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1 package body pay_us_vertex_interface as
2 /* $Header: payusvertexetusg.pkb 120.6 2007/12/06 21:32:24 tclewis noship $ */
3 /*
4 +======================================================================+
5 |                Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                 |
6 |                   Redwood Shores, California, USA                    |
7 |                        All rights reserved.                          |
8 +======================================================================+
10     Name        :
11     Filename	: payusvertexetusg.pkh
12     Description : This Package contains Procedures and Funbction required for
13                   managing lement_type_usages for VERTEX and US_TAX_VERTEX
14                   elements
15     Change List
16     -----------
17     Date        Name          	Vers    Bug No	Description
18     ----        ----          	----	------	-----------
19     12-DEC-2004 ppanda          115.0           Initial Version
20     02-FEB-2005 ppanda          115.2   4155064 Modified various procedure and
21                                                 function to support Business
22                                                 Group
23     04-MAR-2005 saikrish        115.4   4220606 Added Workers Compensation
24     30-DEC-2005 saurgupt        115.5   4896715 Modified the query in function
25                                                 payroll_run_exist to improve performance.
26     24-MAY-2007 jdevasah        115.7   5937604 Modified select_tax_interface procedure
27                                                 and Current_Tax_Interface function for
28 						the new tax interface
29 						Enahced+wage Accumulation.
30    05-DEC-2007 rnestor          115.8  6658836  PLS-00103 ERROR WHEN COMPILING
31                                        Had a Select inside the decode
32 */
34   PROCEDURE create_ele_tp_usg ( p_element_type_id      in number
35                                ,p_run_type_id          in number
36                                ,p_element_name         in varchar2
37                                ,p_run_type_name        in varchar2
38                                ,p_inclusion_flag       in varchar2
39                                ,p_effective_date       in date
40                                ,p_legislation_code     in varchar2
41                                ,p_business_group_id    in number
42                               ) IS
44     cursor c_check_ele_tp_usg ( cp_legislation_code     varchar2
45                                ,cp_business_group_id    number
46                                ,cp_element_type_id      number
47                                ,cp_run_type_id          number
48                                ,cp_effective_date       date ) is
52     select 1
53     from   pay_element_type_usages_f petu
54     where  petu.element_type_id      = cp_element_type_id
55     and    petu.run_type_id          = cp_run_type_id
56     and    cp_effective_date between petu.effective_start_date
57                                  and petu.effective_end_date
58     and   ( cp_legislation_code is not null and
59                petu.legislation_code = cp_legislation_code )
60     and   ( cp_business_group_id is not null and
61                 petu.business_group_id    = cp_business_group_id );
63     l_element_type_usage_id  number;
64     l_object_version_number  number;
65     l_effective_start_date   date;
66     l_effective_end_date     date;
67     ln_exists                number;
68     lv_usage_type       pay_element_type_usages_f.usage_type%type     := NULL;
72   BEGIN
73   --{
74      hr_utility.trace('3000 -> Start create_ele_tp_usg ');
75      hr_utility.trace('3010 -> Parameter Values ');
76      hr_utility.trace('        p_legislation_code  : '||p_legislation_code);
77      hr_utility.trace('        p_business_group_id : '||p_business_group_id);
78      hr_utility.trace('        p_element_type_id   : '||p_element_type_id);
79      hr_utility.trace('        p_element_name      : '||p_element_name);
80      hr_utility.trace('        run_type_id         : '||p_run_type_id);
81      hr_utility.trace('        run_type_Name       : '||p_run_type_name);
82      hr_utility.trace('        p_effective_date    : '||p_effective_date);
84      ln_exists := 0;
85      hr_utility.trace('3020 -> Checking for the existence of Element Type Usages ');
86      open  c_check_ele_tp_usg( p_legislation_code
87                               ,p_business_group_id
88                               ,p_element_type_id
89                               ,p_run_type_id
90                               ,p_effective_date);
91      fetch c_check_ele_tp_usg into ln_exists;
92      close c_check_ele_tp_usg;
93      hr_utility.trace('3030 Element Type Usages Exists Flag : '||ln_exists);
94      if ln_exists = 0 then
95      --{
96      hr_utility.trace('3040 -> Creating Element_Type_USages for Element: '||
97                      p_element_name ||' Run Type Type: '||p_run_type_name );
98      --
99      -- Calling API to create Element Type Usages
100      --
101         pay_element_type_usage_api.create_element_type_usage(
