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Line 1740: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

1736: -- No Order Workflow has been started
1737: -- Simply update the state to CANCELED
1739: update xdp_order_headers
1740: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1741: last_update_date = sysdate,
1742: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1743: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1744: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 1742: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

1739: update xdp_order_headers
1740: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1741: last_update_date = sysdate,
1742: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1743: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1744: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
1745: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1746: where order_id = p_sdp_order_id;

Line 1749: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

1745: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1746: where order_id = p_sdp_order_id;
1748: update xdp_order_line_items
1749: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1750: last_update_date = sysdate,
1751: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1752: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1753: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 1751: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

1748: update xdp_order_line_items
1749: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1750: last_update_date = sysdate,
1751: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1752: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1753: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
1754: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1755: where order_id = p_sdp_order_id;

Line 1758: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

1754: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1755: where order_id = p_sdp_order_id;
1758: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1759: last_update_date = sysdate,
1760: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1761: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1762: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 1760: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

1758: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1759: last_update_date = sysdate,
1760: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1761: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1762: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
1763: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1764: where order_id = p_sdp_order_id;

Line 1845: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

1841: rollback to lv_line_tag;
1842: else
1843: update xdp_order_line_items
1844: set
1845: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1846: last_update_date = sysdate,
1847: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1848: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1849: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 1847: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

1843: update xdp_order_line_items
1844: set
1845: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1846: last_update_date = sysdate,
1847: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1848: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1849: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
1850: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1851: where line_item_id = lv_line_rec.line_item_id;

Line 1879: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

1875: error_description := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1876: return;
1877: else
1878: update xdp_order_headers
1879: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1880: last_update_date = sysdate,
1881: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1882: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1883: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 1881: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

1877: else
1878: update xdp_order_headers
1879: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1880: last_update_date = sysdate,
1881: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1882: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1883: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
1884: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1885: where order_id = p_sdp_order_id;

Line 1939: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

1935: -- Great, we had lock and remove the WI from queue
1936: lv_lock := 'N';
1939: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1940: last_update_date = sysdate,
1941: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1942: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1943: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 1941: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

1939: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1940: last_update_date = sysdate,
1941: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1942: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1943: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
1944: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1945: where workitem_instance_id = p_wi_instance_id;

Line 1970: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

1966: rollback to lv_wi_tag;
1967: return;
1968: else
1970: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1971: last_update_date = sysdate,
1972: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1973: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1974: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 1972: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

1968: else
1970: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
1971: last_update_date = sysdate,
1972: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
1973: status_code = 'CANCELED',
1974: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
1975: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
1976: where workitem_instance_id = p_wi_instance_id;

Line 2027: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

2023: -- Great, we had lock and remove the FA from queue
2024: lv_lock := 'N';
2026: update xdp_fa_runtime_list
2027: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
2028: last_update_date = sysdate,
2029: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
2030: status_code = 'CANCELED',
2031: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 2029: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

2026: update xdp_fa_runtime_list
2027: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
2028: last_update_date = sysdate,
2029: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
2030: status_code = 'CANCELED',
2031: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
2032: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
2033: where fa_instance_id = p_fa_instance_id;

Line 2060: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

2056: rollback to lv_fa_tag;
2057: return;
2058: else
2059: update xdp_fa_runtime_list
2060: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
2061: last_update_date = sysdate,
2062: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
2063: status_code = 'CANCELED',
2064: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 2062: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

2058: else
2059: update xdp_fa_runtime_list
2060: set last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
2061: last_update_date = sysdate,
2062: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
2063: status_code = 'CANCELED',
2064: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
2065: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
2066: where fa_instance_id = p_fa_instance_id;

Line 3843: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

3839: END IF;
3840: END IF;
3842: UPDATE xdp_order_headers
3843: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3844: last_update_date = sysdate,
3845: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3846: status_code = p_status,
3847: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 3845: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

3842: UPDATE xdp_order_headers
3843: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3844: last_update_date = sysdate,
3845: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3846: status_code = p_status,
3847: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
3848: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
3849: WHERE order_id = p_order_id ;

Line 3889: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

3885: END IF;
3886: END IF;
3888: UPDATE xdp_order_line_items
3889: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3890: last_update_date = sysdate,
3891: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3892: status_code = p_status,
3893: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 3891: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

3888: UPDATE xdp_order_line_items
3889: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3890: last_update_date = sysdate,
3891: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3892: status_code = p_status,
3893: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
3894: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
3895: WHERE order_id = NVL(p_order_id ,order_id)

Line 3931: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

3927: END IF;
3928: END IF;
3929: END IF;
3930: UPDATE xdp_fulfill_worklist
3931: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3932: last_update_date = sysdate,
3933: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3934: status_code = p_status,
3935: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 3933: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

3929: END IF;
3930: UPDATE xdp_fulfill_worklist
3931: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3932: last_update_date = sysdate,
3933: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3934: status_code = p_status,
3935: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
3936: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
3937: WHERE order_id = NVL(p_order_id , order_id )

Line 3972: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,

3968: END IF;
3969: END IF;
3970: END IF;
3971: UPDATE xdp_fa_runtime_list
3972: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3973: last_update_date = sysdate,
3974: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3975: status_code = p_status,
3976: canceled_by = p_caller_name,

Line 3974: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,

3970: END IF;
3971: UPDATE xdp_fa_runtime_list
3972: SET last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3973: last_update_date = sysdate,
3974: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
3975: status_code = p_status,
3976: canceled_by = p_caller_name,
3977: cancel_provisioning_date = sysdate
3978: WHERE fa_instance_id = p_fa_instance_id;