can be done with out the
                         initialisation procedure.
   mreid    26-MAR-2002  Bug 2281868.  Added legislation_code to
                         csr_defined_balance cursor.
   nbristow 16-JUL-2002  Added standard_deinit.
   alogue   23-JUN-2003  Handle removal of lines from pay_population_ranges
                         in remove_report_actions.  Bug 3017447.
   nbristow 16-DEC-2003  Now delteting from pay_temp_object_actions.
   alogue   25-FEB-2004  Bulk operations within remove_report_actions
                         for performance purposes.
   nbristow 09-JUL-2004  Added process_chunk.
   mreid    11-NOV-2005  Bug 4729140: added date effective joins in
   alogue   31-AUG-2007  Bug 6196572: performance fix to
                         remove_report_actions.  Deletion of assignment
                         actions to inside this loop to avoid rollback
                         segment issue.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--                               TYPES
-- The table types are just simple tables or various types. The records
-- are composite types of tables that contain a size (sz) to hold the
-- number of data items currently stored in the table. Data items are
-- stored in the tables within the records contiguously from 1 to sz.
  TYPE varchar_1_tbl  IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(1)  INDEX BY binary_integer;
Line: 139

     select to_number(UE.creator_id)
     from   ff_database_items         DI,
            ff_user_entities          UE
     where  DI.user_name            = p_db_item_name
       and  UE.user_entity_id       = DI.user_entity_id
       and  UE.creator_type         = 'B'
       and (UE.legislation_code     = l_legislation_code
        or  UE.business_group_id    = l_business_group_id);
Line: 173

 select frpv.value
 into l_jursd_value
 from ff_route_parameter_values frpv,
      ff_route_parameters frp
 where   frpv.route_parameter_id = frp.route_parameter_id
 and   frpv.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
 and   frp.route_id = p_route_id
 and   frp.parameter_name = 'Jursd. Level';
Line: 232

      SELECT distinct us.item_name
        FROM pay_magnetic_blocks mb,
             pay_magnetic_records mr,
             ff_fdi_usages_f us
        WHERE mb.report_format     = p_report_format AND
              mb.magnetic_block_id = mr.magnetic_block_id AND
              mr.formula_id        = us.formula_id AND
              us.usage             = 'D' AND
              p_effective_date BETWEEN us.effective_start_date AND
Line: 244

      SELECT con.context_name name
     FROM ff_user_entities ue,
             ff_route_context_usages rcu,
	ff_contexts con
        WHERE ue.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id AND
              ue.route_id       = rcu.route_id AND
con.context_id = rcu.context_id ;
Line: 284

    SELECT dbi.user_entity_id, dbi.data_type
      INTO a_user_entity_id, a_data_type
      FROM ff_database_items dbi,
           ff_user_entities  ue
      WHERE dbi.user_name = db_items_row.item_name AND
            dbi.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id AND
            ((ue.legislation_code is null
               and ue.business_group_id is null
               and not exists
                      (select ''
                         from ff_user_entities  fue2,
                              ff_database_items fdi2
                        where fdi2.user_name = db_items_row.item_name
                        and   fdi2.user_entity_id = fue2.user_entity_id
                        and  (fue2.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
                           or fue2.legislation_code = l_legislation_code)
              OR (ue.business_group_id is null
                   and l_legislation_code = ue.legislation_code
                   and not exists
                      (select ''
                         from ff_user_entities  fue2,
                              ff_database_items fdi2
                        where fdi2.user_name = db_items_row.item_name
                        and   fdi2.user_entity_id = fue2.user_entity_id
                        and  fue2.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
              OR ue.business_group_id + 0 = l_business_group_id
Line: 319

    SELECT dbi.user_entity_id,ue.creator_type,ue.route_id
      INTO user_entity_id,creator_type,route_id
      FROM ff_database_items dbi,
           ff_user_entities ue
      WHERE dbi.user_name = name AND
            dbi.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id
       and  ((ue.legislation_code is null
               and ue.business_group_id is null
               and not exists
                      (select ''
                         from ff_user_entities  fue2,
                              ff_database_items fdi2
                        where fdi2.user_name = name
                        and   fdi2.user_entity_id = fue2.user_entity_id
                        and  (fue2.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
                           or fue2.legislation_code = l_legislation_code)
              or (ue.business_group_id is null
                   and l_legislation_code = ue.legislation_code
                   and not exists
                      (select ''
                         from ff_user_entities  fue2,
                              ff_database_items fdi2
                        where fdi2.user_name = name
                        and   fdi2.user_entity_id = fue2.user_entity_id
                        and  fue2.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
              or ue.business_group_id + 0 = l_business_group_id
Line: 383

