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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

	SELECT sp.set_of_books_id
          FROM gl_sets_of_books sob,
               ozf_sys_parameters sp
         WHERE sob.set_of_books_id = sp.set_of_books_id
           AND sp.set_of_books_id = nvl(sob_id, sp.set_of_books_id)
           AND sp.set_of_books_id <> -1;
Line: 47

,p_selection_type                   NUMBER
,p_set_of_books_id                  NUMBER
,p_include_reporting_sob            VARCHAR2
,p_batch_name                       VARCHAR2
,p_start_date                       VARCHAR2
,p_end_date                         VARCHAR2
,p_accounting_method                VARCHAR2
,p_document_class                   VARCHAR2
,p_journal_category                 VARCHAR2
,p_validate_account                 VARCHAR2
,p_gl_transfer_mode                 VARCHAR2
,p_submit_journal_import            VARCHAR2
,p_summary_journal_entry            VARCHAR2
,p_process_days                     NUMBER
,p_debug_flag                       VARCHAR2
,p_trace_flag                       VARCHAR2 )

l_sob_list   xla_gl_transfer_pkg.t_sob_list := xla_gl_transfer_pkg.t_sob_list();
Line: 92

where JE_CATEGORY_NAME = je_name;
Line: 96

SELECT meaning
from fnd_lookups
where  lookup_type = lk_type
and lookup_code = lk_code;
Line: 102

SELECT l.meaning
FROM fnd_lookups l, fnd_product_installations i
WHERE l.lookup_type = lk_type
AND i.application_id = 101
AND (i.status = 'I' or (i.status = 'S' and l.lookup_code = 'N'))
AND l.lookup_code = lk_code;
Line: 110

SELECT sob.set_of_books_id
,      sob.name
,      sob.currency_code
,      'Accrual' accounting_method
,      'P' sob_type
,      'N' encumbrance_flag
FROM   gl_sets_of_books sob,
       ozf_sys_parameters sp
WHERE  sob.set_of_books_id = sp.set_of_books_id
AND    sp.set_of_books_id = decode(sob_id, -1,sp.set_of_books_id, sob_id)
AND    sp.set_of_books_id <> -1;
Line: 131

   FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'p_selection_type        : '||p_selection_type );
Line: 156

         select min(start_date)
         into   l_start_date
         from   gl_period_statuses
         where  application_id = 222
         and    set_of_books_id =  p_set_of_books_id
         and nvl(adjustment_period_flag,'N') = 'N'
         and closing_status IN ( 'O','F');
Line: 164

         select min(start_date)
         into   l_start_date
         from   gl_period_statuses
         where  application_id = 222
         and    set_of_books_id in ( select set_of_books_id
                                     from ozf_sys_parameters
                                     where set_of_books_id <> -1)
 	 and nvl(adjustment_period_flag,'N') = 'N'
         and closing_status IN ( 'O','F');
Line: 325

      p_selection_type         => p_selection_type,
      p_sob_list               => l_sob_list,
      p_batch_name             => p_batch_name,
      p_source_doc_id          => NULL,
      p_source_document_table  => NULL,
      p_start_date             => l_start_date,
      p_end_date               => l_end_date,
      p_journal_category       => l_je_category,
      p_validate_account       => p_validate_account,
      p_gl_transfer_mode       => p_gl_transfer_mode,
      p_submit_journal_import  => p_submit_journal_import,
      p_summary_journal_entry  => p_summary_journal_entry,
      p_process_days           => p_process_days,
      p_batch_desc             => l_org_code || ' ' || p_batch_name,
      p_je_desc                => l_org_code || ' ' || p_batch_name,
      p_je_line_desc           => l_org_code || ' ' || p_batch_name,
      p_debug_flag             => p_debug_flag