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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

   select batch_id
   from   xtr_batches
   where  period_start = p_batch_start
   and    period_end   = p_batch_end
   and    company_code = p_company
   and    batch_type is null;            -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
Line: 29

   select 'Y'
   from   xtr_revaluation_details
   where  batch_id               = l_batch_id
   and    company_code           = p_company
   and    nvl(complete_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 82

   select batch_id
   from   xtr_batches
   where  period_start = p_batch_start
   and    period_end   = p_batch_end
   and    company_code = p_company
   and    batch_type is null;
Line: 90

   select 'Y'
   from   xtr_hedge_retro_tests
   where  batch_id               = l_batch_id
   and    company_code           = p_company
   and    nvl(complete_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 144

   select  'Y'
   from    xtr_revaluation_rates
   where   batch_id     = nvl(p_batch_id, batch_id)
   and     company_code = p_company
   and     period_to    = nvl(p_batch_BED, period_to);
Line: 151

   select  'Y'
   from    xtr_batches
   where   batch_id     = nvl(p_batch_id, batch_id)
   and     company_code = p_company
   and     period_end   = nvl(p_batch_BED, period_end)
   and     gl_group_id is not null
   and     batch_type is null;            -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
Line: 160

   select  'Y'
   from    xtr_batch_events a,
           xtr_batches b
   where   a.batch_id     = nvl(p_batch_id, a.batch_id)
   and     a.event_code   = p_event
   and     a.authorized   = nvl(p_authorize,a.authorized)
   and     b.batch_id     = a.batch_id
   and     b.company_code = p_company
   and     b.period_end   = nvl(p_batch_BED, b.period_end)
   and     b.batch_type is null;            -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
Line: 281

   select created_on
   from   xtr_party_info
   where  party_code = p_company;
Line: 330

   select rowid
   into   l_rowid
   from   xtr_batches
   where  batch_id     = p_batch_id
   and    company_code = p_company
   and    batch_type is null            -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
   for update of last_update_date nowait;
Line: 418

   select rowid
   into   l_rowid
   from   xtr_batch_events a
   where  batch_id   = p_batch_id
   and    event_code = p_event
   and    authorized = nvl(p_authorized,authorized)
   for update of authorized nowait;
Line: 490

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    batch_type is null
   and    gl_group_id is null
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 502

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    batch_type is null
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id  = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code  = C_JOURNAL)
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 517

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    batch_type is null
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id  = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code  = C_ACCRUAL
                      and    nvl(authorized,'N') = 'Y')
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 538

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    batch_type is null
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id          = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code          = C_RETROET
                      and    nvl(authorized,'N') = 'Y')
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS c
                      where  c.batch_id          = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code          = C_ACCRUAL)   -- Intended for company that skips RETROSPECTIVE TEST
                                                                -- Need not check for AUTHORIZED flag in this case.
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 560

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    batch_type is null
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id          = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code          = C_REVAL
                      and    nvl(authorized,'N') = 'Y')
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 576

   FROM   xtr_batches              b,
          xtr_revaluation_details  a
   WHERE  b.company_code = p_company
   AND    b.batch_id     = a.batch_id
   AND    NVL(b.upgrade_batch,'N') = 'Y'
   AND    b.batch_type is null            -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
   FROM   xtr_batches       b,
          xtr_accrls_amort  a
   WHERE  b.company_code = p_company
   AND    b.batch_id     = a.batch_id
   AND    NVL(b.upgrade_batch,'N') = 'Y'
   AND    b.batch_type is null;           -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
Line: 869

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches
   where  company_code           = p_company
   and    period_end             < p_curr_BED
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    batch_type is null                                   -- RA batch only
   order by period_end desc, period_start desc, batch_id desc;
Line: 916

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches
   where  company_code  = p_company
   and    batch_type is null                                   -- RA batch only
   order by period_end desc, period_start desc, batch_id desc;
Line: 1038

   select batch_id
   from   xtr_batches
   where  period_start = p_batch_start
   and    period_end   = p_batch_end
   and    company_code = p_company
   and    batch_type is null;           -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
Line: 1189

      update xtr_batch_events
      set    authorized        = 'Y',
             authorized_by     = fnd_global.user_id,
             authorized_on     = trunc(sysdate),
             last_updated_by   = fnd_global.user_id,
             last_update_date  = trunc(sysdate),
             last_update_login = fnd_global.user_id
      where  batch_id          = p_batch_id
      and    event_code        = C_REVAL;
Line: 1477

   select batch_id
   from   xtr_batches
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_start = p_batch_start
   and    period_end   = p_batch_end
   and    batch_type is null;           -- 3527080 exclude NRA batch
Line: 1628

      update xtr_batch_events
      set    authorized        = 'Y',
             authorized_by     = fnd_global.user_id,
             authorized_on     = trunc(sysdate),
             last_updated_by   = fnd_global.user_id,
             last_update_date  = trunc(sysdate),
             last_update_login = fnd_global.user_id
      where  batch_id          = p_batch_id
      and    event_code        = C_ACCRUAL;
Line: 1841

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    batch_type is null
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   xtr_batch_events b
                      where  b.batch_id          = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code          = C_REVAL
                      and    nvl(authorized,'N') = 'Y')
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 2072

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    batch_type is null
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id          = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code          = C_RETROET
                      and    nvl(authorized,'N') = 'Y')
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id          = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code          = C_ACCRUAL)   -- Need not check for AUTHORISED flag
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 2188

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    batch_type is null
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id          = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code          = C_ACCRUAL
                      and    nvl(authorized,'N') = 'Y')
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 2400

   select batch_id,
   from   XTR_BATCHES a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    batch_type is null
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   and    not exists (select 1
                      from   XTR_BATCH_EVENTS b
                      where  b.batch_id  = a.batch_id
                      and    event_code  = C_JOURNAL)
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 2481

   select batch_id,
   from   xtr_batches a
   where  company_code = p_company
   and    period_end  <= p_cutoff_date
   and    batch_type is null
   and    gl_group_id is null
   and    nvl(upgrade_batch,'N') = 'N'
   order by period_end, period_start;
Line: 2733

   select a.party_code,
   from   xtr_parties_v a,
          xtr_company_parameters b,
          xtr_company_parameters c
   where  a.party_code     = nvl(p_company,a.party_code)
   and    b.company_code   = a.party_code
   and    b.parameter_code = C_REVAL_PARAM
   and    c.company_code   = b.company_code
   and    c.parameter_code = C_RETRO_PARAM  -- 3378028 FAS
   order by a.party_code;