      SELECT  jurisdiction_level jur_lev
        INTO  l_balance_dbis.jur_level(l_balance_dbis.sz)
        FROM  pay_balance_types       pbt,
	        pay_defined_balances    pdb
        WHERE pbt.balance_type_id= pdb.balance_type_id AND
              pdb.defined_balance_id =
Line: 461

    SELECT pa.business_group_id,
      INTO l_business_group_id,
      FROM pay_payroll_actions pa,
           per_business_groups bg
      WHERE pa.payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id AND
            pa.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id;
Line: 480

    SELECT prfm.report_format, pac.report_type
      INTO l_report_format, l_report_type
      FROM pay_report_format_mappings_f prfm,
           pay_payroll_actions          pac
      WHERE prfm.report_type      = pac.report_type
      AND   prfm.report_qualifier = pac.report_qualifier
      AND   prfm.report_category  = pac.report_category
      AND   pac.payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id
      AND   pac.effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND
Line: 501

       select prfm.initialization_code
         into init_proc
         from pay_report_format_mappings_f prfm,
              pay_payroll_actions          ppa
        where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
          and ppa.report_type       = prfm.report_type
          and ppa.report_category   = prfm.report_category
          and ppa.effective_date between prfm.effective_start_date
                                     and prfm.effective_end_date
          and ppa.report_qualifier  = prfm.report_qualifier;
Line: 593

       select prfm.deinitialization_code
         into deinit_proc
         from pay_report_format_mappings_f prfm,
              pay_payroll_actions          ppa
        where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
          and ppa.report_type       = prfm.report_type
          and ppa.report_category   = prfm.report_category
          and ppa.effective_date between prfm.effective_start_date
                                     and prfm.effective_end_date
          and ppa.report_qualifier  = prfm.report_qualifier;
Line: 646

  INSERT INTO ff_archive_items
   ( ff_archive_items_s.nextval,p_user_entity_id,p_context1,p_value);
Line: 811

            select context_id into v_context_id
              from ff_contexts
              where context_name= l_contexts_dbi.name(i);
Line: 816

            insert into ff_archive_item_contexts
Line: 851

Line: 1006

            select context_id into v_context_id
	        from ff_contexts
	        where context_name=l_contexts_dbi.name(i);
Line: 1011

            insert into ff_archive_item_contexts
Line: 1049

Line: 1080

         select prfm.archive_code
           into archiv_proc
           from pay_report_format_mappings_f prfm,
                pay_payroll_actions          ppa
          where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
            and ppa.report_type       = prfm.report_type
            and ppa.report_category   = prfm.report_category
            and ppa.effective_date between prfm.effective_start_date
                                       and prfm.effective_end_date
            and ppa.report_qualifier  = prfm.report_qualifier;
Line: 1147

Line: 1148

Line: 1159

         select prfm.archive_code
           into archiv_proc
           from pay_report_format_mappings_f prfm,
                pay_payroll_actions          ppa
          where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
            and ppa.report_type       = prfm.report_type
            and ppa.report_category   = prfm.report_category
            and ppa.effective_date between prfm.effective_start_date
                                       and prfm.effective_end_date
            and ppa.report_qualifier  = prfm.report_qualifier;
Line: 1289

select assignment_action_id
from   pay_assignment_actions
where  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_act;
Line: 1295

select object_action_id
from   pay_temp_object_actions
where  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_act;
Line: 1301

select assignment_action_id
from   pay_assignment_actions
where  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_act
and    chunk_number = p_chunk;
Line: 1315

           delete from pay_action_interlocks
            where locking_action_id = aalist(i);
Line: 1319

           delete from PAY_MESSAGE_LINES
            where source_id = aalist(i)
              and source_type = 'A';
Line: 1324

           delete from pay_assignment_actions
            where assignment_action_id = aalist(i);
Line: 1336

           delete from PAY_MESSAGE_LINES
            where source_id = objlist(i)
              and source_type = 'A';
Line: 1341

           delete from pay_temp_object_actions
            where object_action_id = objlist(i);
Line: 1348

     delete from PAY_MESSAGE_LINES
      where source_id = p_pact_id
        and source_type = 'P';
Line: 1352

     delete from pay_population_ranges
      where payroll_action_id = p_pact_id;
Line: 1355

     delete from pay_payroll_actions
      where payroll_action_id = p_pact_id;
Line: 1364

           delete from pay_action_interlocks
            where locking_action_id = aalist(i);
Line: 1368

           delete from PAY_MESSAGE_LINES
            where source_id = aalist(i)
              and source_type = 'A';
Line: 1376

     delete from pay_assignment_actions
      where payroll_action_id = p_pact_id
        and chunk_number = p_chunk_no;
Line: 1395

      select pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REMOVE_ACT',
        into remove_act
        from pay_payroll_actions    pa1
       where pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid;