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1 PACKAGE BODY wms_overpick AS
2 /* $Header: WMSOPICB.pls 120.1 2005/06/20 05:05:06 appldev ship $ */
4 g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'WMS_OVERPICK';
7 -- to turn off debugger, comment OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ the line 'dbms_output.put_line(msg);'
8 PROCEDURE mdebug(msg in varchar2)
9 IS
10     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
12 --dbms_output.put_line('Jef: '||msg);
13    null;
14 END;
16 -- This API queries the quantity_tree to find OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ whether there is
17 -- sufficient quantity to be picked in a locator .  If suffienct, the API
18 -- returns x_ret=1, otherwise x_ret=0.  The API also returns the avail to transact
19 -- qty in the same uom it was called (p_uom)
22 PROCEDURE validate_overpick
23   ( x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2, -- return status (success/error/unexpected_error)
24     x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,   -- number of messages in the message queue
25     x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2, -- message text when x_msg_count>0
26     x_ret                       OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,   -- returns 1 if p_qty > quantity from qty_tree
27                                               -- otherwise returns 0
28     x_att                       OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,   -- quantity that is avail to transact
29     p_temp_id                   IN  NUMBER,   -- transaction_temp_id
30     p_qty                       IN  NUMBER,   -- quantity requested
31     p_uom                       IN  VARCHAR2 -- unit of measure
32     )
33   IS
34      l_msg_count NUMBER;
35      l_msg_data VARCHAR2(250);
37      -- local variables that store values from MMTT
38      l_org_id NUMBER;
39      l_sub VARCHAR2(10);
40      l_loc_id NUMBER;
41      l_item_id NUMBER;
42      l_revision VARCHAR2(3);
43      l_lot VARCHAR2(30);
44      l_primary_uom VARCHAR2(3);
46      -- local variables needed to call quantity tree and store values from MSI
47      l_return_status varchar2(1);
48      l_lot_control_code NUMBER;
49      l_revision_qty_control_code NUMBER;
50      l_serial_number_control_code NUMBER;
51      l_is_lot_control BOOLEAN;
52      l_is_revision_control BOOLEAN;
53      l_is_serial_control BOOLEAN;
54      l_qoh NUMBER;   -- qty onhand
55      l_rqoh NUMBER; -- qty onhand that is reservable
56      l_qr NUMBER; -- qty reserverd
57      l_qs NUMBER; -- qty suggested
58      l_att NUMBER; -- qty that is avail to transact
59      l_atr NUMBER; -- qty that is avail to reserve (x_atr=x_rqoh - x_qr - x_qs)
63     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
66    -- Initialize API return status to success
67    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
69    -- Initialize x_ret to zero
70    x_ret := 0;
72    -- get input parameters for quantity tree
73    SELECT organization_id, subinventory_code, locator_id, inventory_item_id, revision, lot_number
74      INTO l_org_id, l_sub, l_loc_id, l_item_id, l_revision, l_lot
75      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
76      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
78    SELECT lot_control_code, revision_qty_control_code, serial_number_control_code, primary_uom_code
79      INTO l_lot_control_code, l_revision_qty_control_code, l_serial_number_control_code, l_primary_uom
80      from mtl_system_items
81      where inventory_item_id = l_item_id AND organization_id = l_org_id;
83    -- check whether item is lot controlled from mtl_system_items
84    IF ( (l_lot_control_code = NULL) OR (l_lot_control_code = 1))
85      THEN l_is_lot_control := FALSE;
86     ELSE l_is_lot_control := TRUE;
87    END IF;
89        -- check whether item is revision controlled from mtl_system_items
90    IF ( (l_revision_qty_control_code = NULL) OR (l_revision_qty_control_code = 1))
91      THEN l_is_revision_control := FALSE;
92     ELSE l_is_revision_control := TRUE;
93    END IF;
95        -- check whether item is serial controlled from mtl_system_items
96    IF ( (l_serial_number_control_code = NULL) OR (l_serial_number_control_code = 1))
97      THEN l_is_serial_control := FALSE;
98     ELSE l_is_serial_control := TRUE;
99    END IF;
102        inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities
103   (  p_api_version_number   	=>  1.0
104    , x_return_status        	=>  l_return_status
105    , x_msg_count            	=>  l_msg_count
106    , x_msg_data             	=>  l_msg_data
107    , p_organization_id          =>  l_org_id
108    , p_inventory_item_id        =>  l_item_id
109    , p_tree_mode                =>  2     -- for transaction mode
110    , p_is_revision_control      =>  l_is_revision_control
111    , p_is_lot_control           =>  l_is_lot_control
112    , p_is_serial_control        =>  l_is_serial_control
113    , p_revision             	=>  l_revision
114    , p_lot_number           	=>  l_lot
115    , p_subinventory_code    	=>  l_sub
116    , p_locator_id           	=>  l_loc_id
117    , x_qoh                  	=>  l_qoh   -- quantity onhand
118    , x_rqoh                 	=>  l_rqoh  -- qty onhand that is reservable
119    , x_qr                   	=>  l_qr   -- qty reserved
120    , x_qs                   	=>  l_qs   -- qty suggested
121    , x_att                  	=>  l_att   -- qty that is avail to transact
122    , x_atr                  	=>  l_atr   -- qty that is avail to reserve
123 	                                   --  (x_atr=x_rqoh - x_qr - x_qs)
125    );
127        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
128           mdebug('In validate_pick, x_att: ' || l_att);
129        END IF;
130        -- convert l_att (quantity that is avail to transact) into the same UOM as
131        -- the input quantity p_qty
132        x_att :=
133         	inv_convert.inv_um_convert( item_id 	  => l_item_id,
134 					    precision	  => null,
135 					    from_quantity => l_att,
136 					    from_unit	  => l_primary_uom,
137 					    to_unit	  => p_uom,
138 					    from_name	  => null,
139 					    to_name	  => null);
141           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
142              mdebug('In validate_pick, x_converted_att: ' || x_att);
143           END IF;
144        -- if p_qty is greater than the avail to transact qty, return 1,
145        -- otherwise return zero
146 	  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
147    	  mdebug('p_qty: ' || p_qty);
148 	  END IF;
149        IF p_qty > x_att
150 	 THEN x_ret := 1;
151 	ELSE x_ret := 0;
152        END IF;
154 END validate_overpick;
155 END wms_overpick ;