102                  p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
103                 ,p_run_type_id           => p_run_type_id
104                 ,p_element_type_id       => p_element_type_id
105                 ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
106                 ,p_legislation_code      => p_legislation_code
107                 ,p_usage_type            => lv_usage_type
108                 ,p_inclusion_flag        => p_inclusion_flag
109                 ,p_element_type_usage_id => l_element_type_usage_id
110                 ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
111                 ,p_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
112                 ,p_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date);
113      --
114         hr_utility.trace('3050 -> API Calls to Create Element_Type_Usages Ended ');
115         hr_utility.trace('3060 -> Successfully Element Type Usages created ');
116      --}
117      else
118         hr_utility.trace('3040 -> Element Type Exist creation skipped ');
119      end if;
120      hr_utility.trace('3999 -> End create_ele_tp_usg ');
121   --}
122   END create_ele_tp_usg;
125   PROCEDURE delete_ele_type_usages (p_element_name      in varchar2,
126                                     p_business_group_id in number)
127   IS
128   BEGIN
129 --{
130       hr_utility.trace('1010 -> Start delete_ele_type_usages ');
131       delete from PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_USAGES_F peu1
132        where EXISTS
133               (select 'x'
134                  from PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_USAGES_F peu2,
135                       pay_run_types_f prt,
136                       pay_element_types_F pet
137                 where pet.element_name           = p_element_name
138                   and peu2.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
139                   and peu2.run_type_id           = prt.run_type_id
140                   and peu2.ELEMENT_TYPE_USAGE_ID = peu1.ELEMENT_TYPE_USAGE_ID
141                   and peu2.legislation_code      IS NULL
142                   and peu2.business_group_id     = p_business_group_id
143                );
144      hr_utility.trace('1020 -> End delete_ele_type_usages ');
145 --}
148      hr_utility.trace('1030 -> WARNING: in delete_ele_type_usages ');
149      hr_utility.trace('1040 -> ETU for VERTEX Element <'||p_element_name ||
150                                                            '> Does not exist ');
151   END delete_ele_type_usages;
153   FUNCTION payroll_run_exist (p_business_group_id in number
154                              )Return varchar2
155   IS
156   l_payroll_exist    varchar2(10);
157   BEGIN
158   l_payroll_exist := 'N';
159 --{
160       hr_utility.trace('1100 -> Start payroll_run_exist ');
161       hr_utility.trace('1105 -> Fetching records from PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS ');
162       select 'Y'
163         into l_payroll_exist
164 	from dual
165        where exists( select 1
166                        from PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS PPA
167                       where PPA.action_type IN ('R','Q')
168                         and PPA.action_status = 'C'
169                         and PPA.business_group_id = p_business_group_id);
170 /*
171       select 'Y'
172         into l_payroll_exist
173         from PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS PPA
174        where PPA.action_type IN ('R','Q')
175          and PPA.action_status = 'C'
176          and PPA.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
177 */
178      hr_utility.trace('1110 -> End payroll_run_exist ');
179      return l_payroll_exist;
180 --}
183      l_payroll_exist := 'Y';
184      hr_utility.trace('1130 -> TOO_MANY_ROWS_EXCEPTION In Function'||
185                                                          ' payroll_run_exist ');
186      hr_utility.trace('1120 -> Payroll RUN Exist in this instance');
187      return l_payroll_exist;
189      l_payroll_exist := 'N';
190      hr_utility.trace('1130 -> OTHER Exception payroll_run_exist ');
191      hr_utility.trace('1140 -> Payroll RUN Does not exist in this instance');
192      return l_payroll_exist;
193   END payroll_run_exist;
195   FUNCTION Current_Tax_Interface (p_lookup_code       in varchar2,
196                                   p_business_group_id in number)
197            Return varchar2
198   IS
199      l_current_tax_interface  varchar2(100);
200      l_ret_value              varchar2(100);
203      l_WAGEACCUM_parm                 varchar2(2);
205     cursor c_parm_val_usg  is
207     select parameter_value
208     from  pay_action_parameters
209      where parameter_name = 'WAGE_ACCUMULATION_ENABLED';
211   BEGIN
212 --      hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'PPSELECTINTERFACE');
213   l_current_tax_interface := 'VERTEX';
214   l_ret_value             := ' ';
215 --{
216       hr_utility.trace('1200 -> Start Current_Tax_Interface ');
217       hr_utility.trace('1205 -> Default Tax Interface ' ||l_current_tax_interface );
218       /* Bug#5937604: Need to set the status for the new tax interface WAGEACCUM.
