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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 48

                                            cheques to be selected
   01-FEB-1996  mwcallag    40.6   339128   SQL tuned to improve performance.
   05-OCT-1994  RFINE       40.4            Renamed package to pay_chqwrt_pkg
   10-DEC-1993  DSAXBY      40.1   G350     Altered incorrect assignment
                                            interlock sql.
                                            Added missing date effective join.
   12-OCT-1993  CLEVERLY    1.0             First created.
   chq_sql  varchar(4000); -- select list for pre-payments..
Line: 73

         NB If you alter or add select statements check that they
            do not contain more than 4000 characters
   procedure chqsql
      procname   in            varchar2,     /* name of the select statement to use */
      sqlstr     in out nocopy varchar2,     /* string holding the sql statement */
      len        out    nocopy number        /* length of the sql string */
   ) is
      -- go through each of the sql sub strings and see if
      -- they are needed.
      if procname = 'DEFAULT' then
         sqlstr := chq_sql;
Line: 118

         Returns the cheque date based on the select payment
   function cheque_date
      p_business_group_id    in number,
      p_payroll_id           in number,
      p_consolidation_set_id in number,
      p_start_date           in date,
      p_end_date             in date,
      p_payment_type_id      in number,
      p_payment_method_id    in number,
      p_cheque_style         in varchar2
   ) return date is
     l_cheque_date   date;
Line: 156

     select legislation_code
     into   l_leg_code
     from   per_business_groups_perf
     where  business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 212

   select paa.rowid
          (select /*+ ORDERED */paa1.assignment_action_id,
             from pay_payroll_actions    ppa1,
                  pay_assignment_actions paa1,
                  per_assignments_f      paf,
                  hr_organization_units  hou,
                  per_people_f           ppf

            where paa1.object_type is null
              and paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
              and paa1.payroll_action_id = :pactid
              and paa1.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
              and ppa1.effective_date between
                          paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
              and paf.person_id         = ppf.person_id
              and ppa1.effective_date between
                          ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
              and paf.organization_id   = hou.organization_id
           union all
            select paa1.assignment_action_id,
              from hr_organization_units  hou,
                   pay_assignment_actions paa1
             where paa1.object_type = ''HOU''
               and paa1.object_id   = hou.organization_id
               and paa1.payroll_action_id = :pactid
          ) un,
          pay_assignment_actions paa
    where paa.payroll_action_id = :pactid
      and paa.assignment_action_id = un.assignment_action_id
    order by un.name,un.last_name,un.first_name
      for update of paa.assignment_id';