219                       Logic to calculate status of ENHACED interface is also modified */
221       Had a select inside a decode statment RLN*/
224     open  c_parm_val_usg;
225     fetch c_parm_val_usg into l_WAGEACCUM_parm;
226     if c_parm_val_usg%NOTFOUND THEN
227        l_WAGEACCUM_parm := 'N';
228     end if;
229     close c_parm_val_usg;
231       select --pet.element_name current_interface
232              decode(p_lookup_code,
233                         'STANDARD', decode(pet.element_name,
234                                      'VERTEX','In Use','Not in Use'),
235                         'ENHANCED', decode(pet.element_name,
236                                      'US_TAX_VERTEX',decode(l_WAGEACCUM_parm
237                                                   ,'N','In Use','Not In Use')
238                                                   ,'Not in Use'),
239                         'WAGEACCUM', decode(pet.element_name,
240                                       'US_TAX_VERTEX',decode(l_WAGEACCUM_parm
241                                               ,'Y','In Use','Not In Use')
242                                               ,'Not in Use') ,' ')
243         into l_ret_value
244         from pay_element_types_f pet
245        where pet.element_name      IN ('VERTEX',
246                                        'US_TAX_VERTEX')
247          and pet.legislation_code  = 'US'
248          and pet.business_group_id IS NULL
249          and NOT EXISTS
250              ( select 'x'
251                  from  pay_element_type_usages_f petu
252                       ,pay_element_types_f  pet1
253                       ,pay_run_types_f      prt
254                 where  petu.element_type_id  = pet1.element_type_id
255                   and pet1.legislation_code  = 'US'
256                   and pet1.business_group_id IS NULL
257                   and prt.legislation_code   = 'US'
258                   and prt.business_group_id  IS NULL
259                   and petu.run_type_id       = prt.run_type_id
260                   and petu.business_group_id = p_business_group_id --IS NULL
261                   and petu.element_Type_id   = pet.element_type_id
262                   --and petu.legislation_code  = 'US'
263                   and petu.legislation_code  IS NULL
264                   and pet1.business_group_id IS NULL
265                   and pet1.legislation_code  = 'US'
266                   and prt.legislation_code   = 'US'
267                   and exists
268                       ( select 'x' from pay_run_types_f  prt1
269                          where prt1.run_type_name IN ('Regular Standard Run',
270                                                       'Separate Payment Run',
271                                                       'Tax Separate Run',
272                                                    'Supplemental Standard Run',
273                                                       'Regular',
274                                                       'Supplemental')
275                            and prt1.business_group_id IS NULL
276                            and prt1.legislation_code = 'US'
277                            and prt1.run_type_id = petu.run_type_id ));
279      hr_utility.trace('1207 -> Return Value '||l_ret_value);
280      hr_utility.trace('1210 -> End Current_Tax_Interface');
281      return l_ret_value;
282 --}
285   THEN
286 --{
287      select decode(p_lookup_code,
288      	           'STANDARD', 'In Use','Not in Use')
289        into l_ret_value
290        from DUAL;
291      hr_utility.trace('1215 -> Current Tax Interface element is VERTEX');
292      hr_utility.trace('1220 -> Return Value '||l_ret_value);
293      return l_ret_value;
294 --}
296 --{
298      hr_utility.trace('1225 -> Other Exception'||substr(sqlerrm,1,30));
299      hr_utility.trace('1226 -> '||substr(sqlerrm,31,40));
300      hr_utility.trace('1230 -> Current Tax Interface element is VERTEX');
301      select decode(p_lookup_code,
302       	           'STANDARD', 'In Use','Not in Use')
303        into l_ret_value
304        from DUAL;
305      hr_utility.trace('1240 -> Return Value '||l_ret_value);
306      return l_ret_value;
308 --}
309   END Current_Tax_Interface;
312   FUNCTION vertex_eletype_usage_exist (p_element_name      varchar2,
313                                        p_business_group_id number)
314            Return varchar2
315   IS
316      l_element_type_usage_exist  varchar2(10);
317   BEGIN
318      l_element_type_usage_exist := 'N';
319 --{
320       hr_utility.trace('1300 -> Entering vertex_eletype_usage_exist ');
321      select  'Y'
322      into l_element_type_usage_exist
323      from pay_element_types_f pet
324      where element_name = p_element_name
325        and business_group_id IS NULL
326        and legislation_code = 'US'
327      and exists
328          ( select  'x'
329              from  pay_element_type_usages_f petu
330                   ,pay_element_types_f  pet1
331                   ,pay_run_types_f      prt
332             where petu.element_type_id   = pet1.element_type_id
333               and pet1.legislation_code  = 'US'
334               and prt.legislation_code   = 'US'
335               and petu.run_type_id       = prt.run_type_id
336               and petu.business_group_id = p_business_group_id --IS NULL
337               and petu.legislation_code  IS NULL               --= 'US'
338               and petu.element_Type_id   = pet.element_type_id
339               and exists
340                   ( select 'x' from pay_run_types_f  prt1
341                      where prt1.run_type_name IN ('Regular Standard Run',
342                                                   'Separate Payment Run',
343                                                   'Tax Separate Run',
344                                                   'Supplemental Standard Run',
345                                                   'Regular',
346                                                   'Supplemental')
347                       and prt1.business_group_id IS NULL
348                       and prt1.legislation_code = 'US'
349                       and prt1.run_type_id = petu.run_type_id ));
350      hr_utility.trace('1310 -> Element Type Usage Exist for Element '|| p_element_name);
351      hr_utility.trace('1320 -> Leaving vertex_eletype_usage_exist ');
352      return l_element_type_usage_exist;
353 --}
356   THEN
357 --{
358      l_element_type_usage_exist := 'N';
359      hr_utility.trace('1330 -> Exception NO_DATA_FOUND ');
360      hr_utility.trace('1340 -> Element Type Usages do not Exist for Element '|| p_element_name);
361      hr_utility.trace('1350 -> Leaving vertex_eletype_usage_exist ');
362      return l_element_type_usage_exist;
363 --}
365 --{
366      l_element_type_usage_exist := 'N';
367      hr_utility.trace('1330 -> Exception OTHERS ');
368      hr_utility.trace('1340 -> Element Type Usages do not Exist for Element '|| p_element_name);
369      hr_utility.trace('1350 -> Leaving vertex_eletype_usage_exist ');
370      return l_element_type_usage_exist;
371 --}
372   END vertex_eletype_usage_exist;
377 -- This procedure Excudes the TAX Element from processing depending on
378 -- customer selection
379 -- IF Customer selection is  STANDARD interface
380 --       New Tax Element US_TAX_VERTEX will be excluded
381 -- ELSIF Customer selection is ENHANCED interface
382 --       Old Tax Element VERTEX will be excluded
383   PROCEDURE select_tax_interface(errbuf              OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
384                                  retcode             OUT nocopy NUMBER,
385                                  p_business_group_id IN         NUMBER,
386                                  p_vertex_interface  IN         VARCHAR2)
387   IS
388 --
389 -- Run Types used for VERTEX or US_TAX_VERTEX Elements
391 --
392   CURSOR c_run_type is
393   select prt.* from pay_run_types_f  prt
394    where prt.run_type_name IN ('Regular Standard Run',
395                                'Separate Payment Run',
396                                'Tax Separate Run',
397                                'Supplemental Standard Run',
398                                'Regular',
399                                'Supplemental')
400     and prt.business_group_id IS NULL
401     and prt.legislation_code = 'US';
402 --
403 -- Element Type details
404 --
405     cursor c_vertex_elements (c_element_name varchar2)
406     is
407        SELECT pet.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID,
408               pet.element_name,
409               pet.business_group_id,
410               pet.legislation_code,
411               pet.effective_start_date effective_date
412          FROM PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F pet
413         WHERE pet.ELEMENT_NAME      = c_element_name
414           AND pet.LEGISLATION_CODE  = 'US'
415           AND pet.business_group_id IS NULL
416         ORDER by pet.element_name;
417 --
418 -- Element Type Usages Details
419 --
420   ln_commit_counter          number;
421   l_wage_exists              number;
422   lv_exists                  varchar2(1);
423   lv_interoperable_flag      varchar2(10);
424   l_field_name               PAY_LEGISLATIVE_FIELD_INFO.field_name%type;
425   l_payroll_exist            varchar2(10);
426   l_vertex_etu_exist         varchar2(10);
427   l_us_tax_vertex_etu_exist  varchar2(10);
428   lv_inclusion_flag          pay_element_type_usages_f.inclusion_flag%type;
429   l_null_legislation_code    pay_element_types_f.legislation_code%type;
430   BEGIN
431 --     hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'PPSELTAX');
433      hr_utility.trace('2000 -> Start payustaxinterface.sql ');
434      hr_utility.trace('2005 -> Parameter Values ');
435      hr_utility.trace('2006 -> Vertex_Interface Required  '||p_vertex_interface);
436      hr_utility.trace('2006 -> setting for Business Group '||to_char(p_business_group_id));
437      l_null_legislation_code := NULL;
438 --{
439 -- This section used to set the env for Running the Startup API
440 --
441      hr_utility.trace('2010 -> Start Setting env for Running API ');
442      hr_startup_data_api_support.enable_startup_mode('USER');
443      hr_startup_data_api_support.create_owner_definition('PAY');
444      BEGIN
445        SELECT field_name
446          INTO l_field_name
448         WHERE FIELD_NAME       = 'ET_USAGE'
449           AND LEGISLATION_CODE = 'US';
450        EXCEPTION
453                  (FIELD_NAME,
454                   LEGISLATION_CODE,
455                   RULE_TYPE,
456                   RULE_MODE)
457            VALUES
458                  ('ET_USAGE',
459                   'US',
460                   'ENABLE',
461                   'Y');
462      END;
463      hr_utility.trace('2020 -> Setup completed for Running API ');
465      IF p_vertex_interface  = 'STANDARD'
466      THEN
467         hr_utility.trace('2050 -> Payroll Run exist in this Instance');
468         /*Bug#5937604: Disable WAGE_ACCUMULATION_ENABLED parameter */
469 	update pay_action_parameters
470 	     set parameter_value= 'N'
471              where parameter_name='WAGE_ACCUMULATION_ENABLED';
473         l_vertex_etu_exist :=
474                    pay_us_vertex_interface.vertex_eletype_usage_exist('VERTEX',
475                                                                       p_business_group_id);
476         l_us_tax_vertex_etu_exist :=
477             pay_us_vertex_interface.vertex_eletype_usage_exist('US_TAX_VERTEX',
478                                                                       p_business_group_id);
479         IF l_us_tax_vertex_etu_exist = 'N'
480         THEN
481         --{
482              IF l_vertex_etu_exist = 'Y'
483              THEN
484                hr_utility.trace('2060 -> Deleting Element Type Usages ');
485                pay_us_vertex_interface.delete_ele_type_usages('VERTEX', p_business_group_id);
486 	       /* 4220606*/
487                pay_us_vertex_interface.delete_ele_type_usages('Workers Compensation', p_business_group_id);
489              END IF;
490         --
491         -- This piece of code for creating Element_Type_Usages for
492         --      Vertex Element US_TAX_VERTEX
493                hr_utility.trace('2070 -> Tax Interface Script for creating');
494                hr_utility.trace('2080 -> Element_Type_Usages for US_TAX_VERTEX');
495                for earn in c_vertex_elements('US_TAX_VERTEX')
496                loop
497                  lv_inclusion_flag := 'N';
498                  hr_utility.trace('2090 -> Inclusion Flag '||lv_inclusion_flag);
499                  for run_type in c_run_type
500                  loop
501         --{
502                     hr_utility.trace('2100 -> Element Type Name '||
503                                                              earn.element_name);
504                     hr_utility.trace('2110 -> Run Type Name '||
505                                                         run_type.run_type_name);
506                     hr_utility.trace('2120 -> Calling '
507                                || 'pay_us_vertex_interface.create_ele_tp_usg ');
508                     hr_utility.trace('2130 -> For creating element_type_usages '
509                                || 'for '|| earn.element_name);
510                     pay_us_vertex_interface.create_ele_tp_usg
511                               ( p_element_type_id      => earn.element_type_id
512                                ,p_run_type_id          => run_type.run_type_id
513                                ,p_element_name         => earn.element_name
514                                ,p_run_type_name        => run_type.run_type_name
515                                ,p_inclusion_flag       => lv_inclusion_flag
516                                ,p_effective_date       =>
517                                                    run_type.effective_start_date
518                                ,p_legislation_code     => l_null_legislation_code
519                                                                 --earn.legislation_code
520                                ,p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id);
521 --                                                        earn.business_group_id);
522                     hr_utility.trace('2130 -> US_TAX_VERTEX element excluded');
523         --}
524                  end loop;
525                end loop;
526         ELSIF l_us_tax_vertex_etu_exist = 'Y'
527         THEN
528         --{
529              IF l_vertex_etu_exist = 'Y'
530              THEN
531                hr_utility.trace('2060 -> Deleting Element Type Usages ');
532                pay_us_vertex_interface.delete_ele_type_usages('VERTEX',p_business_group_id);
533 	       /* 4220606 */
534                pay_us_vertex_interface.delete_ele_type_usages('Workers Compensation',p_business_group_id);
535              END IF;
536 -- VERTEX Element is excluded and US_TAX_VERTEX is in use
537              hr_utility.trace('2060 -> Tax Element US_TAX_VERTEX is Excluded');
538              hr_utility.trace('2070 -> Tax element VERTEX is in use');
539         END IF;
540      ELSIF p_vertex_interface  = 'ENHANCED' or p_vertex_interface = 'WAGEACCUM'
541      THEN
542         hr_utility.trace('2050 -> Payroll Run exist in this Instance');
544 	IF p_vertex_interface  = 'ENHANCED' THEN
545          /*Bug#5937604: update pay_action_paramters */
546 	    update pay_action_parameters
547 	     set parameter_value= 'N'
548              where parameter_name='WAGE_ACCUMULATION_ENABLED';
549 	ELSIF p_vertex_interface = 'WAGEACCUM' then
550           /*Bug#5937604: Insert on pay_action_paramters */
551 	  select count(*) into l_wage_exists from pay_action_parameters
552 	     where parameter_name='WAGE_ACCUMULATION_ENABLED';
554 	  if l_wage_exists = 0 then
555 	     insert into pay_action_parameters
556 	     (
557 	       parameter_name
558 	       ,parameter_value
559 	     )
560 	     values
561 	     (
563 	     ,'Y'
564 	     );
566 	  else
567 	    update pay_action_parameters
568 	     set parameter_value= 'Y'
569              where parameter_name='WAGE_ACCUMULATION_ENABLED';
570 	  end if;
572 	END IF;
574         l_vertex_etu_exist :=
575                    pay_us_vertex_interface.vertex_eletype_usage_exist('VERTEX',
576                                                                       p_business_group_id);
577         l_us_tax_vertex_etu_exist :=
578             pay_us_vertex_interface.vertex_eletype_usage_exist('US_TAX_VERTEX',
579                                                                       p_business_group_id);
580         IF l_vertex_etu_exist  = 'N'
581         THEN
582         --{
583              IF l_us_tax_vertex_etu_exist = 'Y'
584              THEN
585                hr_utility.trace(
586                           '2060 -> Deleting Element Type Usages US_TAX_VERTEX');
587                pay_us_vertex_interface.delete_ele_type_usages('US_TAX_VERTEX',
588                                                               p_business_group_id);
589              END IF;
590         --
591         -- This piece of code for creating Element_Type_Usages for
592         --      Vertex Element VERTEX
593              hr_utility.trace('2070 -> Tax Interface Script for creating');
594              hr_utility.trace('2080 -> Element_Type_Usages for VERTEX');
595              for earn in c_vertex_elements('VERTEX')
596              loop
597                 lv_inclusion_flag := 'N';
598                 hr_utility.trace('2090 -> Inclusion Flag '||lv_inclusion_flag);
599                 for run_type in c_run_type
600                 loop
601         --{
602                    hr_utility.trace('2100 -> Element Type Name '||
603                                                              earn.element_name);
604                    hr_utility.trace('2110 -> Run Type Name '||
605                                                         run_type.run_type_name);
606                    hr_utility.trace('2120 -> Calling '
607                                || 'pay_us_vertex_interface.create_ele_tp_usg ');
608                    hr_utility.trace('2130 -> For creating element_type_usages '
609                                || 'for '|| earn.element_name);
610                    pay_us_vertex_interface.create_ele_tp_usg
611                               ( p_element_type_id      => earn.element_type_id
612                                ,p_run_type_id          => run_type.run_type_id
613                                ,p_element_name         => earn.element_name
614                                ,p_run_type_name        => run_type.run_type_name
615                                ,p_inclusion_flag       => lv_inclusion_flag
616                                ,p_effective_date       =>
617                                                    run_type.effective_start_date
618                                ,p_legislation_code     => l_null_legislation_code
619                                                                    --earn.legislation_code
620                                ,p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id);
621 --                                                        earn.business_group_id);
622                     hr_utility.trace('2130 -> VERTEX element excluded');
623         --}
624                  end loop;
625                end loop;
627 	       /* 4220606 */
628 	             --
629         -- This piece of code for creating Element_Type_Usages for
630         --      Workers Compensation
631              hr_utility.trace('2070 -> Tax Interface Script for creating');
632              hr_utility.trace('2080 -> Element_Type_Usages for Workers Compensation');
633              for earn in c_vertex_elements('Workers Compensation')
634              loop
635                 lv_inclusion_flag := 'N';
636                 hr_utility.trace('2090 -> Inclusion Flag '||lv_inclusion_flag);
637                 for run_type in c_run_type
638                 loop
639         --{
640                    hr_utility.trace('2100 -> Element Type Name '||
641                                                              earn.element_name);
642                    hr_utility.trace('2110 -> Run Type Name '||
643                                                         run_type.run_type_name);
644                    hr_utility.trace('2120 -> Calling '
645                                || 'pay_us_vertex_interface.create_ele_tp_usg ');
646                    hr_utility.trace('2130 -> For creating element_type_usages '
647                                || 'for '|| earn.element_name);
648                    pay_us_vertex_interface.create_ele_tp_usg
649                               ( p_element_type_id      => earn.element_type_id
650                                ,p_run_type_id          => run_type.run_type_id
651                                ,p_element_name         => earn.element_name
652                                ,p_run_type_name        => run_type.run_type_name
653                                ,p_inclusion_flag       => lv_inclusion_flag
654                                ,p_effective_date       =>
655                                                    run_type.effective_start_date
656                                ,p_legislation_code     => l_null_legislation_code
657                                                                    --earn.legislation_code
658                                ,p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id);
659 --                                                        earn.business_group_id);
660                     hr_utility.trace('2130 -> VERTEX element excluded');
661         --}
662                  end loop;
663                end loop;
664                /* 42206060 */
665         ELSIF l_vertex_etu_exist = 'Y'
666         THEN
667         --{
668              IF l_us_tax_vertex_etu_exist = 'Y'
669              THEN
670                hr_utility.trace('2060 -> Deleting Element Type Usages ');
671                pay_us_vertex_interface.delete_ele_type_usages('US_TAX_VERTEX',
672                                                               p_business_group_id);
673              END IF;
674 -- VERTEX Element is excluded and US_TAX_VERTEX is in use
675              hr_utility.trace('2060 -> Tax Element VERTEX is Excluded');
676              hr_utility.trace('2070 -> Tax element US_TAX_VERTEX is in use');
677         END IF;
678      END IF;
679 --}
680   END select_tax_interface;
681 END pay_us_vertex_interface;